Day 66, Tbilisi! Eka!

Departed Turkey and arrived in Tbilisi this afternoon. This is one part of the trip that I have been most anticipating - meeting my zoom students from Georgia. Tonight was the first. Eka, an artist,Read more
Departed Turkey and arrived in Tbilisi this afternoon. This is one part of the trip that I have been most anticipating - meeting my zoom students from Georgia. Tonight was the first. Eka, an artist,Read more
Vendredi midi, en arrivant à Kutaisi avec les vélos, Dimitri et moi nous rendons compte d’un drame. Pendant le repas, Dimitri ouvre un message lui annonçant une soirée à Tbilisi, avecRead more
Two tales today because I was in Tbilisi and Mark travelled to the wine region of Khaketi. Tbilisi first: One of the students I have met with the longest is Nick. Nick just turned 12. I’ve known himRead more
Mtskheta is the spiritual center of Georgia, set at the confluence of two rivers about an hour outside of Tbilisi, where Christianity was first introduced to the country. Ironically, it is where weRead more
We had a free morning. (Mark slept and I got a pedicure.) Our schedule in the afternoon was to go to the Georgian School (1st-12th grade). I have several contacts with the school (Mariam’sRead more
Once upon a time a Georgian man moved to Russia and became an oligarch. He returned to Georgia with his billions to become president and keep ties friendly with the king of oligarchs - Putin. He alsoRead more
Ein freier Tag...beinahe...., aber nach dem Umparken auf einen neuen Stellplatz beim Schildkrötensee in Tiflis, waren wir frei. Keine Führungen und Meetings. Mit einer alten, aber anscheinend nochRead more
Oberhalb von Stepantsminda liegt die berühmte Gergeti Dreifaltigkeitskirche, unser erstes Ziel heute Morgen. Wir sind früh genug da und können den Ort und die Ausblicke ungestört genießen. BeiRead more
Today was essentially a vacation from our vacation since it is Bright Monday, a very significant national holiday when Georgians celebrate the resurrection by visiting the graveyards where loved onesRead more
Angekommen, die Grenze hat uns Gottseidank nur 20 min gekostet . Klaus chauffiert uns perfekt, und jetzt steht der zuverlässige Herbert ganz safe unter Weinranken und wir entern die StadtRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Tbilisi, Tiflis, Қарҭ, ትብሊሲ, تبليسي, ܛܒܝܠܝܣܝ, Тбилиси, Горад Тбілісі, তিবিলিসি, ཁྲེ་བྷི་ལི་སི།, تبلیس, Tıflis, Τιφλίδα, Tbiliso, Thbilisi, تفلیس, Tbilissi, Tbilisy, Tbilisi - თბილისი, טביליסי, थ्बिलीसी, Tbiliszi, Թբիլիսի, TBS, Tíblisi, トビリシ, 트빌리시, Tibîlîsî, Triphelis, Ттуплис, Tiblisi, Tbilisis, Тбилис, त्बिलिसी, Тбилиси ош, تبلیسی, Tiblíssi, திபிலீசி, ทบิลิซิ, تبىلىسى, Тбілісі, طفلس, Tibilisi, ქართი, 第比利斯
Is she the penguin artist?
Traveler Yes!
Traveler Will you ask her to do a drawing for me? I’ll pay!