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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Guatemala
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    • Dag 22

      Es läuft schon besser

      9. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Zum sauber machen, findet sich immer etwas. So räumten Debs, Agnes und ich vormittags einen Raum der Klinik auf, da Agnes dort als Logopädin mit einheimischen Kindern arbeiten wollte. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hoffte sie noch, dass Kinder auf ihr Angebot eingehen würden. Am nächsten Tag hatte sie überraschender Weise bereits vier Kinder mit Sprachstörungen zur ersten Sitzung in ihrer kleinen Praxis. Nach einem einfachen Mittagssnack probierte auch ich mich mit einem neuen Angebot für die Kinder. Ein einfaches Ballspiel begeisterte fast alle Kinder und bereitete auch mir eine Menge Freude. Beschwingt ließ ich den Tag ausklingen.Læs mere

    • Dag 23

      Ein guter Start ins Wochenende

      10. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Freitags ist im Projekt nicht viel zu tun. Am Nachmittag werden keine Angebote gegeben, denn die Kinder dürfen frei spielen oder einen Film anschauen. Den Film guckte ich mir mit an, um etwas spanisch zu lernen. Leider wurde die Filmauswahl nicht gut getroffen, sodass sogar die Kinder nach und nach draußen zum Spielen verschwanden. Ich machte mich schließlich mit meinen Badesachen auf den Weg zum See. Eine Abkühlung war bei den warmen Temperaturen genau das Richtige. Anschließend lernte ich auf dem Steg noch etwas spanisch und wartete bis die Sonne langsam verschwand.Læs mere

    • Dag 24

      Ausflug nach Santa Elena und Flores

      11. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Damit unsere Unterkunft in Schuss bleibt, muss am Wochenende jeder Voluntar eine Stunde lang Hausarbeit machen. Gemeinsam mit Debs widmete ich mich der Küche. Als die Arbeit getan war, machte Debs uns allen ein leckeres Omlet und wir frühstückten gemeinsam. Mit Agnes, Angel und Elvis fuhr ich danach nach Santa Elena, um ein paar Einkäufe zu erledigen. Zur Mittagszeit schlenderten wir durch Flores und genossen das Treiben auf der kleinen Halbinsel. Anschließend fuhren Agnes und ich zurück nach El Remate. Wir waren die letzten, die in den Minibus einstiegen und mussten mit eingezogenem Kopf und an den Sitzen festgekrallt, versuchen unser Gleichgewicht zu halten. In Deutschland ist es nicht vorstellbar, dass so viele Menschen in einem Minibus mitfahren. Hier wird jeder Platz ausgenutzt bis keiner mehr stehen kann. Es war eine schweißtreibende Angelegenheit und wir waren glücklich uns hinterher wieder strecken zu können. Nach einer kleinen Pause im Voluntarhaus machte ich mich auf den Weg zum See für eine Abkühlung. Es ist herrlich am Abend noch eine Runde zu schwimmen. Agnes kam nach einer Weile nach, sodass wir uns gemeinsam in der Dunkelheit auf den Rückweg machten. Zurück im Voluntarhaus erzählten wir ein wenig über unseren Tag bis es kalt wurde und ich mir eine Jacke holen wollte. Auf dem Weg ins Zimmer trat ich gegen etwas, das ich im ersten Moment gar nicht richtig realisierte. Doch plötzlich huschte ein großer schwarzer Fleck mit langen Beinen schnell unter Debs Bett - eine unfassbar große Tarantula hat sich in unser Zimmer verirrt. Mit großer Aufregung, viel Geschrei, bewaffnet mit einem Besen und einer großen Schale gingen wir auf Spinnenjagd. Einen richtigen Plan gab's erstmal nicht. Wir scheuchten sie von einem Ort zum anderen und verfolgten aufgeregt, wo sie hinkrabbelt. Keiner traute sich ihr näher zu kommen. Nach einem erneuten Versuch sie mit dem Besen hervorzuholen, war sie plötzlich weg. Da wir heute Nacht schlafen wollten, räumten wir das Zimmer aus und fanden sie später in einer Nische hinter der Wand. Debs holte sie mit einem Papier hervor und fing sie Heldenhaft mit der Schale. Wir brachten sie stolz weit weg von unserer Hütte und setzten zurück in die Freiheit. Agnes kochte anschließend für uns alle und wir saßen noch eine Weile in gemütlicher Runde zusammen.Læs mere

    • Dag 126

      Chilling in Flores and some km spinning

      11. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We left El Remate after a really good Guatemalan coffee the owner of the posada had made for us. As we had tail winds on a relatively flat road, it only took us just over an hour to get to Flores, our next stop. First, we went to a bike shop. It opened at 10am and we arrived 8:45am, so what to do if you don't want to wait? We knocked at the door, a guy opened and sold us the pedals we needed. Then he even mounted them with his pro tools - easy as that in Guatemala!
      Flores is located on an island accessible by a bridge. The island is really small, you can cycle around in about 5 min. It's a tourist place, but absolutely beautiful with many colorful houses! We decided to have an extended second breakfast at the waterfront and go for a swim. We found out that a triathlon took place and were really tempted to stay for a night. However, it was also very tempting to go on. We were still feeling very fresh after 4 easy days on the bike and more importantly, the wind came from the right direction!
      So we went back on the bikes and continued our way to Sayaxche. It was easy rolling with some minor hills, passing green and hilly scenery and some villages with many animals such as pigs, dogs and chicken running around.
      In Sayaxche, you need to cross a river in order to get further South (meaning there is no bridge on one of the main routes in Guatemala!). There's boats for different means of transport: one for passengers, one for cars, one for motorcycles. We went on a small boat for motorcycles. Prices are 2 Quetzales (about 25 € cents) for passengers, 5 Quetzales for motorcycles. Foreign cyclists: free of charge - thanks to the guys on the boat 😁
      In town, it wasn't easy to find an economic hotel as it was Saturday and Sayaxche seems to be a party town for locals, full of dodgy bars. However, in the end we got lucky as one of the hotel owners offered us a cheap room in his new hotel that wasn't completely ready yet. Our room was bright and everything was working, so no complaints here!
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    • Dag 127

      The rolling Gringo

      12. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      5am - wake up call by hundreds of birds in the trees next to our hotel. But as we had a long day ahead of us, this was a good reason to get up early. We left Sayaxche, passed some rainforest where we could hear monkeys again and had a first stop in Las Pozas, a busy little market town, to have some bread. The route had been VERY hilly, right from the beginning, so we had burned our breakfast calories already. Afterwards, there was a long straight stretch of 30km with no curve - still rolling up and down though.
      When passing the villages, the kids all called us "gringo". It was funny at the beginning but kind of annoying after the 100th times. It must also be the first words kids learn as even 2-year-olds screamed "gringo" as soon as they saw us. We felt a little bit like in a zoo, because once one kid saw us, they called everyone else in the house and neighborhood to come out and see us. I fear it will be like this for another 11 months or so...
      Once the straight part ended, the scenery was stunning, turning mountainous again. The road was still rolling: 50m climb, then down, then up again. At some stage, we needed a break and were happy to find a guy who sold melons. Even though we paid a tourist price, we still very much enjoyed the fresh fruit!
      We arrived early in Chisec where we wanted to stay for the night. Hotel options weren't too good. In the end, we decided to stay in a run-down, but very cheap one. Thus, we could better spent the money on food. I think we also looked quite hungry: at the bakery, the guy put more bread in our bag as we ordered (no extra charge) and in the restaurant they gave us bananas for breakfast on the way. The people here somehow know what we need 😉
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    • Dag 128

      Burning legs

      13. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Last night, a guy at our hotel couldn't believe that we were going to Cobán today. He told us right away that we were crazy. Today, we knew what he meant. We had a full experience of the mountain roads in Guatemala. They are incredibly steep, usually up to 20%. And they go up and down and up and down all the time. Our legs were burning like hell and we had to stop really often to take a rest and get something to eat or drink.
      The views, on the other hand, we stunning! The landscape is just amazing with the green mountains. As we are now in the higher region around Cobán, we also passed coffee plantations. Very scenic!!
      When we arrived at our hostel, the bike computer showed 2314m of elevation gain over 75km. We only had some energy left to get food from the market, go for a short stroll around the centre and cook dinner.
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    • Dag 25

      Immer wieder sonntags

      12. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Der heutige Vormittag war nicht sehr spannend. Ein bisschen spanisch lernen und einige Vorbereitungen für die nächsten Tage standen auf meiner Tagesordnung. Zum Mittag wurden Agnes und ich auf eine Suppe zu einem Farmer eingeladen. Auf seinem Land arrangiert er gerade Pflanzen der Maya in Form eines typischen Symbols des Mayakalenders, um über Heil- und Nutzpflanzen der Maya zu informieren. Agnes, Angel und Elvis halfen in der letzten Woche beim Bepflanzen. Heute konnte auch ich ein wenig helfen und einiges über die Pflanzen lernen. Nachdem wir unsere Arbeit getan hatten, gingen die Jungs und ich für eine Abkühlung zum See. Zum Abendbrot machten wir uns im Voluntarhaus leckere vegetarische Burger und ließen den Tag in gemütlicher Runde ausklingen.Læs mere

    • Dag 129

      Semuc Champey

      14. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Again an early start: But today by bus for a change. We took the 6am bus in order to be able to make it to Semuc Champey in a day and back. Semuc Champey is one of the natural highlights in Guatemala and pretty famous among backpackers for cave tours and tubing. We just wanted to visit the park, enjoy the views and swim in the natural turquoise pools.
      The place is located only 65km away. We were going to go there by bike, but after a warning of a fellow cyclist regarding the road conditions decided to use public transport. The first 43km are on a new smooth road. By local bus, this took about 2 hours including a break (as usual when you take the local buses). We enjoyed the views from the bus and were happy we didn't have to climb those 20% hills today. Then we turned onto a gravel road towards Lanquín. It was REALLY bad, especially as it had rained all night. So for the next 11km, we needed about an hour. We were just happy we weren't on bikes! In Lanquín, we had to change to a different vehicle. One of the public collectivos, old 4WD where you stand on the back. Quite an adventure as the road got even worse, steeper and very slippery. But our driver managed to get us safely to the park entrance within another hour. So 4 hours in order to get to the national park - puh.
      In the park, we hiked up to the lookout point first where we had a stunning view over the pools and the amazing mountain scenery. Afterwards, we went for a well deserved swim and had our sandwiches for lunch.
      Then the same procedure for the way back. As the road had dried in the meantime, the ride on the collectivo wasn't as adventurous anymore. We then went on the bus to Coban. Also this road was much better now and we could go fast. But there was also construction work going on, so they blocked the road and we had to wait for 1.5 hours. Thus, we arrived at the smooth road after 2 hours. Our driver was then eager to hit the normal time and only stopped in order to drop people, just ignored the ones that wanted to get on the bus. In the end, we arrived in Coban after 4 hours traveling, same time as going there. We were more tired than after a day of cycling and slept very well after Jimmy, the guy who runs the hostel, shared some of the good Guatemalan rum with us.
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    • Dag 130

      Guatemalan festivities

      15. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      When we got up today, it rained and we were not too motivated to do a long stretch as originally planned. So we started slowly with a great coffee of the Coban region. In the hostel, we chatted with Jorge, who works there. He told us about his village Tactic which is located 30km South of Covan and what to do there. Furthermore, he invited us to stay at his house. So of course, we couldn't say no to the invitation. On top, he took all our luggage in his car, so riding felt almost like flying.
      First, we went to the central square. There was a stage and music and it was packed with people waiting for something. When we asked what was going on, they told us that the local government had changed and everyone was eager to see the new mayor. We didn't want to wait for the guy for another 2-3 hours, so instead rode up a short but incredibly steep hill to the church of Cristo de Chi-Ixim. Jorge had told us that today was a special religious festival again that they celebrated at that church. And yes, we saw people doing religious burning ceremonies. Apart from the ceremonies, it looked more like a street food festival with lots of food stalls. So we decided to try some small local dishes as an appetizer.
      Because next, we wanted to go to a food corner shop in the market. Jorge knew the ladies running it and had raved about the food. And indeed, for about 1.5€ each, we received a plate of rice, vegetables, salad, beef broth and a glass of water and it was yummy!
      Our last activity for the day was Chamche, a mix of a small zoo (they even had a Bengal Tigre) and natural swimming pools. The water was freezing cold but refreshing. We spent the rest of the afternoon at this place reading and watching animals.
      At 5, the place closed and it started to rain. We rushed into the city center again to buy some dinner. Then we went to a restaurant to have a beer while waiting for Jorge to finish work at the hostel. Unfortunately, there was a lot of work, so he didn't get home u til 10pm. Luckily, his sister was home at 8:30pm, so we could at least get into the house, cook some dinner and chat for a while. When Jorge got home, we were really tired, so didn't have much time for a longer chat. But we were very lucky to stay with this great and hospitable family.
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    • Dag 131

      Rainy riding into a different landscape

      16. januar 2020, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Luckily, it didn't rain when we left Jorge's place. The route was pretty as usual, rolling through green mountains, but not too steep. After some 20km however, it started raining and didn't stop for a while, so we got quite wet and decided to stop in a bakery to fill up some calories and warm up as well. We cycled through a beautiful forest, but couldn't enjoy the views that much due to the rain. People told us that you can usually see quetzals, the bird on the Guatemalan flag, in this forest. But birds don't like rain either and prefer hiding.
      After about 50km, we reached the turning point of today's ride, the end of a mountain range and also an intersection leading to some bigger towns. Here, things changed significantly: We had a long downhill ahead of us (50km, 1200m elevation loss), it stopped raining (positive!), but on the other hand, the landscape got way drier, there was a lot more traffic and rubbish along the road.
      It felt like being in another country - what a difference a mountain range and the close distance to the the capital can make!
      After the downhill, we reached a road that several people had warned us about because it's the main connection between the Atlantic and Pacific side in Guatemala. There's heavy traffic, exhaust gases and climbing on a one lane road - so no fun to cycle. So we hitchbiked again and were very lucky when we got a ride after only 10min. The family from the North of Guatemala dropped us after 30km at Sanarate where we found a hotel to spend the night.
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    Republic of Guatemala, Guatemala, Guwatemala, ጉዋቲማላ, جواتيمالا, Qvatemala, Гватэмала, Гватемала, Gwatemala, গোয়াতিমালা, གྷོ་ཊེ་མ་ལ།, Gvatemala, Guatemala nutome, Γουατεμάλα, Gvatemalo, گواتمالا, Gwaatemalaa, Goatemala, Guatamala, ગ્વાટેમાલા, Gwatamala, גווטמלה, गोतेदाला, Գվատեմալա, グアテマラ, გვატემალა, ហ្គាតេម៉ាឡា, ಗ್ವಾಟೆಮಾಲಾ, 과테말라, گواتیمالا, Gwatémala, ກົວເຕມາລາ, Ngwatemala, Goatemalà, ഗ്വാട്ടിമാലാ, ग्वाटेमाला, ဂွာတီမာလာ, Cuauhtemallan, ଗୁଏତମାଲା, ګواتمالا, Watimala, Guatêmälä, Guwaatamaala, குவாத்தாமாலா, గ్వాటిమాల, Гуатемала, ประเทศกัวเตมาลา, Kuatamala, گۋاتېمالا, Ґватемала, گواٹے مالا, Gvatemalän, Orílẹ́ède Guatemala, 危地马拉, i-Guatemala

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