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    • Dzień 11

      Rien ne va plus…

      17 lipca 2023, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      So heißt es beim Roulette vom Croupier. Das hört man auf jeden Fall im Casino. Da waren wir heute, zumindest im Foyer des berühmten Casinos von Monaco.
      Benni durfte auch mit rein und mal Jetons anfassen.
      Ansonsten ist der Stadtstaat voll von exquisiten Läden, teuren Autos und großen Luxus-Yachten. Mehr Geld auf einem Haufen sieht man selten in Europa. Die Stadt ist super schön und es wird penibel auf Sauberkeit geachtet. Erkunden kann man die Stadt grundsätzlich zu Fuß über viele Treppen und Aufzüge, was sehr praktisch ist. Wir sind noch immer sehr beeindruckt und fallen alle müde ins Bett.
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    • Dzień 11

      Tag 11: Monaco

      19 czerwca 2022, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach einer kalten Dusche und dem Frühstück am Morgen ging es los in den Stadtstaat Monaco nebenan. Natürlich wurde zuerst der Friedhof mit dem Krematorium besucht. Auch hier wieder viele neue Eindrücke. Dann sollte es an den Strand der "Reichen und Schönen" gehen. Das allgemeine Platzproblem wirkte sich auch auf das Parken aus. So halb auf dem Bordstein reihten wir uns ein, wie andere auch, in der Hoffnung, keinen Strafzettel zu bekommen. Dazu hatte im Verlauf die Polizei auch keine Zeit, denn es brach in unmittelbarer Nähe ein Brand aus. In die Fluten sind wir mal kurz gesprungen, an dieser Stelle war das Wasser nicht wirklich sauber, abgekühlt hatte es aber. Abend im Pool war es dann besser nachdem es Nudeln mit Bolognese gab. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 7


      15 maja 2018, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute waren wir im zweit kleinsten Land der Welt - in Monaco. Wir sind mit unserem Bus bis ins Zentrum (Monaco-Ville) gefahren, denn hier gibt es eine Tiefgarage extra für Wohnmobile. Danach ging es zu Fuß durch die Stadt. Wir haben uns den Palast, die Kathedrale und die Formeleinsstrecke angeschaut. Mittagessen gab es dann bei McDonald's. Eine beeindruckende Stadt mit vielen reichen Leuten, teuren Autos und großen Yachten. Jetzt sind wir an einem Campingplatz hinter Nizza. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 23


      24 maja 2022, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Monaco says before the grand prix is quite something. Once I got out of the racing area, it was much nice.

      Got to see the track, the port, millions of pounds worth of boats and a stunning view. The south of France is stunning, the ports are the best part in my opinion. Architecture meets sea meets green.

      Walked around the side of Monaco and up to the Palace. The panorama was insane.
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    • Dzień 40


      11 listopada 2023, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      We had a pretty bad nights sleep. I was still awake at 12:30am listening to every single sound outside. People would walk past the car park talking and I’d get up to check that it wasn’t a group and it just turned out to be people on the phones most of the time. Then at 4:30am the binmen turned up crashing and banging around.
      We were up at 6am and it was a chilly 5°c outside. I put the fire on and made coffee and we drank then quickly and then put the bed away.
      I wanted to be out of here before the traffic started and at 7am we left the car park and the seafront watching the sun rise out of the sea.
      By 7:15am we were back on the coast road. Traffic was light at this hour and it’s just how I wanted it. We’d spent all yesterday evening looking for free places to park in or near Monaco that wasn’t on a stupid incline or at a roadside and we thought we’d found one but it wasn’t on any of our apps.
      We passed through customs and for the first time ever we got stopped and they came in and checked our cupboards and toilet for any strangers. Then we were back in France and on the edge of the Maritime-Alps heading into Monaco.
      TomTom said my vehicle profile didn’t match where we were going but I’d checked google and thought we’d get through and after negotiating the 16% gradient and countless switchbacks we came to a little side road and just off of it was gravel parking.
      It was now 8:15am and we’d made it to our park up for the day. It overlooked a huge sporting complex and we were so lucky getting here early as there was a big event here today and by 9am the place filled up with cars.
      Nobody gave us a second look which I was happy about and at 10am we locked Wanda up and started the trek into Monaco.
      We parked on the mountainside in Beausoleil just above the Monaco marina. From the road side we can see it but the problem is, it’s straight down 250 meters and it’s slopes and stairs. The slopes are a 25% gradient.
      Going down was obviously the east bit but even walking down we were at a crazy angle. It would be a killer climb on the way back.
      It was almost a straight run down the slopes and steps and once at the bottom we found a souvenir shop where we brought our Monaco mug. Then we continued towards the Marina stopping at the Monaco Casino from James Bonds Casino Royale for pictures. Given all the hype about it, it wasn’t that impressive.
      With the Casino out of the way we walked to the Marina and Bay Area. This is where the super rich are and the yachts showed it.
      We didn’t see anyone famous but there were lots of Ferraris and Porsches driving about.
      The roads were unbelievably busy but now we’re back in France they always stop to let you cross at a crossing.
      From the Marina we headed into the automobile collection. A collection of cars owned by the prince of Monaco. It cost us €10 each to get in and there were some really fascinating cars dating right back to the early 1900’s from all over the world. The collection pretty much went in year order dating from the oldest cars like the early fords right up to modern day Ferraris, Lamborghinis and formula 1 cars. It seemed quite a lot of money to view the collection but any attraction here starts at €10.
      From the automobile collection we headed onto the promenade of shops and brought 2 fresh baguettes and then headed to the park and ate them. Here we did our people watching noticing lots of men wearing suits and walking like they’d just come out of the gym and young girls shopping. Probably with daddy’s credit card.
      After our lunch it was time to start the climb back to Wanda and it was relentless. Words can’t describe how many steps we went up but the steps were far easier than the slopes of 25%. It was easily the hardest walk of the trip so far. Ellie had to keep stopping because her legs were done.
      At one stop we stopped by some bins and ontop were some clothes. Someone had obviously chucked them out but they were like new and Ellie went skip diving and found a nice top. So she even got clothes from Monaco. And even though it came off the bin it stills smells better than us.
      By the time we got back to Wanda at 1pm we were completely done in. Even my legs and bum were hurting. Nobody is made for walking at those angles and we both had a lay down to recover.
      We stayed in Wanda all afternoon. Whatever was happening in the sports centre there was a lot of coming and going and music was intermittently playing.
      At 5pm we left Wanda again. We were right near a view point and it would complete our climb from ground level earlier all the way to the summit of Col De Mules. It was only a 10 minute walk and except for bumping into 3 police personnel we didn’t see a soul and had the whole viewpoint to ourselves.
      Obviously going to any new country is great but we never thought in a million years that we would come to Monaco let alone stand above the famous Marina alone watching the sunset. Considering it wasn’t a bucket list location we’ve had quite an amazing day.
      When we got back to Wanda it was 6:30pm. The temperature had dropped by 8°c to just 10°c and whatever music had been playing intermittently earlier was now in full swing. To top it off there were now more cars here than when we left.
      I started looking on park4night for other locations but neither of us really fancied moving in the dark and the closest place was over 30 miles away. Then by the time we had made up our mind to move it was too late. The road we were on was now full of cars and they were now double parking. It was crazy outside and we were stuck here. We’d have to ride the noise out now until morning.
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    • Dzień 275


      16 maja 2023, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      From Morocco to Monaco. Since I'm already in the area, I wanted to cross the country off my list. ☑️

      The photos I take here show the largest accumulation of capital I have ever seen. Here, 30-metre yachts are lined up next to each other and all kinds of luxury cars can be seen on the streets. This is where the life is lived that advertisements and influencers so often play us.

      All the people are really chic - as if they'd come out of a catalogue - and some sports groups are steeling their bodies outside to the sound of training music. Plus the blue sky and all the luxury goods. If this isn't paradise for some!
      Today, however, the cars have to slow down because I'm cruising leisurely along the streets with the Black Pearl. ⛵️
      Drink up, pirates yo-ho.

      Due to the limited space available (and upper five-figure square metre prices), the principality uses every square metre very efficiently. The roads wind their way up the steep mountain slopes with the help of tunnels and bridges, among other things, and look to me like a wildly built roller coaster. I have a hard time keeping track of which level I'm on and how I get to the other levels, let alone my destination, because the direct route is rarely available.
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    • Dzień 26


      2 października 2022, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Idag åkte vi tåg till Monaco, tog cirka 25 min! Det fanns ett mysigt område uppe vid Monte Carlo slottet med mysiga gator och utsikt över havet och alla båtar! Stranden var också fin och mysig! Det var fint så men var inte överdrivet imponerad annars! Hade inte själv velat bo där! 😂 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 32


      16 kwietnia 2020, Monako ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Klar waren wir auch schon mal in Monaco. Auf dem Weg von unserem jährlichen Frankreich-Surf-Uraub (2015) sind wir über Monaco gefahren.
      Übernachtet hatten wir zuerst in Nizza und dann am Morgen sind wir nach Monaco weitergefahren. Ist schon auch erstaunlich wie so ein kleines Dorf so bekannt sein kann - und wie viele Super-Yachten in dem Hafen unterkommen - und wie viele Ferraris auf der Strasse fahren können.
      Tamara ist dann mit den Jungs am Abend nach Hause gefahren, ich wieder nach Barcelona zurück. Arbeit musste auch mal wieder sein.
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    • Dzień 3

      Spontane Planänderung

      28 marca 2023, Monako ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Eigentlich wollte ich heute nach Menton fahren, habe aber noch rechtzeitig gelesen, dass der Exotische Garten dienstags geschlossen hat. Also bin ich spontan in Monaco/Monte Carlo ausgestiegen. Schön ist anders war mein 1. Gedanke, so hatte ich es auch in Erinnerung. Mein Weg führte mich zum Casino, vor dem sich ein hübscher Park befindet. Dahinter gibt es eine begrünte Promenade mit Skulpturen am Meer, die gut von den hässlichen Hochhäusern ablenken. Mit dem Fahrstuhl geht es runter zur Mole und dem Yachthafen, wo ein abscheuliches Boot neben dem anderen liegt. Ein Schwanzvergleich zu Wasser. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 91

      Monte Carlo, Principauté de Monaco

      4 lipca 2023, Monako ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      With an area of 2.02 km2, it is the second-smallest sovereign state in the world, after Vatican City. Its 19,009 inhabitants /km2 make it the most densely-populated sovereign state in the world. Monaco has a land border of 5.47 km and the world's shortest coastline of approximately 3.83 km.
      The House of Grimaldi has ruled Monaco, with brief interruptions, since 1297. The state's sovereignty was officially recognised by the Franco-Monégasque Treaty of 1861, with Monaco becoming a full United Nations voting member in 1993. Despite Monaco's independence and separate foreign policy, its defense is the responsibility of France.
      Monaco is famous as a tax haven: the principality has no personal income tax (except for French citizens) and low business taxes. Over 30% of the residents are millionaires, with real estate prices reaching €100,000 per square meter in 2018.
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    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Beausoleil, بيوسوليل, Bèusoleu, ボーソレイユ, Босолей, Бозолеј, 博索莱

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