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    • Dag 28

      Stadthafen und Suche nach Liegeplatz

      3. august 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Wir fahren für 3 Tage in den Stadthafen von Gent. Dort hilft uns ein freundlicher Hafenmeister bei der Suche nach einem Liegeplätze bis im Oktober. Dieser ist ebenfalls in der Stadt und macht einen guten Eindruck.
      Am Abend besuchen wir in der Sint-Baafskathedraal ein Orgelkonzert.
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    • Dag 29

      Markt- und Shoppingtag

      4. august 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir besuchen den Wochenmarkt von Gent. Es gibt da ein grosses Angebot von frischem Fisch.
      Beim Shoppung waren wir nicht erfolgreich. Es gibt viele Geschäfte mit speziellen modischen Angeboten für junge Leute.Les mer

    • Dag 30

      Genter Altarbild der Brüder van Deyck

      5. august 2023, Belgia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Nach einem gemütlichen Vormittag mit waschen und einkaufen, besuchen wir eine virtuelle Führung in der Sint-Baafskathedraal. Dort kann man die berühmten Genter Altarbilder der van Deyck Brüder bestaunen.Les mer

    • Dag 11

      Day 10 Ghent

      9. september 2023, Belgia ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      We had planned our route well last night. Intended to leave at 8.30, and left at 8.29. So a walk, then a short train ride to the main station and then waited there for over an hour for our train to Antwerp. The train was a bit late so we missed our connection, but as it was an open ticket we were fine and just caught the next train to Ghent. The first train was nice and comfortable. The 2nd one was extremely hot. We were sitting over from a man from Palestine who had paid 12,000 euros to get a false passport and get into Belgium 5 years ago. Currently he can’t leave Belgium as he still isn’t legal and wouldn’t be able get back in. He wants to as he isn’t happy with the administration here. It was interesting talking to him.

      We arrived around 1pm and it was very hot. It took a while to find our tram and we weren’t convinced we were going the right way, but all was good. The 350m walk seemed a really long way towing the bags. Last time I weighed mine it was nearly 12 kgs. And that was before the crocs appeared. But when we got to our accommodation it was just amazing. We are in an underground room and it has air conditioning, very exciting! So we rested for a couple of hours just cooling down and I had a shower.

      Then off in search of a good ole Belgian waffle. We walked around for a bit, tried some individual chocolates, couldn’t buy many due to them melting. And then had an awesome waffle with cream and fresh fruit. Yummy.

      The old town of Ghent is just lovely, amazing buildings every way we turned. We took quite a few pics, and then found a spot sitting beside the canal in the shade and were there for quite a while, just watching all the different water vehicles going down the cancel. There were so many different ones, and varying levels of sobriety and noise levels.

      We have both been pretty tired today, moving around in this heat has taken it out of us. So visited a supermarket in the way back, simple ham and salad for tea which was just perfect.

      When we got back our host visited us, Franky. He seems really nice and we sort of wish we were staying here longer. The room is huge as it can sleep 9 and also has a couch and table. We are currently watching game shows in English as it is the only tv channel in English. Quite nice having something playing in the background. Watching Friends in German in Nuremberg wasn’t quite the same. So expecting to have an early night and more exploring in the morning.

      13,413 steps and a very very hot 34 degrees.
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    • Dag 4

      Graffiti Street, Ghent

      6. oktober 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We continued on foot through the winding alleyways of Ghent, admiring the mix of modern and old architecture, until we came to a tiny little alleyway covered in Graffiti. This was our next stop and the alley has been aptly named Graffiti Street and every night graffiti artists come out and produce some amazing pieces of art.
      The Alley is probably just under a hundred meters long, much shorter than we thought it would be, but in that 100 hundred meters is an array of artwork. Some are really colourful, some are black and white and some are just weird. The detail in some was so intricate that on our return journey we were still noticing things that we had missed before. It was quite the spectacle, and the alley was crammed with people trying to get photos.
      From Graffiti street we took a slow walk back to Wanda stopping for a fresh strawberry milkshake on the way, which was nearly €10. I thought I was going to have to carry Ellie after they told her the price but after I said she could have half she soon recovered.
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    • Dag 4

      Gent - Belgien

      11. oktober 2022, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Gent - wird oft mit Brügge verglichen und das ist nicht ganz falsch. Viel weniger los ist hier auch nicht. Dafür mehr Verkehr und noch mehr Fahrräder.
      Brügge ist für uns etwas beschaulicher und hat mehr Kanäle, wenn auch deutlich mehr Touris und Selfieknipser.
      Aber Gent ist definitiv einen Besuch wert. Viele schöne, alte Gebäude und Gassen und nette Plätzchen zum verweilen. An mancher Stelle fragt man sich allerdings warum die Stadtplaner genau dort die Straßenbahn durch peitschen mussten 🤔🙄🫣
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    • Dag 6

      Gent ❤

      23. oktober 2019, Belgia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Leider haben wir kein passendes Hotel gefunden .. wollten uns Gent aber trotzdem anschauen und sind daher nach dem Kaffee früh los gefahren. 🛣🚙 Der Weg führte uns durch den Westerscheldetunnel! 6,6 km lang, unter dem Meer 😳 Merkwürdiges Gefühl 😴 In Gent haben wir direkt im Zentrum geparkt und sind lecker vegan frühstücken gegangen. Bananenbrot mit Erdnusscreme, Bananen und Kakaonibs 🥰 Kürbispfannekuchen mit Obst und Kokosschlagsahne 🥰 Dazu gab es einen Ingwershot und einen Hafermilch Cappuccino ☕ Das Cafe ist gleichzeitig auch ein Bio Supermarkt (fast alles unverpackt) .. 👏 Danach sind wir zur Touristeninformation und haben uns eine Karte geholt. Es gab diverse Spaziergangsempfehlungen .. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️👣 Einigen sind wir gefolgt und haben dadurch viel gesehen ❤🏙
      Mittags gab es vegane Pizza 🍕 So lecker!!! Eine war belegt mit Tomatensauce, Seitan, Silberzwiebeln, eingelegten Gurken und geriebenem Kohl - klingt verrückt war aber mega lecker 🥰 Die andere mit Möhrencreme, Champions, Spinat und geriebenem Blumenkohl und oben drauf Grünkohl 🤷‍♀️ klingt auch verrückt war aber auch sehr lecker 👏 Danach sassen wir am Ufer. Haben die Touristen auf den Booten und die Studenten auf der Fahrrädern beobachtet 😅
      Zum Schluss ging es in die Bücherrei. In der 3. Etage sollte man einen schönen Ausblick haben.. Joa.. Vielleicht standen wir an der falschen Fensterscheibe 😅
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    • Dag 6

      Graffiti Gasse

      7. juni 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      In der Graffiti-Gasse schaffen Straßenkünstler beeindruckende „Sprühdosenkunst“. So präsentiert sich die Graffiti-Gasse Gents immer wieder anders. In diesem gewissermaßen rechtsfreien Raum gilt die einzige wirkliche Regel der Sprüher: Respektiere Werke, die besser sind als Ihre eigenen und gönnen Sie den Anwohnern die nötige Nachtruhe.Les mer

    • Dag 109


      26. september 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Wir hatten einen wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang in Eeklo in Bus, bei einem historischen Bauernhof. Er wird gerade noch umgebaut und sollte bis nächstes Jahr fertig sein. Gratis Wasser und Toilette gab es auch. Hier wurde uns auch erzählt das Gent die schönste Stadt Belgiens ist.

      Eine Kirchenreiche Stadt mit einer tollen Altstadt. Sie liegt direkt am Fluss und hat viele kleine Lokale. Belgische Waffeln haben wir uns hier nicht nehmen lassen zu probieren🧇
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    • Dag 2


      13. august 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Di Gand (Gent per i locali) avevamo sentito parlar bene, ma la città si rivela addirittura superiore alle aspettative. Dietro ad ogni angolo si aprono piazze, canali e palazzi che ci catturano.
      Il Municipio di Gand, è uno dei più bei palazzi pubblici delle Fiandre. Presenta due parti distinte erette alla distanza di un secolo l'una dall'altra su edifici precedenti. La prima ala è in stile gotico. L'altra parte, in stile rinascimentale.
      Ma ciò che ci cattura sono il Graslei e Korenlei, letteralmente "Riva delle Erbe" e "Riva del Grano", ossia le due banchine che sorgono sulle sponde del fiume Leie, lungo il suo corso attraverso il centro della città.
      Entriamo anche nella Cattedrale di San Bavone, che ci ammalia per l'aspetto mistico che la pervade.
      Ce ne andiamo da Gand felici di avere condiviso l'idea di abbandonare Bruxelles per visitare le città dei dintorni. Ora tocca a Bruges (Brugge)

      Il Polittico dell'Agnello Mistico di Jan e Hubert van Eyck, conservato nella Cattedrale di San Bavone
      la Cattedrale di San Bavone rappresenta uno dei migliori esempi dell'Architettura gotica secondo l'interpretazione del locale stile Gotico brabantino. Venne eretta a partire dal 1228 come Collegiata di San Giovanni, divenne Cattedrale nel 1559. All'interno custodisce notevoli opere d'arte, fra cui spicca il celebre polittico dell'Adorazione dell'Agnello mistico, costituito da 10 pannelli di legno di quercia, venne realizzato dai fratelli Jan e Hubert van Eyck ed esposto nel 1432. Capolavoro considerato l'apice della pittura fiamminga del XV secolo. Vi si conserva anche la Conversione di San Bavone, opera eseguita nel 1623 da m Pieter Paul Rubens. Inoltre vi è un pulpito rococò realizzato in legno e marmo da Laurent Delvaux nel 1741-45.
      la Chiesa di San Michele, sorge dietro il ponte omonimo, e fa da sfondo al Graslei e Korenlei. È un grande edificio tardo-gotico eretto in due fasi, la prima fra XV e XVI secolo e la seconda nel XVII secolo.
      la Chiesa di San Nicola, è la chiesa più antica della città, dedicata a San Nicola di Bari, sorge sul Korenmarkt, il "Mercato del Grano". Rappresenta un buon esempio dell'Architettura gotica, nella sua fase primitiva, secondo gli stilemi tipici della regione scaldiana. Sua particolarità è la torre-lanterna che sorge sulla crociera. Venne eretta su edifici precedenti a partire dal 1225 circa, e terminata nel 1270. Nel XIV-XV secolo venne rifatto il coro a cappelle radiali e nel corso del XVII secolo venne molto modificata e snaturata quando vide anche il crollo dell'alta guglia della torre, sostituita dall'attuale tetto conico. Venne profondamente restaurata dall'inizio del XX secolo ed i lavori sono finiti nel 2018-2019.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Gent, Ghent, Gant, Gænt, غنت, جنت, Gante, Горад Гент, Гент, জেন্ট, Γάνδη, Gento, Ganti, خنت, Gand, Gint, גנט, खेंट, Գենտ, GNE, ヘント, გენტი, 헨트, Gandavum, Gentas, Gente, गेंट, ဂင့်မြို့, Gandawa, غینٹ, 9000, เกนต์, 根特

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