Kreisfreie Stadt München

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    • Dag 13


      22. juli 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Despite having a few days in Munich, most of our exploring was done either at night or in rain so there's not a lot of photos to share. There was also a lot of infrastructure and restoration work happening so a lot of potential photos were spoiled by scaffolding and worksites. Even so, we really enjoyed exploring old town and the city more broadly.Les mer

    • Dag 50

      Tour Day 1 - Munich

      9. juli 2023 ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Today we woke up and had a buffet breakfast at the hotel which was delicious and had all the classics like meats, cheeses and bread rolls, a perfect German brekky. We then got ready and packed, walking to another hotel to start our tour. The hotel was packed with people all meeting and starting tours, 3 were starting today. Bags, humans, chaos everywhere. We found our guide and took our bags to a storage room. Next we all met in the breakfast room and had a chat about tour expectations. Everyone seemed very nice but very different walks of life.
      We then walked to the train station to head into Munich. It was incredible watching our guide try to teach people how to use public transport and then watch everyone scuttle to get on the trains. We finally made it to the city and it was gorgeous. Everywhere you turned there was more beautiful, old buildings. We had an orientation tour showing us mostly churches, then were taken to one of the most famous beer halls in the world. We sat down and a couple from the tour from America sat with us too. Erin and I had a few beers and some food, all were so good! The vibes were unmatched too, there was a live Oompa band playing and the building was beautiful.
      Next Erin guided us on a tour of the city. So many big, grand buildings, lovely outdoor spaces and a park with a river. A bunch of people had their feet in the river so we sat down and did the same. It was super refreshing. We then went into one of the churches which was gorgeous. It was then time to find a pub to watch the formula one in. We went to the Irish/Aussie pub and it was on all the screens. It was a great vibe and such an exciting race. Lots of beer later, we headed to dinner. We were running one minute late and somehow were the last to get there. So we have a slight reputation of being late, leading to much banter being thrown our way.
      Dinner was very nice, we sat with an Australian and Canadian couple who were lovely. The Australian couple have adopted the role of tour experts, so it will be interesting to watch that unfold. We caught the train back to the accommodation and got our rooms. Erin and I watched selling sunsets and then headed to sleep.
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    • Dag 1

      Jour 1 - de Paris à Munich 🇩🇪

      30. juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Voici les News du premier jour du voyage ! 🇩🇪
      Nous avons commencé notre journée par un réveil à 5h du matin, la nuit fut assez courte car les derniers réglages des paquetages se sont faits jusqu’à 1h du matin la veille 😅
      Nous avons pris un départ de Paris Gare de l’Est à 6h55 et sommes arrivés à 12h30 à Munich avec une correspondance à Stuttgart.

      Les vélos ayant été démontés la veille, nous avons dû les remonter à notre arrivée à Munich. Nous sommes ensuite allés déjeuner dans une auberge typique bavaroise des Rahmschnitzel et des Jagerschnitzel.
      Nous avons visité une partie du centre ville en nous baladant vers Marienplatz, le Frauenkirche, le nouvel Hôtel de Ville de Munich et l’église Saint-Pierre de Munich.

      La journée s’est terminée avec un dîner dans un restaurant bavarois / balkanique où nous avons découvert les Cevapcici et les Raznjici !

      Au final, c’était une grosse journée avec 13km de marche en plus de la fatigue du voyage, mais nous avons pu visiter l’hypercentre et goûter des spécialités !
      Toute l’équipe va bien dormir pour redémarrer en forme demain pour notre dernier jour de visite de Munich !
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    • Dag 111

      The rest of our day in Munich

      10. juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Miles: 6.0 Steps: 15782
      Flights stairs: 7

      After we visited Dachau, and picked ourselves up off the floor figuratively, we headed out exploring Munich. Honestly, we could have just headed back to our hostel as it was so upsetting to go thru, but we only have one day here so didn’t have that luxury.

      We went over to the Olympic park, where they held the 1972 summer games. It’s really neat to see how these cities have repurposed these massive areas built for the Olympics. Munich has made much of it useable for the people today. Germans close down almost every building that can be on Sundays - and they are known for going out and enjoying themselves. We could see that today at the park. So many families out.

      Then we headed into old town - saw the town hall and squares. There are protests in almost every city over the Ukraine situation. Today tho I believe this one was regarding Bosnia. And it’s unbelievable how many pride flags we see in every country - love it!!

      Eventually we found ourselves in the very historical Hofbraeuhaus Beer Hall. It is over 500 years old - strangely, we started our day at a concentration camp and ended it at a beer hall where Hitler once stood. I’ve only had a sip or two of other peoples beer over the years - never enjoyed the taste or the smell. But today, couldn’t let Jordan drink alone so had my first! Figured why not start big … so had a full liter. Can’t say I enjoyed it that much, but didn’t hate it either. 🍺
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    • Dag 3

      Munich by train bus bike and by foot!

      27. august 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Saturday in Munich did not disappoint! Started with THE most wonderful breakfast, we could’ve stayed and stayed!
      So many sights, a real melting pot of so many cultures, food and language-such a vibrant city. We visited Dachau with an outstanding guide (rivaled Richard from London), unreal to be standing where thousands have suffered. Truly a time solemn reflection.
      Then on to biking our way to and through the English Gardens in Munich - to say Munich is a bike friendly city is quite the understatement.
      Now we are enjoying a lovely evening with dinner and the off to Hofbrau to dance on the tables…
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    • Dag 3

      A beer at Hofbrauhaus

      24. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      No visit to Munich is complete without having a litre of beer at the world famous Hofbrauhaus. I didn’t really want to, but thought I should “take one for the team” and check it out.

      It’s a massive hall and it was absolutely chockers… but we eventually found a table and ordered some German cuisine. I had German Sausage with mustard and potato salad. Nicky had spinach dumplings in a blue cheese sauce. It was a simple meal, but absolutely delicious.

      And then there’s the beer… I don’t think I’ll be able to drink a Great Northern or XXXX again. It is the best beer I’ve had in ages. I can’t put my finger on exactly what the difference was, but it was delightful.

      Check out the photo of the men's urinal... obviously a lot of beer to get rid of. I wanted to stand in the centre and see if I could hit all of them, but they frowned on that for some reason... 😂

      Unfortunately, the Oompah Band went on extended break before I could get a video, but that was a good excuse to go back the next day. So now we have a video.

      Overall, a delightful end to the day…
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    • Dag 6

      Christmas Markets

      27. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      The Munich Christmas Markets opened today, so we decided to wander around and check things out.

      It was a nice day, but a little on the chilly side. So we had to make sure we kept ourselves topped up with the medicinal Glühwein.

      The markets were lovely, but being opening night it was absolute chockers. So we went and had another Glühwein... 😁
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    • Dag 28

      Auer Dult

      16. oktober 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      This was our last day in Munich. It was very chilly but we still enjoyed the city. The first pic is of one of the old gateways into the city. As you walk through, you enter the pedestrian shopping area which is about 3/4 of a mile long. It’s actually been disappointing to see that Germany is losing its uniqueness and you see American stores and things everywhere.
      Pic 2 is a fun view of the Frauenkirche that I showed you yesterday. Pic 3 is of the Bavarian courthouse.
      In the afternoon we went to the Auer Dult. It’s a housewares market and also a carnival for the kids. It takes place 3 times a year. I remember going there so was excited when I saw an ad for it! The rest of the pics are from there. As you can see, they sell everything imaginable. It was fun just to wander around.
      Our month long vacation has come to an end. Thanks for hanging in there with me as I journaled our travels. It’s been a good mixture of memories, vacation and seeing special family and friends. But I must admit, now we are ready to come home!!

      Highlight of the day: one more day in Munich!
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    • Dag 7


      11. oktober 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      I got to tour Dachau this morning....there are really no words that can describe the 3.5 hours I spent there. Our guide was incredible and I learned a lot that was never taught in school.

      My friends and I opted for a relaxing afternoon considering our morning. We took the tram to Nymphenburg Palace and walked the gardens for a few hours, which were absolutely beautiful.

      We took the tram back to the city center where I met two friends from home for dinner and beers. I will miss the Augustiner Helles.

      Off to Switzlerand tomorrow!
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    • Dag 20

      München Altstadt, Eisbach 👍

      21. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Dernière journée complète de vacances à München Altstadt (vieille ville) sous un soleil de plomb.

      Matinée : café chez Ricardt près de la cathédrale Frauenkirche, puis église St Michael, cathédrale, retour à la superbe Marienplatz, découverte intérieure de la mairie Rathaus qui fait toute la beauté de la place, puis Viktualienmarkt (marché des victuailles) effectivement très sympa avec ces grands kiosques en dur et toutes ses tables qui accueillent énormément de Munichois et touristes à longueur de journée.

      Pause déj dans la plus vieille brasserie de München : Hofbrau (HB) sous des voûtes très baroques, accompagnés d'un orchestre de musique bavaroise. Mention spéciale pour leurs Bretzel XL délicieux et leur Kaiserschmarrn caramélisé accompagné de compote de pommes. Pas de chope de bière Hofbrau en dessous d'1L. Mais il faisait très chaud, il fallait s'hydrater 😉😂 très bonne ambiance et service très sympa !

      Puis nous sommes passés voir la Residenz, résidence des monarques bavarois du 14e siècle au 20e siècle. Très déçus par l'aspect extérieur trop "sobre" presque caserne militaire d'autant plus qu'elle était en chantier au niveau de sa cour centrale.

      Nous avions trop chaud pour continuer à arpenter les rues en plein soleil avec 34 degrés et avons juste traversé la rue pour nous rendre dans le jardin de la Residenz : le Hofgarten et son joli pavillon /temple dédié à Diane.
      Il y faisait un poil plus frais mais encore très chaud, nous avons décidé d'un moment de pause dans les jardins de l'Englischer Garten attenant au bord de la rivière Isar pour y trouver un peu plus de fraîcheur. Et, tant qu'à faire, voir si nous pouvions y admirer les surfeurs de la vague Eisbach, un bras de l'Isar 😁
      Pas déçus 👍 autant la vague sur l'Eisbach en sortie de pont, que le nombre de surfeurs qui s'y entraînent également, attendant patiemment chacun leur tour, sont impressionnants. Le camion de pompier est présent en permanence ...
      Mais encore plus délirant et on a adoré, à quelques mètres, des Munichois en maillots de bain, qui se jettent de part et d'autre de la berge dans le courant de la rivière et se laissent emporter sur quelques mètres pour remonter quelques mètres plus loin, en pleine ville et cela semble une institution 👍😁

      Tom et Pierre-Louis s'y sont essayés, sans maillot de bain mais peu importe, ils y sont retournés et retournés, bien rafraichis ! Nous avons passé l'après midi jusque 17h30 sur les bords de l'Isar à nous régaler du spectacle de ces plongeons permanents 👍

      Puis, déjà nos petites habitudes, nous avons fini notre périple par une soirée au même endroit que là où nous l'avions commencé et qui résume tellement bien ce que nous avons aimé dans ce séjour : au Biergarten de la brasserie Augustiner 😍
      Un bout de nature, un lieu de convivialité, sans chichis, avec une bonne musique bavaroise d'ambiance dont cet accueillant "Ein Prosit ein Prosit🎶", où tout ce qui compte est d'arrêter un peu le temps et de passer un bon moment de découvertes ensemble tous les 4 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
      Ne manquait que le paysage des montagnes 🗻 😁
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    Kreisfreie Stadt München, Kreisfreie Stadt Munchen, München, Munich, Urban District, ville-arrondissement

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