Kirichwa Kubwa

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 2

      Stadttour Nairobi

      28 luglio 2023, Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Nachdem mir der gestrige Taxifahrer gesagt hat, es seien nur ca 200 Meter zu Fuss in die Innenstadt, hab ich das doch gleich mal gemacht. Hatte einiges an Bargeld, eine Bankkarte und den Pass dabei, da ich aus dem Zimmer auschecken musste und das Gepäck im Hotel deponierte. Das hab ich dann ziemlich schnell bereut, da es mindestens 500 m Richtung Stadt waren, in denen man manche stark befahrene Strasse überqueren musste und auch einige Bettler am Strassenrand waren. In der Stadt gab es dann so viele Leute, dass ich schon etwas Angst um mein Geld, Pass und Karte hatte. Aber hab zum Glück alles noch und sicher zurück im Hotel. Morgen dann in der betreuten Gruppe 😅Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Nairobi/ Kenya

      3 novembre 2023, Kenia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Nach einer 14h Reise in ein neues, für mich fremdes Land, stand ich nun in Nairobi am Flughafen. Natürlich folgten sogleich die obligatorischen Nachrichten an Familie und Freunde, dass ich gut angekommen war. Mit einem Uber fuhr ich dann zu meiner neuen Freundin Chep. Ich wurde herzlich empfangen und wir verstanden uns auf anhieb sehr gut. Nach einer erfrischenden Dusche, gings sogleich los um die Umgebung zu erkunden. Als erstes benötigte ich kenianische Schilling und dann ganz dringend Koffein. Ich versteh nicht, wie man in einem Flieger schlafen kann. Somit war klar, dass ich nach 0 Minuten Schlaf, 5 Filme und Reisestress extrem müde war. Also, her mit dem Koffein und ab durch die Mitte🔥.
      Was ich während dem Spaziergang durch den Markt am meisten hörte war: „Mzungu“(weisser Mensch), „you are so beautiful“, „pay for my food sistaa“. Ich war die einzige, weisse Frau mitten im Geschehen. Ich wurde noch nie von sovielen Augen auf einmal angestarrt. Chep lachte zwischendurch einfach, worauf sie sagte: „Die Menschen hier, reden über dich und sie lieben dich“. Das alles nur, weil ich mit meiner hellen Hautfarbe so auffiel. Sie waren stets freundlich und ich wurde überall mit einem herzlichen Lachen begrüsst. Wir kauften ein paar Dinge auf dem Markt und nach einem kurzen Zwischenstop in einem, sagen wir mal „Restaurant“, ging es nach Hause. Ich hatte das erste Mal „Chapatti“ gekostet. Ein kenianisches „Brot“, was äusserst lecker war. Sie essen das zum Tee. Mir fehlte die Mayo😂. Am späten Nachmittag chillte ich ein wenig im Bett..daraus ergab sich ein 2h Nap🤭 Ansonsten lief nicht mehr viel. Viele Gespräche und Austausch über unsere Kultur.
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    • Giorno 2

      The city of traffic: Nairobi

      17 settembre 2019, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Started the day off early with a hearty breakfast on the rooftop. It’s clear the rest of the city woke up way before us as the streets below are already hustling and bustling.

      We decide to spend the day exploring Nairobi and decide to set off on foot. The receptionist has kindly given us a map to the big attractions in Nairobi: the National Museum and Snake Park. Thankfully it’s a two in one package so we manage to visit both in the matter of a few hours.

      Throughout the museum now stuffed animals haunt the hallways with their fake eyes and awkward poses. In snake park, we’re told of all the animals that are edible and inedible. Seems that the black mamba didn’t make the cut for edible but we were slightly grateful for that.

      Leaving the museum we are stopped by the security guard and informed that she can’t let her brother and sister walk around Nairobi. We simply must get a taxi she says! (Obviously in kahoots wifh the taxi driver). Reluctantly we get inside and are automatically filled with regret as we are stuck in traffic for almost an hour when the walk would have taken maybe 10 minutes.

      We arrive somewhat near our desired destination: Swahili Plate. But not before one of the “brokers” from the “Masai Market” spots us and offers his assistance to get us where we want to be. In return, he’ll help us navigate the market once we’ve finished our meal.

      Naturally, we take our time eating. We’ve heard the rumours that a fake market had been set up in the city centre and the “brokers” would take you around to buy overpriced souvenirs and take a cut out of the cost. No thank you.

      We think we’ve spent long enough eating our first of many beans and rice meals and can’t see the broker in sight. So we decide to make a start out of the restaurant. Within seconds there he is by our side attempting to lead us to the market. Picking up speed we essentially run away from him with some excuse that we need to get back to the hotel as we have no money. Thinking we’ve lost him, we head toward the nearest ATM to get some extra cash to spend at the real Masai Market. Unfortunately, our friend didn’t seem to get the hint and continued to follow us. Opting out of getting some money out, we continue our journey toward the God’s Corner to visit one of the local Catholic Churches. Nobody can harass you at a church, right?

      We end our walking tour of the day by visiting the true Masai Market and almost immediately regret it as we step in. It’s shocking how many vendors can sell identical merchandise. We spend all our money on a knockoff Kenya football jersey and a card with an elephant on it. Forced into trying on authentic Masai cloaks, we dress in these two but leave in an argument with the vendors as we refused to spend $150 USD on what looked to be a checkered oversized scarf.

      We escape the hustle and bustle of the city by returning to the hidden rooftop. As we clink our glasses to celebrate the end to our first day we hear a man repeatedly scream in the alley below. Welcome to Nairobi.
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    • Giorno 33

      Nairobi is bae!

      10 febbraio 2023, Kenia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      As we were exiting the highway to enter downtown Nairobi, I felt the same giddiness as I did when entering New York City. I know the comparison is perhaps a bit much, but when I see skyscrapers and highway bridges, my excitement does not discriminate! While living on a farm for the past 30 days was pure bliss, I now know for a fact that I am just a pure city girl at heart. And boy, what a city Nairobi is!! Bustling, pulsing, breathing, organised chaos and colorfully diverse... Modern to a fault, and undeniably african. While the look was somewhat reminiscent of American cities (well, to me at least!), the feel reminded me more of a "spicy" city like Istanbul. Arusha made me want to retreat, blend in, even their food was understated. Nairobi makes you want to step out and be unapologetically your authentic self... I am digging it! These crazy thoughts were clearly induced by some incredibly delicious and spicy and HOT vegetable stew and honey ginger cinnamon tea... Nairobi is trying to woo me, and as far as I am concerned, Nairobi is bae... My horrendous phone camera and picture taking skills don't nearly do it justice, but I can assure you, this city has got it going on!!!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 112

      This leg ends in Nairobi

      26 agosto 2023, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We had to be up at the ungodly hour of 4.30am for the drive over the border into Kenya and on to Nairobi! We felt absolutely shattered! Breakfast was at 5am, and we had to be packed up and on the road by 5.45am. At least we didn’t have to take a tent down!

      It was still dark as we retraced our route to Arusha. Once there, we turned left towards the border and stopped for toilets and to buy food for lunch. We spent all our remaining Tanzanian shillings on crisps, drinks, nuts, biscuits, and beef samosas! We were going to be OK if we got delayed at the border!

      Just before we reached the border, Luke performed a song he’d written especially for Juan and Orly’s engagement. It was pretty good!

      There was a queue at the border, but it wasn’t too bad. We were all through within a couple of hours and on our way to Nairobi. We drove through bushland until we reached the outskirts of the city when suddenly there was heavy traffic and lots of activity.

      We arrived at the drop off point at about 3.15pm. This is where we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, promising to keep in touch. We may well see Jordan and Neil again. They live in Calgary and we have two days there on our Madventure tour next year!
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    • Giorno 119

      Return to Nairobi

      2 settembre 2023, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After a reasonable night’s sleep, breakfast this morning was toast, juice, sausages, eggs, and coffee. It was all OK and set us up for our return drive to Nairobi.

      It was a lovely sunny morning. We stopped for fuel and then again for Omondi to check out some plants for his home. They turned out to be too expensive. We stopped again, ostensibly for toilets, but we took advantage of the lovely food shops there to buy drinks and something for lunch later. We kept Omondi waiting for once!

      We retraced our route to Nairobi. It got cloudier as we approached the city. We saw a small march for action against climate change.

      We were happy to be back at the Best Western Hotel. We said a quick goodbye to Omondi. We tipped him, not because he had done a good job, but because we were concerned that we might need to contact him if our refund doesn’t come through!

      We spent the rest of the day sorting out laundry, doing posts, and editing photos. Mark watched the Spurs game live and was happy that they beat Burnley 5 – 2!! Later, we had dinner in the hotel restaurant.
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    • Giorno 3

      Tag 2 - Nairobi und Ochsenhoden

      29 settembre 2023, Kenia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Früh morgens verlassen wir die tolle Lodge im Tsavo Nationalpark und weiter gehts!
      Next stop ➡️ Nairobi („Nairobbery“⚠️ )

      Ganz nach Nelsons Motto „Pole, Pole“ kommen wir entspannt an und es geht zum fancy Mittagessen☺️

      Zur Einstimmung gibts einen für Kenia typischen Cocktail „Dawa“ (= „Medizin“ 🧪)
      Gut gesättigt nach dem Menü aus Straus, Krokodil und nicht-so-lecker Ox Balls lassen wir den Tag am Pool ausklingen 😅
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    • Giorno 18

      Last Day in Nairobi☀️

      19 novembre 2023, Kenia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Heute war ich mit Chep und Dave unterwegs. Wir gingen zusammen Essen und kauften für mich das Busticket nach Tansania. Tahmeed sah sehr gut aus und wurde von einem anderen Hostel auf Facebook empfohlen. Dave kann noch nicht nach Tansania reisen, da er die Impfung gegen das Gelbfieber noch nicht lange genug hatte. Naja, selbstschuld. Meiner Meinung nach hätte er genügend Zeit gehabt und ich werde meine Pläne nicht aufgrund Unorganisation eines anderen ändern. Ich hatte ihn früh genug daran erinnert. Um genau zu sein, seit seiner Ankunft in Nairobi. Somit habe ich mich dazu entschieden, die Reise nach Tansania alleine zu beginnen. Das ist das schöne am „Solo-Reisen“. Man ist zu nichts verpflichtet💯. Wir spazierten durch Nairobi und als wir zuhause angekommen waren, hatte ich noch einiges zu erledigen, damit ich weiterreisen konnte. Chep und ich hatten zum Abschied eine Pizza bestellt und noch lange geredet. Eigentlich sollte ich früh schlafen, da ich um 03:00 wieder aufstehen muss. Naja, es wurde nach 23:00 Uhr als ich ins Bett ging. Ich werde es definitiv morgen bereuen😂.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2–4


      23 dicembre 2023, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Unsere Reise durch Kenia begann mit 2 Nächten in Nairobi. Eine interessante und sehr lebhafte Stadt. Wir haben uns bei einem Rundgang die Stadt angeschaut, über diese geschaut und das Nationalmuseum besucht.😊🏙Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Journée à Nairobi

      8 gennaio, Kenia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Première et unique journée à Nairobi : visite d’un orphelinat pour éléphants et rhinocéros, rencontre avec les personnes de mon auberge de jeunesse et délicieux repas local (pilau + jus de tamarin)

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