Tenerife 2019

november 2019
The first time traveling completely „alone“... Les mer
  • 8fotspor
  • 1land
  • 8dager
  • 45bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 300kilometer
  • Dag 1

    Day 1 A new trip

    13. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Hallo again, maybe a little bit late, but I want to tell here about my trip to Tenerife. It is the first time in my life I travel to another country being completely alone and not knowing what I can expect from the vacation. I hoped I can get some sun and enjoy some hiking. For both Tenerife seemed to be suitable to me when I booked the flight. On the day of the flight I drove to Stuttgart and after the flight of 4,5 hours I arrived at the airport in the South of Tenerife. The weather was warm and sunny when I picked up my rental car. Then I drove all the way up to the North where my hostel was located in La Orotava. Unfortunately here it was cloudy and rainy. I didn’t really know what to do and how to start this vacation :-D the hostel was really quiet and I couldn’t almost find anybody to talk to. Luckily I met Darren which also had no clue what to do...Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Day 2 Anaga Mountains

    14. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    ... so we met up again on the next morning and made a plan together. Why not going to the Anaga mountains in the Northeast, hoping for better weather and do a little hike there? Darren is a Kiwi (from New Zealand) and has just arrived from the Spanish mainland. He wasn’t informed about Tenerife at all, so he joined me. When we were driving towards Anaga it started to rain as we climbed up and we couldn’t see very far. Nevertheless we stopped at some outlooks, then we decided to turn around and go to Santa Cruz. This city is the capital of the island and lays on the sea level, so the chances for better weather were higher. After looking for a parking spot which took forever we walked around the city. The best place was the opera house which reminds of the one in Sydney. Darren lives in Australia and the whole day we didn’t run out of topics to talk about. After this day I felt that this vacation was about to start actually.Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Day 3 Teno

    15. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    The day started as the other days, I got up and checked the weather - it was cloudy and rainy ;-) then I made plans for the day with Darren as we almost met nobody else in the quiet and small hostel. This day we tried to head Northwest to hike to Punta de Teno which is the most western point on the island. When we arrived the street was closed 7 km before the end point and we started to hike the rest on the road. It lead very beautiful directly on a rocky coast next to the ocean. Unfortunately it started to rain and there was a very strong wind - we could almost lean against it. After a third we turned around because we were already wet. On the way back we stopped in a town where the Drago Milenario (an old famous local tree) was located and then returned to La Orotava. Darren got bites from bed bugs on his body, so we didn’t really felt comfortable anymore in the hostel. We changed the room, but decided that we should look for another one which turned out to be quite difficult.Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 4 Masca

    16. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Tenerife doesn’t have too many hostels and our favorite spot in Santa Cruz didn’t work out, so we were looking for hostels in the South. In the end we found one in El Medano which sounded quite okay. We had the whole day to get there, we planned to go to the Teide National Park to hike and finally get closer to the highest mountain of Spain - Teide (3715m). That plan was crashed when we heard that the President of China arrived on Tenerife and had exactly the same idea (therefore the NP was closed)!As alternative we first went to Puerto de la Cruz to enjoy some sun on a beach with black sand and then we took the road to a small town called Masca in the Teno area. It is famous for its landscape and its gorge which you could hike down to the ocean - unfortunately it is closed since last year because tourists were injured a lot of times. Nevertheless we enjoyed the fantastic landscape and view. Then we headed towards the hostel on the highway. On every bridge were military men with MGs because of Xi Jinping going back to the airport, fortunately we slipped through before they closed the highway. We arrived at the hostel and met our dorm mates - an Australian guy called Lachlan, a Danish guy called Jesper and a Texan-Russian guy called Gatus (best combination ever, drinks Whisky like Russians Vodka ^^).Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 Teide National Park

    17. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    After breakfast we took the car and drove to the Teide National Park, Lachlan joined us for the day. The drive up to the NP was very nice with a beautiful landscape, but up there on about 2000m height (over the clouds and therefore a sunny blue sky) it was absolutely amazing. We parked the car and started hiking up to Pico Viejo. Some hours we climbed up the mountain next to Teide until we realized that we will not make it to its top. The path was too sandy and we have started too late to do all the way up (at least 6 hours). So we stopped at a nice spot to rest and turned to hike down, we found another route down which made it to a round trip. During going down the sunset started and the view was amazing. At the car park there were a lot of people already waiting for the night to do Stargazing (Tenerife is one of the best places in the world to do so, because of the low light pollution in the NP), but we went back to the hostel.Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Day 6 Anaga (again)

    18. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    After getting up and breakfast Darren, Lachlan and myself, we headed again to Anaga mountains. This time the weather seemed to be nicer. On the climb up we stopped on some outlooks and enjoyed the scenery. Then the road lead down to the rocky coastline. We followed the road until a small town where we had lunch. On the way back we stopped at a spot on the top where some trails started. We hiked a little bit in a forest until it got too rainy. We decided to go to Santa Cruz again to show Lachlan the opera house. The area is still quite, especially with good weather, we could even see Gran Canaria in the background. Later back in El Medano we had dinner and drank some beers. Suddenly Darren asked me whether I wanted to do Stargazing on Tenerife and I said yes, but it didn’t work out. So he said let‘s do it now and so we drove all the way up to the Teide NP again. The night was very cold, but clear sky - we could see a lot of stars. After a while we turned around and drove to the airport to drop Lachlan (he had an early flight). We arrived at the hostel in the middle of the night.Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Day 7 El Medano

    19. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I slept quite long this morning and that meant I missed the included breakfast. After we had a late breakfast in town Darren and myself, we hiked up a nearby hill (Montana roja) and enjoyed the beautiful, sunny day. The temperature and the sun were great - a lot of people were on the beaches and in the water. When we returned to the town center we sat down at one beach and talked a bit. Later we looked at the sunset and had dinner together with Jesper. We talked a lot about different cultures and nations, it is always interesting to get to know differences but also similarities. Then it was time to bring Darren to the airport. We said goodbye and I returned to the hostel.Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Day 8 Going home

    20. november 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

    The last day was beginning slowly, I had breakfast and prepared my stuff for leaving. Jesper also left the hostel on that day, so we packed our things and chatted a little bit. We both had some time left and used it to walk at the beach. It was again a very warm and sunny day - with this weather I could have stayed much longer ;-) We stopped at a nice cafe for lunch, then I dropped him at the next bus station. I returned the car to the car rental company and I was transferred to the airport. I was a little bit too early and I had too much time which I spent sitting/walking around. After a while the boarding started and I could sit on my seat. The flight was pretty normal and we arrived on time in Stuttgart. Then I was driving back to Ravensburg and that was the end of a great trip!Les mer