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Top 10 Travel Destinations Sète
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    • Day 2

      Nach Umwegen in Sete gelandet

      December 26, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Heute haben wir uns vorgenommen, 500 km nach Montpellier zu fahren. Haben ca 8 Stunden dafür gebraucht. Stau!!! Stau!!! Stau!!!
      Auf dem Stellplatz angekommen, haben mich zwei sehr unfreundliche Damen empfangen und mich mit "full, full" abgespeist . Weder guten Tag, noch auf Wiedersehen. Auch kein Tipp, wo man übernachten könnte.
      Mussten dann mit Hänger rückwärts fahren und wenden.
      Haben anschließend einen Campingplatz angefahren, war alles dunkel. Waren zu spät.
      Jetzt haben wir einen wunderschönen Stellplatz direkt am Meer gefunden.
      Schicke euch jeweils ein Bild vom Abend am Strand und unserem Abendessen.
      Morgen früh werden wir noch ein paar Bilder machen. Im Hellen sieht man doch ein bisschen mehr .
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    • Day 15

      Walking Tour of Sète

      April 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We were hosted by a long time friend of Holly's family, Marianne, in Sète. It was a huge pleasure getting to catch up with her over delicious dinners, and we were grateful getting to stay in her appartment for a few nights to feel settled for a short while. We took the opportunity to get off the bikes and explore the city on foot for a day, after which we took a real 'rest' day that didn't involve walking over 10 km!Read more

    • Day 5

      Bauernaufstand der 2.

      January 27 in France ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Bin heute morgen schon vor Sonnenaufgang gestartet, da die Proteate und autobahn Sperrungen noch bis Montag andauern. Hatte eine schöne Fahrrt durche Rhonetal mit viel Lkws. An vielen Kreiseln lagen no h die verbrannten Müllberge der Barrikaden bauenden Bauern. Ob die das selber wegräumen wäre nicht gerade revolutionär. Ich frage mich auch wer die Einahmeausfälle der privaten Autobahnbetreiber zahlt. So ein CEO kann doch seinen Anteilseignern nicht erklären das das nun mal höhere Gewalt ist. Rein rechtlich sind die Millionen Einahmeverluste ein Vermögensschaden. Ich glaube aber nicht das der Bauernverband zur Kase gebeten wird bei der Macht die er in Frankreich hat. Vielleicht kriegt das Unternehmen Ausgleichszahlungen über Steuern. Arme Franzosen. Die ganze Geschichte fing damit an das der Handelsminister die Handelskonzerne dazu verdonnert hat die Inflation nicht so anzuzeigen, weil die aber auf die Gewinne nicht ht verzichten wollten haben sie mit der Marktmacht die Erzeugerpreise gesenkt was wiederum die Farmer erzürnte.Read more

    • Day 434

      Bouzigues and Sete

      May 31, 2020 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Frontignan was OK but a bit dreary so we set off the next morning planning on going to the Bassin de Midi in Sète. The journey wasn’t long but we missed the morning bridge lifting and the next one wasn’t until 19:15 so we headed north on the Etang du Thau and crossed to Bouzigues the harbour wasn’t very big but there was a UK registered boat on the visitors quay and he said he would move as was only there getting ready to sail. We thanked him and after waiting eased ourselves carefully in, the space was only a little bigger than we were. Bouzigues was small and pretty obviously it would usually have been full of tourists but we were able to wander around and buy an ice cream so we were happy.
      Next day after following Alex’s live HIIT class we decided to head back towards Sète but this time we would just anchor off and use the dinghy to take in the sights from the river. Well best laid plans and all that, we inflated the dinghy but the outboard wouldn’t start so new plan row ashore and walk around town instead. It was lovely walking along the river/canal towards the sea, then up around the headland to the lighthouse and then up to St Clare’s Mount and the chapel of our lady of Salette and wonderful views, we could even see Take Five. Back down for another ice cream before returning to the boat. This will probably be our last time at anchor until we reach North coast of France.
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    • Day 10


      November 9, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Pünktlich um 12.00 Uhr packen die Marktbetreiber ihre Stände zusammen. Das Mittagessen lockt. Wir schlendern über den Blumenmarkt runter zum Hafen. Die Restaurants füllen sich so langsam. Die Kunden"catcher" geben sich allergrößte Mühe möglichst viele Gäste in ihr Restaurant zu ziehen. Wir bummeln die Straße erst einmal auf und ab, bevor wir ins entscheiden. Wir bereuen unsere Wahl nicht. Gegessen haben wir Austern / Teille Setoise und Doradenfiket / Muscheln mit Pommes frites.Read more

    • Day 10

      Wochenmarkt in Sete

      November 9, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der Besuch des Seter Wochenmarktes ist für uns obligatorisch, da er aus unserer Sicht neben dem in Pezenas zu den schönsten der Gegend gehört.
      Das Wetter spielt auch mit, und so erreichen wir die quirlige Hafenstadt gegen 10.30 Uhr.
      So leer wie heute haben wir das Parkhaus unter dem Kanal an einem Mittwoch noch nie erlebt. Von hier sind es nur ein paar Schritte zum Markt. Sofort empfängt uns ein verführerischer Duft von Paella und anderen südländischen Leckereien aus der Pfanne.

      Die Hits des Tages sind die immensen Angebote an Pilzen. Solche Mengen habe ich noch nie gesehen. Steinpilze und viele mir unbekannte Sorten landen schnell in die Einkaufstaschen der Kunden.

      Besonders beeindruckt bin ich von den Schwammpilzen, den Clavariaceae. Dabei handelt es sich um "Waldpilze , von denen es viele Arten gibt, meist weißlich oder gelb, blumenkohl- , korallen- oder trommelstockförmig .
      Die Clavaires sind fast alle essbar, jedoch ohne große Finesse."

      Alles in allem ist es verglichen mit unserem Besuch hier im vorigen Jahr ziemlich leer auf dem Markt. Die Taschen der Kunden sind auch bei weitem nicht so gefüllt.

      Sehenswert sind jedes Mal wieder die Stände in der Markthalle.
      Viele Betreiber haben ihre Ware derart verlockend angeordnet, dass es schwerfällt nicht direkt zuzugreifen.

      Doch heute bleiben unsere Taschen leer, denn wir wollen gleich unten am Hafen zu Mittag essen.
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    • Day 42

      Getting Sète-lled

      September 7, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Up early, we tidied the cabin and got to the campground reception at opening time to adjust our checkout time. Despite having days to relax and think about our checkout plan, we hadn’t given a thought to the afternoon train we’d booked. The staff were very relaxed and understanding so we used the extra time to grab a last coffee at a cafe and walk through Souillac. We got back to the cabin in time for our inventory check, that went quickly. So despite delaying everything for as long as possible, we were ready to leave even earlier than expected. We had one last swim and adjusted our packs again to prepare for the dreaded walk up the main hill road in Souillac during the midday sun.

      After dragging our packs from the cabin to reception for some final admin tasks, we completely folded in the face of the uphill walk and decided to try our luck with Uber. It didn't seem likely that Uber would be available in quiet Souillac, but the app loaded and gave us hope for a while. Of course, it didn’t work - if there were Ubers in Souillac, they certainly weren’t available during lunchtime in rural France. However, when you’re facing the idea of 30 minutes uphill with 20kg+ bags in the scorching heat of a central France heatwave, you try harder. After some attempts to translate French through the phone and then enlisting the help of the friendly campground restaurant staff, we managed to arrange a taxi ride.

      We arrived at the station, still quite sweaty but very grateful. We waited a while at Souillac station and finally boarded our train to Sète, a port city on the south coast of France. The travel was straightforward, with just one connection at a major Toulouse station and took about four hours. Upon arrival, we walked with our packs to the apartment we had booked, approximately 10 minutes from the station. I left Vikum briefly to pick up the key from the management agency a few blocks away. The walk took me along the port canals, which looked beautiful in the late afternoon sun. Sète had a different feeling compared to both Paris and Souillac.

      We entered our apartment, climbing a steep, old flight of stairs, and struggled with the ancient French key and lock. But our efforts were rewarded with a very modern, tidy apartment. And it had air conditioning! Feeling quite tired, I realized how exhausted I was, so I rested while Vikum kindly took care of the laundry. We walked to the local supermarket near the apartment and noticed that groceries in the south of France were much more expensive compared to the rest of the country. We put together a makeshift fajita meal.

      At this point, my nose started to feel stuffy, and my throat was a bit sore. We recalled that Vikum had a scratchy throat while in Souillac, so I assumed I might be coming down with a cold. I went straight to bed to rest in the hopes of preventing the cold from persisting.
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    • Day 5

      Zum Sonnenaufgang an den Strand

      July 22, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Die Kinder wollten gern zum Sonnenaufgang an den Strand. Wir sind zusammen hingefahren, Tina und ich sind mit dem Fahrrad nach Sète und zurück gefahren und sind anschließend schwimmen gegangen. So hatten die Kinder 2 Stunden Zeit, um schöne Fotos und Videos vom Sonnenaufgang zu machen.Read more

    • Day 44

      Coastal retreat in Sète

      September 9, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Our time in Sète was been a blend of relaxation and healing. I unfortunately couldn't escape the grasp of a relentless cold and spent a full day cocooned in blankets, binge-watching "The Office" and napping. Vikum did the kind work of cooking, and taking care of things while my health improved.

      When I began to feel a bit better, we took gentle strolls along the canals, admiring the boats drifting lazily in the water. Evenings were dedicated to home-cooked meals and enjoying the air-con. It was a forced but comforting respite from any potential travel-weariness. The timing of the sickness was, in one way, serendipitous as we avoided watching the Rugby World Cup opening ceremony and the All Blacks vs France game at a bar surrounded by Frenchmen (a positive given the outcome of that match: a significant loss for the All Blacks).

      In the midst of my recovery, we messaged with family as well as friends, like Paul and Myra, who were also travelling The Netherlands in a campervan. This was a homely comfort that was much appreciated while being sick in a foreign country. As my cold slowly receded, we used the opportunity to bus out to the beach (Plage du Lido/Plage Baleine), where we had our first swim in the Mediterranean Sea. I loved it, of course, but Vikum was seriously hooked. From Sète onwards, Vikum has taken every possible opportunity to swim I think. The sun's warmth at the beach was therapeutic, and we savoured ice cream and treats to ease the self-pity from sickness. Though, truth be told, it wasn't all that hard to endure. After all, where else would you want to be when you're feeling under the weather but in the South of France. I can’t tell you how thankful I was to be by the beach and in the comfort of an air-conditioned apartment during this time!
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    • Day 5

      Fähre 2

      January 27 in France ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Was die Menschen alles transportieren. Unzählige Kastenwagen, die Federn auf Block, die Fahrer stehen häufig 12 Stunden im Zoll 24 Stunden Schichten und immer von hier nach da. Eine ewige Transporterarmada. Und Alles zum glücklich werden.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sète, Sete

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