Nomós Evvoías

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Nomós Evvoías
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    • Jour 82

      J86 - On quitte l’Europe

      13 mai, Grèce ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C


      Durant cette semaine de pause, nous avons pu découvrir la ville d’Athènes, à travers ses monuments, ses quartiers, sa population et sa culture.

      Nous avons fait des interventions pendant 1 semaine au lycée franco hellénique Eugène Delacroix.
      Nous avons animé des classes de CP, CE1, CE2, 4eme et 2nde. C’était une expérience incroyable et formatrice, qui nous a appris à nous adapter à différents publics et à faire comprendre à des petits comment on pollue, et comment on peut choisir de se déplacer autrement :)

      C’était aussi une semaine riche en rencontres !
      Nous avons rencontré Céleste et Eloïse, deux étudiantes en service civique au lycée, qui nous ont fait découvrir les bars et les quartiers du centre.
      Nous avons aussi croisé Prune, une amie de promo, en tour d’Europe à vélo et qui fait de l’escalade en Corse, en Italie et en Grèce.

      Enfin, on a profité de la vie à 5 dans notre petit appartement, entre gyros, tzatziki, moments de cohésion, footings et réparation des vélos.

      C’est donc en pleine forme que nous quittons l’Europe dans un ferry de nuit. À notre grande surprise, c’est la cohue générale … des familles grecquo-turques qui remplissent les moquettes trop petites, sans aucune propreté ni savoir vivre...

      Au milieu de tout ça on rencontre par hasard 3 backpackeuses, Émeline, Biancha et Célestine, qui n’est d’autre qu’une amie de DUT de Noémie (la copine de Eliott) ! On joue donc à des jeux pour passer le temps.

      Demain commence un nouveau chapitre : l’Asie ! 😎
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    • Jour 20

      Ein langer Abend

      13 octobre 2022, Grèce ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Während wir heute am frühen Morgen an einigen schönen Griechischen Inseln vorbei gefahren sind, haben wir ein U- Boot gesichtet. 😳🧐
      Nun sind wir in Piräus und haben bereits Proviant, Wasser und Ersatzteile an Bord bekommen. Ebenso haben wir 450 Metrische Tonnen Schiffsdiesel gebunkert.
      Die Sludgeabgabe steht noch bevor.
      Es dauert wohl noch etwas bis Feierabend ist. 😵‍💫🥱
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    • Jour 31

      Le canal de Corinthe

      3 juin 2023, Grèce ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Réputée pour ses raisins, Corinthe est surtout le lieu de passage d'un canal créé par l'homme en 1893 (fin de travaux qui ont duré environ 10 ans).

      C'est une voie d'eau artificielle creusée pour relier la mer Ionienne, à l'ouest, à la mer Égée, à l'est. Le canal de Corinthe fait donc du Péloponnèse une île, puisqu'il perce de part en part cette péninsule au reste du territoire grec.

      Il fut conçu pour éviter aux bateaux d'effectuer un détour de plus de 400km pour passer de l'autre de côté de la Grèce.

      Sur une largeur de 25m et de 87m de haut (avec 8m sumergee), il mesure seulement 6,343km. Nous pouvons voir l'entrée et la sortie assez facilement d'un seul et unique point 😁

      Et la couleur de l'eau, on pourrait croire que nos photos sont retouchées pour avoir un bleu aussi turquoise mais non nous avons pu constater aussi les mêmes couleurs en direct.

      On parle du réchauffement climatique, de la planète qui va mal, des déchets de partout mais notre Terre nous montre chaque jour certains trésors qu'elle a encore en réserve. 🤩🤩🤩

      Dans les années 1980, deux ponts submersibles sont mis en place à l'ouest et à l'est. C'est impressionnant !
      La vidéo est mise en vitesse 2. C'était quand même très lent pour remonter 😇

      Vu à hauteur d'eau, on pourrait croire que les bateaux touchent les bords mais pas de crainte quand on les voit à hauteur de pont il y a encore un peu de place 😅😅

      C'est aussi un point pour faire du saut à l'élastique. La force n'a pas été avec nous pour que nous puissions nous lancer à l'aventure !
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    • Jour 23


      28 août 2022, Grèce ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Today at 5h30 the 98th Comrades marathon got underway. Still in Athens Shirley had a bit of FOMO but we did have a full itinerary ahead of us. The early start was a short 2 klm walk to the ancient Olympic stadium where the plan was to run 🏃‍♂️ on the track. The stadium is so impressive in exceptional condition and completely made out of marble. The stadium is huge and holds 80000 spectators. The bends at the two ends are shorter meaning the straights are a lot longer giving an oblong look to the perfect track. we had fun running and standing on the podium. The museum of the Olympic stadium was not fully open when we arrived. The impressive main auditorium, accessed up a tunnel carved into the rock, has private rooms leading off it, each dedicated to each 4 year games event. The story of the distance of the marathon was interesting, it was Originally 40 klm long and the distance decided by the distance run by the Greek soldier in 490bc. Pheidippides ran in full armour from Marathon to Athens to tell of the Greek victory over the Persians and then dropped dead from exhaustion. At the 1908 games in London the Queen wanted the start to be at Windsor Castle, which added the extra distance to make the race 42.195 klm. Shirley stood at the top of the podium. Great start to the day, we had a coffee and headed to the free 3 hour guided tour. The guides name was Stefan a French man exported from Paris to Athens as he puts it. The walk was filled with excellent commentary and information from this lively little man, What a great way to explore a city Changing of the guards was precisely executed but it’s the background info that really makes it memorable. The Guards are all doing their national service. Being a ceremonial guard is a one year stint and it’s considered very prestigious. The guards stand absolutely still like a human statue for 1 hour at a time. They may not move a muscle and stare straight ahead, if the guard wants to make a report they stamp their rifle and the commander then approached,stands in front and asks questions. The guard answers by blinking 1 is yes 2 is no and 3 is I don’t know. The 8 klm guided walk covered so many sights and went by quickly. 🤨 midday heat and a short rest was followed by wine and beers on an iconic hill, Areopagus, watching the sun set and the Parthenon lighting up. Our first home made meal of the weekend was a toasted sandwich and then falling into bed .En savoir plus

    • Jour 21


      26 août 2022, Grèce ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      It was up at 6 and goodbye Corfu our walk across the island was completed, now for a chance to experience some Greek mythology in Athens. The incongruities of rules were waiting at the airport. We checked in and I was told to take my backpack to the oversize counter ( and pay) needless to say I ignored this and walked to the security check carefully removing the flight tags in order to carry on. I was stopped and told to unpack : a small jar of honey a gift tin of olive oil, bottle of water ,some sun block and two jars of Shirley’s makeup cream were deemed unsafe and confiscated but my leatherman knife was ok. Crazy. The metro trip from Athens airport to city centre was 55 min and cost 13 euro we then bought a 5 day all transport ticket for another 8 each at last a rand bargain. Our apartment in central Athens is spacious and central and having a washing machine (with powder ) meant a real clean for our 3 sets of clothing. Scott and Fran arrived and a visit to Lycabettus hill was planned. Lycabettus hill came to be when Athena a Greek god who was helping build Athens, dropped a rock and it landed outside Old Athens. The two gods Poseidon and Athena were competing to be chosen as the god of choice by the people. Athena offered a olive branch and Poseidon a bowl of water and Athena was chosen hence the name Athens. The hill is the highest point in Athens with a 360 degree view of the city and is favourite for sunsets. Couples often climb the steps to propose as the sun hits the horizon. The spectacular sight of Athens from the top is breathtaking. There is a small chapel ( and a very expensive restaurant) at the top the chapel is dedicated to Agio Georgious., the saint whom the two towns we visited in Corfu were named after. There are many steps up and many steps down. Halfway down sitting on a low wall watching the orange ball of the sun sink, accompanied by an Athens feral cat was a great place to share a bottle of red wine.En savoir plus

    • Jour 22


      27 août 2022, Grèce ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Saturday morning of history and gods is behind us . We are all ready for the food tour . The early start and long walk in the homes of gods and kings has left us HANGRY.,……. The Greek food of Athens has many ways of increasing the activity of our saliva glands. The amazing conflicting aromas are all over and in every street. The economy of Greece seems totally dependent on the tourists that frequent the Tavernas, Bars and Restaurants and buy tickets to see broken weather worn rocks of the long dead. So good food is important and essential. There are streets for shops selling spices, prepared meats and artifices, clothing There are meat and fish markets . Coffee shops everywhere. The bakeries have bread cake croissants ice cream. You can get a beer or a coke on every corner. We started at a coffee shop making traditional Greek coffee roasting the strong syrup in hot sand. I learnt by unpleasant mistake that bottom of the cup must be avoided as the grounds are like mud. The butcher was like a shop in a colourful movie, displaying Salami’s handing from the ceiling and displays of cold meats of every description. Sitting in a cozy 5 table sampling nook at the back of the shop we ordered a platter with cold local beer. Sadly we had to go out into the noon 🌞 far to soon. The market was streets products from fresh fruit to fish. The butchers section, with the owners using cleavers on cutting blocks and whole animals hanging in the windows is not recommended for Vegetarians and the fresh vegetable and fruit section alive with colour and greenery would turn a carnivores tummy. There were trays of Octopus, Squid, prawns and all types of fish on ice. The quantities are huge and variety almost to much for choosing. The plan was lunch at a special place that chooses the best in the market and then prepared it but we were tasting at every different store and there was no space left for lunch. Home for a late afternoon siesta was now the priority. After a shower a trip to the docks and then a takeaway Gyro for dinner ended a huge dayEn savoir plus

    • Jour 9

      Travel Day: Mykonos to Athens

      21 mai, Grèce ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We had an early start to our day, with our ferry leaving at 8 a.m.! We started our day with goodbyes to Declan and Freeman. A sad one, as this was goodbye to freeman for awhile 🥲. Wishing them safe travels back to the states! We then caught our ferry , which we were all of a fan of. It took about four hours, but the ride was smooth and the seats were comfortable. We arrived in Athens around 12:30 and headed to our hostile. We booked a super cheap hostel here, and we got what we payed for. It was in a really sketchy area with absolutely zero tourists. We immediately decided to look for another place, as we felt unsafe. We found a cheap airbnb and got that booked, so we felt much better about the rest of our stay here! The Airbnb was right in the heart of the city, a 5 minute walk to the Acropolis! We got moved into our new spot and walked around the city, catching glimpses of Parthenon and enjoying the sites of the city! We caught an Italian dinner, our seemingly go to meal, at sunset. We grabbed some gelato for our walk home. We made plans to get up early and tour the acropolis and surrounding attractions as soon as the opened, so we got to sleep pretty early. What was looking to be a rather bleak day turned into a great one with our airbnb change! We are excited for the sites in the morning!En savoir plus

    • Jour 130

      Last day in Athens

      29 juillet 2022, Grèce ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      Miles: 9.2 Steps: 23132
      Flights stairs: 44

      We walked around Athens today looking at assorted ruins and temples - they’re kind of everywhere. Nothing as big or impressive as yesterday, but still pretty cool.

      We ended at the Olympic stadium. As in THE OG Olympic stadium. It was constructed in 350bc and is the only one in the world made of complete marble. 1st Olympics held here. Really impressive to sit in the stands and picture everything that’s happened there over the last 2300 years.

      They had a small museum that housed all the torches from the Olympics. Fun looking at them all and picking our favorites.

      We went back to our room to rest and cool off - so we’d be ready to come back out in the evening and see the city lit up. Went to the highest point in Athens and then down close to the Parthenon. Very impressive at night.
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    • Jour 9


      22 février 2023, Grèce ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Quelques jours capitalins avec pour tentative de combler nos lacunes en culture mythologique et historique.
      Chouette rencontre avec Giorgios, parrain de la collègue de Simon (toujours la même, notre bienfaitrice à distance) et excellent guide, qui a fait de son mieux pour que nous repartions d’Athènes moins ignorants.En savoir plus

    • Jour 3

      Premières journées à Athènes

      15 mai, Grèce ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Au cours des premières journées de notre séjour à Athènes, nous avons exploré les sites antiques incontournables d'Athènes, notamment la colline de l'Acropole, le temple du Zeus olympien, l'Agora antique, l’Agora romaine, la bibliothèque d’Hadrien, le lycée d’Aristote (Lykeion) et Kerameikos.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Nomós Evvoías, Nomos Evvoias, Euboea, Εύβοια


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