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    • Dag 15

      And more Cairo

      3 mei, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Our ride, Mohammed, picked us up and we headed off to Sakkara. This is where the step pyramid- the oldest of them all - is located. The whole complex is enormous with the site being excavated. We went from there to the Red pyramid, which we were able to go inside. It was hard work but well worth it. The ceiling in the chamber was magnificent. Then off to the Bent pyramid, because it had to be finished early as its planned occupant was dying. It was even harder work to get into this, but its inside was nowhere near as exciting. Definitely got my steps up today. From there, we went to a carpet training school where they showed us how they make carpet and train future carpet makers. Then back to Cairo for Koshari (a traditional Egyptian dish) for tea. Delivery was an option 😊Meer informatie

    • Dag 105

      Egyptian Pyramids and Tombs (by Andrew)

      30 november 2022, Egypte ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

      I went to Egypt and went to the Pyramids of Giza. It is very cool because they are old but still strong. I also saw the Sphinx, which was also awesome. I love it in Egypt. I also went to the Valley of the Kings/Valley of the Kids and got to see King Tut's mummy. It is a little scary because you got to see his head and feet which are over 3000 years old! There are so many cool old things to see in Egypt that it was hard to choose a favorite.Meer informatie

    • Dag 37

      Pyramids of Giza & Mummies

      8 juli 2022, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      This was supposed to be our last day in Egypt but our visas for India are not yet approved. We have moved into a western style hotel at the airport for respite from the Cairo heat and traffic. I have become a worshiper of Good AC. It’s been very hard to find. No taxi has had it or safety belts.

      The Pyramids at Giza & Sphinx are from the Old Kingdom between 2600-2500 BC. They are older than the Valley of the Kings and Temples seen in earlier post,

      The camel man was quite a character. The 🐪- had lovely manners.
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    • Dag 4

      The pyramids, the Sphinx and

      18 mei 2023, Egypte ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      We had an early start to get ahead of the heat and crowds to visit the great pyramids and the sphinx. Then, even more treasures at the Egyptian Museum. Our guide Mudi brought us to a local restaurant for lunch … delicious Egyptian food!

      An awesome day!
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    • Dag 76


      17 november 2022, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      17. - 20. November
      Nach einer Woche ohne Gepäck, konnte ich es am Flughafen "abholen". (Ja, Haare auf Kopf und "Fluim" für den Moment weg)
      Wiedersehen mit Ali und Aymen (Ägypter, kennengelernt in Jordanien)
      Gizeh Pyramiden
      Fernsehturm Kairo
      Chan el Chalili (Bazar- Strassen)
      Manschiyyet Nasser (Garbage City / Abfallstadt)
      Abendessen mit Carl Ganter, US Journalist, Fotograf und Wasserschützer
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    • Dag 27

      Egypt. The pyramids and pyramid schemes

      29 november 2023, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Egypt. Ra, Egyptian God of the Sun ruled today. I woke early and captured a beautiful sunrise over Alexandria. We docked at approximately 0800. A 5km run. Breakfast, before joining a very long day tour to Cairo to explore the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Giza plateau.

      I wanted to write a gushing post about Egypt. One of the 7 wonders! The incredible feats of architecture defying the laws of physics and human strength. Built without machinery - at least not powered. Levers. Fulcrums. I'm taken back to the mechanics of human movement and concede how incredible it is these pyramids exist.

      But Egypt. Do you judge a destination on how it makes you feel? I'm of the opinion (worldly as I am now), that it is the sum of all parts. Is it fair to judge a destination on a visit in one day? Perhaps not, though some of what I observed are not an assumption of culture based on a single interaction with any one person today. It was the roads. The traffic. Chaotic drivers and lack of road rules. Soaring pyramids surrounded by stray dogs seeking a meal. It's the magnificent ancient pyramids with rubbish and cigarette butts in piles. It's the master hustlers. The only time I've been at risk overseas I feel was today. Picked off the pack. A narrow escape. The overwhelming feeling of disrespect.

      Our tour guide proudly proclaimed on our trip they don't have any homelessness as they look after their families in Egypt. They don't have insurance as they don't need it. She said it with pride, not meant as an insult, but I observed ghetto like living conditions and exploitation of children peddling wares, weaving amongst traffic and felt her comment reeked of arrogance.

      No homelessness? I interpret that statement to mean no mental health issues. Bullsh*t. No insurance? What of the poor families disproportionately impacted by accident or a congenital bad hand? Perhaps her sentiment is everything I see as wrong in this region of the world.

      Egypt left me feeling more homesick than I ever have on this journey, though I'll summarise my day.

      Giza Plateau:
      When I say pyramids, I feel specificity is important. Our Egyptian tour guide, aptly named Bella (she was beautiful) informed us there are 118 Pyramids in total in Egypt.

      Bella explained the Pyramids are houses for the next phase of life, and that Egyptian's have no belief in death, it's merely a transition from your short life on earth to an eternal afterlife.

      I'm not sure if she was referring to ancient Egyptians only. More research required. Note to self. Binge watch Indiana Jones and Night at the museum once more. I digress.

      Egypt really is something else. I've seen a total of 16 countries this year, and have not witnessed anything quite like Egypt. The traffic. The drivers. It's as though there are no road laws. Our coach had police traffic escorts x 2! The car in the attached picture passed us right by, Ute tray filled with passengers.

      It's a certainty the saying "Stay in your lane" does not exist here, as nobody did! You simply use your horn when someone weaves in front of you, and expect the same in return. I doubt anyone even pays attention to the beeping horn anymore.

      The hustlers were next level. The coach had barely moved into park and they swamped. Begging you to buy their wares. Take their photo. They are relentless. We are instructed to not make eye contact or respond. I wish I'd recalled those instructions when an "official" castigated me for being off path. A narrow escape.

      Our first option on arrival was to ride a camel a short way through the Sahara desert. I met my camel. Charlie Brown was his name, so my camel guide, Mohammed tells me. Why does every bloke in Egypt so far have the same name?

      I'm grateful for my strength as I (Mounted? it really sounds like I'm being inappropriate 🤷 🤣) Charlie and rode in a caravan (that's the term for an attached procession), with my new friend Kevin from Texas, and his camel, Michael Jackson.

      We then explored the pyramids. The great sphinx of Giza. Attended a lesson on papyrus paper.

      I'd not planned my day very well and not eaten adequately, especially given I'd run earlier. Our buffet lunch? 4pm. An 8 hour fast was not in my plans.

      A mammoth day and 8pm return to the ship.

      We are in Alexandria, Egypt another day though I'm choosing to stay on the ship. I'm dismayed at the disrespect given to these ancient wonders by the Egyptian people. The exploitation. The filth.

      I've never missed the smell of the Australian Bush more than I do right now. We live in paradise. I'll console myself with Vegemite, hugs from loved ones and my Ferdie when I get home.

      Egypt and the great pyramids. One of the 7 wonders. You'll wonder why you came.
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    • Dag 160

      Another travel day

      28 augustus 2022, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 95 °F

      Miles: 3.2 Steps: 7869 Fights: 7

      Travel in the Middle East is WAY different than travel in Europe or Mexico. We flew out of Amman today - we were scheduled to take off at 8:00pm. While trying to check in tho I found they had changed the flight - 5:30pm takeoff now. Glad I looked.

      So we returned the rental car and got to the airport around 2:30, to find out the flight had been changed again - now departing at 9:00pm!!! So we spent 6 1/2 hours hanging out in the airport. We’ve learned tho that there are worse places - airports are usually nicely air conditioned, have decent chairs, usually there’s free wifi, free bathrooms, and there’s food pretty close by. What else do you need?!? 😃

      So we flew from Amman to Cairo, Egypt! We hit our 21st country and 4th continent! Cairo was a mad house right from the start - from getting thru passport control, to locating cash, to finding a SIM card and getting an Uber - all CRAZY difficult. BUT we did it. Glad we’re fairly seasoned at this now.

      We’re staying in Giza so had a 50 min Uber ride to our “hotel” - car travel here is by far the scariest and worst we’ve ever seen. Our driver was really proficient, but damn, it’s crazy scary on the roads here.

      We didn’t get to our hotel till midnight - again, like many places on this trip, the outsides of these places look terrible, but the inside is awesome. Scary at first. We were greeted by two men immediately at the Uber who welcomed us and carried our backpacks up 5 flights of stairs to the terrace where our room was. It’s a GREAT room - and we’re literally right next to the pyramids!! Crazy close. Can’t wait to go see them in the daylight tomorrow.
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    • Dag 7

      Pyramiden von Gizeh

      17 september 2022, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Treff 08.00Uhr an unserem Hotel in Kairo mit unserem Reiseleiter.

      Ausgeruht und voller Vorfreude starten wir in unseren Tag. Die Pyramiden warten auf uns.
      Nach kurzer Fahrt stehen wir direkt davor. Völlig beeindruckt und überwältigt bekamen wir viele Informationen von unseren Reiseführer Ahmed.

      Ziemlich schnell war uns klar. Wir wollen da auch rein. Schnell noch ein Foto gemacht wie wir die Pyramide anfassen und dann ging es rein.
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    • Dag 3

      No Dianne, you can’t ride a camel

      15 oktober 2022, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      After breakfast we met up with our local Cairo guide, Islam. We met in the hotel lobby at 8 am, which isn’t really an early hour, but we were dragging our butts a bit from jet lag. The first stop is the Pyramids of Giza. You can see the pyramids shortly after crossing the Nile river into Giza. The road to the pyramids circles the impressive structures as you approach so the view gets better and better. We both agreed that they are not disappointing. There was some disappointment to be had though as Dianne is still looking to get a Camel ride. This desire dates back to at least 2017, when she first mentioned it to me on a boat trip to Dubai. We put it off several times on that trip due to timing and inconvenience. On the trip to India I promised her a ride on a camel and we even went to a Camel rodeo. It didn’t work out that time, due to cultural considerations. Our camel care giver could not abide a woman riding a camel while I lounged in the cart behind. Today there are camels for rent, but they come by the hour and I don’t want to ride a camel. I don’t find them friendly enough. I could not see renting a camel for what would probably a five minute ride for Dianne and me having to go for the next 55 just to get my money’s worth. Dianne will have another chance to ride a camel in Morocco. Our friend Annie said so. For now there is just disappointment and desire.Meer informatie

    • Dag 7

      Wo ist der Pharao?

      17 september 2022, Egypte ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Jede Menge Menschen wollten in die Pyramide. Es war super warm und wir kämpften uns durch enge Gänge und Stiegen, Stufen und Leitern, zu der Grabkammer des Pharao. Diese zeigte sich eher schlicht und nicht wirklich so schön wie erwartet. Völlig verschwitzt traten wir den Rückweg an. Geschafft. 🥵😊Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Cairo, Kairo, Kaïro, ካይሮ, القاهرة, Qahirə, Кайро, ཁ་ཡི་རོ, El Caire, Caire, Káhira, Κάιρο, قاهره, Le Caire, Lo Cayiro, Cairo - القاهرة, קהיר, Kairó, CAI, Kaíró, Il Cairo, カイロ, ქაირო, 카이로, Cairus, Kairas, Kaira, Каиро, Kaherah, Caïro, Каир, Kair, Ël Cairo, Cairu, கெய்ரோ, ไคโร, Lungsod ng Cairo, Kahire, Kayro, Каїр, قاہرہ, Kahirä, 开罗

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