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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Bolzano
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    • Dag 49

      Day 1 - Bolzano to Trento

      13. juni, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The planets aligned and created a day we will remember forever. Perfect cycling weather, near new electric bikes from Girolibero in Bolzano, a fast flowing Adige river to follow for 70 kms, stunning scenery and both of us healthy and able to fully enjoy the experience!
      We arrived at Girolibero bike depot early and were the first to get our bikes. We had previously loaded onto both our phones a GPS app with map & instructions of how to get from Bolzano to Trento, courtesy of Girolibero. It worked well, once we figured out how to follow the blue line! We only had to bike in traffic for approx 3 km until we reached a wonderful bike path that went the entire 70 kms. Best of all, it was completely flat!
      We sat on 24 - 25 km/hr and quickly realized we were going to be at Trento with plenty of time to spare. We called into a little village for our 1030 coffee and chatted to the locals. We stopped many times to take photos and have a rest from the saddle before arriving in Trento at 1 pm. We noticed a tree stump in the fast flowing Adige river soon after we began our ride in Bolzano. This stump ended up at Trento just after us! We became quite attached to it (like the Tom Hanks movie!)
      We are staying at a lovely Hotel (Hotel America) near the Old Town. We freshened up then walked the cobblestone streets of Trento for our reward - an Aperol Spritz & gelato! What a marvellous day!
      Tomorrow we ride to the top of Lake Garda then take the ferry to Peschiera (4 hr journey).
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    • Dag 19

      San Martino di Castrozza

      20. juni 2022, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Our car was less 🏎 and more 🚗 but has navigation which is wonderful. The drive to the mountains from Venice was an easy 2.25 hours.

      We are among 2 of 4 English speakers in our hotel filled with Italians on holiday. The other English speakers are a retired American/German couple that lives in Germany.

      Dinner is set each evening at 7:30. It’s a 4 course meal and very interesting. Last night’s meal included a blueberry & cheese risotto. Kai was not a fan but I liked it.

      We did a lovely 10km hike today. We were surprised how few people were out on the trails. Pictures show the views. We did have one small scare on the hike. Very early on we encountered a snake 🐍 on the path. As it slithered away, I assured Kai that it was most likely a harmless garden snake. It did make me wonder 🤔if there are poisonous snakes in the area…. It turns out there are😬! The image included with this post is identical to the snake we saw on the trail.
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    • Dag 22

      Dolomites Continued

      23. juni 2022, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      This part of the Dolomites is a mix of Austrian, Swiss and Italian influences. Dairy cows wander the meadows with their bells ringing away. You can find apple strudel and kraut in shops and restaurants. Yet, everyone here speaks Italian, cappuccino is an essential start
      (middle and end) to the day, and pasta is served with every meal.

      Our hotel includes a 4 course meal every evening at 7:30. It’s a long, interesting, and formal affair.

      Meals are interesting because we’re never really sure of what’s being served. A description of the evening’s dinner, including each course and any options, is posted in the lobby for anticipatory review. Even on the occasion that we’ve recognized some part of the meal’s description (e.g. rigatoni) the presentation and combination of ingredients has been surprising to us. Each meal is an adventure in the culinary delights of the region.

      The dinning experience is from 7:30-9:30. This is a really long stretch of time is you are tired after hiking all day. Our Italian hotel friends love the lengthy meals and usually move outside to talk and smoke for another hour or two after dinner. 🥂Kai and I can barely stay awake long enough to enjoy dessert.

      The dinning experience is more formal than we are accustomed to because all guests enter the dinning room together, have assigned tables, and leave the dining room together. Each course is served to all tables at roughly the same time. If you eat too quickly you will have to wait a bit for the next course. Last night we were rebels and asked to skip the 3rd course altogether and go straight to dessert. We managed to escaped the dining room at 8:30🎉.

      We are enjoying these culinary adventures, as well as learning about Italian holiday preferences. It’s fun and would be more fun if we spoke Italian!

      Alas- no food pictures- but more mountains, trails and streams. Ooh, and a video of amazing electrical storm from earlier in the week. 💕
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    • Dag 20

      Crown of the Dolomites

      21. juni 2022, Italien ⋅ 🌧 66 °F

      Today we took two Gondolas 🚠 up to what is called the Crown of the Dolomites. Check out the video of the second Gondola. Kai and I had to conquer our fears to make the trip 😬.

      The Dolomites are 250 million years old and began as coral reefs during the Triassic. Sixty million years ago the collision of the African and European tectonic plates pushed them skyward. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wind, rain, and ice have changed them into the beautiful peaks we see today.

      We hiked down from mid-mountain and made it back to our car and hotel before an afternoon lightening storm came through. It was enjoyable to watch ⛈⚡️from the safety of our room.
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    • Dag 6

      Aprica & Rosengarten

      7. juni, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Den Rosengarten (…wie ein so schroffes, schier unbezwingbares Gebirge nur so heissen kann!?) sehen wir heute von unserem ganz einfachen Standplatz auf dem grossen Seilbahn-Parkplatz in Karersee in den Dolomiten. Hoffentlich nicht letztmals mit so schöner Abendsonne; es ist nämlich schlechteres Wetter angesagt!
      Gestern sind wir von Ascona über Lugano und den Comersee nach Aprica gefahren. Erstmals in einen „richtigen“ Campingplatz. Aber ohne Elektroanschluss, weil wir ja mit unserer PV-Anlage sehr autark sind …und fast alleine, weil alle die Permanentcamper offenbar vorzugsweise im Winter hier sind. Zwischenhalt etwas nördlich von Menaggio am Comersee, wo Windsurfen angesagt ist: Staunend konnten wir die langsam aufkommenden Foil-Surfer (Voll-Tauchanzug, Helm, professioneller Gesichtsausdruck…) beobachten: Echt schnell, wenn sie es denn mal auf das Brett hoch schaffen.
      Heute eine etwas lange Strecke, aber interessant: Noch Brauchwasser tanken und Grauwasser ablassen, dann ab Richtung Passo Tonale und über Dambel (… wir denken an Cumbel und Iris und Walti) durch riesige Obstkulturen und schönste Gegenden zum Mendelpass (…seit Töffzeiten schon mein Lieblingspass). Margrith empfiehlt aus ihren Reiseführestudien über das Tierstal in die Dolomiten einzufahren. Gesagt getan: In Tier parkieren wir schon einmal sehr im Zentrum mit dem Gedanken, nach dem Dorfrundgang gleich hier zu übernachten. Die Aussicht ist uns denn aber zu wenig spektakulär „bergig“ und wir haben noch Zeit. Da muss es noch Besseres geben, was wir denn auch in Karersee finden. Langsam beginnen wir die Vorteile des Sprinty zu schätzen: Total autonom und unauffällig!
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    • Dag 6

      Besuch Karersee

      28. juni 2022, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Der Besuch dieses Sees ist eine Tourihochburg wir schlossen uns also der Kollone rund um den See an. Zum Glück waren nicht überall Menschenansammlungen und so konnten wir doch einige Fotos machen 😊😊

    • Dag 106–111

      Sublime slurry

      19. juni, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      While I slept under a view of the moon and stars, somebody turned this game into ultra mode.

      When I woke up, the valley below was filled with clouds like a basin of milk, warming in the morning sun. The sublime view pulled me out of my tent and kept me watching for an hour, as the clouds boiled and swirled below.

      The descent was also ultra. A steep single track hiking path went down the hill, with barely enough space for me beside Schopper.
      The surface was varied: mud, grass, gravel, roots, rocks and leaves, but none of it was ridable. So I hiked and pushed.

      At a gravel section, I tried to ride down. Soon, we flipped and I ended in a handstand with Schopper held up by my legs. Despite us both being upside down, all the bike bags stayed attached - impressive.

      The asphalt section was more rock than road. It felt like we descended in a slurry of stones, slipping and sliding and scraping our way down.

      When we got to Pieve di Cadore a couple of hours later, I sat for a celebratory coffee. I felt like I owed Schopper an apology.
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    • Dag 8

      Lorenzago Di Cadore - Venetien

      9. juni, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Hier war Papst Johannes Paul II 1987-1998 sieben Mal in seinen Sommerferien und 2007 auch Papst Benedict XVI einmal.
      Wir sind eher zufällig da, aber sicher am richtigen Ort: Wir wollten ja hier auf dem Parkplatz nur schnell die App studieren, um demnächst einen Stellplatz anzusteuern. Aber es ist total ruhig, sauber und eine Ecke speziell für Wohnfahrzeuge signalisiert …und sympathisch. - Also bleiben wir grad stehen! Schon das zweite Mal platzieren wir unsere Sandbleche unter die Standkeile um den Sprinty gut zu horizontieren.
      Heute sind wir relativ früh gestartet um auf dem Campolongo-Pass eine Spazierrunde zu machen: 1 1/2 Stunden sind wir in schönster Umgebung mit vielen Alpenblumen unterwegs und erreichen nach fast 300 m Höhendifferenz die Kaiserhütte. Der Weg war so steil, dass wir es vorgezogen haben, über die Skipiste abzusteigen und finden uns mitten im Munggengebiet: Warnpfiffe, hie und da wachhabender Mungg und ganz viele neu erstellte Höhlen.
      Leider ist heute das Wetter nicht ganz so fotogen, aber trocken und warm; erst mit dem Eindunkeln zieht etwas Regen auf.
      Heute sind gelbe Strassen angesagt. Auf gefühlten 500 Kurven umfahren wir Cortina d Ampezzo südlich und verlassen die Dolomiten in Richtung Friaul.
      Noch eine Hunde-Runde durch das 500-Seelen-Dorf Lorenzago mit Feierabend-Bier im Dorf-Albergo, bevor wir uns in unser Heim zurückziehen.
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    • Dag 46

      Bolzano - bad hair day!

      10. juni, Italien ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Another lovely slow start to the day with a delicious breakfast on the patio of the hotel.
      We then took a bus to Salon Ryan - the only hair salon that could fit us in. Roger needed a trim & Kerrie a colour and cut. We now know why we were the only customers! The 'barber' from Albania, coloured Kerrie's hair and it turned out white!! He also 'trimmed' her hair into a short bob! Off to the supermarket to get a L'Oreal colour! Roger the hairdresser, saved Kerrie from near emotional collapse!
      We took the local cable car to an Alpine village just above our Hotel, however, rain prevented us seeing too much. We will return tomorrow ready to explore this beautiful mountainous area with more views of the Dolomites.
      We had a long chat with Jacob, the young Owner/Manager of Hotel Magdalena Hof. He & his mother run the Hotel. We then went across the road to a small bistro for dinner where we had the best lasagne & pasta meal we have ever eaten. We were seated with a mother & daughter from Germany who are en route to Venice. A delightful dinner spent chatting with them (didn't even introduce ourselves, but ended up hugging and promising to visit each other!) Many blessings along the way, even with a bad hair day!!
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    • Dag 3

      Cinque Torri 🏔️🥾🎒

      7. juni, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Une belle journée mêlée de soleil et de randonnée les pieds dans la neige par moments ! Un joli périple de 7 heures avec 650 mètres de dénivelé. Des paysages à couper de le souffle! Changement de décors en permanence, un régal !

      On a prit de bonnes couleurs malgré la crème solaire.

      Quelques détours en dehors des sentiers battus à cause de la neige qui camouflait certains chemins ❄️. C’est ainsi que nous nous sommes retrouvés dans le lit d’une rivière, d’un blanc immaculé avec une randonnée qui s’est transformée en escalade, ce qui nous a vallu un joli fou rire.

      Il est temps de recharger les batteries pour demain: spot nocturne à proximité du Lago di Sorapis notre objectif de demain !
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Bolzano, Bozen, South Tyrol, Province autonome de Bolzano, Zuid-Tirol

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