So I arrived in torrential rain and thus far it has not stopped! Fortunately, my shoes, which I stuffed with paper and hand towels, are now dry, as are my trousers. There has been thunder this morning, and the rain just gets worse.
I cannot go out. In fact no-one can go out, so I am a prisoner in a very basic tourist hotel with almost nothing to do.
Breakfast was interesting. Cold fried eggs and an assortment of tired cold cuts. Lots of cake!!
I have, however, had two large cups of tea. I hesitate to call it tea, but it is passable.
I have remonstrated politely with the management about my room, and I am trying to negotiate for a better one, especially as I am going to be trapped for several days! On top of all that, there is a rail strike in Italy on Friday🤣. You couldn't make it up..........plans scuppered again.
I do have my kindle, so I can read. I have a TV all in Italian. Living the dream🙂
Sometime around 11.30am, it stopped raining. Then it started again but not much and then stopped. The sky was brighter, so booted and spurred, I set off to get cash and seek an umbrella. It rained a bit while I was on this expedition. The ATM talked to me! Unfortunately, I didn't follow quickly enough, so it went back to messages. Extracted quantities of money and then trudged about looking for an umbrella. I paid 10 euros in the end. It's very nice, maroon with cream edges, and a bag. Naturally, it will get lost pretty soon. It is a push button , so I am likely to take off or poke someone's eye out when I open it. As I paid for it, the sun came out🤣
I had a good walk round the streets, and then went in search of the sea. On the way I found a supermarket. I bought milk, gluten -free madeleines, and much needed water.
The walk along the 'seafront' is very pleasant. The beach is quite something else. Wall to wall umbrellas and sun beds as far as the eye could see in both directions. Horrible!! I walked to the waters edge and took a few pics, and then hunted down some food.
I opted for a pizza, not my favourite food, but it is ubiquitous here, as you can imagine. As you can see from the pic, it was huge. I only ate half of it.
I have made sufficient fuss that I now have a superior room with kettle, fridge, armchairs, and room for a pony🤣.
I will leave you with a few pics.Read more
Traveler Das hört sich toll an und die Bilder belegen es👍😊❤️😊👍
Eure Tanzmäuse, echt toll