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  • Day 13


    August 4, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Wir haben uns super spontan entschlossen, 2 Tage an der Adria in Rimini mit unseren lieben Freunden, die wir völlig überraschend am Bahnhof in Österreich getroffen haben, zu verbringen.
    Es gibt sogar bezahlbare Hotels direkt am Meer.

    Pride Parade, Reihen um Reihen an Strandliegen für bis zu 50 Euro pro Tag, Touristen, Gelato, warmes Wasser, leider viel Algen, Strandbars, Musik und gute Stimmung
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  • Day 15

    Rimini in the rain!

    September 18, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    So I arrived in torrential rain and thus far it has not stopped! Fortunately, my shoes, which I stuffed with paper and hand towels, are now dry, as are my trousers. There has been thunder this morning, and the rain just gets worse.
    I cannot go out. In fact no-one can go out, so I am a prisoner in a very basic tourist hotel with almost nothing to do.
    Breakfast was interesting. Cold fried eggs and an assortment of tired cold cuts. Lots of cake!!
    I have, however, had two large cups of tea. I hesitate to call it tea, but it is passable.

    I have remonstrated politely with the management about my room, and I am trying to negotiate for a better one, especially as I am going to be trapped for several days! On top of all that, there is a rail strike in Italy on Friday🤣. You couldn't make it up..........plans scuppered again.
    I do have my kindle, so I can read. I have a TV all in Italian. Living the dream🙂
    Sometime around 11.30am, it stopped raining. Then it started again but not much and then stopped. The sky was brighter, so booted and spurred, I set off to get cash and seek an umbrella. It rained a bit while I was on this expedition. The ATM talked to me! Unfortunately, I didn't follow quickly enough, so it went back to messages. Extracted quantities of money and then trudged about looking for an umbrella. I paid 10 euros in the end. It's very nice, maroon with cream edges, and a bag. Naturally, it will get lost pretty soon. It is a push button , so I am likely to take off or poke someone's eye out when I open it. As I paid for it, the sun came out🤣
    I had a good walk round the streets, and then went in search of the sea. On the way I found a supermarket. I bought milk, gluten -free madeleines, and much needed water.
    The walk along the 'seafront' is very pleasant. The beach is quite something else. Wall to wall umbrellas and sun beds as far as the eye could see in both directions. Horrible!! I walked to the waters edge and took a few pics, and then hunted down some food.

    I opted for a pizza, not my favourite food, but it is ubiquitous here, as you can imagine. As you can see from the pic, it was huge. I only ate half of it.

    I have made sufficient fuss that I now have a superior room with kettle, fridge, armchairs, and room for a pony🤣.
    I will leave you with a few pics.
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  • Day 3

    Abstecher nach Rimini

    October 23, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Nachmittags wird es uns dann doch etwas langweilig an unserem Strand...

    Wir machen eine Abstecher nach Rimini. Siehe da, es gibt wirklich eine nette Altstadt.

    Anschließend kaufen wir noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten für's Abendessen und machen uns auf den Rückweg.Read more

  • Day 64


    July 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Der Küstenort Rimini ist für seine ausgedehnten Strände und sein pulsierendes Nachtleben bekannt - allerdings nicht in der verschlafenen Altstadt. Trotzdem, viel zu sehen in Rimini. 2000 Jahre alte Architektur der Römer an jeder Ecke.
    Ach ja, nicht zu vergessen der bekannteste Sohn der Stadt: Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor Federico Fellini wurde in Rimini geboren.
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  • Day 7

    Die letzten 64 km bis nach Rimini

    March 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Die letzte 64 Kilometer lange Etappe, die wir heute hinter uns legten, gefiel mir insgesamt am besten, einfach weil sie sehr abwechslungsreich war. Nachdem wir die Stadt Ravenna hinter uns gelassen hatten, folgten wir zunächst einer Landstraße und dann eine ganze Weile lang kurvigen Waldwegen, bis wir schließlich wieder das Meer erreichten. Die letzten 40 Kilometer fuhren wir abwechselnd an einem Radweg am Meer entlang und durch kleinere Städte. Obwohl kaum Touristen unterwegs waren, war dort einiges los! Überall wurden die letzten Vorbereitungen getroffen und Renovierungsarbeiten erledigt, da die Saison wohl jetzt sehr bald losgeht. Am Strand waren kilometerlang Reihe an Reihe Strandbars und Clubs gebaut. Wir waren ganz froh, dass diese noch geschlossen waren, im Sommer ist hier wahrscheinlich alles menschenüberlaufen.

    Nach einer Mittagspause am noch menschenleeren Strand und nach unserer üblichen Espressopause auf den letzten 10 Kilometern, erreichten wir schließlich unser Ziel Rimini. Dort tranken wir erstmal einen Aperol auf der sonnenbestrahlten Terrasse. Heute war definitiv der wärmste Tag und wir konnten zum ersten Mal im T-Shirt radfahren. Auch abends war es noch recht mild, als wir in einem als Piratenschiff ausgebauten Restaurant zu Abend gegessen haben. Dort waren sogar die Bedingungen als Piraten verkleidet! Morgen haben wir noch Zeit, Rimini ein bisschen zu erkunden, bevor es wieder nach Hause geht.
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  • Day 14

    Rimini Italy

    September 17, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Well all I can say is that I am glad I left Cenral Europe before the floods arrived. Unfortunately when I left Lecce this morning, on a 6hr journey to Rimini, it started raining. It rained for the full 6hours and was really getting into its stride when I arrived in Rimini. No ATM at the station. In fact nothing notable at the station. The taxi rank was 100 yds away!
    Soaking wet, I asked the taxi driver if he would accept card payment. He agreed until we reached my destination. He asked for cash, and I couldn't cover the fare. Talk about rude and ignorant. Huffing, puffing. In fact I decided He was related to the lady at the train station the other day.
    Rimini was one of the first resorts Brits came ti in Italy in the early 1960's. Doubt it has changed much. Not quite kiss me quick hats and fish and chips, but close.
    Changed rooms almost immediately as there was a very unsavoury smell of drains in the other one. It was also next to the lift!
    I started to unpack, took my reading glasses out of their case, and one of the arms fell off! Those who are following this saga will know all about the previous glasses fiasco.
    I had to go out, in the rain to find an optician. Very nice lady. Couldn't fix them. Found a pair of frames and put my lenses in the new frames. Brilliant! 35 euros. My trousers, socks and shoes will take days to dry out but at least I can read!!
    I had booked a ferry to Greece for tonight, but this morning, I opted out as it was going to be more stress, and uncertainty than I could manage. I requested advice about refunds, and they are refunding the full whack, so a result at last.
    Not much in the way of pics today.
    Lunch yesterday 'Bruschetta'
    Fountain in a random square in Lecce
    My train carriage for 6 hours today.
    My shoes after stuffing them with paper and a hand towel in each!
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  • Day 16

    Still raining in Rimini

    September 19, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Woke this morning to the delightful noise of lots more rain! I stayed in bed until 08.30 and then trotted off to breakfast. It's not a happy event. The few people who rock up look really fed up, and the offerings for breakfast appear to have given up attempting to be appetising. Cold fried eggs are really not.....
    After a breakfast of boiled egg rolls and some sort of collapsing cake, I gave up and came back to have a shower and put clean clothes on. I spent a while researching where to go next without encountering any alarms and excursions caused by Storm Boris! Not easy. I had planned to visit Ravenna on Saturday, but it is flooded out, so not a chance.
    I did discover there is a roman surgeon's house and other buildings in this terrible place. There are lots of mosaic to see, so I will hunt it down tomorrow or Saturday.
    Around 12.30 the rain stopped, so on with the anorak and off I went.
    I walked away from Rimini along the coast road, mostly with umbrella up as it started raining again. I persevered and eventually came across a pleasant restaurant where I didnt have to eat pizza. I had chicken escalope and chips!!🤣
    I continued on my way, but as there was no end to this road, I crossed to the 'esplanade' and started the walk back. A more pleasant choice, as you can see from the pics. In all, I walked for about 2.5 hours. It only started raining again as I got back to the hotel.
    I have spent ages sorting out where next, but I shall keep it as a surprise. I will most likely be more surprised if it all works.
    It must be time now for a cup of coffee and some chocolate before bed.
    I hope you like the video. The church you can see is closed up. I'm not sure if it's being renovated inside, but I can't get in!
    You can see me all ready for a brisk walk along the Adriatic coast. A mad woman with pigeons on her head, arms etc.
    The rest are self-explanatory
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  • Day 17

    Rimini with sun!

    September 20, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    During the night, rain fell in buckets, so I was not expecting much today. In the event, I woke to blue skies and fluffy clouds.
    Decided on a slow start, which involved no breakfast. I did some washing, but there are things that require a washing machine...soon!
    I went in search of the shopping mall, in the vain hope of finding some lightweight jeans and a thin jumper. It took an hour and a half to find this shopping mall, walking!
    Imagine my dismay when there were only designer outlets. All the parts of Europe I have tangled with so far are obsessed with designer gear. Beyond me! Suffice it to say it was a pointless waste of effort, and my feet have not yet stopped complaining.
    After walking all that way, I felt I deserved a treat. The ice cream is pistachio, and crema. Didn't go much on the crema, but it was very welcome.
    Once back at the hotel, I changed into my sun tanning beach kit. I was given a special card which allowed me to go to section 45 of the beach where I could pay for a lounger or a lounger and an umbrella! At special rates. The beach is divided up into about 100 plots.

    One can go on the beach and walk about for nothing. One can sit on the sand for nothing but if you want a lounger, it's 6 euros whatever time of day you go. If you feel the need for an umbrella, resist, it costs 20 euros. Bleeping rip off!
    Two hours later, I did the French marching up and down the beach for half an hour and then left.
    This evening, I had risotto a la pescara and 1/4 litre of fizz. The food was delicious, and the fizz went down very well!
    It's time now for a cup of coffee and a bit of a read before bed.
    Market day tomorrow. Might find a bargain!🤣
    Relatively uninteresting pics and not many.
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  • Day 18

    Rimini culture day

    September 21, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    The sun is still shining!
    Discovered there is a museum and an important archaeological site in Rimini. Set off at 10am. It was a long walk, punctuated by a detour to the Saturday Market.
    I found the amphitheatre built by Hadrian, ruins, no access, and all info in Italian on the boards!
    Found the museum and had a look around the middle ages section, and the Roman finds from the surgeon's house. The excavations are in the piazza outside the museum. You can see from the pics that most of the mosaic floors are in tact. Dates to 2nd century. The building is very similar to the one in Perigord. They have used glass walls and the walkways above the excavations. I took many pics but have only added a few here. Perhaps I should mention, the skeletons are medieval and were found as they lay.
    I left there to walk down the last bit of the Appian Way, at least, that's what I was told it was, to find the Tiberius Bridge. Quite astonishing feat of engineering. It was built and has never collapsed or been in need of repair. Built 2nd century.
    Down river leads to the sea. Up river is a beautiful park that covers 20 kilometres and goes as far as Ravenna.

    I walked along the river back to the sea front. Everywhere was teeming with people. They run at midday. They play beach volleyball at midday. They lay in the sun ALL day!
    I came back to have a siesta, which meant my feet could stop complaining.
    Went out again around 7pm to get more cash and buy some fruit and water.

    Breakfast was a revelation today. We had all been on short rations as there were hardly any of us. With a sudden influx of guests, there was fruit, biscuits, the toaster was on and everything! The tea was still awful.
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  • Day 19

    Last day in Rimini

    September 22, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Not quite so very hot today. I tangled with my forward planning again this morning, which meant a late breakfast.
    I had a shower and dried my hair properly. First time since I left home, I think.
    I faffed about for a while, then got myself sorted out and went for a walk.
    There was no-one about. I had the street to myself and made uninterrupted progress to my favourite gelato shop. Today I had chocolate and cheesecake in a tub. I wasn't keen on the chocolate, but the cheesecake was yummy!
    Made my slow way along the 'boardwalks with ease. I think most people were either, eating, sleeping, or just at home. I sat for a while here and there. I thought about my sister a lot today, and John. It is a really unhappy situation. Julia is so brave. I just need to see her and hold her and let her know I'm holding her hand. Very difficult being far away, even though I can't fix it.
    I bought some croissants on the way back to the hotel, which I plan to have later with a banana.
    Finalised my accommodation for the last few legs of my trip. No mean feat, I can tell you!
    I have almost finished packing, and I think I will manage ok.
    Quiet evening, resting feet, legs, and back in readiness for tomorrow.
    I don't know who that man is in the pic. I never saw him when I took the shot🤣
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You might also know this place by the following names:

Rimini, ريميني, Rímini, RMI, リミニ, Ariminum, 47921, Rèmin, Римини, Ріміні

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