Cill Airne

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    • Dia 3

      Day 2!

      7 de agosto de 2022, Irlanda ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Day 2 that's a wrap!

      So I'm kinda loving this place. It's a tiny town in the middle of nowhere and I'm staying at the hostel in an alleyway with I swear no outlets. Buttttt every place has live music and the streets are just filled with wholesomeness. At the hostel, met Angie from Argentina and these 4 French dudes from France!! Nicest people and were great to hang out with! Also, had a truly Irish experience with witnessing the bag pipes and green all around #stpattysdayLeia mais

    • Dia 5

      First time on the Train back to Dublin!

      9 de agosto de 2022, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      It's get up and go time! Tonight I have my flight out of Dublin to Portugal! Honestly leaving this hostel was hard because I had so many people to say bye too! I had my France guys, my Berlin friends, Netherland girls, fellow solo women from Argentina, and my biker squad from France! Gotta say my biker squad has inspired me to get my motor cycle licence (sorry mom thought I'd never say this) because what better way to travel the coast than on a bike! These guys have taken two weeks to start and the south and bike all the way up to the north! HOW COOL! I roomed with this group of 7 for two nights and one women in particular was so sweet. She said good morning every day, pulled out her map and showed me their itinerary, and said bye and gave me a parting apple sauce 😭

      Next time: Ireland, I will be back because I have got to do the dingle off of Killarney, hike Carrauntoohill, and do the cliffs of Moher, and maybe Cork and Galway on the side :)
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    • Dia 3

      The Kerry Way beginns

      6 de agosto de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Mit dem Dublin Coach oder auch Big Green Bus ging es 06:15 Uhr von Dublin los nach Killarney.
      Hier beginnt unsere Wanderung - the Kerry Way.
      Raus aus dem Bus ging es gleich los. Erst liefen wir ein langes Stück der Hauptstraße entlang bis wir in Richtung des Nationalparks abbogen.
      Bis zum Muckross House wurden auch Fahrten mit der Kutsche angeboten. Die nutzen wir bestimmt auf dem Rückweg. 😍
      Bis zu einem Wasserfall waren noch viele Tagestouristen unterwegs. Aber das legte sich schnell. Da wurde es erstmal Zeit, dass ich nach zwei Jahren doch nochmal meine Art den Rucksack zu packen, überdachte und änderte. Das war die beste Entscheidung überhaupt. Es regnete immer mal leicht, aber umso schöner schien im Anschluss die Sonne als wir durch sumpfiges oder mooriges Gebiet liefen. So richtig wissen wir es gar nicht. 🤭
      Hier kamen uns einige Wanderer entgegen, die ihren letzten Tag auf dem Weg hatten. Sehr lieb beschrieb und ein schweizerisches Paar vom Bodensee, wo wir am Ziel im Black Valley unsere Zelte aufschlagen könnten. Ihnen wurde der Platz auch von einem Einheimischen erklärt, da man dort wohl nirgends Uelzen könne. Da hatten sie wohl recht. Aber später mehr zu diesem kleinen Abenteuer.
      Vorbei an ein paar schönen Seen war es eine sehr schöne Wanderung. Laut unseren Kurzen Bekanntschaften wohl der schönste Teil des Weges.
      Auch die ersten Schafe durften wir bewundern. Das werden aber bestimmt noch viel mehr. ☺️ Bis dahin sammeln wir aber noch einige Fotos mit Grimassen.
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    • Dia 14


      9 de agosto de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      A rest day today for us. We joined the bus group for breakfast then came back to our room for a rest for the morning. A little bit of extra sleep was nice and the chance to rest my legs from being jammed in the bus.

      We then wandered down the street for a look around. Where we went was nice and flat and made walking a bit easier. We grabbed a toasted sandwich for lunch - ham, cheese, tomato and onion - very nice.

      Off to have a look around the shops etc. On the way back we stopped for an ice-cream and where we sat was a guy who struck up a conversation with us. He was from Dublin and had two sons that live in Sydney and have dual citizenship. He was interested to hear where we are from and what parts of his country we had already seen. He mentioned that he had been to the Hunter Valley on a visit. It was really lovely to have spent some time with him - very friendly.

      Only a couple of photos today of one of the streets where we went. We did manage to find a store called Casey’s so I sent a photo back home to Betty.
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    • Dia 10

      Ein Tag früher am Ziel des Kerry Way

      13 de agosto de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nun waren wir sogar einen Tag eher am Ziel des Kerry Way - back to Killarney.
      Nach den typischen Blasen und Druckstellen an den Füßen solch einer Fernwanderung wollte ich meine Wanderschuhe vorerst einfach nur an den Nagel hängen.

      Trotz des heutigen Marsches waren wir aber doch noch recht fit und die Zebras in unserem Zimmer, sowie die wohl verdiente Dusche, sogar Badewanne, konnten unsere Gemüter nur noch mehr erheitern.
      Stolz über unsere geschaffte Tour gönnten wir uns erstmal einen tollen Pub-Besuch mit Livemusik. Die Homemade Lasagne in Irland schmeckt auch ganz besonders vorzüglich. Die sollte sich keiner entgehen lassen. 😋
      Ein Guiness gehört natürlich dazu. 😉
      In Irland völlig verpönt aber für uns heute absolut verdient, das Bier daheim / im B&B. 🤭
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    • Dia 28

      St Mary's Cathedral

      2 de setembro de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      St. Mary's Cathedral, Killarney, is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Kerry situated to the west of Killarney in County Kerry, Ireland.

      St. Mary's Cathedral was designed by the renowned English architect Augustus Welby Pugin, who is said to have gained inspiration from the ruins of Ardfert Cathedral "which is particularly evident in the slender triple lancets in the east and west walls".

      Construction began in 1842 but was not continuous. The great famine and the lack of available funds meant the work was stopped several times; when work recommenced in 1853, the interior decorations were designed by James Joseph McCarthy. In 1855 the building was ready for regular worship. Separately the spire and nave were completed in 1907 by the Irish architects Ashlin and Coleman of Dublin, who had designed Cobh Cathedral.
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    • Dia 1

      Dem Plan hinterher 📝

      4 de outubro de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dadurch, dass wir erst einen Tag später als geplant anreisen konnten (aufgrund Krankheit), mussten wir heute an unseren ursprünglichen Plan anknüpfen.
      Generell rechnen wir einen gewissen Zeitpuffer immer erst ans Ende der Reise, damit wir flexibler sind, falls auf der Strecke etwas unvorhersehbares passiert. 🤞
      Diese Taktik geht natürlich vollkommen nach hinten los, wenn sich kurz vor Reisestart die Gesundheit meldet und nochmal ein Wörtchen mitreden möchte.

      Wir mussten heute also ein bisschen Zeit reinholen und nach dem ganzen Umgebuche der Flüge, des Mietwagens und Hotels sind wir nun aber froh wieder auf Kurs zu sein 👍
      Trotzdem sind leider 1-2 Ziele auf der Strecke geblieben. Die Stadt Cork und der Teil des „wild atlantic ways“ nach Killarney mussten weichen.

      Nach Ankunft ging es für uns direkt mit dem Mietwagen los und wir machten lediglich einen Zwischenstopp in Cashel, wo wir uns den „Rock of Cashel“ anschauten. Dieser Berg, auf dem heute eine gut erhaltene Burg steht, dient bereits seit dem 4. Jahrhundert den verschiedenen Provinzherrschern als Stützpunkt, da er aufgrund seiner Lage und dem guten Überblick auf das umliegende Land von strategischer Bedeutung ist.
      Nach einer kleinen Stärkung im örtlichen Pub ging es für uns weiter in den, nicht mehr ganz so stark besiedelten, Westen Irlands.

      Unser Tagesziel Killarney haben wir gegen 19 Uhr erreicht und unsere Unterkunft für heute ist ein schön aufbereitetes Cottage, was aber trotzdem diesen besonderen Landhaus-Charme aus dem 19. Jahrhundert versprüht. Wie alt das Haus wirklich ist, konnte ich leider bisher nicht herausfinden 🙈

      Morgen wollen wir den bekannten „Ring of Kerry“ befahren und uns die Küstenabschnitte und -Orte auf der Iveragh-Halbinsel anschauen.
      Vorher machen wir aber noch einen Abstecher in den Killarney Nationalpark. Aufgrund des Wetters werden wir aber keine der beliebten Kajak-Touren auf den Seen machen, sondern eher im Trockenen bleiben bzw. dort wo das kühle Nass nur von oben kommen kann 😉

      Also bis morgen dann!
      Wir sind wieder on Track!
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    • Dia 18

      Day 17 Killarney, Ireland

      24 de dezembro de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We were all dreading having to carry all our bags and the food supplies down the four flights of stairs and out into the taxi, but actually seemed easier than first thought. We then headed to the Cork airport to pick up our rental car. It was a seamless process and we were on the road to Cobh before we knew it. Cobh is a beautiful, colourful town with a huge history as it was the one of the major transatlantic Irish ports and the town was the departure point for 2.5 million of the six million Irish people who emigrated to North America between 1848 and 1950. Cobh is probably best known for being the ‘last port of call’ to the ill-fated RMS Titanic. Another ship to be associated with the town, the Cunard passenger liner RMS Lusitania, was sunk by a German U-boat off the Old Head of Kinsale while en route from the US to Liverpool on 7 May 1915. 1,198 passengers died, while 700 were rescued. The survivors and the dead alike were brought to Cobh, and the bodies of over 100 who perished in the disaster lie buried in the Old Church Cemetery just north of the town. We also visited the beautiful cathedral there and admired the colourful houses below which are called ‘ the deck of cards’. We finally found a restaurant that was open for lunch and enjoyed our slow walk back to the car. We made a stop at two supermarkets - not at all like ours- before finding our lovely accommodation in Killarney. We have the whole house to ourselves and it has everything we need. As it was dark when we arrived we are keen to explore the area in day light. We enjoyed our Christmas call to Brenna and Shaun and watched Pippa unwrapping our present. It felt very unusual not being there. We look forward to a relaxing few days here starting with Christmas Day tomorrow.Leia mais

    • Dia 19

      Day 18 Killarney, Ireland

      25 de dezembro de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      A wonderful Christmas Day relaxing in Killarney. We got up late to eat our delicious bacon and egg breakfast. By then it was almost time to set off for 12pm Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral which was a 20 minute walk. The day was again mild after some earlier rain. The Mass was so beautiful and the girl singing all the carols and accompanied by a small brass band was such a treat. Her voice was incredible and it was more like being at a concert. Such an atmosphere. We wandered slowly home and familiarised ourselves with the town which is actually larger than expected. There were heaps of pubs and cafes and also several large 5 star hotels. Of course all are shut so it was very quiet with just a few others strolling about. Back home we enjoyed a Christmas drink while opening our presents. We then headed off for a 7km walk through the Killarney National Park. It was a beautiful walk with some views down to the nearby lakes. A highlight was the wild deer we came across but we didn’t find any squirrels, otters or badgers. When we returned home we prepared our dinner before drinks and a platter of delicious bits and pieces collected at the Cork market. Our roast chicken was lovely and followed by a beautiful Christmas pudding purchased from the London Borough Market. Will definitely need to walk another 7 km walk tomorrow, but all in all a very special Christmas Day.Leia mais

    • Dia 20

      Day 19 Dingle, Ireland

      26 de dezembro de 2023, Irlanda ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      A good day exploring the Dingle Peninsula, south west of Killarney on the Atlantic Coast. The day started off very mild but cool. Our drive took us quickly onto narrow country roads, and we were soon driving with the Atlantic Sea to our left. We first came to Castlemaine, an area we had previously visited as the Griffin family came from this area. We remembered the Old Keel Burial Ground and showed Alanna the gravestone of our ancestor, Michael Griffin which we had seen in 2018. We arrived in Inch where there was a surf beach, and surprisingly several people were having their mid winter swim. Well it was 7 degrees! There were actually lots of people at the beach and many cars had driven down onto the beach itself. We carried onto Dingle, a delightful old seaside village. To our surprise there were crowds gathered on the street and a lot of noise. It turned out we had arrived in time for a celebration called La an Dreoilin (the day of the wren) which was once practiced throughout Ireland. Groups of disguised musicians and dancers went from door to door, or from pub to pub, collecting money or offerings of food. On a bush decorated with ribbons (preferably a holly bush), they hung the wren or wrens that had been hunted and killed earlier that day reciting a rhyme that began:
      The wran, the wran
      the king of all birds
      On Stephen's Day
      Each of the main groups from the separate areas of the town has a Captain, hobbyhorse, banner, strawboys, band of musicians and followers, who usually dress in the colours of their groups. The entire day is devoted to its celebration, starting with the 6 a.m. musical parade through town. It was fascinating , and yet another old tradition that we have witnessed in the UK. We detoured to the Dingle Pub for a lovely drink and then wandered back slowly to the car, viewing yet more groups which were part of the parade. I drove back the hour and a half to Killarney, by which time it was raining and the wild Atlantic Way really did seem wild! We had a dinner of left overs before an early night.
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    Cill Airne, Killarney

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