Sestière di Dorsoduro

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    • Day 20

      Damien Hirst

      July 24, 2017 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      The Wreck of the Unbelievable was the name of the show. It took place in two separate buildings that were about 15 minutes away from one another. The whole premise was that Hirst constructed this narrative about finding a shipwreck and all the lost treasures in it. The gallery spaces, which were enormous, housed the relics of the wreck. Now none of this is true, but the crazy part was that it all looked like something you'd see in a museum.

      For example, he created statues with sea debris and coral on them. He filmed a whole "documentary" about scuba divers retrieving the artefacts! And he constructed a model ship showing where all the artefacts would have been stored. But it was all fake! But you kind of thought it was real. And that was the whole point. The line that exists between what is real and what is presented as being real. Anyway, the show was really phenomenal!

      After the two galleries, we stopped to grab gelato. The rain had stopped and the skies were clearing as we ate. I had bonci just for Kathleen!

      We made it back to our apartment just long enough to make a dinner reservation and head out again. We walked into a part of the city we hadn't seen before, and we got to cross over the famous Rialto bridge. Dinner was at Restaurant Al Corner, which was not in a corner. We were too hungry to take pictures today! Evan had gnocchi, Brad had a seafood spaghetti, and I had ravioli carbonara. We all shared the mixed seafood grill which featured cuttlefish, shrimp, langoustines, and tuna.

      It was a cool evening, which we didn't mind at all during our walk back home. Tomorrow is our final day in Venice, which I can't hardly believe!
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    • Day 12

      Verkehrte Welt in Venedig

      September 22, 2020 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Die letzten zwei Tage verbrachten wir mit der Erkundung des verschlungenen Labyrinths aus verwinkelten Kanälen, engen Gassen und irreführende Sackgassen in der einstigen Handelsmetrople Venedig. Nur allzu gut kann man sich hier in frühere Zeiten zurückversetzen und sich vorstellen, wie einst die großen Handelsschiffe über das in der Sonne türkis glänzende Wasser heransegelten, um ihre kostenbaren Waren aus dem fernen Orient gewinnbringend zu verkaufen; wie kleine Boote geschäftig über die vollen Kanäle rudern; und wie der Adel der Stadt händereibend auf den begrünten Balkonen steht und innerlich die Münzen zählt, während die Arbeiter die Schiffe mit wertvoller Fracht beladen.
      Und so scheint es die einzig logische Erklärung zu sein, weshalb der Aperol nur 2,50€ kostet (Bier 6-8€) - die Nachfrage bestimmt eben den Preis.
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    • Day 12

      Day 11. Florence to Venice

      July 5, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Fast train to Venice. Walk around town (skinny laneways that snake around the town) crossing many bridges / water +++.
      Visit to galleria dell’accadema (housing davinci’s vitruvian man original sketch). Unfortunately no photos allowed.
      More unbelievable site seeing from the water boat.
      Walk around Piazza San Marco to see the magnificent San Marco basilica.
      Gondola ride to finish our Italian leg.
      Goodbye magnificent Italy.
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    • Day 2


      January 16, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Aujourd'hui nous visitons le siestieri (quartier) Dorsoduro.

      Après la visite du Ca'Rezzonico, avec ses magnifiques plafonds, nous découvrons le grand canal sous un beau soleil.

      Il fait beau, mais froid. On se réfugie dans un petit restaurant pour goûter des tramezzini.Read more

    • Day 5

      Venice hidden gems

      October 23, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Inside St. Mark's Basilica, Giardini Papadopoli, Getting lost in the narrow streets, Contarini del Bovolo Staircase, Caffe Florian, Harry's Bar bellini, Skyline bar

    • Day 70


      October 4, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Von Chiogga fuhren wir abends nach Venedig auf die Festlandseite. Dank der Park4night App haben wir dort 24 Stunden kostenlos stehen können und auch der Expressbus fuhr direkt von dort auf die Altstadtinsel, den wir bereits um 8.15 Uhr genommen haben. Dort angekommen haben wir einen wunderschönen Tag in Venedig verbracht. Insgesamt sind wir 12 Stunden und 21 km weit durch die Gassen und Brücken rauf und runter gewandert.
      Nach dem schönen Tag fuhren wir noch 200km bis Bergamo, wo wir den Wagen für eine Woche am Flughafen parken (24€) und nach Berlin fliegen.

      Nächste Woche geht's weiter.
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    • Day 18

      Venice is sinking!

      July 22, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We left our hotel at 11, and got a cab to take us to the train station. We could have walked 30 minutes to get there, but it was already 30c by 9 am, so cab it was!

      Our train ride to Venice was uneventful and only took about 90 minutes. We were on another high speed train, but luckily it didn't go through tunnels and were able to see the countryside. Evan watched episodes of the Simpsons as we traveled.

      Arriving in Venice was quite a shock! You stepped out of the train station and there was the Grand Canal! It was RIGHT there! Brad had to get us vaperetto passes, so Evan and I sat with our luggage and watched the water busses and water taxis go by. Once we had our tickets, we hopped on our first water bus (vaperetto). It moved much more slowly than I had anticipated, but it is a busy waterway and there are other water vehicles on it. Eventually we made it to our stop and we called our host. She met us in a square just beyond our stop and took us through winding streets and over bridges to get to our apartment.

      We got acquainted with the place and then had to hurry to get to Saint Mark's Square as we had timed entry into the Basilica. Another win for us because without the timed entry, we would have been waiting in a very long line. I don't have any pictures from the Basilica because you are not allowed to take any, but I can tell you that the ceilings were all mosaics, which is a pretty stunning sight! The mosaics were of many different Biblical stories and I could not believe how far they stretched on for. Even the underside of the arches were done in mosaic!

      After we were routed out of the Basilica (they want you there for 10 minutes only!) we walked around the Square for a bit. People seemed to be enamoured with feeding the pigeons, which is actually against the law here (and rightfully so).

      We finally meandered our way back to our area. The streets here are more like alleys and they go every which way! It is incredible how the waterways are ever present and take the place of streets here. You often read about it or see it on tv, but you can't really believe it until you see it - it almost doesn't seem possible.

      We bought a few groceries to serve as our last few breakfasts and then headed home. Evan was a sweaty mess and had to have a shower once we got there. The humidity is so high that it didn't take more than a few steps for him to become soaked.

      Before long we had to get going for dinner. This required a walk, a vaperetto, and another walk - taking about 35 minutes altogether. We chose to dine at CoVino, as we had read good reviews about their three course dinner.
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    • Day 19

      Murano and Burano

      July 23, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today we got up early so we could get to Murano and then Burano in good time. We hopped on the vaperetto and it took us away from Venice and on to the island of Murano which is famous for its glass. We had a quick cappuccino (standing, not sitting because it costs more to sit) and checked out two glass places.

      The first one had the most elaborate glass chandeliers you have ever seen! They were all different colours and designs, some had glass flowers, others looked more traditional. Evan spotted the menagerie of glass animals and picked out a colourful dolphin to buy as a souvenir. At the second shop we were able to see a bit of glass blowing in action. Considering how hot it is, I have a lot of respect for the people who are standing by a fire blowing glass!

      We only had 30 minutes in Murano before we needed to get back on the vaperetto and go to Burano. The vaperetto was packed and we had to stand for most of the 45-60 minute ride. Needless to say, we were able when it was time to get off the packed, sweaty water bus.

      Burano is a very small town that people mostly visit for the brightly coloured houses. There are all sorts of colours: blue, yellow, even purple. Apparently they are also known for their lace and we did pass many lace shops along the way. We spent some time taking photos and ducking into tourist shops before stoping for lunch. This region of Italy is known for its fish and seafood, so we found a place that only had an Italian menu and that was mostly fish based.

      Evan decided to have a mixed seafood linguini, Brad had a mixed seafood salad, and I had gnocchiletti with a zucchini cream and shrimp. The meal was pricey (it is a tourist town after all) but the food was excellent! Brad and I even got to try an Aperol Spritz, a drink that is very popular here. I can see why it's so popular as it was very cold and refreshing!

      After lunch, we caught the vaperetto back to Venice, although that ride took nearly 45 minutes. At least we got seats on our journey back though!
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    • Day 19


      July 23, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      When we arrived back on the mainland, we walked about 20 minutes to get to the Arsenale sight of the Biennale. The Biennale is a huge art exhibit that happens every two years, and there are pavilions where each country has an artist to represent his/her country. We have tickets to see both venues, but they are so big that we just went to one today.

      We spent about three hours touring the emerging artists' pavilion, which were all arranged thematically. There was a lot of contemporary pieces, which are not really my thing, but some were quite neat. There was a huge piece that featured strands of thread that connected to a table of clothes demonstrating the idea that we are connected by the clothes we wear and who fashions them. There was also a piece that had a wall of old running shoes that had been turned into pots to grow plants. Evan and I also found a tee pee made of yarn that you could go sit in.

      After a quick granita break, we began to explore some of the smaller countries' pavilions. The highlight may have been the huge horse sculpture in the Argentina pavilion! It completely dominated the space and was quite stunning to see. Brad and Evan also liked some work in the China pavilion, which featured huge cut outs and the use of silk embroidery.

      We were arted-out by now, so we used the golf cart shuttle service to take us back to the main entrance. Evan quite enjoyed our quick ride! Then we took the vaperetto back to our apartment.

      Evan had to have a shower when we got back as he'd been dripping in sweat since we set out this morning. We had wrongly assumed there'd be dinner options on Sunday night, so it was a bit challenging once we found out so many places were closed. Eventually we set out to find Al Nono Risorto.

      When we arrived, it was absolutely packed! We had to wait about half an hour to be seated, but it was nice to be out on the terrace to eat. Evan decided on a carbonara pizza, Brad started with a shellfish pasta and then had squids in ink with polenta, and I had an octopus and potato salad followed by polenta and baccala. The Venetians don't eat as much pasta as some of the other places we have been, which has probably been a good thing for our waist lines! It was a nice meal and honestly, we were just happy to find a place that was open!
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    • Day 20

      Peggy Guggenheim

      July 24, 2017 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      It was a cool morning (26c, 29c with humidity) so walking about was actually quite pleasant. We strolled along the streets and popped into many different shops as we made our way to the Peggy Guggenheim Museum.

      The Guggenheim is housed in what was formerly Peggy's home situated right on the Grand Canal. The home itself is incredibly beautiful, and the art collection is quite impressive. It is basically Peggy's own collection, so Brad described it as "all thriller, no filler." In the collection, we saw some great pieces by Jackson Pollock (an entire room in fact), Mark Rothko, Max Ernest, Alexander Calder, and Picasso. There were a lot of works by Abstract Expressionist artists, which is one of my favourite art movements. We also got admission to a Mark Tobey show as part of our visit.

      After checking out the art, it was time for lunch. We stopped in at Cantinone gli Schiavi for a local food called cicchetti, which are small pieces of bread with assorted toppings. We tried six different ones that included: octopus; truffle and egg; shrimp; salmon. We ate standing next to the bridge just outside the restaurant while drinking a spritz. Evan was less keen on the ciccheti and more keen about eating pizza, so we stopped at a small stand so he could get his fix.

      We arrived back to our apartment for a bit of down time and it suddenly began to pour! The temperature also dropped dramatically and there was a lot of lightning! Luckily we had packed our raincoats and umbrella, so we set off to walk to the Damien Hirst show.
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    Sestière di Dorsoduro, Sestiere di Dorsoduro

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