Arrondissement de Nanterre

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    • Dag 19

      La Tour Eiffel de nuit ✨️

      31. marts 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Auch mein zweiter Tag hier startete erneut am Eiffelturm, dieses Mal jedoch mit der Absicht nach oben zu gehen 🚶‍♀️Auch wenn das Wetter nicht so schön wie gestern und aufgrund des Sturms leider die Spitze des Turms zur Besichtigung gesperrt war, hat es sich trotz allem gelohnt. Der Ausblick über die gesamte Stadt war wunderschön und die Konstruktion des 330 Meter hohen Turms echt interessant (die letzten sechs Meter des Turms wurden von einer Funkantenne beigesteuert 😅📡). Auf meinem Weg zum nächsten Katzencafé kam ich zudem am Arc de Triomphe vorbei und habe somit einen Platz gefunden, an dem nichtmal ich Lust auf Autofahren hätte! Der Bogen befindet sich nämlich inmitten eines 12-spurigen Kreisverkehrs! Im Katzencafé angekommen hatte ich eine der vermutlich leckersten heißen Schokoladen meines Lebens und das nicht nur weil sich auf dieser 2 Donuts befanden! 🍩🍩 Außerdem habe ich eine neue Freundin im Katzencafé gefunden: Jessi die (fast-)Nacktkatze der Gattung Devon Rex kam die ganze Zeit zu mir 🐈🐈
      Dort wo ich meinen Tag heute begonnen habe, hat er auch wieder geendet und zwar mit einem der bisherigen Highlights meiner Reise: Dem Eiffelturm bei Nacht 🌃✨️ Auch dies war wieder einer der Momente, bei welchem die tatsächliche Schönheit nicht auf einen Bild/Video eingefangen werden konnte. Absolut traumhaft. ✨️
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    • Dag 6

      Eiffel Tower big day

      9. september 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After the late arrival of the two rubgy fans home, three snuck out for brekkie and came back to pick up the stragglers. Kel decided to have a relaxing day, so Susie, Beth, Louise and I went off in search of the hop on hop off bus pick up point. Only a mere 1.8km walk to the Louvre and we were on to it. What a beautiful and exciting city Paris is. Such fun on the HoHo but man the heat was pretty oppressive today. Stayed on board, even though I had said I was going up the Eiffel Tower come hook or by crook, but common sense dictated that might be for a cooler day in the future. Hopped off at Lafette and had a good nosy round the beautiful shops. Lunch at Paul and Juliennes place, smoked trout and a cheese platter. delicious.
      Tonight we have been on our Seine Cruise Dinner and what an experience that was. Delicious food from the start to end, and oh my god, Paris in lights is unforgettable…. just the icing on the cake for me.
      Everyone is scattering to different events tomorrow but Im sure. you will hear all about it. Time for bed, its 1.00am and Beth and I have to be up and gone by 6 xx
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    • Dag 11

      Eiffel Tower - Cam's Birthday Part 1

      9. april 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Happy Birthday Campbell! When we planned this trip, we asked Cam where he wanted to be for his birthday. His first response was with his cousins in Paris, then more specifically up on top of the Eiffel Tower. It was an early start to get there and we queued for nearly 2 hours before finally making it into the lift. The tour guide we were with filled in the time however with some interesting facts and history about the tower, one of the more interesting is that the French Government paid for only two thirds of the construction. Gustave Eiffel, the owner of the engineering company commissioned to create the structure, needed to fund the rest. In the negotiations, he had the government agree to his ownership of the tower. The tower remains in the Eiffel family estate to this day.

      Eventually, we made it onto the lift and up to level 2. Jack's aversion to heights kicked in and he felt quite uncomfortable, however to his credit, he made it all the way to the top and can tick it off his list. At level 2, we wandered around and took in the open air view of the city.

      After a while, we made our way (via another extensive queue) to the lift to head to the top of the tower. Some 300m above the Champs de Mars, we are afforded spectacular views of the city. Fred found exactly how high we were, 280m, and the wait was all worth it.
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    • Dag 6

      Parijs is nog ver, maar niet vandaag

      28. juli 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Vandaag reden wij onze rustdag tegemoet. 78 km met hier en daar een pittige beklimming en weer vaak een onverharde ondergrond wat uiteindelijk resulteert in een fantastisch uitzicht (heerlijk). Met behulp van onze nieuwe vrienden Bob Marley and the Wailers zijn wij de strijd van deze kortere etappe aangegaan. Ritchie heeft een kleine valpartij op een onverharde helling van 9% gelukkig overleefd. Zijn andere blessure is zo goed als weg. Diverse omgevallen bomen konden ons niet stoppen. We overleven alles! 💪 De banlieues van Parijs waren lastig. Veel chaos en gekte. We kunnen niet wachten om over twee dagen de natuur weer in te gaan.😋 Maar eerst genieten van een rustdag. De massagesalon is al gereserveerd. Met of zonder happy end. Het maakt ons echt niet meer uit. 😅 We hebben overigens al wel snel een bliksem bezoek gebracht aan Parijs. Wat een topstad!! 🤗 Morgen staat een etentje met Joris, Annemarie en de mannen in Montmartre op het programma. Hopelijk zijn wij dan niet in slaap gevallen op de massagebank.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      674 Stufen bei strahlendem ...

      24. oktober 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      ... Sonnenschein 🌞

      Zum Glück 🍀hat uns das Taxi 🚕gestern versetzt. Heute konnten wir unserem zweiten Anlauf🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ bei 17 Grad und Sonne 🌤den Aufstieg antreten.

      Morgens 🥱 9:30 Uhr ging es los. Sicherheitskontrolle🦺👮‍♀️ eins und zwei waren schnell hinter uns gebracht.

      7️⃣ Stufen später war Äffchen🙊 schon völlig ausser Atem. Durchgezogen🏁 hat sie dennoch.

      Mit kurzen Pausen auf Level eins und zwei haben wir dann den Fahrstuhl 👨‍🦼in die Spitze 🔝des Turms 🗼genommen. Zuvor gab es aber noch eine Gesangseinlage und Infos von unserem grandiosen Guide🥹

      Auf gut 300 Meter gab es neben der wahnsinns🤗 Aussicht🔭 eine Sammlermünze für Yannic. Ebenso wäre Champagner 🍾 und Kaviar möglich gewesen.

      Nachdem wir uns satt gesehen👀 haben ging es mehrere Fahrstuhlfahrten🚊 abwärts bis wir wieder Boden unter den Füßen🦶 hatten.

      Souvenir-Shopping💸 im Anschluss machten den Vormittag perfekt.

      Nach einer meeegaaa Rollerfahrt🛵, einem Kaffee ☕️ und Baguette🍞 ging es zu Fuß weiter zum Louvre.

      Nur mal schon für morgen schauen.☺️

      Jetzt geht's zurück ins Hotel🏨 ... kurz Kraft 💪🏽tanken ⛽️ für das heutige Nachprogramm🌃🕺💃🏽
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    • Dag 22


      10. maj, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      We left the hotel in Bordeaux around 7:45, walked to the station, went through the barrier where tickets were scanned, found our seats on the upper deck of the Ouigo train, and waited, with three heavily-armed policemen outside our carriage window. The train left exactly on time and arrived in Paris 2hts 27mins later. It was a long walk to the Metro, but the Metro train came quickly, and we were at the hotel (Villa Pantheon) by 12. Within a few minutes they had a room ready, so we unpacked and then set off to nowhere in particular, but via Notre Dame, which is a 20 min walk away.

      Notre Dame is still closed for restoration, but there were crowds around it anyway. The displays down one side showed some of the salvage and restoration work, with pictures of the delicate stonework and intricate wooden trusses (some the size of houses) that will be hidden for centuries once the restoration is complete.

      Paris was very crowded, very dry and almost hot - 29deg. It was not ideal, but it had a buzz. We walked to the Place des Voges, which I loved when I saw it in 1975, then to the Louvre and its 500m long queue for tickets (no thanks), the gardens , the Seine again (they will swim in that? really??) and back up Rue St Germaine and on to the Rue des Ecoles, in the Quartier Latin, and our hotel. It is near the Sorbonne, so lots of young people (I think Anne wonders whether she is back at work), but it is also near the trail of Agnes Goodsir, my great-great-aunt. More tomorrow, but we almost went past her house on the way to the hotel in the morning: she lived at 18 Rue de l'Odeon.

      Paris may be a lovely city, but right now beset by hordes of tourists (like us...). Most of all there seem to be lots of Americans, including one kneeling to propose in the Tuileries Garden, and his new fiancee.

      We set out around 7:30 for dinner, as the air was cooler but the light still beautiful. The hotel is close to the Sorbonne, and there were young people everywhere, although the were certain cafes they flocked to, and others (touristy looking) that they avoided. Buildings along the streets often had signs saying they were the School of something-or-other, and the ground floor windows often looked in on rows of seats. We found a brasserie on the other side of the Pantheon...nice atmosphere, and pretty, quiet street.

      22,193 steps, 17.6km, 4 flights
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    • Dag 3

      Travel Day 3: Art in Paris

      16. maj 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      I KNOW. A photo (or a postcard or a print) won’t do them justice, but here’s some of the art that moved me today.
      1. I stumbled on the Tunnel des Tuileries by accident this morning. I saw hundreds of peie on bicycles today. This tunnel is covered in art - this was one of my favorites.
      2. L’Air du Soir, Henri-Edmond Cross
      3. A different version of Starry Night. I think this was painted before the famous one at MOMa, before he became so ill.
      4. I don’t know what this is; it was at the Musee D’Orsay in the cafe where I had lunch. I liked all of the women musicians.
      5. This is so life-like in person! Chrysanthèmes dans un vase, Henri Fantin-Latour
      6. Mosaic feature on random building
      7. Le Faune dansant, Eugène-Louis Lequesne in the Jardin du Luxembourg
      8. Le Poète - Hommage à Paul Éluard, also in Luxembourg Gardens
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    • Dag 101


      14. september 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      My last post.
      We fly home tomorrow.
      We have had a great trip. I have a few reflections:
      The French and Swiss people have been wonderful. Very friendly and welcoming. I do think we are lucky coming from NZ. We haven't managed to offend too many people.
      The mountains are big. 500m climbs in NZ are pretty big. Quite usual to have 12-1500m climbs.
      The refuges are great. I wish we had them in NZ.
      Trails well marked and maintained. Also well used by walkers.
      Being able to bivouac almost anywhere in France is very generous by the French people.
      I still don't have bagette fatigue and will really miss croissants for petit dejeuner.
      3 months of walking is a long time. Maybe we are getting too old for through hikes.
      We have met and stayed with some wonderful people. i hope we get a chance to return the favour.
      And finally i want to acknowledge my father, Adrian, who died last week. Unfortunately i didn't get back in time to say a final goodbye.
      Best wishes to those still hiking. Hopefully we can come back to finish it.
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    • Dag 68


      13. juli 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Die vielen Gemälde begeistern uns und meine Enkelin Amalia, voll in der Pubertät, sucht und unterbrochen Pimmel.
      Mal groß mal klein mal abgeschnitten mal nicht mehr zu sehen mal versteckt.
      Es ist einfach lustig und wir alle haben viel zu lachen.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Lunch and the best views in Paris

      17. september 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We arrived at Les Ombres, located at the top of Musée Quay Branly, following our meander through the Trocadero area and past the Eiffel Tower. We were seated at the best table, with wonderful views of Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

      First up was a glass of Rothchild’s rosé champagne, which was great, followed by a lovely white wine, a Pouilly-Fumé from the Loire Valley. It was the perfect accompaniment to our three course lunch.

      We started with an Amuse-bouche, followed by a choice of either Duck foie gras marbled with burnt fig leaves and a puff pastry brioche or marinated Mackerel from Brittany served with Romaine lettuce and black olives. The choices for main were Grilled sea bass with garden beans, anchovies and harchard or Roasted saddle of lamb, bolognese styled aubergines, ricotta and mint. For dessert there was a choice of Hazelnut mousse or Rhubarb creation. We also received petite fours with coffee.

      The meal was excellent from beginning to end, the staff were professional, engaging and provided a wonderful service, the company was also excellent and the venue, both the location and outlook, was superb.
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