San Gimignano

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Os 10 melhores destinos San Gimignano
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    • Rule #17 (Tuscany)

      19 de junho de 2022, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Stick to your guns…If you want to go visit a certain landmark then do it… Don’t let other people talk you into doing something different especially if it involves wine tasting and you don’t drink wine lol (however I will sayTuscany was very a beautiful area)Leia mais

    • Dia 38

      Cinque Fotografie-Tuscany Day 10

      21 de maio de 2022, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today was our last full day in San Gimignano. The day started early as we said good-bye to Sharon and Nancy, and Jim C took them to the Florence Airport to catch their flight home.

      I enjoyed some time by on the patio while waiting for Jim to return and sneak in a quick nap.

      A local online acquaintance recommended that we visit L'Abbazia di San Galgano, about an hour to the south of us. The Abbey was built between 1218 and 1288. It was the first Gothic church built in Tuscany. The Cisterian monks built this here because it had many resources in the area: rivers, woods, plains and marshlands. Like much of the area, the Plague hit the area very hard, and attacks on the monastery subsequently caused the monks to move farther south to Siena. In the late 1700's lighting hit the bell tower, and the roof collapsed leaving the walls that remain today.

      When I reflect on the numerous churches and cathedrals that we have visited in the last five weeks, many adorned with gold, marble and paintings from the Masters, this place reminds me about the beauty of simplicity and resilience. It's a good reminder about the grace of aging as well. If you look deep enough you see the beauty of the character that remains through difficult challenges. It's a good lesson.

      As we walked around the grounds we noticed a photographer taking photos of a young couple preparing to get married later that day. It was a touching image of contrast getting to witness preparations for a new beginning in an ancient site that remained resilient through centuries of troubled times. Another sign of resilience was the ever present Tuscan red poppies growing in unlikely places among the ruins.

      After our visit, we had a light lunch at a nearby agritururismo, and we headed back to our place in San Gimignano. On the way, we passed bales of hay on rolling hills that reminded us of Pennsylvania except there were towers in the background.

      We arrived back in time for relaxation time by the pool, a Zoom call home to Genevieve and Olive, and a rest before dinner.

      We had another wonderful meal on the terrace, and we enjoyed a local bottle of Chianti.

      It has been a really great stay in Tuscany, and we're excited for our next adventure to Basel,Switzerland tomorrow. Buonanotte!
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    • Dia 37

      Cinque Fotografie-Tuscany Day 9

      20 de maio de 2022, Itália ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      We made our way to Firenze today with the primary goal to explore the historical district and to see Michelangelo's David.

      One of our first challenges in getting to the historical center of Florence was figuring out how to navigate entering the restricted zones where automobiles without a pass are subject to steep fines. Thanks to an internet search, we learned that private parking garages can alert the city for the purpose of a temporary waiver. We managed to find a parking garage that was located fairly close to the Duomo de Firenze.

      Given that we had nearly two hours before our tour of La Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze, we decided to wander around the historical district. We first reached the massive Duomo. This cathedral's construction began in 1296 and was consecrated in about 140 years later upon its completion. While we didn't purchase tickets to enter the Duomo, we were impressed with the detailed exterior.

      While Jim C and I were wandering through the streets to inquire about ticket logistics, Nancy happened upon a street artist who was dressed like an ancient pope and frozen in time until she activated his animation with a donation. It was fun, and a tad bit creepy ("Stranger Danger") to see the photos of her interaction with him.

      We arrived at noon for our scheduled guided tour of the Academy Gallery that houses Michelangelo's David. Our guide, Safe, shared that he was of Tunisian and Italian heritage and he observed that most of the interesting sites of Firenze were found outdoors. He playfully remarked that, in contrast, the interior buildings would only be limited to portrayals of Mary and Jesus.

      On the tour, we learned from Safe that Michelangelo's masterpieces would discover what figures emerged from blocks of marble. Further, Michelangelo was torn between artistic commissions of two popes and their respective families. One of the unfinished pieces is a self-image of sorts portraying Michelango as a stressed slave depicting his conflicting challenges: so much art to create, so little time.

      We enjoyed the other sculptures in the Academy as well as many paintings from Renaissance artists. One exhibit also demonstrated many period musical instruments. I was impressed to see a Stradivarius violin as well as several ancient instruments. Nancy observed that she wandered if the instruments were sad being relegated to display cases rather than a more fulfilling demonstration of musicians playing them.

      After a light lunch, we walked over to the Pitti Palace and the adjacent Boboli Gardens. We opted to remain outdoors rather than touring the interior structures as we recognized that we were experiencing a bit of museum fatigue. While some might view that as a missed opportunity, we enjoyed the opportunity to be outside and admire the architecture and grounds.

      In the late afternoon, we made it back to our car, and we enjoyed an alternate route back to our Agritururismo. The tree-lined streets and views of the city from the hills overlooking the city were spectacular.

      We managed to arrive in time for drinks and pool time before a wonderful farewell dinner with Nancy and Sharon. We really enjoyed sharing the Tuscany leg of our journey with them.

      It's time for bed as we need to get them to the airport early tomorrow morning. Ciao!
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    • Dia 11

      Dag 11

      1 de junho de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wat is hierboven? Nou San Gimignano.
      Daar zijn we vandaag via een kronkel route van TomTom beland. Mooi oud middeleeuws stadje. Ruim 7000 inwoners en 50.000 bezoekers op één dag.
      Ik kan daar niet goed tegen, wat natuurlijk behoorlijk hypocriet is, want ik ben ook één van die grijze muizen op sandalen en een camera op de buik.
      Het was ook lekker warm en na een uurtje of 2 had ik wel genoeg gezien, Anja de schat vond het goed.
      Weer een route in de TomTom gezet. Gelukkig was er een weg afgesloten op de route en kregen we een alternatieve route. Hoogtepunt van de dag SS130 Skitterend. Dwars door Chianti met mooie vergezichten en nog mooiere bochten.
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    • Dia 38–44

      Day 34: Gambassi Terme to San Gimignano

      26 de maio, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A change of pace today - suitable for a Sunday. I didn't leave my accommodation until 10 am! It was only a short walk (15.88 km), so I took my time. Don't think I didn't have to work for it, though - there was a lot of climbing and descending, and it was hot! Fortunately, it was a good ratio of unsealed and sealed surfaces. San Gimignano is a massive tourist town and is full of people. The Basilica is impressive, as was the sacred art museum. The Basilica has some of the most beautiful and numerous frescoes I have seen. I'm here in the midst of a cycling eventLeia mais

    • Dia 21–23

      San Gimignano

      8 de maio, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Markenzeichen des Städtchens San Gimignano ist neben der fast schon obligatorischen Stadtmauer die mittelalterliche „Skyline“ aus zahlreichen (13, 14 oder gar 15??) sog. Geschlechtertürmen der Adelsgeschlechter des Mittelalters, von denen es früher sogar mal 72 gab. Solche Türme ermöglichten es insbes. vom 11.-13. Jrhd. reichen und einflussreichen städtischen Familien beim Hausbau sowohl Wohn- als auch Verteidigungszwecke zu erfüllen. Sie waren eine Art Statussymbol nach dem Motto: Je höher der Turm, umso höher das Ansehen insbes. der Adelsgeschlechter. Im 16. Jhrd. wurde jedoch entschieden, keine weiteren Häuser im Zentrum zu bauen. Und - irgendwie ahnt man es schon - natürlich ist San Gimignano seit 1990 auch UNESCO Weltkulturerbe-Stätte.

      Wir haben die Info, dass es nach dem Verschwinden der Tagestouristen am frühen Abend viel entspannter wird. Wir starten erst am späten Nachmittag vom 2 km entfernten, wunderschön gelegenen CP (Boschetto di Piemma) und schlendern einfach nur durch das Städtchen. Vor dem Restaurant & Bistro Livier stehen hübsche Tische, es wirkt sehr einladend. Wir bleiben fürs Abendessen und bereuen es mal wieder so garnicht😋. Danach fotografiere ich noch ein bisschen in der Dämmerung, während es Peter eher heimzieht.

      Auch am nächsten Tag bevorzugt Peter die Ruhe und Schönheit unseres Stellplatzes, der mit der Schönste unserer bisherigen Tour ist. Ich laufe noch den 8,8 km langen Rundweg um das Städtchen und erklimme den höchsten Turm der Stadt, den Torre Grossa, und schaue mir somit das Städtchen auch noch einmal von oben an.

      Und nicht nur, dass wir inzwischen schon mehrfach abends noch ein Gläschen Wein vor dem WoMo getrunken haben, nun können wir auch erstmals draußen frühstücken!!! Solches Wetter gefällt uns😉!
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    • Dia 14

      Zehnte Etappe

      9 de março de 2020, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Im Ort wunderten wir uns dann, dass uns die Rad-Route plötzlich in einen Tunnel navigierte. Umso mehr waren wir überrascht, dass es am Ende einen Aufzug gab, der uns dann 40 Meter hoch in die Altstadt brachte 😜.Leia mais

    • Dia 21


      18 de janeiro de 2023, Itália ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Siena haben wir verlassen und sind durch den Regen nach San Gimignano aufgebrochen. Das war etwas schräg, denn als wir in dieser kleinen Stadt ankamen hatten wir den schönsten Sonnenschein, aber überall auf den Gehwegen lag Restschnee 🤔. Aber das hat uns natürlich nicht abgehalten uns die Stadt der Geschlechtertürme anzuschauen, das „beste Eis der Welt“ zu schlecken und uns mit ein paar Leckereien für zu Hause einzudecken. Happy über diesen Stopp ging es auf direktem Weg nach Florenz….Leia mais

    • Dia 8

      San Gimignano - Dinnertime

      7 de agosto de 2023, Itália ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Genau SO kenne ich Italien und liebe es!!!🥰 Il Feudo in SG🥰
      Ich halte seit über 10 Jahren losen Kontakt mit einer Italienerin, die mit ihrem Mann ein Restaurant in Siena hatte. Sobald ich in der Nähe war, führte mich mein erster Weg immer zu ihr. Leider musste ich mit Entsetzen feststellen, dass es nicht mehr da war, als ich neulich in Siena war und sie überraschen wollte. 😱 Leider hat es die Pandemie nicht überstanden, ABER ihr Mann, ein begnadeter Koch arbeitet jetzt im Il feudo! Kann ich euch guten Gewissens empfehlen! Ganz tolles Restaurant 😍Leia mais

    • Dia 155

      San Gimignano

      14 de setembro de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      On pensait visiter Rome en 1 jour, vu le programme des jours suivants, mais on n'était pas au meilleur de notre forme physique après les visites des précédents jours 😫😴. Et honnêtement, faire Rome en 1 journée, c'est un peu dommage, donc on réserve ça pour un autre voyage.

      On pensait aussi visiter la Villa d'Este, mais la flemme, ça sera l'occasion d'y aller lors du même voyage à Rome 😅. On profite de cette journée de pause pour faire des lessives et 3h de route vers nos prochaines destinations.

      On trouve un spot à côté d'une ruine avec une superbe vue sur les alentours. À la base, on avait prévu un apéro, mais on aura une soirée bien moins productive puisqu'on dormira de 17h jusqu'au lendemain... 😖😴 On avait apparemment besoin de sommeil.

      On est forcément réveillé assez tôt et à 9h, on est déjà à San Gimignano, un village atypique de la région de Florence. La particularité de ce village est la présence de nombreuses maisons-tours en pierre. Anciens symboles de la richesse des familles médiévales de la ville, il n'en reste plus que 13, mais il y en a eu jusque 75.

      La visite est très rapide et on repart avant 10h30 direction le prochain village de la journée.
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