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    • Day 3

      Quer durch Wien

      August 4, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Heute erkunden wir die Stadt mit der U- und Strassenbahn. Nach einem kleinen Frühstück machen wir uns auf zum Stephansdom, eines der berühmtesten Wahrzeichen von Wien. Die Fussgängerzone ist schon am Morgen ziemlich voll! Der Tourismus scheint in vollem Gange zu sein und alle möglichen Sprachen sind in den Läden und Cafés zu hören.

      Weiter geht's dann zum Augarten. Was als Jagdschloss begann, wurde über Jahrhunderte erweitert und verschönert, bis die Anlage dann später der Öffentlichkeit übergeben wurde. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg kamen die markanten Flaktürme hinzu, die aufgrund der strategisch guten Lage mitten im Park landeten. Ende der 1960er Jahre wurde versucht, einen der beiden Gefechtstürme zu sprengen, aber erfolglos. So sind sie jetzt Teil des Parks geworden, in dem schon Grössen wie Mozart und Beethoven Konzerte gaben.

      Nach der obligatorischen Siesta stärken wir uns mit Kaiserschmarrn und Eismarillenknödel, bevor wir den letzten Teil der grossen Fussgängerzone erkunden. Mit dem Tram umrunden wir das Stadtzentrum und lassen den Tag in einem der vielen Parks ausklingen.
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    • Day 3

      2. Wien

      August 2, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Von wegen es fährt nur ab und an ein Zug. Übernachtet haben wir außerhalb von Wien in Mödling. Pizza, Inder und Schattenparkplatz sowie Hofer/ALDI und Bahnhof direkt vor Ort. Leider auch die Haupverkehrsstrecke der Züge.
      Aber, eine Nacht geht 😀 🚆

      In Wien Hop On Bus genutzt für den einen Tag und von der Oper bis zum Schloss Schönbrunn alles angeschaut. Für uns ein Wiener Schnitzel und fürs Kind eine Wiener Würstel 😀 Zum Glück hatte es kurz vorher geregnet, so dass es nicht so heiss war. Aber morgen dann 🔥
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    • Day 25

      Augarten Flugabwehrkanonen

      January 6, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      To spare the over-processing waste, here's some information previously prepared on these ominous towers in Augarten park, eerily surrounded by playgrounds.

      "Flak" is short for "Flugabwehrkanonen" in German – i.e. 'anti-aircraft guns'. They are gigantic bunkers, between 7 and 13 stories high, built towards the end of WWII as bases for heavy anti-aircraft gun batteries on the roof. The lower floors also served as air-raid shelter space for the city's population.

      These towers always came in pairs – one for the actual gun batteries, called the "Gefechtsturm", the other, the "Leitturm", was for radar and other tracking devices, which needed to be separate from the guns in order to work properly.

      Three cities in the Third Reich (on the territory of today's Germany and Austria) were thus supposed to be better protected from the increasing Allied bombing campaigns during the second half of WWII: Hamburg, Berlin and Vienna. The latter two had three pairs each. Only in Vienna, however, do all towers still exist. 

      The guns didn't do much to prevent the large-scale destruction from the air, but they did serve their second role well – that of providing air-raid shelter space for the densely populated cities. They also served a propaganda function, creating the illusion of safety despite the fact that this war already was as good as lost at the time these towers were erected.

      After WWII, the Flaktowers in Berlin and Hamburg were largely destroyed but those in Vienna remain.

      The pair in Augarten are almost 180 feet (55m) and rise from the open plain of the Augarten (the city's oldest park), visible from far away. The larger Gefechtsturm is also of a unique design: it's 16-sided, i.e. almost round. The tower within the army barracks is of the same design, but you can't see it from anywhere, at least not from street level in public areas. The round structure was apparently meant to be more efficient and economical – it was the latest of the three designs of these uniquely (Nazi-)German bunker structures. The Augarten pair was only finished in early 1945.
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    • Day 8


      May 14 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Von diesen gibt es 6 in Wien. Diese hier stehen im Augarten. Wurden im 2. Weltkrieg als Zwangsarbeit errichtet und dienten als Luftabwehr. Der Nationalsozialismus lässt wieder grüssen.
      Sie sehen echt unheimlich aus. Als Szene aus einem apokalyptischen Film. Wás für einen Gegensatz zu dem barocken Zentrum von Wien.Read more

    • Day 309


      June 19, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      I am spending almost two weeks with friends in Vienna, distracting myself from my lack of motivation. Since I made the decision to take my bike to Berlin for a stopover with family (and I still have so much time to do it), the motivation for cycling has plummeted. It lacks the excitement, the adventure.
      Compared to cycling in Spain, Italy or Morocco, here it feels like I'm coasting around in Germany's front garden. 🥱

      Little Oskar, whom I last saw a year ago, can already walk and keeps me and his parents on our toes. Already in the morning he comes into the living room and calls 'MIMA? because he can't pronounce my name yet.
      Then my playtime with him begins. :)
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    • Day 35

      The City of Mozart

      September 28, 2016 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wednesday September 28th
      In Which we Wander the City of Mozart
      There is no doubt that Vienna is one of the most spectacular cities of Europe. I have been here twice before and each time I just loved the history that seems to flow from every cobblestone and rooftop. It is generally a clean city (apart from the carpet of cigarette butts underfoot everywhere) and has a very efficient mass transit system. The metro trains are much cleaner that the famous Paris Metro and run every few minutes, so you never have to wait long for the next train to come along.
      Today we caught the metro back to Stephansplatz and then walked to the famous Leopold Museum. Since Maggie was more interested than I was in exploring the art works on display there, I opted to wait outside in the sunshine. I had not been sitting long before I began being approached by a series of persistent beggars asking me for money. From my observations, they did not appear to be too badly off and I decided that they were "professional beggars" on their daily round

      Beautiful Gardens

      I also had not been sitting long before the daily inflow of tourist groups began to invade the courtyard. As I looked at the shuffling mobs with their headsets clamped over their ears, I could not help but think that they looked like mindless zombies being controlled by some sort of remote mind control device. I imagined that there was a controller somewhere that was directing them along with a big joystick.
      Vienna has a huge smoking problem that is clearly evident in any open space. It is , impossible to sit down at any outdoor restaurant without getting stunk out with second hand tobacco smoke. This really is such a pity for such a beautiful city.
      In the evening we bought some food from the local supermarket and joined David and Carol for a picnic by bank of the Danube. While we were sitting there, eating our goodies, we would not have swapped places for the swankiest restaurant in the city. With our fruit, drinks and nibbles we were blessed with one of the best free entertainment spectacles you could imagine.
      We watched the pyjama boat parade of buses collecting travellers from the huge "pyjama boats" and transporting them to one of the many "Mozart Concerts" held every night in the city. The tickets to these concerts are sold by touts all over the city,and somehow they always magically just happen to have a few tickets available for tonight's concert.Not for us , thank you.
      As we were finishing our picnic dinner, the moon started to appear over the tops of the trees on the opposite side of the river. It was a wonderful way to finish a truly memorable evening.
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    • Day 354

      Österreich, Wien, Augarten

      February 15, 2015 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

      "Die Au"
      Ein gutes Brunch Lokal in Wien ist gar nicht so leicht zu finden. Ich bin hier aber fündig geworden: Wer Sonntags gerne lange uns ausgiebig in gemütlicher Atmosphäre bruncht ist hier genau richtig! Bis 14Uhr gibts Buffet.

      Es sind keine außergewöhnlichen Sachen zu finden, das macht jedoch gar nichts, denn man hat das Gefühl die Speisen sind von hoher Qualität und jeder findet sich etwas leckeres.
      Gutes Brot, Jours Gebäck, viel Käse (am besten mit Feigensenf oder Zitronenmarmelade kosten), viele verschiedene Aufstriche, einige warme Gerichte (auch für Vegetarier), Müsli und Kuchen...was braucht man mehr für einen guten Brunch?! :)
      Lecker und schön wars!!!

      P.S.: die heiße Schokolade war ein Genuss :)
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    • Vorbereitungen

      February 3, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Okay, Hand aufs Herz: Soll Hannelore wirklich mit?? 😂

    • Day 56


      August 12, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Spending 5 nights in Vienna. So much to look at. Today we did the first day of our Hop On, Hop Off. Vienna was and still is the cultural hub of Austria.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Augarten, アウガルテン

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