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    • Dag 3

      Martigny, Chamonix, Mont Blanc

      11. august 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Es ist mal was Anderes, wenn man sich ausgeschlafen an den Tisch setzt und am Frühstücksbuffet bedient - auch nicht schlecht!
      Unser Bus brachte uns nach Martigny, von wo aus wir mit dem Mont Blanc-Express unseren ersten Zügele-Trip starteten. Ziel war Le Chatelard und die Strecke war atemberaubend. Auf den steilen Teilstrecken erhielt das Bähnle Verstärkung von der Zahnstange zwischen den Gleisen und rechts und links gab es keine Böschungen, das waren alles durchweg WÄNDE, ob nach oben oder nach unten! Unser Busfahrer erwartete uns schon und fuhr die letzten 20 km nach Chamonix.
      Dort gab es zwei Möglichkeiten, sich dem Mont Blanc-Gipfel zu nähern: mit der großen Seilbahn auf über 3.800 m, die mussten wir verwerfen, weil auf Stunden im Voraus ausgebucht einschließlich festgelegter Talfahrt. Also ging es gegenüber mit der eindeutig effektiveren Ski-Gondelbahn ohne Anstehen auf den Le Brévent mit seinen 2.525 m Höhe und einem Panoramablick auf das gesamte Mont Blanc-Massiv incl. des 4.807 m hohen Gipfels.
      Das Wetter meinte es gut mit uns - Sonne, gute Sicht und selbst auf dem Berg kurzärmelig bei 22°C ohne Wind. Die Kehrseite dieses Wohlfühlerlebnisses sahen wir aber auch: der Rückgang der Gletscher war selbst für uns Laien erschreckend sichtbar.
      Im Ort führten wir uns noch einen Eisbecher zu Gemüte und dann ging es in 2-stündiger Busfahrt wieder ins Hotel zurück.
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    • Dag 50

      Geneve japanese

      4. august 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      飛行機の中は私がナニーのとなりに座って、コナーはグランダのとなりに座りました。ジュネーブにから、私達は95分車に乗ってダディの運転する大きな車に乗ってフランスのシャモニーと言う所に行きました。氷河や山が見えて、壮大な景色でした。あと、モン ブラン も見えました。(食べ物のモンブランじゃないよー。)今日は楽しかったけれど、アイルランドの事を考えたら、寂しくなりました。Læs mere

    • Dag 148

      Chamonix and Mont Blanc, France

      26. september 2018, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      Chamonix is famous for its location at the foot of Mont Blanc (White Mountain), the highest mountain in Europe, at 4808 meters, or 15,777 feet. The first Winter Olympics was held here in 1924. River Lyret flows rapidly through town, and consists of meltwater from the glaciers. The church is pretty from all angles, since mountains surround the town.Læs mere

    • Dag 1

      Chamonix ️

      10. oktober 2020, Frankrig ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Heute verbrachten der Tag im Chamonix 🌧️ wegen dem Wetter waren alle Bahn geschlossenen 😭, deswegen sind wir nur ein bisschen spazieren gegangen und haben Raclette 🧀gegessen, den Abend haben wir im Spa ausklingen lassen 🧖‍♂️🧖‍♀️Læs mere

    • Dag 15

      Back in Chamonix day 8

      22. august 2016, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Final day of trekking over the Col de la Balme to the Chamonix valley. 14km
      Walk uphill through a large forest and then open alpine slopes to
      the Col de Balme (2201m or 7221 ft). Trek the last downhill stretch to Montroc in the Chamonix Valley to wrap up this unforgettable
      trek.Train transport back to Chamonix.
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    • Dag 1


      25. juni 2016, Frankrig ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Unsere dritte Alpenüberquerung, diesmal sollte es von Chamonix nach Nizza gehen. Meine Freunde Frank, mit dem ich die ersten beiden Überquerungen machte, Uwe und für eine Woche Franks Sohn Max waren mit dabei. Morgens starteten wir nach einer sehr kurzen Nacht, weil in Forchheim Altstadtfest war;-) mit dem Auto Richtung München Flughafen, von dort mit dem Flugzeug nach Genf, dann mit dem Bus nach Chamonix, wo wir am frühen Nachmittag angekommen sind und uns noch einen schönen Tag gemacht haben:-)Læs mere

    • Dag 13

      Le Champex

      13. september 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Some pics not all taken by me but of the group at places we are trekking.

    • Dag 42

      I rest my case

      17. juli 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Allen just sent an update. he has now started carrying a beer with him.
      His last two photos. Getting in practice for the World Cup

    • Dag 51

      Glaciers japanese

      5. august 2017, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

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    • Dag 87


      25. juni 2018, Frankrig ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      This town is so cute I could pinch its cheeks (edited for Buz). It's directly out of a fairy tale. In the French Alps, close to the Swiss border. Think Sound of Music meets Beauty and the Beast. The village lies at the foot of Mt Blanc, nestled in a valley full of dramatic landscapes. On the train climb up we saw mountain goats, waterfalls, glaciers, and skinny, long train bridges. The apart-hotel, 'Le Majestic' is this stunning 1920's (??) palace. Look up Grand Budapest Hotel and I swear it's a spitting image. The long hallways are so wide I could lay across them 3 times. I honestly can't see where it ends. There is an incredible urge to cartwheel until I just can't cartwheel anymore. And it feels empty, which makes it even cooler! And more likely that I will cartwheel.

      Photos to follow... this is definitely is a playground I want to explore!!!

      Chamonix started off with a bang (literally) in a family paintball match. So. Much. FUN! I've never played paintball, but the boys were so enthusiastic to try we had to give it a go. There is something very therapeutic about shooting your loved ones. A young guy named Teddy set the course up in the woods in Les Tines. Loads of forested ground on which to play: many forts, hiding spots, cubbies... The boys were in seventh heaven. Priceless! We played for 2 hours and went through 3 bags of ammo. Buz seemed to be the overall winner, although Zach and Jesse are pretty good shots. I need to go to the shooting range for a bit more practice, it seems. We all had fun comparing our little bruises after (although the 5psi guns are pretty tame, they still pack a punch).

      Yesterday we took the cable car to Plan Praz. Buz and Jesse were extremely brave and carried on with cable car #2 to Breventz. I'm a bit ashamed to say that neither Zach nor I could manage to coax ourselves on. In fairness, the cable car is suspended between 2 super-high, rocky snow-covered peaks with nothing in between but sheer drops thousands of feet below. It's maybe an 8 minute ride across air. If something were to happen, I can't see a back-up plan. So I justify our cowardice as intelligence.

      After Buz and Jesse returned safely, we started off on an alpine hike to Flegere. AWESOME! The boys are turning into mountain goats and managed the hike brilliantly. Although it's 'level,' there was a lot of ascent/descent in between and a few hours of walking. There were patches of snow to play in, cliffs to cling to, scree to cross, and most of all just stunning scenery which I won't even try to describe.

      We liked hiking so much that we went back up to Plan Praz today and attempted the hike up to Breventz peak. Unfortunately we hadn't realised most of the track after a certain altitude was all snow. Zach only wore his canvas skateboarding shoes which were quickly soaked through. And Jesse hadn't eaten breakfast. But the REAL reason we didn't make the peak was that the boys were having too much fun turning their rain jackets into makeshift toboggans and spent ages 'sleighriding' - every time they got a bit of altitude they would fly back down. Australians and snow- they couldn't resist. And it probably ended up being more fun than reaching the peak.

      Buz kindly took the boys while I repeated yesterday's hike to Flegere solo. Because honestly he was having as much fun as the kids playing in the snow.

      Tomorrow more paintball is planned.
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, Chamonix, Chamônix, シャモニー=モン=ブラン, 샤모니, 74400, Шамони, Шамони Мон Блан, 霞慕尼

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