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10 najważniejszych celów podróży Bologna
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    • Dzień 2


      23 maja, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      The flight out of Dubai was right on time and wasn’t as full as the flight from Sydney. It was an uneventful trip except for the route, it avoided flying over a few of the Middle East hotspots by flying up the western side of the Persian Gulf then over Iraq to its border with Turkey then a left turn to Italy.

      To say Bologna is a second tier airport would be accurate. There are no aerobridges and we had to get a bus from the plane to the terminal. The terminal itself was small and one section was actually an inflatable building (not kidding)! It took an age for the luggage to come through but immigration and customs was very quick.

      We found our transfer and made our way into the city. Our driver was a Cuban called Ramon and his hands weren’t on the steering wheel for much of the time as they were needed for talking!

      Our hotel is in the old part of town which once upon a time would have been within the walls of the town. The streets are very narrow and cobblestone. The hotel is small but very nice.

      We went for a walk up into the old town to the main square of Bologna the Piazza Maggiore. Wow it is old! There were lots of people around, a busker doing a reasonable job of Guns & Roses, some cops, people on bikes, lots of cars, and some buses. Chaos!

      The square is dominated by the Basilica di San Petronio. This unfinished building was started in the 1300s and is massive, you could fit St Mary’s in Sydney in this church and have lots of room to spare. It has a Meridien line running through it so every day at 12 noon the sun shines through a hole and falls on this line.

      We walked around town for a bit and stopped at a cafe for a a beer and a spritz before heading back to the hotel.

      After little sleep for 36 hours we didn’t even make it out for dinner.
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    • Dzień 5

      The Clock Tower

      26 maja, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      The Piazza Maggiore has a number of buildings around it including the local government offices. They started building this building in the 1300s and it evolved over a couple of centuries to be what it is today. The key feature of this building is the large clock tower that overlooks the Piazza and one of the best views in town is from the top so today we climbed it.

      The building was used as the Cardinal’s residence but now it is all administrative and contains an impressive art collection. Being the government offices it also hosts weddings and there were a few of these happening throughout the day.

      We bought our tickets and made our way up and the views are pretty good.

      Afterwards we scored some lunch, wandered around a bit and headed back to the hotel.

      In the evening we did what many of the locals do, sat on the steps of the Basilica and people-watched!

      We met up with the people in our tour group. All are Australians and suffice to say we would be in the younger age group.

      Tomorrow our tour starts!
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    • Dzień 6

      Walk around Bologna

      27 maja, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today we did a guided walking tour of Bologna.

      There has been a university in Bologna since 1088 making it the oldest continuously operating university. We went into one of the old university buildings where they used to teach anatomy. The Teatro Anatomico is the main room where they used to conduct dissections usually on poor people or criminals. Back then they was the belief that anatomy and astronomy were linked so the ceiling is covered in the star signs and the god Apollo is in the middle. Around the walls are famous teachers like Hippocrates.

      The students sat around the marble table where the bodies were carved up. The church dictated the rules so they could not hold a heart in their bare hands and the toilet area had to be covered. The lecturer sat up high at one end of the room and his assistant did the dirty work.

      Unfortunately this room was badly damaged by a bomb in WW2 but they managed to save most of the statues and so rebuilt the room soon after.

      Back in the Middle Ages going to university was only for the very rich so the walls of the Uni are covered by family crests. Students used to come from all over Europe so these different locations were shown as well.

      After the Uni we walked around some of the back streets where they have food markets. You can see in the photos it was all pretty sensational. Bologna is known for its mortadella and pasta so most shops sold these and so much more.

      We then headed out to where we could view the two towers of Bologna. There used to be literally hundreds of these towers and they were mainly for defensive purposes. If someone attacked the town rich families could retreat to their tower and it would have been hard to get them out. These towers came it all shapes and sizes the tallest one still standing is 97 metres tall. They have a problem with the other one in that the ground has become unstable so it is leaning quite badly, something they are trying to stop.

      We then went into the Basilica di San Petronio. This church is the fourth biggest in Italy behind St Peter’s in the Vatican, Milan, and Florence. The Meridian line in the Basilica di San Petronio is the longest at about 60m. Every day at noon the sun shines through a small hole in the roof and falls on this line. At each solstice it stops and heads back the other way along the line.

      After the Basilica we headed across the one of the oldest gelato shops Gelateria Gianni. It was sensational! Yes even better than Messina - a big call.

      Bologna is famous for its covered walkways or porticos and many are UNESCO heritage listed. They evolved because land was tight within the walls of the city so people came up with ways to give themselves more space by building up and over the street.

      After the tour we had lunch and hung around town. Dinner was at a restaurant across from our hotel.
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    • Dzień 4


      25 maja, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Overlooking Bologna from the south west is a small hill with a big church on top it is the Basilica di San Luca. This church was founded in the 1200s but not finished until much later. It holds a painting of the Madonna and child which is said to have been painted by St Luke the Evangelist and originally hung in the Temple of Saint Sophia in Constantinople.

      To get to the Basilica there is a long covered walkway called the Portico San Luca which was built in the 1600s to provide protection for people making the pilgrimage to the church.

      So today we ticked off going on a pilgrimage from our bucket list.

      The walk is about 3.8kms and the first bit is nice and flat but the hill and associated steps soon arrive. We started early so it was nice and cool and it took us about an hour all up.

      The view was pretty good. It is popular with the locals with lots of people running, walking, or cycling up the road to get to the church.

      After looking around and viewing the painting we headed back through the old city gate called Porta Saragozza and along the street via Saragozza to the centre of town. The weekend is obviously when the locals get out and about as some of the main streets are closed and people everywhere.

      We wandered around for a bit before stopping at a restaurant on Piazza Maggiore for a couple of drinks and some lunch - pizza! Really good.

      After a bit of a rest at the hotel (going on a pilgrimage is tiring) we went out to a cafe for another drink and some lasagne.
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    • Dzień 6

      Santuario della Madonna di San Luca

      5 września 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Im Touri-Bimmelbahn-Style sind wir gefahren zur:

      Das Santuario della Madonna di San Luca („Heiligtum der allerseligsten Jungfrau vom heiligen Lukas“), ist eine etwas außerhalb von Bologna gelegene Kirche auf dem Colle della Guardia, einem teilweise bewaldeten Hügel mit einer Höhe von ungefähr 300 m. Das Heiligtum ist aus der Stadt von der Porta Saragozza, einem der alten Tore von Bologna, über den fast vier Kilometer langen Bogengang Portico di San Luca erreichbar.

      Zurück ging es 5km durch die Bogengänge in die Innenstadt.
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    • Dzień 67

      Bologna Day 5 Faenza, Brisighella

      16 listopada 2023, Włochy ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      When asked by an Italian we met, why we were in Bologna for 5 days, we said so that we could do a day trip to Brisighella. His response was, "Mama Mia, why Brisighella? Nothing to do there!"
      We took a train to Faenza where we had to change to a bus to Brisighella. As Faenza had a market this morning, we stopped for coffee and a poke around. We bought a Christmas tablecloth there.
      Brisighella is a lovely tiny mediaeval town overlooked by castle, a tower and a church. We climbed up to the castle, but could not find a route through the windy web-like mediaeval streets to the tower. We must have walked the town streets many times over, looking for that route as we kept coming into laneways and buildings that looked familiar. We did have a delicious lunch of seafood entre and rabbit stew.

      Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant called NIU taste different. Food was very fine and very good Japanese.

      Distance walked 21 km
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    • Dzień 2


      2 marca, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Het ontbijt heb ik overgeslagen deze ochtend, om mijn trein te kunnen halen naar bologne. Ik wist het al van mijn vorige trip in Italië, met de trein reizen is hier zeer gemakkelijk en snel. Op een uurtje stond ik in bologne en kon ik de stad zien ontwaken, want voor 10 uur gebeurt daar niet veel. Mijn voornaamste reden was eten natuurlijk, gezien hier de lasagne, tortellini en bolognaise saus is uitgevonden.
      Om de tijd te vullen tussen het eten heb ik de hele stad doorwandels, in de voormiddag in de regen en in de namiddag in de zon. Ook ben ik een paar kerken binnen gewandeld om wat cultureel te doen. Het eten is er lekker, maar niet uitzonderlijk. Wel ben ik er niet meer in geslaagd om avondeten te eten na twee middagmalen, vol is vol.
      De stad zelf is zeer aangenaam om door te wandelen, voornamelijk door het verkeersvrije centrum, en de overdekte voetpaden. In een halve dag heb je het wel gezien, op mijn tempo. Het was lang geleden dat ik nog eens boven de 30000 stappen zat.
      Een probleempje had ik wel: mijn trein ticket was via mijn telefoon waardoor deze niet uit mocht vallen voor de terugrit om 21:06. De beste manier om batterij te sparen is in vliegtuigmode zetten dus het is mij gelukt.
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    • Dzień 20


      18 kwietnia 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Bologna gefällt mir von den Städten bisher am Besten. Es gibt nicht so viele Touristen wie in Florenz und deshalb gibt es auch keine nervigen Straßenverkäufer, nicht mal auf dem Hauptplatz. Dafür gibt es viele Piazzas und ein Großteil der Innenstadt hat Bogengänge und eignet sich deshalb gut zum Spazierengehen.
      Das bekannteste Wahrzeichen sind zwei alte Türme, die ähnlich wie in Pisa nicht ganz gerade sind. Der höhere von beiden ist fast 100 m hoch. Für die Besichtigung muss man viele alte Holzstufen meistern. Außer der Treppe und ein paar Zwischenböden ist der Turm innen hohl. Von oben gibt es eine tolle Aussicht in alle Richtungen über die Stadt.
      Bologna ist nicht nur eine Studentenstadt, sondern gilt auch als Essenshauptstadt.
      Die Bolognese kommt hier her, aber im Original wird es mit Tagliatelle gemacht und heißt al Ragù. 😄 Außerdem kommen noch Tortellini und Mortadella von hier.
      Es gibt viele Backsteinbauten wie die Hauptkirche von Bologna mit einer unvollendeten Fassade.
      Ich wandere im längsten Bogengang der Welt 4 km und einige Höhenmeter zu einer Kirche am Stadtrand.
      Abends entdecke ich noch eine Fledermaus die über einem Wasserbecken immer im Kreis flattert. Da gibt es wohl viele Insekten.
      Auf der Suche nach einem Kaltgetränk finde ich eine gemütliche Kneipe (l'Ora d'Aria) mit IPA vom Fass. Weil nicht so viel los ist komme ich mit dem Wirt und einigen Stammgästen ins Gespräch. Es sind sehr nette Leute und man merkt, dass hier Freunde eine Kneipe betreiben und nicht auf Profit aus sind.
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    • Dzień 15–19

      Bologna 1

      8 maja, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Bologna Day 1 - Food glorious Food!
      First day in Bologna started with a sleep in and an easy start to the day.
      We eventually got out and walked to Piazza Maggiore, visiting the Tourist info centre to arm ourselves with maps and new info.
      Then we hit the quadrilateral area with its fab food shops, fresh food stalls and cafes. We stopped at a little place for rolls with local meats - yum, yum yum!.
      After lunch D&i headed off to walk to Basilica di San Luca, and the incredible continuous colonnade that wends its way up the hill to the basilica. (Judith sensibly decided to rest up back at the apt). From the city the walk is about 5 ks, with 3.5 ks of continuous colonnade, making it the longest in the world. 1. 5ks of it is uphill. It was amazing, beautiful, and a good workout! The Basilica and the views overlooking Bologna and across the countryside were worth the effort.
      The walk down was quicker and we caught a bus at Melincello where the climb started, saving us more time.
      As we walked back to our apt we bumped into my former work colleague Bronwyn (who we were already planning on catching up with here) and her husband Garry. We had a drink and a lovely catch up before scooting off home, picking up some additional snacks to have with drinks.
      We ended up having another night in - we were all tired, especially D&i!
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    • Dzień 267


      22 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ich hatte keine Vorstellung von Bologna. Null. Wir sind vormittags angekommen und ich wusste gleich, diese Stadt ist anders als andere italienische Städte die ich kenne. Und ich war in einigen - Rom, Florenz, Mailand, Turin, Venedig, Neapel, ...
      Ob es daran liegt dass die Stadt von den Linken regiert wird? Oder daran, dass sie die älteste Universität Europas beherbergen? Keine Ahnung.

      Die Stadt ist nicht groß, das Zentrum ist gut zu Fuß durchwandern. Es gibt ein paar übrig gebliebene Geschlechtertürme (beizeiten gab es hunderte davon!), auf einen sind wir raufgegangen (~500 Stufen), Kirchen, Plätze und 40 km Arkaden 😯. Letztere sind toll und ich frage mich warum nicht jede Stadt so viele Arkaden hat. Sonnen- und Regenschutz! Herrlich!

      Am ersten Abend haben wir auch sofort ein Stammlokal gefunden, ein nettes kleines Restopub mit großartigem Essen und wunderbaren Menschen neben unserem Hotel (wir waren 5 mal in 3 Tagen dort). Im nahegelegenen Park waren wir zur öffentlichen Auflegerei, in einem anderen bei einem Streetfoodfest mit Birrabus (Bier-Bus, mit etwa 30 italienischen Craftbieren).

      Wir hatten es wirklich fein die drei Tage in Bologna. Tolle Stadt, wir kommen sicher wieder!

      ###### english ######

      I had no idea of Bologna. Zero. We arrived in the morning and I knew right away that this city is different from other Italian cities that I know. And I've been to a few - Rome, Florence, Milan, Turin, Venice, Naples...
      Is it because the city is governed by the left? Or because they are home to the oldest university in Europe? No idea.

      The city is not big, the center is easy to walk through. There are a few remaining towers (there were hundreds of them at one time!), we went up one (~500 steps), churches, squares and 40 km of arcades 😯. The latter are great and I wonder why not every city has so many arcades. Sun and rain protection! Splendid!

      On the first evening we immediately found us a regular pub, a nice little restaurant with awesome food and wonderful people next to our hotel. We went there 5 times in 3 days 😅 In the nearby park we went to a public DJ, in another at a street food festival with Birrabus (beer bus, with about 30 Italian craft beers).

      We had a really good three days in Bologna. Great city, we'll be back for sure!

      ☆☆☆ Empfehlungen / recommendations:

      Il Santo Bevitore

      La Prosciuttaria Bologna

      Bar Tabacchi Collegio Di Spagna
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    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Bologna, بولونيا, Boloña, Горад Балоння, Болоня, Bolonya, Bolonia, Μπολόνια, Bolonjo, بولونیا, Bologne, בולוניה, Բոլոնիա, ボローニャ, ბოლონია, 볼로냐, Болонья, Bononia, Bolonija, Boloņa, बोलोन्या, Bolonja, Bolonha, Bològna, بولونا, Bulogna, Болоња, โบโลญญา, بلونیا, Bułogna, 博洛尼亚

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