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    • Day 15–22

      Tuscany day 16

      September 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      A short train trip from Bologna started with a blip as the cab company only sent one cab instead of two. Ron, Miriam, and I were left behind. We all rejoined each other about 30 minutes later at the train station. We arrived in Florence by train and stored our bags for a few hours. We went to see David at the Academia Galleria. It was busy, but we were all able to take in the strong beauty he is. I was always fascinated by the fact that when David was created human anatomy was not well known and yet it is captured so well, especially the veins which are bigger than some of David's other parts if you know what I mean. We also observed some other creations in the museum including a beauty called Grateful, which pretty much sums up my whole trip with what it has given me so far. I am sure that we had gelato before heading out of town. It does not go well if it is missed. Well, the trip from Florence Airport Car Rental to our accommodations outside of Siena was truly the most frustrating adventure of our trip so far. Driving is scary in Italy, and our Google Maps didn't want to cooperate. We all saw a whole other side of some people in the group that my mother wouldn't believe. You know who you are! We passed our villa on the highway, and we thought that was it, but we ended up in a town separated by two cars and lost. Of course, that villa on the hill was ours. Once we found our villa, we stopped to enjoy the fresh air and the breathtaking view of Siena. All of us are quite excited about our accommodations. We all watched the sunset, and our frustrating day was over, or so we thought. Ron, Linda, and I decided to go get a few groceries while the others awaited in the Cassetta Bar. We did not get far before Google Maps' directions disappeared. In total frustration, wine was more important than grocery shopping. Back to the bar we went to, and all our worries disappeared. Having dinner outside in the beautiful evenings is becoming a favorite for everyone. We just relax and enjoy all that is given to us at that moment. Dinner was the bar special. An exceptional ravioli with ragu and very cheap good wine. The waitress was very accommodating in assisting the non-Italian-speaking woman at the bar to speak with us. She was happy for the customers as it was not busy. All of our frustrations were gone for the day. The next morning was a day to gather groceries, and Bernie, Nicole, and Jane went into Siena. I just laid around monitoring the laundry and writing. No one wanted to do much, but relax and rejuvenate and enjoy our location on the hill. Our evening deserves its entry.Read more

    • Day 20

      Onward to the Tuscan Countryside

      April 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Last night our Bay Area friends, Mike and Sondra arrived to Siena, and today we set off to stay in Montepulciano for four nights. The point-to-point drive would have been less than two hours, but we stopped for views and visits to points of interest, and made a day of it.

      Our drive took us into a geographical region known as the Crete Senesi. It is an area with white clay soil, which during dry times can give it a barren look, dotted by the occasional cypress trees and olive groves. At this time of year (or maybe this wet year in particular), we saw rolling green hills with blotches of white clay.

      We stopped in a couple of medieval towns —Buonconvento and Asciano—to look around. In the first, we got lunch at a rather nondescript cafe, which turned out to be one that President Obama and his family had visited! The chef and staff were so pleased—they showed us photos and even had a menu item named after Obama. Nearby Asciano we toured an abbey that was founded in 1313. Sondra had read about their beautiful inlaid wood panels, so we knew we had to check them out. Everything in the abbey has been beautifully restored (or maintained?)—colorful frescoes, ceiling ornamentation, and the wine cellars. We had a nice discussion with the cellar master and picked out a bottle to share when we get to our Airbnb later in the trip.
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    • Day 21

      San Gimignano

      October 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Nicole, Bernie, Ron, and I did an uneventful trip to San Gimignano this morning. Another medieval town is known for its many towers. We found parking fairly easily. Walking up to the town center, the roads are steep and full of shopping stores for tourists. We had coffee and a light breakfast of croissants. We watched while people lined up down half the center for the world-champion gelato from so many years ago, thinking they still were. We decided to go to the world's best ice cream store, which had a shorter line and did not disappoint. OMG, it was so good and creamy. We paid to go into the town museum. It has renesaunts artwork from the year 1200-1400. We did climb the tallest tower, the one with 168 stairs. The stairs are the ones that give me knock-knock-knees. See-through, which made me look forward and hold the side of the walls as if they would save me. All I could think of was what if an earthquake hit right now, where would I go? The view again is rewarding on top of the bell tower. We arrived home hungry and thirsty only to find Miriam, Linda, and Jane in the throws of afternoon drinking and pool time. It did not take long to get caught up. The best part was that Jane was finally relaxed and showed her hilarious " feeling good" side. She insisted that today was truth day and boy was I told! Linda told me that Miriam was more compassionate than I was. Imagine that! I did not take it personally because I knew my sista had a compassionate side. We cleaned up and went for dinner at a place not too far from the house. The place was gorgeous and the night was perfect for an outdoor dinner. Again, beef Florentine was on the menu, and we all pigged out on the delicious food. Jane continued to be in rare form for our enjoyment asking if her dessert was a " normal size" (another one of Jane saying, like what's normal size) causing Nicole to laugh, going to the brink of peeing her pants. Then she broke her wine glass with me offering her the glue to fix it, in which she struggled. She did go to apologize and did not have to do this evening's dishes. We, girls, tied one on today and had the best laughs ever, leaving a row of wine bottles in our path. Goodnight everyone!!Read more

    • Day 4

      4. Tag Toskana (Siena)

      May 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück ging es direkt weiter in Richtung Siena. Unterwegs haben wir das Schloss Brolio besichtigt sowie einen Rotwein und Weißwein probiert.
      Übernachtet haben wir in einem typischen B&B Steinhaus. Zu Fuß ging es noch in die Innenstadt von SienaRead more

    • Day 19


      September 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      The rest of us get to see Siena today in its glory instead of staring at it from a distance. The drive is not as bad as Bernie, Nicole, and Jane have been there already. It is a warm beautiful day and the tourists are out in full force. We walk towards the center of town the ll Campo. It's a curved center like a shallow bowl, this is where they have their by-yearly famous horse races. Now it is surrounded by shops and restaurants. Of course, we arrived in front of our favorite shop the Gelateria. It's gelato time! After we go in search of the torture museum. For a small fee, we see all the ways people were tortured. Humans can be quite barbaric and cruel. Now psychopaths have a bible on how to torture and kill with the history collected. People would be tortured for some of the simplest things, I would be dead now, and thank god we have evolved over the centuries for freedom of speech. After we walked to discover little things about Siena, like how difficult it is to get around with a vehicle (not us) and a festival going on that evening. Talking about vehicles, we found our Vespra to take our photo with. We were a total embarrassment for Ron but it was all done with a lot of laughs. We had drinks to discuss dinner plans. All of a sudden you could hear a marching band and a parade of people in the streets ending in ll Campo. We went to a place for Steak Florentine that was at the bottom of Siena I swear. A quaint spot, not busy at all due to the locals being at the festival. It happened to be a victory party for the owner of the last winning horse race. They sure go all out! The steak dinner was awesome and not for those who don't want their steak dead. It is done rare and comes as 1-2 kg of T-bone meat. We left feeling good and not overly stuffed which was good for the walk uphill. It was an enjoyable day.Read more

    • Day 13

      2/2 Lovely Toskana

      July 1, 2017 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Nachdem wir Siena als Sightseeing-Point abgehakt hatten - es gab ganz bestimmt noch das ein oder andere Highlight - wollten wir es wissen. Das toskanische Flair muss her! Südlich von Siena soll es schöne Ecken geben. Die Fahrt ins Blaue - einfach drauf los... Irgendwann fanden wir uns auf einer Straße wieder, die dem Rennsteig ähnlich war. Nur Schotter, bergauf,bergab mit bis zu 15% Steigung/Gefälle - Hauptsache uns kommt nichts entgegen 😤
      Die Ausblicke waren fantastisch und das ganze ziemlich verrückt. Die Bilderbuch-Fotos wird es zwar nicht geben - zu viele Wolken, aber die Landschaft war einmalig 👌. Nach 20 km extremer Schotterpiste erreichten wir Asciano, ein kleines nettes Dörfchen, wo wir uns einen Cappuccino und ein Eis genehmigten.
      Gegen 19 Uhr waren wir wieder zurück und ließen uns eine leckere Pizza🍕 samt Vino Rosato🍷schmecken!
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    • Day 3

      Regen und Lehm 😳

      May 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Nach einer guten Stunde geht es auf einen Weg, dessen Grundlage Lehm zu sein scheint. Da der Regen erst in die oberen Schichten eingedrungen ist, bleiben diese an den Reifen kleben und bringen das Rad innerhalb einiger Meter zum Stillstand. Die Reifen lassen sich nicht einmal durch schieben oder direkt von Hand bewegen. Dieses kurze Wegstück wird zum längsten Kilometer der Reise, mit anschließender Pause um den größten Teil des Lehms zu beseitigen …Read more

    • Day 3

      Früh los Richtung Ascanio

      May 29, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      … gegen 5:50 Uhr habe ich alle nasse Sachen in die Gepäcktaschen gestopft und mache mich durchnässt und fröstelst auf den Weg… auf die Tradition der Italiener, einen frühen Kaffee auf dem Weg zu genießen, ist zum Glück Verlass.Read more

    • Day 3

      Végre nem autóztunk. Annyit.

      July 21, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Reggel semmittevés, kávé a kertben. Utána bevásárlás, majd azért ha már kimozdultunk, felgurultunk kocsival a supermarket városkájába, Sinalungaba.
      Kicsit sétáltunk, kávéztunk egyet. A bárban nagyon furcsán nézett ránk a nő, amikor Győzőnek fagyival kértük a kávét. 🤣
      Utána már a szálláson lustultunk, medenceztünk egész nap, és Dani névnapját ünnepeltük. Egy vízbe dobással, több pár zoknival, és egy hideg vacsival.
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