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    • Day 98

      Le busiate 🍝

      January 5 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Ieri é stata una giornata di studio, lavoro e riposo per riprendersi definitivamente 💪🏼
      Ci siamo soltanto spostati nelle vicinanze di Trapani 📍sotto la Torre di Nubia 🏰

      E oggi ci siamo quindi svegliati tra il mare e le saline, con un l’alba daii colori spettacolari ☀️
      Poi, appuntamento importante 📆 Oggi abbiamo imparato a fare la tipica pasta trapanese - le busiate 😋
      Prendono il nome dal busio, uno stecchino di legno utilizzato per dargli la specifica forma 💡
      Ed ecco il procedimento imparato da Linda ed Elvira 😍
      ❗️Pesare 100gr di farina rimacinata e 60g di acqua ⚖️
      ❗️Formare un buco in mezzo alla farina, versarci l’acqua e impastare a mano per 10minuti ✋🏼 L’impasto deve diventare soffice ☁️
      ❗️Formare una pallina da cui tagliare dei pezzettini 🔪
      ❗️Rotolare i pezzettini per ottenere dei rotolini di uno spessore di ca. 0,5cm e una lunghezza di ca. 10cm 📏
      ❗️Prendere il busio, appoggiarlo sull’estermità del rotolino, posizionato a 45 gradi 🤨
      ❗️Avvolgerlo il busio con l’impasto rotolando sia lo stecchino che l’impasto ✋🏼
      ❗️ Staccare l’impasto dal busio girandolo lentamente
      Ora manca solo il pesto rosso, fatto con pomodori, basilico, aglio e mandorle 🍅 per un buonissimo pranzo in compagnia 🍝
      Che fantastica esperienza 🤩

      Ancora provati dalla mangiata siamo saliti fino a Monte Erice ⛰️ che riserva una splendida vista su Trapani e le sue saline 😍
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    • Day 3

      Érice, Marsala e Trapani

      November 28, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Depois da nossa manhã habitual de trabalho saímos para Érice, na esperança de que não houvesse nuvens a tapar a vista, mas não foi isso que aconteceu. Para além das nuvens estava frio e não se via um palmo diante do nariz. O almoço foi farto e a seguir a degustação de figuras de maçapão à moda do Algarve deixou toda a gente empanturrado e incapaz de comer mais até ao fim do dia. Mas ainda passámos por Trapani para apreciar a ponta mais ocidental a ilha. À noite acabou com umas cervejinhas e uma boa vonversa à moda portuguesa.Read more

    • Day 21

      Trapani afternoon

      June 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      We came back for a rest and then set out to have a look at Trapani. It was rather quiet but we did see the beautiful San Lorenzo Cathedral and various other streets with beautiful buildings. Trapani has very good signage to tell you all about the various buildings and churches etc. Continuing our walk seeing 2 more weddings, the beach and Craig bought a new shirt - this town is quite lovely.Read more

    • Day 23


      April 4 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Am Weg nach Erice schauen wir uns ein kleines aber feines Freilichtmuseum an.

      Erice liegt auf einem Hügel und bereits bei der Fahrt hinauf genießen wir die Aussicht. Oben angekommen erkunden wir das kleine Städtchen, wo recht wenig los ist. Nach rund 1h haben wir alles besichtigt und spazieren zurück zum Auto.Read more

    • Day 33

      Grotte Mangiapane, Custonaci

      February 7, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Gestern Abend sind wir auf den Besucherparkplatz der Grotte gefahrenen und haben dort übernachtet. Weit und breit kein Mensch. Nur ein Eselpaar, das uns laut begrüsste. Nach einer kalten, ruhigen Nacht entdeckt Jürgen, dass die Tiere gefüttert wurden. Wir durften die eigentlich geschlossene Anlage besichtigen und bekamen noch eine gratis Führung. Die Grotte wurde von 1819 bis 1950 von 4 Familien bewohnt - die Mangiapane's.
      Es ist ein kleiner Garten Eden: Tiere, Oliven und Trauben gibt es immer noch dort. In der Weihnachtszeit gibt es in der in den Fels gehauenen Kirche eine lebendige Krippe.
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    • Day 9


      January 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Nach endlosem Gekurve durch x x Serpentinen haben wir uns nach Erice hochgeschraubt.
      Dort fanden wir eine wunderschöne alte Stadt mit Festungsanlage und vielen Kirchen, die die Anstrengungen belohnten. Vielleicht wäre es sinnvoller die Stadt mit der Seilbahn von Trapani aus zu besuchen, aber die Fahrt war ein Erlebnis.
      Die Weiterfahrt, enge Serpentinen bergab, brachte uns dann ins quirlige Trapani.
      Die blaue Schöne ist die Lorelei Siziliens, wer sie zu lange anschaut geht über die Klippen.
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    • Day 74

      Erice, Sicily

      June 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we drove into Trapani to catch the cable car up to Erice, a historic town located 750 metres above sea level on the top of Mount Erice, overlooking the city of Trapani, and out to Nubia and the salt pans, where we are staying. Founded by the Phoenicians, an ancient civilisation dating back to 3000 BC, remains from the walls at the time can still be seen.

      Even though it was an overcast day it was a lovely town to wander through, admiring the alleyways, checking out the ceramic shops (oh I wish we were closer to home - I would bring so much back with me) and popping into a church or two. For a small town there certainly are a few of them. While the town does have a lot of tourist shops it still has a rustic charm and it was worth braving the crazy Sicilian drivers to get here.
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    • Day 24

      Trapani - Erice

      May 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Länge: 10,3 km / Höhe: +759m, -54m
      Dauer: ca. 3h

      Endlich wieder auf Wanderschaft!
      Die Länge - oder vielmehr Kürze - der heutigen Tour ist ideal nach dieser längeren Städtereise in Palermo!😉 Da wird auch noch Zeit und Energie übrigbleiben, am Ziel der Etappe Erice zu erkunden. Soll ein sehr eindrücklicher mittelalterlicher Ort sein.

      Nach den ersten paar Kilometern aus dem sonnigen Trapani raus, den wolkenverhangenen Monte Erice immer im Blick, fängt bei der Talstation der Gondelbahn der Weg zu steigen an. Schnell gewinne ich an Höhe und staune beim Blick zurück immer wieder über die sich mir bietenden Ausblicke auf Trapani und die beiden Meere.

      Die Gondelbahn steht still, wohl wegen des starken Windes! Der bläst während des Aufstiegs immer stärker. Ich geniesse den Wind in den Haaren! Kurz vor dem mittelalterlichen Erice begrüsst ein "lost place" die zu Fuss Kommenden. Kaum abgesperrt lockt mich diese moderne Ruine zu einem kurzen Rundgang. Ob es wohl früher ein Hotel war?

      Schon auf dem Weg zu meiner Unterkunft, am anderen Ende des Ortes, bin ich beeindruckt. Erice hat eine lange und bewegte Vergangenheit ... und geht auf Eryx, eine der wichtigsten antiken Städte Siziliens zurück. Alle bedeutenden Zivilisationen und Eroberer haben hier oben ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Erice - ein mittelalterliches Kleinod über Trapani gelegen!

      Vom Balkon meines Zimmers geniesse ich noch einen Ausblick auf den Monte Cofano und die kommenden Wanderungen. Ein kurzer Regenschauer später wird es so richtig neblig. Es ist offenbar eine Besonderheit des Ortes, dass er oft von Nebel umhüllt ist. Ein Phänomen, das auch "Umarmung der Venus" genannt wird. Während meines Rundganges durch die gepflasterten engen Gassen des mittelalterlichen Erice fühle ich mich immer wieder mal in den Film "Der Name der Rose" mit Sean Connery versetzt! Diese Kombination aus mittelalterlichem Kleinod mit Nebelschwaden ist grossartig!

      Unerwartet stosse ich bei der Besichtigung des Torretta Peppoli (Wohnturm aus dem 19. Jh.) auf eine Ausstellung des marrokanischen Schriftstellers und Künstlers Tahar Ben Jelloun. An seine Bücher, wie er seiner Tochter Rassissmus ("Papa, was ist ein Fremder") oder den Islam erklärt, erinnere ich mich gern!

      Am Abend lasse ich mich mit einem typischen Gericht in Erice verwöhnen: Couscous mit Fisch und Spinat. Der arabische Einfluss lässt grüssen!
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    • Day 16

      H-Day 14 to Trapani / Erice

      April 6, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      We've slept pretty comfortable in a seller stall next to the sea and a one way road. Traffic was like nothing after 22:00. And we have been nicely protected from the strong wind and rain. The start in the morning was still fine. On the road and cycling path directly next to the sea. But after a short while we needed to head inland to Trapani. A long and boring walk along very busy roads. Lupo has had problems with his right front leg again. And it is normally not good on rough gravel and sealed roads. He needs soft ground. But we slowly made our way further. Stopped in a gasoline station cafe only briefly. For a short part back from the road on a trail a sheep herd passed us. Normally no problem. But one of the 4 white big dogs got more aggressive to us. The sheltered just called only a little bit. You are most times alone with the situation. We managed it and soon we've been in the city. Hard to find a good way to the supermarket and back out of e city again.

      From here the first climb to Erice begins. A tourist village on a hill next to the city. Nice view from up there. We've tried to make breaks in the sun on the way up. But most times it has been just too windy. Ice cold wind. After one break we've started again and accidentally Francesco hiked next to us. A nice guy from Torino. CAI member too. We've chatted in English up the hill and enjoyed in the famous and tourist busy Pasticceria Maria Grammatico some cookies and a coffee.
      Time flied and it got even colder in the shady stony streets of Erice. One tourist shop after the other. Prices raises. So I haven't taken any photos and headed the SI down immediately. Overgrown path... Oh... Strange that the trail is not so we'll maintained at the beginning.
      Looking for a sleeping spot, I've seen on the signed map two chapels and one shelter on the way down. The chapels have been too old and not really nice. So I looked for the shelter. But I've found a donkey farm. So many paddocks with single and grouped donkeys. Brown ones and medium to taller size. Where I expected the shelter has been a big stall for further Asini. We wanted to stay somewhere there, but we've realized that in the stable are probably the male donkeys. And a female donkey escaped somehow and the males got really loud and nervous of she passed. And she did often. So we went further in the darkness and found a better spot a bit later. Finally.... Cause I realize my legs are a bit better, but Lupo needs more rest. We need to slow down and make a longer break somehow.
      Not that easy, cause shops get much less now. We'll walk more remote and the next days Easter is approaching. The rare supermarkets have will be closed I guess.

      51700 steps - 38 km
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    • Day 20

      Funicular up to beautiful Erice

      June 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      After lunch, we once again had some difficulties driving through Trapani to find the funicular. This GPS which we have named Maddalena is rather painful at times as it has not kept up with road changes in Sicily. Eventually, we got there and it is the longest, highest funicular we have ever been on. Erice is the original town of Trapani which survived various invasions - no wonder as it is so high! The first thing we went into is the Real Duomo (Royal Cathedral). It is very old and was originally constructed by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD. The filagree-looking ceiling was breathtaking as were the cornices - something for Craig to consider. We continued to look around this very pretty town. We bought some sweet cakes but later had the best gelati we have had so far in all of Sicily from Liparotti - the flavour was pistachio, lemon peel and roasted almonds - yum yum. This place was quite enchanting.Read more

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