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    • Day 33 - 5 Terre

      11. august 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today is planned to be somewhat of a big day, 30 degrees is on the cards and we plan to visit the 5 Cinque Terre villages (We are staying in the fourth village from the South)

      We had our muesli in our room as no breakfast at this hotel provided, headed to the train station to buy our Cinque Terre Card for the train & trails for the day.
      First Village was Manarola, we grabbed a coffee here and a freshly made donut then had a walk around the village. We were waiting for 10.30am as we had a pesto making class at Nessus Dorma. We got to the pesto making class and the view was incredible, overlooked the whole village while you were perched on the edge of the hill.
      We started the pesto class and learnt some new things on making pesto, I’ll still freak out in the kitchen no doubt though!
      Simon the owner and who took the cooking class gave us the story of how this restaurant came to be - the mayor wanted people to email him their visions for the piece of land as it was nicknamed ‘the desert’ by the locals, no one went up there or used the space because it was so hot, despite the lovely views. His vision was a restaurant, not being able to book in months in advance, not paying top dollar for yuck food, pesto making classes with fresh bread and a sharing board to go with. 3 people wrote to the mayor and he got picked. 10 years on and you can book the pesto classes in advance, but for food from 4pm you need to have the app and check in and hope you get a spot to come and eat & drink here.
      The pesto class was amazing, the lunch was great and we all got a small bottle of wine to take away as well.

      After the cooking class and feeling a little bit more joyful from the wine we moved onto the next village - Riomaggiore. I needed to us the restroom at the station and seeing it’s free for the Cinque Terre Card holders we made sure to use the free ones. I told Katie to wait in the shade, and as we left the station we started walking up a hill thinking this is the way to town… weirdly not many people around. Once up the hill we needed to manoeuvre a lot of stairs down. We walked down and found the village’s swimming spot (ours is better) and then headed for the central area of the village. As we walked up the steps of the central area I noticed a tunnel to the station, if we had noticed this at the start it would of saved the long climb up the hill and all the stairs… Katie and I thankfully laughed it off.

      After seeing the central area of the village we trained to Monterosso, the furthest north village of Cinque Terre, this also has the largest beach area of all the villages. There are a-lot of beach beds and umbrellas you can rent here for the day. We got some gelato as the heat was starting to get to us and a walk around the village looking into the occasional shop.

      We left Monterosso and headed back to Vernazza to have a swim and cool off.

      After a swim, a bit of a relax we wanted to see the last Village of Cinque Terre, Corniglia. This is a village with a population of 150 people and unlike other villages not directly adjacent to the sea. We got off the train and tried to catch the bus to the village, this resulted in me seeing favourite tourists being classy as always… everyone for themselves and who cares where you were in line, I am more important than anyone… so we weren’t allowed on the bus as it was full as two people in front of us were about to get on. So we walked up. Great idea until Katie saw the stairs… Katie was thrilled with this, I have never heard her so verbal and passionate about something! By the time we got to the top, Katie made sure she knew where the bus stop was for the ride down.
      We had a quick look through the village, mainly consisting of one lane and at the end an impressive view of the ocean and the other villages.
      We decided we would head back to Vernazza for dinner, we got the bus to the station, yes I made sure we made it on and no stuffs given for others as they were pushing to get on the bus.

      We got back to Vernazza, we ordered some takeaway pizza, I ran up the 64 steps to our room and grabbed the essentials… wine! We went and sat on a look out behind the church and watched the sunset while eating dinner and drinking the wine we brought in Tuscany.

      After dinner I convinced Katie seeing we had the trail card for the day, let’s go see the village from the trail - picture attached and it was an amazing view! We walked back down with phone light helping us to see the steps. We had to have another gelato to say we tried all the gelato (one shop left now!) and headed for our room.
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    • Dag 24

      Daytrip to Cinque Terre

      4. september 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Morning train ride from Firenze via Pisa to La Spezia for a day trip to Cinque Terre. First stop - Manarola for a Pesto class, wine, and lunch at Nessun Dorma. Fantastic experience and it got very messy with the mortar and pestle as we made our own Pesto. Fresh basil, salt, garlic, pecorino cheese, and olive oil...Bellisima. This went perfectly with the prosciutto, breads and Cheeses, not to mention, the perfectly matched wines.
      Now at Montorossi El Mare for a swim and sun time. 30 Euro for an umbrella and 2 chairs for the day. Nowhere near as many staps as yesterday in Tuscany....more relax and foodie time.
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    • Dag 5

      A Day Exploring Cinque Terre Villages

      17. mai 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After an early morning sunrise stroll through the terraced vineyards above Manarola, we headed out to visit 3 of the other 4 villages. Hop, skip, and a jump on the train to the tiny towns of Corniglia and Vernazza. Then after getting our feet wet in the Mediterranean Sea, we took a wonderful boat ride to the last little town of Riomaggiore. Finally back in our room, we are enjoying a great Italian custom - the afternoon Siesta!Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Les 5 terres

      20. september 2021, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Une image dit plus que 1000 mots … pittoresques, colorés, romantique. Mais que la vie était dure dans ces villages avec des vignes en terrasses très pentus, et des ports si petits qu’il faut monter les bateaux des pêcheurs au village, tous les soirs (à Manorola).
      Aujourd’hui ces villages vivent de toute évidence majoritairement du tourisme, pour la visite il vaut mieux ne pas être agoraphobe. Mais comme partout il suffit de faire un ou deux pas de côté pour un peu plus d’intimité.
      De toute façon la vue sur les villages compense pas mal le nombre des autres visiteurs.
      Nous sommes allés en train de Chiavari aux 5 terres - ce qui m’a offert une belle occasion de pester sur les transports en commun en général et sa version italienne en particulier. J’ai trié toutes les photos et écrit ces lignes sur le quai de la gare de Levanto, en attendant notre train …
      Les mer

    • Dag 4

      Originating in Manarola!

      16. mai 2017, Italia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Apparently, the Cinque Terre is the birthplace of foccacia, pesto, and limoncello. And, since Manarola is right on the Mediterranean, they're famous for their seafood, especially anchovies, which taste nothing like they do in the US. And, of course, there's always gelato--in this case, lemon, strawberry, and pistachio, which happens to be in season right now! Here are a few pics. Missing is the pic of the pesto foccacia, and the pic of limoncello will have to wait until tomorrow, but we do have a pic of the fried anchovies. And for tonight's dinner, Taglierini ai Frutti di Mare (shrimp, clams, mussells, crab, and something else we'll have to look up) and Tagliatelloni alla Bottargae e Vongole (dried and salted roe and clams), followed by Piatto di Formaggi Misti (gorgonzola, pecorino, parmesan w/ onion marmalade).Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Erster capingplatz (Chinque terre)

      10. august 2019, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Unsere erste Aktivität führt uns zu den Chinque terre, welche aus fünf verschiedenen Dörfern bestehen die in den Hang gebaut sind und nur schwer mit dem Auto erreichen zu können. Nachdem der Zug uns fälschlicherweise zuerst in das fünfte Dorf statt wie geplant in das vierte Dorf gebracht hatte ging dann doch nach kurzer Verzögerungen die sehr schweißtreibende Wanderung von Dorf vier nach Dorf drei los. Da der ,,einfache Weg“ an der Küste gesperrt war nahmen wir den schweren Weg in Angriff, den wir natürlich in Rekordzeit bewältigt haben. Nach ca. 3 Stunden und (laut Smartwatch) 84 Stockwerken waren wir dann angekommen und sind mit dem Zug zurück gefahren. Wir brauchten natürlich ein Taxi, dass wir allerdings erst nach mehreren anrufen und nachdem uns ein Italiener auf dem Moped mitnehmen wollte bekommen haben, um vom Bahnhof zum Campingplatz zu kommen, der sehr schön war bis auf den Nachbarn, der ein italienisches Ed Sheeran Cover wohl gut fand.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Wir spazieren nach Manarola

      13. oktober 2021, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wir beschließen, eine kleine Wanderung zu machen, das klingt recht annehmbar: ca. 1,5 km, beginnend mit einer kleinen Treppe ab der Kirche von Riomaggiore kann man über das Plateau nach Manarola laufen. Klar, machen wir ;-).

      Blöderweise hat niemand die über 200 Höhenmeter erwähnt, die dazwischen liegen. Wir kämpfen uns (nach einem Besuch der örtlichen Kirche, um Beistand zu erbitten) hoch, die Aussicht entschädigt aber für vieles ;-).

      Oben brechen wir dann in einem Unterstand zusammen und bleiben erstmal im Schatten, nachdem wir unsere klatschnassen Hemden in die Sonne zum trocknen gehängt haben (Fotos ersparen wir Euch ;-) ).

      Aber es ist einfach zu schön hier!
      Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Cinque Terre

      14. mars 2019, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Nous prenons le train pour partir à la conquête des Cinque Terre. Il est normalement possible de rejoindre à pied les villages entre eux, mais la plupart des sentiers sont fermés à cause des degats dûs aux tempêtes. Riomaggiore est le premier que nous visitons, et déjà nous sommes impressionnés. Le village est niché dans des falaises à l'embouchure d'un torrent. Le second, où nous mangerons, est Manarola. Cela va crescendo en beauté, les maisons sont accrochées et agglutinées sur un éperon qui descend dans la mer. Et l'apothéose avec Vernazza, des maisons colorées concentrées autour de son port au fond d'une petite baie. Les cinq terres? Notre deuxième gros coup de coeur. Et dire qu'il y a à peine un an nous n'avions jamais entendu parler de cet endroit!Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Cinque Terre (Teil 3)

      20. september 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Nachdem wir Corniglia genossen hatten, fuhren wir weiter nach Manarola. Mittlerweile war es Nachmittag und die Menschenmasse nahm deutlich zu. Für uns immer noch ein großes Mysterium, wie das alles im Sommer abläuft. Die Bahnhöfe der Städtchen bestehen nämlich nur aus zwei Gleisen und die Wege hin zur Stadt sind recht eng.

      Manarola sieht von außen super, super schön aus. Ich würde sogar behaupten, es ist das schönste Städtchen von außen. Wir haben Pizza mit Pesto gegessen, eine äußerst gute Idee im Übrigen, und das typisch italienische Bier dazu in der Sonne getrunken.

      Beim Erkunden Manarolas haben wir entdeckt, dass teilweise kleine Wasserfälle unter den ganz normalen Straßen verlaufen. Überall hing Wäsche vor den Fenstern und der Duft guten italienischen Essens in der Luft.
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    • Dag 8

      5 villages on the coast

      28. oktober 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We spent from 9:30 am until 6:30 pm visiting the 5 villages on the coast/cliffs. Absolutely perfect weather all day.

    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Manarola, Մանարոլա, マナローラ, 마나롤라, Manium Arola, Манарола, 马纳罗拉

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