East Macedonia and Thrace

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Top 10 Travel Destinations East Macedonia and Thrace
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    • Day 6

      Taverna lisse

      November 3, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Heute gabs eine Essenseinladung für mich vom besten Ehemann aller Zeiten. Leider ist das griechische Essen für Marco etwas zu "zwiebellastig". Und so gabs für ihn Kartoffeln und Brot. Der Arme. Dabei war das Bifteki mit Tsatsiki und griechischem Salat vorzüglich. 20,- Euro für zwei Personen incl. Getränk. Da kann man nicht meckern. Hmmmm, da werden bei ihm in den kommenden Monaten wohl ein paar Kilos purzeln. 🤭😜😇
      Morgen geht's weiter nach Iraklitsa, liebe Freunde besuchen.
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    • Day 110

      Thoughts about turkey

      January 11 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Die letzten 3 Tage war ich in der Türkei. Fotos leider keine.. Und ein paar Gedanken warum ich nicht geblieben bin.

      Back to Greece for now ❤️

      Most importantly I don't want anyone to feel personally offended by this post! I am 100% sure that turkey is an amazing Country with lovely people and beautiful landscape!! For me personally traveling alone as a woman I didn't feel very good. It might has been a personal thing or it was just not the right time for me to be in this place.. That's why I didn't stay long. I changed my plans and went back to Greece.
      It's always about giving it a chance, following your dreams and being open to change plans.
      I hope that everyone who will visit turkey will have an amazing time ❤️ I wish the country and its people only the best from the bottom of my heart.
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    • Day 7

      Grenzübergang Griechenland-Türkei

      April 2 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Da hier am Zoll gestreikt wird, können wir momentan die Grenze nicht passieren.
      Dafür stehen wir in der Pole-Position - nur nicht den Humor verlieren und so können wir für die weiteren Grenzen üben. Die LKW Fahrer stehen schon seit 28 Stunden 😳Read more

    • Day 175–176

      Kinira's Seafront

      April 20 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Wir lieben die Stellplätze, die verlassen im Nirgendwo sind. Wo man nichts hört außer Wellenrauschen und Vogelgezwitscher. Der erste Eindruck der Insel ist wundervoll. Sie ist im Frühling wirklich so grün, wie sie beschrieben wird. Es gibt viele Eichen, Platanen und Olivenbäume und dazwischen Zypressen. Wir sind umgeben von Kamille und entsprechend duftet es. Hier können sich in Ruhe ein paar Dinge klären.Read more

    • Day 177


      April 22 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Den Wasserfall haben wir heute leider nicht erreicht, aber den Spaziergang durch den kleinen Ort genossen wir. Dennoch ist der Himmel grau und wir haben das Gefühl, es hängt so viel "Sand" in der Luft, dass man sie "schneiden" könnte. Es kratzt im Hals und brennt in den Augen und unser Charlie ist noch brauner als sonst.
      In Flussnähe ist es sehr feucht und wir waren beeindruckt, wie die alten Bäume sich am Gestein festhalten, indem sie ihre Wurzeln fest durch das Mauerwerk schieben.
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    • Day 30

      One of those days

      April 23 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Yesterday was again one of those special days. I had just cycled 20 km or so and arrived at the Greek coast when suddenly a car overtook me and stoped a few hundred meters further down the road. I could see the guy getting out of his car and waving at me. Ahm… not sure if I did something wrong!? As I came closer, he introduced himself as Nicolas. Nicolas lives just 300 meters away and wants to invite me to his house for breakfast (luckily, I hadn’t eaten my 2nd breakfast yet which was supposed to be a monstrous 190 g heavy chocolate croissant). Without hesitating, I immediately followed him to his house. His wife Georgina and two kids are at home and warmly welcome me. Georgina knows already what’s going on and is not surprised about my visit. Nicolas brings many cyclists to their home because it is located next to a very popular road - one of those gateways that leads cyclists to
      Nicolas is an outdoor enthusiast who is particularly interested in cycling, climbing and hiking. Of course we have many stories to share. He has been to the Bodensee, Freiburg and many other places that are close to my hometown. Also, he shows me some photos from one of his tours to Mount Olympus that was even documented in a Greek sports magazine. Quite impressive what this man has experienced (Should you ever need a mountain guide for Greece, there is certainly no better one than him). We could talk like this for many hours. Nicolas asks me if I want to stay for a night. But I don’t want to be too pushy as he stills has to do some work. Anyway, Nicolas told me about a magic place with hot pools about 40km away. Oh yes, that’s exactly what my body needs and I want to spend the night there!
      Before I left, Nicolas gave me some fresh lettuce and spring onions from his garden. Finally, some vitamins and not only junk food!

      After saying goodbye to Nicolas, I cycled along the coast. It’s still off-season and there are just plenty of dreamlike places for wild camping (no one cares during off-season).

      I arrived at the hot pools and the abandoned houses. The pools are not only outside but also inside the old buildings. Never seen a place like that. The water is up to 40 degrees hot and this is just the perfect recovery for my body. There, I also get to meet another Greek Dimitri and a couple from Graz, Austria. The two Austrians travel with their massive truck towards Georgia and have in fact chosen a very similar route to mine. If I need assistance along the way, I have it now! They invited me for a beer and some snacks.

      As I was walking back to my tent, I spotted a guy that somehow looks familiar. That’s Nicolas over there! He just arrived with his friend and wanted to check on me. What a lovely surprise. We went together to the hot pools and had another vibrant discussion.

      Well, I must also admit that I had my very first kind of awkward situation. I noticed a guy who was straying around the hot pools for some time. I felt a little like being followed. Indeed, he did follow me after some time and asked if I was German and want to have sex with him. Wtf, of course not! Get off you creepy little something. I was not scared of this dwarf, rather, that he would misappropriate my bike and gear that I left behind when I went to the hot pools again (Aleks, the Serbian Destroyer, be prepared my friend). Just to be safe, I took a photo of his registration number. Never saw him again afterwards.

      What a day! I slept like a baby after the hot pools.

      Today is very much the opposite. There’s a strong breeze along the coast and the rain comes from all sides. Seems like the positive effect of the hot pools didn’t last for too long.
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    • Day 31

      Just cycling

      April 24 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today‘s leg included lots of burned land, a safari tour with river crossing (unfortunately without seeing any wild animals except dogs and snakes), and headwind. Latter is one of my most loyal companions on my journey. Still, I managed to make good progress today and arrived in the city of Alexandroupoli, roughly 40km away from the Turkish border - now with over 3000 km on my tachometer. There, I met a group of four Germans in front of Lidl. Coincidentally, their final destination is as well Kyrgyzstan if everything goes according to the plan.
      We pitched our tents at the beach and maybe cycle a few kilometers together the next day.
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    • Day 97–98


      June 19 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Obwohl der Stellplatz super schön schattig unter den Föhren gelegen war, eine Stranddusche vorhanden und viele liebe, hungrige 🐕 vor Ort waren, zogen wir heute um 16.00 uhr weiter. Die grösste Hitze konnten wir so etwas gelassener nehmen. Aber als dann eine Pferdekutsche mit vielen Kindern ankamen, die Platzhunde mit non-Stop Gebell das Pferd wieder loswerden wollten, war des Guten zu viel. Auch wenn wir uns an die letzte Nacht erinnern, als zwischen 3 und 4Uhr ein Hund seine kreative Stunde einlegte, motivierte das auch nicht. Besonders berührt hat uns dann aber eine Aktion eines griechischen Paares, die mit dem Auto in den Wald fuhren und 5 kleine Hunde 🐕 ausluden und wieder gingen. Wir glaubten nicht, dass das jemand macht. Die Kleinen wurden aber schnell von den Platzhunden aufgenommen. Am liebsten hätten wir alle gleich mitgenommen.
      Wir fuhren im angenehm klimatisierten Auto gemütlich der Küste entlang bis vor Dikella, wo wir einen schönen Strandabschnitt fanden, der zwar noch von Badegästen besucht war, um 20 uhr aber leer wurde und wir alleine waren.
      Ein erfrischendes Bad im Meer war nun an der Reihe. Soo schön.
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    • Day 13

      Bye bye ägäisches Meer

      June 12, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Unser letzter Stop in Griechenland 🇬🇷
      Wir haben einen kleinen städtischen Stellplatz gefunden. Abends haben wir im Bistro nebenan ein orientalisch angehauchtes Dinner gegessen. (Zum ersten Mal Kamelfleisch) Wieder ein toller Abend.
      Heute soll es entlang der türkischen Grenze nach Bulgarien 🇧🇬 gehen.
      Also noch ein letztes Bad und dann auf zum schwarzen Meer 🤘🏻…

      Our last stop in Greece 🇬🇷
      We found a small urban campsite. In the evening we ate an oriental-inspired dinner in the bistro next door. (For the first time camel meat) Again a great evening.
      Today it should go along the Turkish border to Bulgaria 🇧🇬.
      So one last swim and then off to the Black Sea 🤘🏻.
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    • Day 3

      Day Three - Via Egnatia to Philippi

      June 13, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Leaving Thessaloniki, we made our way into the country, seeing lots of olive trees, sheep, and Cyprus trees (symbols of eternity). Sue read the Pentecost story from Acts as we drove, which was especially poignant because the Greek Orthodox Church celebrated Pentecost yesterday and today was another holiday to commemorate the Holy Spirit.

      Along the way, we saw the Via Egnatia, which was a road built along the north of Macedonia (northeast Greece). This was a major trade route between Italy and Asia Minor and it also played a major role in the spreading of the gospel message throughout Europe, which is why it is also called the “Christian Road”.

      In Philippi, there is a church and memorial for Lydia and her household, who were the first Christian converts to be baptized on European soil. At “Lydia’s River” Melanie read the passage from Acts 16:11 - 15:
      11We set sail from Troas and took a straight course to Samothrace, the following day to Neapolis, 12and from there to Philippi, which is a leading city of the district of Macedonia and a Roman colony. We remained in this city for some days. 13On the sabbath day we went outside the gate by the river, where we supposed there was a place of prayer; and we sat down and spoke to the women who had gathered there. 14A certain woman named Lydia, a worshiper of God, was listening to us; she was from the city of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul. 15When she and her household were baptized, she urged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come and stay at my home." And she prevailed upon us.

      The basilica at the site was beautiful, full of mosaics and paintings, telling the story of Paul’s calling to Macedonia, Lydia and her household conversion, Paul healing the girl who prophesied, his subsequent arrest and then freedom from jail after the apparent earthquake. A gorgeous church and still relatively new at 60 years old.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    East Macedonia and Thrace, Ανατολική Μακεδονία και Θράκη, Macédoine-Orientale-et-Thrace, Macedonia Orientale e Tracia, 동부 마케도니아와 트라키 주

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