Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada

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    • Day 4

      Halifax, Nova Scotia

      April 22, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      We got the HoHo bus tickets, and stopped at thearitime Museum of the Atlantic. Exhibits include Titanic and the Halifax Explosion in 1917. A Belgian relief ship and a French munitions ship collided. The munitions ship exploded, killed over 2000 people and burned down much of the city.. I saw a model of Mauritania- the ship that brought my Gramma Folk to America in 1920.

      At the end of the bus run, we went to The Bicycle Thief for lunch. SO good- I can highly recommend it.

      Going back to the ship I found the Tartan Wool shop- and a skein of yarn jumped into my arms. I was unable to protect myself-- it had merino and cashmere and nylon, oh my!

      Came back to a healthy treat, compliments of the Concierge.
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    • Day 16

      A long travel day

      June 19, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today was a travel day going from St John, New Brunswick, Canada, to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It would be easier and faster if these sites were closer together, but.... Much of the area is forested, and that is bringing out the forester in me.

      Pat relaxed and did a lot of reading while we were traveling. There was one stop at Shediac, New Brunswick, for an educational bay cruise. It was cold and windy with rough water. The group was ready for a mutiny. So we stayed at the dock, and the captain gave a presentation on the lobster life cycle, trapping, and eating. Then we all got a lobster to eat.
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    • Day 2

      2: Erkundungstour in Halifax

      August 11, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      **Tag Zwei - Erkundungstour in Halifax**

      Der Tag begann etwas früher, wobei wir nur einen kleine Jet lag haben. Den ganzen Tag über begleitete uns der Regen in verschiedenen Formen, von Nieselregen bis hin zu heftigen Schauern.

      Wir starteten den Tag mit einem gemütlichen Frühstück im ["Annie's Place Café"](, einem entzückenden Ort, an dem wir uns fast wie Teil der Familie fühlten. #AnniesPlaceCafe Das Frühstück bestand aus PEI Heidelbeer-Pfannkuchen, klassischem Schinken & Ei und einem verlockenden Frühstückssandwich.

      Anschließend besuchten wir die historische Halifax-Zitadelle, ein beeindruckendes Wahrzeichen voller Geschichte. Die Wachablösung und der Mittagskanonenschuss waren beeindruckende Spektakel. #HalifaxZitadelle

      Für ein spätes Mittagessen kehrten wir im ["Your Father's Moustache"]( ein, einem charmanten Pub, wo wir uns mit Kartenspiele die Zeit vertrieben . #YourFathersMoustache

      Später erkundeten wir die Halifax Public Gardens, eine friedliche Oase mitten in der Stadt. Bei schönen Wetter wäre das bestimmt noch besser gewesen #HalifaxPublicGardens

      Zurück im Hotel für eine kurze Ruhepause wurden wir plötzlich gegen 18:30 Uhr von strahlend blauem Himmel begrüßt, als ob der Regen nie dagewesen wäre.

      Abendessen gab es im ["Salt & Ashes"](, einem coolen Ort mit einer schönen Terrasse. #SaltAndAshes Phil entschied sich für einen Pulled Pork Burger, Stefan genoss Fisch & Chips, während ich mich für Schellfisch mit Gerstengrütze verwöhnte. Alles war wirklich köstlich.

      Um unsere süßen Gelüste zu stillen, konnten wir nicht widerstehen, Eis von der berühmten Eismanufaktur "Cows" zu probieren. #CowsEis Ein gemütlicher Spaziergang entlang der Uferpromenade rundete den Abend perfekt ab.

      Früh ins Bett, denn morgen holt uns Fraserway ab, um unser Wohnmobil-Abenteuer zu beginnen!

      #HalifaxErkundung #RegentagAbenteuer #KulinarischeGenüsse #HistorischesHalifax #Reisetagebuch #JetlagStrapazen #GemütlicheCafés #SehenswürdigkeitenUndLegenden #StädtischeOase #FoodieEntdeckungen #SüßeVerlockungen #WohnmobilAbenteuerBeginnt
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    • Day 3


      April 5 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Auch heute - Samstag - ging es noch einmal nach HALIFAX in die Stadt.

      Vom "Waterfront-Walk" fehlten uns ja noch einige Teile - so z.B. die "Historic Properties Market-Hall".

      Abends besuchten wir noch eine Musikkneipe - ohrenbeteubender "rhytmischer Lärm" herrschte hier vor. Trotzdem kamen wir mit einem netten kanadischen Paar ins Gespräch (Geschrei), die ein verlängertes Wochenende in HALIFAX verbrachten. Um uns noch besser unterhalten zu können, besuchten wir zu viert ein Restaurant.

      Eine erste, richtig schöne Begegnung mit Kanadiern.
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    • Day 213


      March 31, 2021 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Zwischen Frustration und Fröhlichkeit. Alles nimmt Gestalt an. Durch ein paar Tipps sind wir auf eine Website namens “Workaway” gestoßen, welche uns für unsere verbleibende Zeit viele neue Möglichkeiten verschafft. Gegen eine Gebühr von 65 Dollar haben wir Zugang zu einer Art Jobbörse für Freiwilligenarbeit. Als Gegenleistung bekommt man für seine Arbeit Kost und Logie und natürlich viele Erfahrungen, Sprachpraxis und neue Kontakte. Kurz gesagt: Leben und Arbeiten mit Einheimischen. Dank dieser Webseite werden wir nächste Woche nach Cape Breton fahren, um dort auf einer Farm mitzuhelfen. In Hinsicht auf die horrenden Mietpreise, eine tolle Möglichkeit kostengünstig zu reisen.

      Das Problem nun ist das Transportmittel. Wir brauchen ein Auto für geringes Geld. Sehr, sehr schwierig etwas Fahrbares zu finden und definitiv eine große Herausforderung. Heute haben wir viele Autos Probe gefahren, alle samt völlig heruntergekommen. Uns blieb nur eins... Facebook Marketplace. Nach mehreren Stunden vergeblichen und frustrierenden Autoshoppens, haben wir es für heute schließlich sein lassen.

      Abends verabredeten wir uns mit Valerie. Zwei Jahre ist es her, als ich sie kennen gelernt und das letzte Mal gesehen habe. Sie holte uns ab und fuhr mit uns in die Innenstadt, wo wir gemütlich, bei Livemusik, Abendbrot gegessen haben. Wie in alten Zeiten.
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    • Day 187

      Halifax Mooseheads vs St John Sea Dogs

      November 18, 2022 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

      Das Scotiabank Centre mitten in Halifax fasst 11000 Zuschauer. In der Pause kommen auch die Kleinen zum Zuge! Go Moose Go!

    • Day 335


      July 10, 2018 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Schweren Herzens habe ich gestern Abschied genommen und bin mit dem Bus nach Halifax gefahren. Ich bin nur für einen Tag hier, dann geht es weiter nach Cape Breton, aber auch hier gibt es sehr viel historisches zu bestaunen. Unter anderem eine Festung der Briten, die zur Abwehr der Franzosen und Sicherung der Kolonien errichtet wurde. Noch heute veranstaltet eine Highlander Abteilung Paraden und den "noonday gunshot", die 12 Uhr Kanone sowie Dudelsack und Trommelkonzerte und Schießübungen mit Musketen. Das Wetter ist etwas seltsam, morgen soll es einen Hurrikane geben, sehr aufregend!Read more

    • Day 3


      April 30, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Verschlafen und müde setzen wir uns zum Frühstück im Hotel in Halifax. Es gibt Burger und Orangensaft. Ich bin entzückt! 😂

      Danach holen wir den Mietwagen ab und fahren nach Halifax Downtown. Eine Hafenstadt, die durch den Aufschwung des internationalen Handels groß geworden ist. Als ehemalige englische Kolonie merkt man hier jetzt noch stark den britischen Einfluss, nicht nur an den England Fahnen, die hier überall herum hängen. Auch Kanada Fahnen sind an jedem zweiten Haus montiert, wir sind überrascht über den kanadischen Nationalstolz. Recht haben sie! Ein Land in dem es Hamburger zum Frühstück gibt ist ein Traum! 😉

      Das große Fort Halifax, die Altstadt, der Hafen, die Fressmeile mit netten Cafes und Burgerbuden..alles kann man hier fußläufig erreichen. Der Großteil ist sehr gepflegt und wirkt einladend, wäre da nicht dieser eisige Wind und nur ein paar Grad über Null, garniert mit Schneeregen, dann würden wir es hier wohl länger aushalten! 🥶🥶
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    • Day 13

      Touring and Tenting in Nova Scotia

      September 10, 2017 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Passing over the forests of Nova Scotia was vastly different from the landscape in Iceland - it reminded me of pieces from 'Settlers of Catan'. After landing and passing through border control, we went over to 'oversized baggage' in anticipation of collecting our bags. Out came a dog, exciting the sniffer dog somewhat! Next came a cat, and after many tannoy announcements, its owner failed to come to collect it! Everyone kept looking around, wanting to learn of its fate! As we exited arrivals and made our way to the bus stop, a friendly member of staff shouted 'you guys look lost, where are you headed?'; the first of many incredibly friendly people in Nova Scotia. After two buses to Halifax, we got off at the last stop along with other tourists unsure of their whereabouts. One girl from Italy was heading to the same hostel. We found our dorms (Hugo and I were separated for the night!). In the morning, I snuck out to buy some breakfast and messaged hugo with 'Miss Abbott in the kitchen with breakfast', akin to a cluedo guess. We then made our way to the car hire collection. After some confusion and our booking crashing the system, an hour later we were upgraded to a Ford edge, a flashy 4x4! Whilst waiting, we were entertained by the cheesy telephone response 'It's a great day at discount' spoken upon picking up each call. Cars in Canada don't have front number plates! We stopped by walmart to pick up the cheapest tent available, 2 fleece blankets, a duvet, 2 chairs and some food. First stop en route was Peggy's Cove, a quaint seaside stop with a lighthouse functioning as a post office. A bag piper played as we ate our lunch, looking out to sea. There were lots of little art shops too, not disimilar from the isle of mull. One old shack was full of whale bones, fishing floats and nets! The bays we passed by were so idyllic, with wooden houses facing the waterfront (often with a plastic dalmation, eagle or owl in the yard?!). We stopped in Lunenburg for the night, a town initially inhabited by German immigrants. On a recommendation from the guy at the campsite office, we went to 'the knot', a German/ seafood pub that was like a hobbit hole. After waiting for a table we dug in to fish and chips and Philly cheese steak! There was even a choice of type of vinegar! The following day we drove to Kejimkujik national park, known locally as 'Keji'. After a very chilly first night (5 degrees - even locals surprised at how unseasonably cold it was), Hugo was relieved to see that sleeping bags could be hired. We set up camp in the forest, our insignificant tent dwarfed by huge RVs, some with personalised signposts at the front of their pitch! At 6pm we joined up with 4 others to board a canoe, complete with two guides. We rowed out on to the Stillwater as the sun set. The Mersey water was stained a rich brown/black, making the reflections of trees in the water like a mirror - mesmerising! As we paused to drink iced tea, we heard the sound of a beaver gnawing and then a saw a splash as it's tail hit the water! A hawk also flew overhead. The guides talked through the various flora and fauna - a very enjoyable trip! Back at the campsite and channelling our inner Bear Grylls, we successfully lit our first campfire! We heated up some shop-bought kebabs and then had smores! Later on we joined a dark sky talk, lying on mats in a large circle of people as the guides pointed out constellations with laser pens. When asked what a familiar part of a constellation was called, Hugo shouted 'the plough' over all the Canadians shouting 'the big dipper'! Unfortunately the moon was almost full, preventing us from seeing the milky way. We did get to see Saturn and it's rings through the park's powerful telescope, though. There were musical interludes throughout, the last song being 'fly me to the moon...'. As I lay under the Wal-Mart duvet, I could hear mice and other unknown rodents scuttling about! Next morning we walked 8km along the water - there was little wildlife but plenty of varieties of mushrooms! We did spot 2 red squirrels and 2 chipmunks, though. As we drove around Nova Scotia, we familiarised ourselves with other species through identifying the roadkill - racoons and porcupines! Every day we seemed to discover a new feature on the car - sunroof, self-opening boot, ac seats! After eating our maple cheerios from our tupperware boxes for breakfast, we set off for Shubenacadie, passing through the Annapolis valley known for its vineyards, and the university town of Wolfville. In Wolfville we had to stop by a wifi cafe to check the actual address of the campground for the night, and then asked where to buy food (keep forgetting they call it a grocery store - my request for the nearest supermarket was met with confusion)! Finally we made it to our campground and the host kindly gave us some kindling and cardboard and told us how to start a fire - success first time! We roasted our first 'corn' and precariously balanced burgers on the grill, using only wooden skewers to turn them (managed to rescue one from the fire)! Some RVs at this site had light-up palm trees! At night we heard the howl of wolves - but not to worry as it was only from the animal park next door! Next morning we headed to Truro to see the tidal bore (highest tide in the world - 16m), but missed it by half an hour - oops! We joined the Trans Canada Highway and headed up to Melmerby beach, sheltering from the wind to have our picnic. As we drove towards Inverness we stopped by in Mabou at the Red Shoe Pub where a family of women were playing live Celtic songs - a packed out venue! Across the road we picked up an ice cream from the 'Rolling Cones' van. Our campground for the night was beside a beach, and we headed in to town for seafood chowder. Up early, we planned to drive the famous 'cabot trail' - and wow, what scenery! Cape Breton National Park is likely to the Nova Scotians what the lake district is to us Brits. Fantastic sea views over forested mountains. We stopped to walk the 7.5km skyline trail - there were warnings of coyote and moose, and although no sightings we did see droppings and a moose print in the mud! As we walked back through the car park, a Canadian couple struck up a conversation and we were congratulated on the announcement of the next royal baby - they love the royals over here!! We then tried our luck at joining a whale watching tour, however all trips were cancelled due to the wind! We made a couple more stops at Neil's harbour for more chowder and Ingonish beach for a quick paddle (Hugo stayed on the rocks, heaven forbid his feet touched the sand). On the way to our campground in Bras D'Or, we spotted a large bird with white head and tail - a bald eagle! We subsequently spotted another 4 in the next 20 minutes. After pitching our tent, we walked down to the huge lake and caught sight of a reddish full moon. Next day we went back through Baddeck, visiting the local market and purchasing some wild blueberries. After pizza, we went on the Amoeba sailing ship around Bras D'Or Lake, passing by Alexander Graham Bell's residence. The guide on board had an encyclopedic knowledge about the area! The captain threw out raw chickens which were caught by a pair of eagles (he had been doing this for the past 10 years) - great view although I was too busy trying to get a good photo! We then looked around the Alexander Graham Bell museum, free this year due to Canada celebrating 150 years since confederation. What an amazing man! Following on from his father, he took great interest in the deaf community and studied elocution, from which he then championed the teaching of 'visible speech', a method of teaching the deaf how to speak invented by his father. Bit of a speech therapist, although slight professional malpractice by marrying one of his clients! Interested in sound and communication, he went on to invent the telephone aged 29, although it took him 18 years in court to proove he was the inventor! He also had his finger in a lot of other experimental pies, including genetics, the graphaphone, and invented the silver dart, the first powered flight in the British Empire. As we got on our way to Battery Provincial Park, the fog drew in. Unfortunate, as our pitch was overlooking the ocean! We had our final campfire and cooked our remaining corn. Awakening to the sound of rain, we began to realise why our tent was so cheap - armed with a packet of tissues we mopped up the leaks and bundled everything in to our fleece blankets, bailing out the tent to seek a comforting breakfast in the car. We eventually packed up and headed south to our final campground. At every turn in Nova Scotia it seemed there was a lake! We stopped off to stock up on food but ended up unknowingly buying a bag M&Ms for £6 - argh! Luckily they tasted delicious. We pulled up to the campground and were met by Janice and Gordy. After ordering some delicious homemade pizza, they sat and talked with us, discussing everything from Toronto recommendations to the queen, liquor and travels. On our way back to Halifax the following morning we stopped by 'Goodies', a donation shop, to pass on our camping supplies - the poster in the window telling us that we were heroes of the community - thanks! We dropped off the car and the guy kindly drove us to our hostel! We then explored the harbour and the maritime museum, Hugo remarking that it was the best museum he had been to! Lots of information about the Halifax explosion 100 years ago, caused by French and Norwegian ships accidentally colliding, resulting in the largest man-made explosion prior to the atomic bomb, killing 2000 people. There was also a display about the fate of the titanic. We then entered a dome cinema to watch the tale of two northern right whales. There were lots of students around the harbour - we were given a free drink, although mine tasted like face wipes! After spotting a gull with a starfish in its mouth, we ventured around the public gardens (being told off for lying on the grass!) and then headed back to the hostel for a mini bbq, where we spoke to other travellers (I felt very organised at this point as noone else has booked how they were getting across Canada)! There were a lot of homeless people in Halifax, one with a sign 'Mario ate my shrooms - need money for weed and munchies' - very upfront! Next morning we walked around the farmers market, making the most of the free food samples. Walking up the hill, we arrived at the citadel just in time to hear the noon gunshot reverberate around the city. For lunch Hugo tried a 'donair burger' (the Canadian version of a donner) at the Fickle Frog Pub. After passing an old lady playing the 'spoons' on her mobility scooter, we visited Pier 21, a museum about immigration to Canada. Although prejudice against some races and minorities in previous years, Canada has become to be known as a diverse country that welcomes refugees or those just wanting to experience the Canadian way of life. It was humbling to read the stories from visitors to the museum, some of whom themselves had arrived at Pier 21 many years ago, either evacuated, fleeing war or as a war bride. To end the day we walked to Point Pleasant Park, passing the equivalent of Marshal's Drive (St Albans), with very large houses and dogs in size to match! We cooked tea at the hostel, observing a guy at a table casually tucking in to a whole lobster (he had steak for breakfast the next morning, too!!). Hugo sat with other travellers hearing their stories - my feet were tired and bitten so I laid in bed! Hugo met a guy, Ben from France, that was staying in our dorm and getting the same train the next day. So here we are, sat on our overnight (15 hours or so!) train to Quebec! After a few games of monopoly, reading, listening to the train music duo and chatting, we can recline in our seats and await the three cities!Read more

    • Day 14

      Downtown Halifax, Halifax

      September 11, 2014 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      5th stop

      hier kommen die nächsten News, dieses Mal aus Halifax, bei leicht bewölktem Himmel aber warmen 20 Grad.

      Nach dem gestrigen Seetag, den wir mit der Exklusivshow "The Voice of the Ocean" abgeschlossen haben, sind wir heute um 6:30 Uhr Ortszeit aufgestanden, damit wir mit einem ordentlichen Frühstück im Bauch zu einem noch auf dem Schiff gebuchten Ausflug nach Peggys Cove pünktlich um 8:30 Uhr starten können. Doch denkste, die kanadischen Behörden haben das Schiff erst um 9 Uhr freigegeben, da sie noch mit einem anderen Ozeanriesen, der Celebrity Summit, beschäftigt waren.

      Also ging es verspätet und somit zu einem verkürzten Ausflug nach Peggys Cove. Auf der Busfahrt könnte man einiges sehen sowohl von Halifax selbst als auch vom Umland. In Peggys Cove musste man dann genau hinschauen, um Tourist von Leuchtturm und Felsen zu unterscheiden.

      Nachdem wir dann wieder am Schiff waren, sind wir noch nach Halifax und haben uns das Städtchen mit dem Public Gardens und der Citadel angesehen.

      Jetzt sind wir wieder auf dem Schiff, da wir heute schon um 16 Uhr auslaufen zur letzten Etappe bis New York. Hier gibts morgen noch ein Seetag und dann Anlegen Freitagmorgen in New York.
      Da wird's dann ganz lustig mit den Behörden, denn es müssen zwischen 7 und 10 Uhr alle Menschen von Bord und sich persönlich vorstellen. Damit aber nicht genug, das muss dann in Gruppen von ca. 100 Leuten geschehen, denn sonst könnte den Amis ja nen Terrorist durchrutschen, also gibts das als Vorgabe von den Amis. Die 2050 Passagiere werden dann von AIDA schon in Gruppen eingeteilt dafür.
      Wenns nicht so viel Aufwand wäre, dann hätte ich ja echt mal ja angekreuzt beim Zollformular für das Einführen von Waffen ;-)

      Hier ist es jetzt gleich 15 Uhr und der Kaffee ruft und vor allem die belegten Brötchen garniert mit Kuchen.

      Wir melden uns dann nochmal aus New York. Macht's gut...
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    Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada

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