Radolfzell am Bodensee

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    • Day 126

      Vom Hohentwiel zum Schinderhannes

      November 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Heute 18km

      Und heute Nassnassnass.
      Und heute 3000km überschritten 🏃
      - jetzt schlägt's Dreizehn

      Ich laufe weiter.. Morgen.
      Morgen auch nass.
      Übermorgen erst recht, heisst es..
      Mal schauen.
      Übermorgen ist Deutschland zu Ende.
      Dann geht's rüber.
      Mehr schreib ich heute nicht.
      Zur LeserInnenschonung.
      Trotzdem schön hier.

      P.s.:Der Schinderhannes ist keine Anspielung auf meinen kommenden Trailangel übermorgen. Er ist eine historische Figur. Er war ein Räuber, dem 211 Straftaten zur Last gelegt wurden. Mann Mann Hannes!

      Gute Nacht 🌙
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    • Day 3


      May 9 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Heute ist in Singen nicht viel los, da Feiertag ist. Die impossante Burgruine Hohentwiel ist sehenswert. Der Hohentwiel ist ein wuchtiger Vulkanschlot. Interessant war auch der Friedhof, voll Bärlauch der Geruch verbreitet eine wohltuende Atmosphäre.Read more

    • Day 2

      Quer durch die Schweiz

      July 8, 2017 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Bereits früh am morgen machten wir uns auf den Weg, die Schweiz zu durchqueren. Nach der Überquerung des Grimselpasses (mit nur 67 PS ist das gar nicht so einfach...), fuhren wir zu Gasser's nach Thun. 🍖🍗🥗
      Später trafen wir Nicole und das Geburtstagskind Simon an einer Raststätte in der Nähe von Winterthur. 🎉 ☕️
      Durch die heftigen Gewitter hindurch, kamen wir nach Deutschland. Die ersten beiden Campings waren bereits voll, beim dritten hatte es noch einen tollen Platz mit Seeblick. 😊
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    • Day 7

      Ausfahrt aus Deutschland

      July 25 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Das Quintett ist voll. In Kreuzlingen überqueren wir die Grenze in unser fünftes Nachbarland und geniessen dort die pure Natur. Nach kurzem Aufstieg zu einem lauschigen Seelein entdecken wir einen herzigen Laden mit lokalem Kunsthandwerk und Verpflegen uns köstlich in der Almhütte. 🥺 Hilfe, wo ist die Ausfahrt? Wir wollten doch nur eine Badehose kaufen. 🙃Read more

    • Day 17

      Day 17 - parkrun day!

      September 21 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Before we arrived at this site, I’d had a look and mentioned to Charlie there’s a parkrun less than 30 mins away. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to go for a nice, flat run so we made plans to head over to Hockgraben parkrun. We checked out the parking situation days ago, so last night in preparation we just did a double check on Google maps, and what do we see..:.. a 1.8m height restriction and we are almost 3m. We messaged the parkrun team who were super helpful and suggested a side road we should be ok to park on. Alarms went off at 5:45 (shock to the system!), Marla had an early breakfast and we packed the van up and off we went. The site owner flagged us down as we got to the exit, he bought our bread rolls to us so they wouldn’t have to sit around on our pitch waiting for us. Very kind of him. We found the area easily enough, and did find a space but there were a lot of signs about limited and restricted parking, with signs that you will be towed away. We couldn’t see anything else suitable so left the van and hopped over to the start to check with the RD - they said it should be fine…
      The volunteers were all very nice welcoming, the pre event brief was held in German then English by the Canadian RD, Gina. 3, 2, 1 and we were off. Charlie ran with Marla (handheld lead only) and I ran on my own - and I really was on my own. There was only 39 participants and finish times ranged from 20 mins to 50 mins, so we were al spread out. Charlie and Marla came 4th in just over 21 mins and I came 31st in 35 mins.
      We made a quick get away once I finished just in case there was any issue with where the van was parked, thankfully all fine!
      One cool thing we’ve noticed in Germany is they have some bridges they’ve built just for animals to cross, they look absolutely beautiful. Charlie managed to snap a photo as we went under one.
      Back to camp for showers and do a load of washing, then the rest of the afternoon was spent hiding from the sun - it’s boiling here! Marla enjoyed laying in the road in front of our pitch and sunbathing.
      Dinner tonight was supposed to have been a curry, but it was far too hot for that so we had some veggie bratwurst that I’d picked up.
      We’ve packed up most the van stuff tonight ready to move camp tomorrow.
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    • Day 16

      Day 16 - Hiking in the heat

      September 20 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Today we explored the trails and hills behind the campsite. From looking at different maps we could tell there were a lot of official footpaths and even some ruins of a castle to explore, so once breakfast had gone down, we set off. Up, up and up was how I would describe the first couple kms of the route. All the trails are very obvious within the forest and well signposted. There was no one else around so we let Marla off lead for a good chunk of the walk. It’s the first time since being away she’s had a proper off lead walk and she needed it! She did ruin it for herself when she found a stinky mud puddle to roll in, thankfully the camp has a warm dog shower and we bought doggy shampoo. We were trying to follow the trails to the ruins, unfortunately we came up against a blocked off path and lots of warning signs confirming the trail was closed. So we followed some other signs for a circular route to explore the woods a bit more before retracing our steps. All in all, a good couple of hours in the woods where it was lovely and cool! Back to camp for lunch and the sun was really starting to warm up, so the afternoon was spent hopping around the pitch trying to find some shade.
      Marla made a friend in the enclosed doggy fields a chocolate Labrador. I’ve no idea what his name was, the owner was very lovely but she didn’t speak English and I don’t speak German so we just smiled and watched the dogs chase each other around the field. With some sign language we managed to say how old the dogs were, they were both three - but the chocolate boy seemed a bit more playful than Marla, so I called time on them after 10 mins. The heat didn’t really ease off, so I treated Marla to a doggy ice cream from the camp shop. They also have a great selection of dog treats that I’m sure we’ll stock up on before leaving. Our dinner tonight was red cabbage, spätzle and frikadellen (vegan). That was super tasty, although we are having some issues with lighting the oven, so it all had to be cooked on the hob. Thank goodness we had enough pans! Our new LPG adapters arrived today, we have double checked and they will definitely work so we will try again and refill our tanks tomorrow while we are out and about or Sunday when we are moving camp.
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    • Day 15

      Day 15 - camping among the apples

      September 19 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Day 15 and we are one sixth of the way through our trip! We have moved further east today, not a massive amount as we found a campsite we really wanted to visit. It was a late checkout this morning, we didn’t have to be off site until midday so we took it nice and easy. I made the most of the amazing showers, even though I wasn’t stinky yet! Then we packed the van up then headed out for a dog walk to make sure Marla was tired out for the short journey and supermarket stop.
      We have been spoilt with being able to walk from site on footpaths into the forest, so we took advance of this and did a good hour out and back. Then off to the supermarket, driving past a convoy of old school tractors!) where it was Charlie’s turn to go in. My only request was for sushi for lunch and some Black Forest gateaux as we’d not managed to have some so far - he did brilliantly. The cake was so light and airy, it was absolutely delicious! And the sushi was super tasty.
      Then off to find some diesel and LPG, this is where we hit our first problem of the trip. We had bought a pack of LPG adapters after doing our research, unfortunately none of these are actually any good for our van! They have the wrong diameter thread… so LPG refill was aborted and the right adapters (we hope!) have been purchased from Amazon and would arrive tomorrow.
      The new site is quite different from all others we’ve been to so far. It’s set among a huge orchard and is a bit smaller and fuller than we’ve stayed on so far. It’s nice, but I feel like we have been squeezed in a bit. There is a small enclosed dog field with a loads of equipment in, so we’ve had a few off lead blasts in there and Marla had the biggest of zoomies when another dog said hello to her through the fence. I think she’s missing regular interaction with other dogs….
      We had a nice light dinner this evening of cous cous, falafel and salad - which was lovely as it’s been a lot warmer this afternoon than we’ve been used to!
      After dinner we had a little stroll around some of the orchards and into the edge of the woods, where we let Marla have some more off lead time - and she promptly found a giant mud puddle 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ thankfully no face rolls, just some muddy paws to deal with.
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    • Day 366

      Ein Jahr unterwegs

      August 27, 2021 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Seit einem Jahr sind wir nun in unserem rollenden Zuhause unterwegs. Von Nord nach Süd, von grossartigen Erlebnissen bis zum "eifach sii". Wir haben die Freiheit, so zu leben, wie es für den bestimmten Moment passt🌝

      ▪17'150km mit dem Wohnmobil, 3'215km mit dem E-Bike und ungezählte km zu Fuss
      ▪meistgebraucht = Korkenzieher🍷
      ▪am meisten gehasst = WC leeren. Da der Mann ja generell fürs "Grobe" zuständig ist, erledigt auch Beat (zusammen mit 99% der männlichen Camper) die Entsorgung des Chemieklos in der auf Stell- und Campingplätzen dafür vorgesehenen "Kammer des Grauens"
      ▪Mythos Wäschetrennung: Unnötig! Alles zusammen rein und "heiss" oder "warm" eingestellt. Die Maschinen im Süden sind da eher rudimentär😅
      ▪Erkenntnis: tägliches Duschen wird überbewertet. Höchste Zeit ist es, wenn die Nachbarn auf Abstand gehen und die Haare in alle Richtungen stehen😉
      ▪Platz: Kein Problem, wir leben grösstenteils in unserem "Garten"
      ▪Minimalismus: Es ist erstaunlich wie wenig man braucht um glücklich und zufrieden zu sein
      ▪"Mitbringsel": So viel Platz war dann doch nicht - ich durfte meine schönen Fundstücke nicht mitnehmen😉
      ▪Zweisamkeit: Erstaunlicherweise brauchen wir gar nicht so viel Freiraum wie gedacht. Nach so vielen von Toleranz geprägten Ehejahren passt es immer noch😍
      ▪Sicherheit: Wir haben uns nie unwohl oder gar bedroht gefühlt. Im Gegenteil, viele freundliche und hilfsbereite Menschen haben unsere Reise bereichert
      ▪Regentage: Hatten wir tatsächlich die meisten im CH und DE Sommer 21, aber doch nicht so viele, dass uns die Decke auf den Kopf fiel
      ▪Corona: In der Nebensaison kein grosses Thema, wir fühlten uns wie in einer Camper-Parallelwelt. Restaurantbesuch haben wir nicht vermisst und die Ausgangssperre ab 22.00 war toll - keine Autos und keine Partygänger🤣
      ▪Schattenseiten: Klar, auch die gibt es. Wenn man z. B. abends noch händeringend ein sicheres Schlafplätzli sucht, weil ein Gewittersturm im Anzug ist. Volle Stellplätze wie im Sommer 21 in der Bodenseeregion. Zahnarztbesuche im Ausland sind auch nicht so toll, vor allem wenn es länger geht😣
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    • Day 4


      May 10 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Zuerst Stadt angesehen, Münsterturm hochgelaufen und die Aussicht genossen. Anschließend am Bodensee entlang spaziert bis Staad und zurück mit Bus und Bahn nach Radolfzell.

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    Radolfzell am Bodensee

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