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Top 10 Travel Destinations Vaucluse
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    • Day 15

      Markt in Saint Remy

      May 8 in France ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Heute ist Markttag in Saint Remy und Feiertag in Frankreich (Tag der Befreiung), so dass der Markt gut besucht war. Aber die Märkte sind immer ein besonderes Erlebnis für alle Sinne. Wir haben uns ein paar Köstlichkeiten, Tapenaden und Honig mitgenommen.Read more

    • Day 12

      Saint Remy de Provence

      May 5 in France ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Auf der Fahrt von Roussillion nach Saint Remy sahen wir zwar Lavendelfelder, aber die sind noch nicht so weit. Müssen wir wohl noch mal wiederkommen. Wir sind auf dem Campingplatz Monplaisir. Auch diesen CP hatten wir gestern noch reserviert, heute Abend hing schon wieder das Complete Schild. Ich dachte, wir wären in der Vorsaison unterwegs? Nachmittags waren wir dann noch in St. Remy, ein quirliger kleiner Ort, alle Geschäfte geöffnet, viele Familien. Das hat uns gut gefallen. Jetzt sind wir auf die Gegend gespannt, es ist unser erstes Mal hier.Read more

    • Day 7

      Georges du Regalon im Luberon

      August 11, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Frühstück, Evi's Buch lesen - Jeder eine Seite, Evi's Reifen reparieren, mit Fahrrädern ins Nachbardorf Bonnieux zur Touristeninfo, Fahrradweg mit Evi oder see.. Info zu bestem Eis und gleich 2 kirchtürmen und der gewünschte Wanderweg ist HEUTE geöffnet! Planänderung: das machen wir heute! Wollen 16 Uhr starten, etwa 40 min fahrt bis hin. Mama fragt sich warum heute offen und gestern nicht? Hat schließlich nicht geregnet was die waldbrandlage entschärft? Bis dahin nochmal zurück ab an den Pool. Evi hat schon Mama kocht essen: Reis mit mischgemüse und fischstäbchen. Evi liebt es "das beste Essen". Pooltag bis nach 15 Uhr im kleinem Pool mit Blick auf typisches Bergdorf. Essen packen und los. Fahrt dorthin ist schon direkt spektakulär und die ersten 30 min direkt ab Campingplatz fahren wir scheinbar durch unser Gebirge. Benny und evi schlafen weg. Ankunft: etliche warnschilder wegen der waldbrandgefahr, eine Handynummer ist notiert, diese eingetippt, fahren erstmal noch bis Parkplatz. Zwei Wärter erwarten uns: und geben uns das go: wir dürfen wandern und parken. Mama freut sich mehrfach jetzt ganz legal den geplanten Trip durchziehen zu können. Kaum losgelaufen und es wir gleich nach 10 min spektakulär: wir sind direkt im Canyon und klettern durch die riesen Spalte. Wenig später ganz oben angekommen, durch das sonnen Wetter ganz klare Sicht in die Ferne überall hin. Links von uns lauter hohe Berge und rechts von uns geht's runter ins Tal. Echoooo-versuche. Wir bläken in die Schluchten und freuen uns über unser echo

      Weg nicht gefunden, rumgeirrt, doch gefunden, und doch wieder falsch gelaufen. Mittlerweile ist es Dreiviertel neun und es dämmert längst. Benny wollte ja unbedingt so spät los. Nach 4,5h um 21:15 Uhr am Auto angekommen. Heimfahrt bei Vollmond mit wildschweinfamilie am Straßenrand. Evi schläft im Auto schnell ein. Benny und ich duschen fix, genießen noch etwas die Ruhe zu zweit und gehen auch schlafen.
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    • Day 7

      Bergdorf vom XIII Jhd. Fourt aux boux

      August 11, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Pooltag bis 16 Uhr. Genau evis Welt. Bücher lesen. Vor allem bei evis lesen wir ganz eifrig mit. 15 min fahrt zur Burg. Wanderung durch kleinen Wald schnitt, dann durchweg durch einen riesigem felsüberhang. Noch etwas mehr bergauf und schon sind wir am Eingang. 6 Euro für die Erwachsenen und wir haben kein Geld dabei. Der Mann ist so nett und macht uns kurz darauf das Angebot, dass wir rein dürfen und das Geld nach der Wanderung unten in den Briefkasten legen sollen. Dankend nehmen wir dies an und beginnen unsere Tour mit deutschem burgplan in Bennys Hand. Es geht stetig bergauf, benny erzählt Geschichten über Geschichten um evi auf Trab zu halten. Es ist nicht einfach nur eine burgbesichtigung. Wir merken schnell nicht nur anhand der Schilder, dass es um und herum echt schnell einfach bergab geht. Alles wurde auf einem sehr großen Berg umgeben von Tälern erbaut. Vereinzelt findet man schilder die immer wieder darauf hinweisen Kinder hier im Blick behalten zu müssen, "die Besichtigung der Burg ist sehr gefährlich". Nachdem wir das Bergdorf durchquert haben, ging es weiter nach oben, vorbei an Zisternen, kornlagern, kleinen Höhlenhäusern, über Gräben hinweg - heute über aus Stein bebaute, damals zugbrücken- endlich zum burgeingangstor. Quer hindurch bis hoch hinauf. Rund herum geht es nahezu senkrecht viele Meter weit runter, und der Blick war beeindruckend in alle Richtungen. Erneutes echo-Abenteuer für uns. Mich erinnert das Land hier an die Gegend aus "ein Land vor unsere Zeit", Vögel fliegen in der Ferne unter uns. Runterwärts gehen wir den Weg über eine geheime Brücke. Sehr sehr steil Bergab, oder besser trepp-ab. Durch Wald wieder heim. Geld in den Briefkasten mit lieben "merci" getan und heimfahrt angetreten, im Sonnenuntergang. Wir hatten nun noch fix die Idee von unserem nahegelegenen Bergdorf bonnieux diesen zu bestaunen. Der Plan ging auch voll auf. Ziemlich weit oben sind wir einfach rechts reingebogen auf einen Parkplatz, und wir landeten direkt bei der höchsten Kirche des Dorfes mit Blick gefühlt über die gesamte Provenz, über die typischen, gestaffelten Dächer hinunter, Wälder, obstanbauten, Zypressen die an Straßenrändern stehen, und das alles bei zunehmend knallrotem Sonnenuntergang. Perfekter tagesabschluss. 8min Heimfahrt in serpentine quer durchs Dorf weil die Straßen so eng sind und oft nur für Einbahnstraße ausreichen. Duschen, Spieleabend. Den Plan für morgen nochmal besprochen und ab ins Bett.Read more

    • Day 6


      October 7, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Weiter Richtung Süden fanden wir eine überaus angenehme Unterkunft mit whirlpool. Das Städtchen welches wir uns ausgesucht haben, war allerdings sehr verschlafen und viel Unternehmungen haben wir die Tage nicht getan, Entspannung und gutes Essen lag im ZentrumRead more

    • Day 5

      Nass geworden

      August 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Was passiert, wenn man bei drohendem Starkregen so lange wie möglich offen fahren möchte?
      Seht ihr hier! Dafür sind wir jetzt Profis darin, den kleinen Gepäcksack zügig vom geöffneten Verdeck zu entfernen und das Dach schnell zu schließen. 😅Read more

    • Day 5

      Der Himmel öffnet sich

      August 17, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Der Starkregen hat deutlich nachgelassen und wir fahren wieder offen weiter. Überall steht das Wasser ordentlich auf der Straße, es bleibt also Vorsicht geboten.
      Das Unwetter ist danach nach Montpellier abgezogen und hat dort für überflutete Autobahnen gesorgt. Einige Rallyeteilnehmer konnten daraufhin im Auto mit Badelatschen weiterfahren.Read more

    • Day 11

      A Roman Sendoff from Caumont

      August 31, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Our week long stay in Caumont has all too quickly drawn to a close. It only seems such a short time ago that all we crowded into the taxi for our ride from Avignon. Now our week has flown by and it is time to bid farewell to this funny little community that has been our temporary home in Provence. Unfortunately the run of scorching weather has shown no sign of abating and that has somewhat restricted what we could actually do while we were here.

      On this, our final morning, we decided to forego our daily walk and just meet at the coffee shop instead. We had been aware that the village was planning to conduct its first ever Roman festival and we all wanted to see just what happened. While we enjoyed our coffees, the villagers gradually emerged from their homes dressed in a varied assortment of togas, bedsheets and improvised armour. It was a bit like a primary school pantomime, but we were really touched at the simple way they were enjoying themselves in such a harmless and unsophisticated way.

      At first they seemed a little reticent to emerge. I suspect each person was waiting to see if anyone actually turned up, before they potentially made a fool of themselves. Gradually the trickle of people became a stream as the assembly was swollen by whole family groups. Some had really gone overboard with their efforts, producing elaborate costumes, swords, helmets and such. One small guy came bedecked with a red beard, sword and shield. I thought they he looked like he had stepped straight out of the Lord of the Rings as he looked more like a hobbit than a fearsome Roman soldier.

      The real highlight of the morning came when a few horses were added into the mix. Two of these had been dressed in Roman type trappings and the proud riders were happy to ride back and forth. Apart from the cigarette hanging from the mouth of one of the riders, they could have almost looked genuine. It was an incredible finish to our stay in this town and we would have liked to stayed longer. Unfortunately we had to pack up and be ready for our taxi to take us back to Avignon.

      When we returned to the house we found that our landlady had already arrived and was busy toting up our bill. By the time she calculated the final total it was evident that a few more “extras” must have been added. We could have been upset, but we had really had such a great time here that it was just not worth fussing about the details.

      Our taxi arrived only ten minutes later than it was ordered and the driver somehow managed to crush all our luggage into the rear compartment, without resorting to crushing Gordon’s knee caps. About 30 minutes later we were back in Avignon and unloading our luggage onto the L’Estello. Although it was too early for us to board, they were happy for us to drop our luggage and return later in the afternoon. We asked the taxi driver to take us into the centre of the city so that we could have some lunch.

      We found ourselves back at the same café that we had eaten at when we were in Avignon a week earlier. Since we were right outside the Hotel de Ville we were entertained by a regular succession of newly married couples emerging from their civil ceremonies. A group of African drummers and ululating women made sure that the newlyweds were met with a noisy welcome. It was another fascinating insight into the local culture.

      As other team members joined us in the city the group grew steadily and by 5.30 pm we were ready to make our way to the boat. To our enormous relief we discovered that the boat was extremely well air conditioned and it was deliciously cool inside. It was the first time we had felt comfortably cool since leaving Australia. Not so welcome was the diminutive size of our cabins. Apart from Carol and Sam’s luxurious room, the rest of us were allocated rooms about the size of small dog kennels. It will be an interesting time, but that is all part of the challenge. We also found that there will be three Americans sharing the boat with 17 Ghostriders. We could only imagine how difficult that will be for them.

      Tomorrow morning we finally begin our cycling. We can’t wait to get underway.
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    • Day 7

      Sunrise Over Caumont

      August 27, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      It’s amazing what a difference a few hours sleep and a few degrees lower temperature can make. Yesterday we all made the significant discovery that the best time to explore the city was in the wee small hours of the morning, well before the sun rises high in the sky and the place starts to feel like the inside of a pizza oven.

      Buoyed by our early morning foray of yesterday, we made the decision to rise even earlier and head off well before dawn. At 6 am we were underway. The air was still deliciously cool and the evening stars were still twinkling overhead as we walked through the narrow stone alleyways, past the familiar Chapelle de Penitents Blancs and towards the nearby rocky mountain that we had seen the previous day.

      The only problem was that, in the pre dawn gloom, we had difficulty seeing where we were going. I was just hoping that we would be able to successfully avoid planting our feet right on top of one of the many dog turds we had seen in the walkways. While I think we avoided the canine booby traps, finding the path to the top of the mountain proved a more difficult task. After a few tentative attempts, we eventually managed to find something that could have been a path. Or then again, it might not. It was hard to tell, since the entire side of the hill was covered in a type of rocky scree that would have made it very easy to slip and fall. We also had the added difficulty of having to make our way through patches of prickly briar, that scratched our legs at regular intervals.

      By some miracle of navigation and good fortune, we somehow all made it to the summit without suffering a catastrophe. From the top of the mountain we could look down to the village and identify the now familiar landmarks of the large central church, the cemetery and the supermarket. Further in the distance we could see the rugged outlines of the Alpilles, the towering shadow of Mont Ventoux and the closer Vaucluse Plateau.

      We gathered and waited for the sun to finally rise behind the Vaucluse. The sky lightened ever so slowly and the light from the (still obscured) sun illuminated the nearby clouds making them look like molten lava pouring forth from some huge distant volcano. It was certainly a highlight of the trip so far.

      After watching the sun finally make its appearance above the horizon, we carefully made our way back down to the cemetery and to the second large church in the village. It was somewhat fascinating to see the way that the graves were covered in a plethora of small plaques and statues, many of them bearing photos of the deceased.

      By 9 am we found ourselves back in the centre of the village and headed to the Boulangerie to buy some fresh baguettes. To our horror the sign informed us that the shop would be closed until September 2nd. This was yet another reminder that August is the holiday season in France. To our relief there was a “Baguette Plan B” – the local TABAC across the road was acting as a temporary baguette supplier while the regular baker was closed. I am not sure where they were coming from, but the baguettes were still warm when we bought them – and they certainly were delicious. It would have been a crime to wait till we got back to the house before we ate them, so we started to attack them straight away.

      What transpired next was a very pleasant hour spent outside the nearest coffee shop, drinking coffee, eating baguettes and croissants, and happily chatting. The cooler weather had brought out the locals and the entire town was buzzing with life that we had not seen since we had arrived last Saturday. It was agreed that this was a ritual that we must repeat each day for the remainder of our stay.

      After the time at the coffee shop it was time to return to the house to sit out the hottest part of the day. Most of the group decided that an afternoon siesta would be a good idea. In this sort of climate it makes eminent good sense. Gael and Gerry joined us for dinner and by 9 pm it was time to call it a day. It had easily been the most enjoyable day we had had so far, but we were conscious that our time in Provence was passing rapidly.
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    • Day 4

      A Hot Time in Avignon

      August 24, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      There is no doubt that it has been a hot summer in Provence and it is not showing any signs of ending any time soon. The forecast is for a never ending succession of temperatures in the mid 30s – not exactly ideal conditions for a group of elderly Australians who have freshly arrived from the middle of a bleak Melbourne winter.

      At least our hotel room was very nicely air conditioned, allowing us to enjoy a very comfortable night’s rest. We arrived at breakfast just as a large group of lanky (and obviously very hungry) teenagers had devoured everything in sight. They had even used up all the crockery. For a while I thought I would have to eat off my breakfast tray, but managed to persuade the serving girl to bring out some extra plates. Catastrophe averted. Breakfast saved.

      We had previously decided to spend the morning exploring the city before the temperature soared too high. It did not take long for us to realise that we were too late. Even by 10 am the heat was almost overwhelming. Our group staggered down the main street while the women took every available opportunity to stop and take pictures, mostly of inane things like doorknobs and cracked windows. The men found a sign promising “Roman Ruins” and slowly walked in that direction. When we got there the ruins turned out to be rather underwhelming, leaving us wondering why we had wasted the energy. We could have just sat in the shade instead.

      We continued to walk past the very imposing Palais des Papes and even managed to climb to the highest point in the city. Although it gave a panoramic view down to the Rhone River and the famous Pont d’Avignon, we were all too hot and bothered to take much notice of it. We did what any intelligent person would do in similar circumstances – sat in the shade and had lunch at a lovely little restaurant by an ornamental pond.

      For the next seven nights our home will be the small village of Caumont Sur Durance. Our initial plan had been to spend a week pretending we were genuine French people. After searching the internet we thought that Caumont looked like a typical village and then looked for a suitable house to rent for the week. There were five of us who would be sharing the place, so it needed to have sufficient space for us all. Maggie conducted some research and found a likely looking place (at least the pictures looked good), so we made the booking. We had arranged to be at the property by 4 pm, but had no idea how we were going to get from Avignon to Caumont.

      Since we had had such a good experience with the mini bus taxi the previous day, I asked the hotel to organise a similar bus to take us all to Caumont. Although it arrived on time, we soon found that it was not really quite big enough to hold all of us AND our luggage. What followed next was a period of prolonged pushing and shoving by the driver as he tried vainly to cram all our bags into the rear. After many unsuccessful attempts to shut the rear door, we told him to pile the extra cases on top of Gordon instead. So that’s what he did.

      With no less than seven of us jammed inside and with Gordon helplessly pinned under a huge suitcase, we set off on the next stage of our adventure. The map had promised that Caumont was only around 10 km from Avignon, however it really seemed like much further than that, especially for Gordon who had lost all sensation below his belly button.

      We finally arrived at the small hamlet and went in search of our rented house. The entire town is a crumbling collection of old stone houses with tiled roofs. The meandering streets were only barely wide enough for a small vehicle and we initially felt like we were lost in a giant maze. At least we knew that our house was near the church, so we used that for a landmark.

      We were happy to tumble out of the minibus. Gordon was the happiest of all as he worked hard to restore some circulation to his lower legs. We went in search of number 11, Rue Mademoiselle de Perverts (or something like that) and started knocking loudly on the door. A few minutes later it was opened by an elderly Frenchwoman who proceeded to talk nonstop for the next twenty minutes, telling us all the things that were forbidden in her house. Of course we could not understand more than about 4 words of what she was saying. We just wanted to find our rooms and have a rest.

      The house itself is spread haphazardly over about 7 different levels, with rooms branching off in completely random order. The owner had added to this confusion by over decorating it with a profusion of mismatched odds and ends, all of which were eagerly waiting to be either broken or tripped over. She seemed very surprised that we had not brought our own sheets and towels with us from Australia. “If you want me to supply them, you will have to pay for them”, was the message. We also found that we would have to pay for everything else – soap, toilet rolls, gas, detergent, electricity, cleaning, etc, etc. Nothing was provided for free. But it would be our responsibility to water the pot plants. When the landlady finally left, we made ourselves at home by promptly breaking two glasses and almost breaking several other items. I also made an impression on myself by walking into one of the low wooden beams as I was walking down the stairs. I certainly won’t do that again.

      Maggie and I found ourselves in a room on the ground floor. Although it had its own toilet, it was certainly impossible to take a seat and close the door at the same time. Even getting into the toilet required the skills of a consummate contortionist. Once inside you were kept company by a massive collection of starfish and other marine memorabilia. It was going to be an interesting seven days, but that was the aim of this part of the trip. We knew it would be challenging and interesting at the same time. The heat also added an extra degree of difficulty as there was no air-conditioning. We also found that the biggest challenge of all was that the house had no Internet connection.

      I should have mentioned that Gael and Gerry had also learned that we had booked a house in Caumont and thought that it sounded like a good idea. They found another rental home nearby. For the next week there will be seven Australians wandering this place. I wondered if the town would survive.

      We had been assured by several different locals (including our landlady), that there were no cafes in the town, however Google stated otherwise. It showed that there were several within easy walking distance. Can you guess which source of information was correct ? The locals or Google ? If you said the locals, you would be wrong. After the heat of the day had subsided, we went on a walk around the town and found that there were indeed several eateries, a boulangerie and a supermarket. Perhaps the locals had never explored past their own front doors. Strange but true.

      We found a tiny pizza shop that was obviously doing a brisk trade and ordered three pizzas for dinner. An hour later they were ready. At 8 Euros each they were excellent value and were so big that we could only eat about half of them. They would have been even easier to eat if they had been cut into slices. We did not know if the lack of cutting was an oversight or a peculiar feature of this region.

      After the frenetic pace of the past few days it will be lovely to spend tomorrow doing almost nothing.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Département du Vaucluse, Departement du Vaucluse, Vaucluse

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