Central Region

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  • Day 23


    March 4, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Wir müssen uns heute von Michel verabschieden. Er fliegt von Lilongwe aus zurück nach Deutschland. Wir hoffen, dass wir uns bald wieder sehen. Harry und ich machen uns auf den langen Rückweg nach Namibia. Wahrscheinlich werden wir heute nur bis Chipata, kurz hinter der sambischen Grenze kommen.Read more

  • Day 4

    Day 2

    May 12, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    After sleeping for 12 hours, I expected to feel better, but still ached all over, had a headache and felt dehydrated. But a shower, breakfast and a glass of water and some Tylenol helped a great deal, and so we headed out on a shopping expedition. We went across town to a very congested shopping area that is impossible to describe. But you can get anything- hardware, plumbing, electronics, plastic warehouse, clothing made for you, and on and on. Our goal was two treadle sewing machines, fabric, thread, scissors, with a plan to give them to a group of women at the refugee camp and teach them how to use them so they can begin to earn a living. We were able to get all that we needed, and a few things that Roberta needed. Then we went to the chitenje market, where all the wonderful African fabrics are sold. A chitenje is a 2 meter piece of fabric that most women wear as a wrap skirt. They are also used to spread out on the ground to sit on or to wrap around a baby to wear on their back. The colors are beautiful, the patterns so varied and the choices are many. On my previous trip, I came home with a LOT of fabric and still haven't used it all. But the colors seemed brighter, the patterns prettier, and I DID need a couple of chitenjes to wear in the refugee camp, so got three pieces only, this time. I may get more before I leave here, but it was SO fun to look.
    I didn't talk about driving here, they drive on the opposite side from the US, I had forgotten that. It is jarring and scary as a passenger. To make it worse, there are pedestrians, bicycles, motorbikes, and lots of cars all sharing the road. You have to be a very aggressive driver here.
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  • Day 6

    Kasungu Nationalpark

    May 19, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Der erste ganze Reisetag steht vor der Tür. Nach dem Frühstück packe ich meine Sachen, was allerdings noch ein bisschen länger dauert und so fahre ich erst um 9 Uhr los. Egal, kein Stress. Das muss ich mir beim Tanken in Kasungu, der fünftgrößten Stadt Malawis, noch mal denken. Da in Malawi eine Benzinkrise herrscht, gibt es nicht immer Benzin. Als ich zur Tankstelle fahre ist genau das der Fall. Nirgendwo in der Stadt gibt es zu diesem Zeitpunkt Benzin und so warte ich, da der Tankwagen bereits da steht. Nach über zwei Stunden, die ich gut gelaunt im Schatten verbringe, ist es dann soweit. Der Tank ist voll und ich kann los. Eigentlich sind es noch ca. 50km bis zum Nationalpark. Die immer schlechter werdende Straße und das mehrmalige Verfahren lassen daraus aber über 2 Stunden werden. Immer wieder kleine sandige stellen sind dabei das größte Problem. Verfahren tue ich mich wegen Google und co, die nicht wissen wie man in dieser Gegend navigieren muss. Als ich dann nur noch mit Gefühl und regelmäßigen Fragen fahre klappt es dann auch wunderbar.
    Am Gate angekommen wird mir gesagt das ich mit dem Motorrad nicht weiterfahren darf. Nach Rücksprache ist dies auch auf eigene Gefahr nicht möglich. Naja eigentlich klar bei Elefanten, Büffeln, Löwen und co im Park. Einen Versuch war es wert. Dann tut sich eine neue Möglichkeit auf. Jemand könnte mich bis zur Lodge fahren und ich lasse mein Motorrad bei der Wache am Gate. So mache ich es. Wieder heißt es warten. Es macht auch keinen Sinn zu fragen, wann die Mitfahrgelegenheit kommt, eine richtige Antwort bekommt man sowieso nicht. Sie kommt einfach, wenn sie kommt. Und so schaue ich mir schon mal die verschiedenen Schmetterlinge und Libellen an, die hier herumfliegen.
    Nach etwa einer Stunde geht es dann weiter und etwas später komme ich an der Lodge an. Ich bin der einzige Gast im ganzen Park. Der Blick über den Damm ist fantastisch und ich sehe sofort die Flusspferde und Impalas am anderen Ufer. Die Anstrengung hat sich gelohnt. Da es in der Lodge eigentlich kein Essen gibt, bekomme ich etwas von den mitarbeiten gekocht, das sehr gut schmeckt. Ich genieße den herrlichen Blick über das Wasser und lausche dem Grunzen der Flusspferde. Dem ersten richtigen Sundowner folgt ein fantastischer Sternenhimmel, den ich sogar mit meinem Handy eindrucksvoll festhalten kann. Wieder ein Tag, von dem ich anfangs nicht wusste, wo und wie er enden würde. Besser hätte es allerdings nicht laufen können.
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  • Day 8

    Kasungu National Park (Tag 3)

    May 21, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Heute lasse ich es ruhig angehen. Ich schlafe lange und stehe “erst” kurz vor 8 Uhr auf. Bis zum späten Nachmittag mache ich nichts, außer in meinem Reiseführer zu lesen, auf die Karte zu schauen und die Aussicht zu genießen. Mehr brauche ich eigentlich nicht.
    Um 16 Uhr breche ich dann zu einem weiteren Game Walk auf. Am Anfang sehen wir nicht viel, aber die von der untergehenden Sonne in Gold/Orange getauchte Landschaft ist trotzdem wunderschön. Am Ende müssen wir umkehren und einen anderen Weg zur Lodge nehmen, da wir Elefanten hören, die zum Wasser, also in unsere Richtung wollen. Im dichten Busch und bei fast völliger Dunkelheit keine gute Idee. Am Ende sehen wir noch einen Elephant Shrew im Lichtkegel der Taschenlampe. Wieder ein toller Tag. Wie gestern endlich mal wieder viel Zeit zum Entspannen. War doch ganz schön viel los in den letzten Wochen.
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  • Day 13

    Day 11 in Malawi

    May 21, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

    We got up EARLY for church, this is the first of three services at Capital City Baptist, and the one Roberta usually attends. After church we went back home and packed up everything we needed for this afternoon. We went to a beautiful place owned by friends of Roberta's called The Four Seasons. It has beautiful gardens, with water features, and a lush tropical feel. There are a few different restaurants, coffee shop, ice cream shop, fancy gift shop and a beautiful nursery garden center. We went for an early lunch and walked around the grounds. It took so long for our lunch to be served that we didn't have much time to eat so took most of it with us. I will have it for supper. Then we headed out to Dzaleka Refugee Camp and the YWAM base for a fun project with a group of teenage girls. Katie will guess what it is, I am sure. When I was here 14 years ago I discovered/realized that women and girls dont have access to sanitary pads for their periods. They use old rags, and when they wash them, they have to hang them to dry where no one will see them. Often, the girls don't go to school during their period because they have leaking onto their clothes, nowhere to change rags or wash their hands. So the leader of the girls group asked about having the girls sew by hand a period pad that has a waterproof/leak proof layer and a way to hold an absorbent cloth that can be changed. We also gave each girl a pad already made and a pair of underwear. So I did not have high hopes for this project because I just didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if the girls knew how to sew or even thread a needle. I decided to save time by cutting all the pieces out and pinning them together with a needle. It would have taken all day if I had them cut it all out first. As it was, we were there for over 2 hours. The girls did a great job. It appeared that most of them knew how to stitch at least a little and were able to complete the project. They were pretty shy at first and didn't talk much. I asked them to sing for me as a way to say thank you and will attach a video of them singing for me. I had 30 kits and 37 girls. But the last seven came an hour late, so they didn't get to sew. Then when I asked them to join me for a photo, they went crazy and all jumped in front of me, so the pics aren't great. Roberta took most of the pics, and she is already asleep, so I will add hers tomorrow. It was a very special and rewarding time for me, but boy, we were wiped out when we were done. I am thankful that traffic was much lighter on Sunday. We had an adventure in driving as we left the camp. Just before getting on the main road as you leave the camp, there is a very narrow space between two buildings that you have to drive through and then turn right away. As we approached that turn, we were met by a small herd of cattle, maybe 12-15 of them, and had to stop and let them pass. We never know what's going to be on the road!Read more

  • Day 15

    Day 13 in Malawi

    May 23, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌙 64 °F

    We took the morning to do laundry and pack for our adventure tomorrow through Friday. We are going on a 2 night safari in South Luangwa Park! Four game drives! Don't expect much internet there. It is 4 1/2 hr drive from Lilongwe. I will still write up each day, and if there is no service, I will upload those days when we get back.
    We went out to Dzaleka to
    have another conversation with the family who had asked for money to pay off "someone" who would help expedite their exit from the camp. This time the son was present, and he speaks English and was able to explain that no one had asked them for money, but his mother was worried and wanted to be prepared in case someone did ask. I am trying to find out more about the refugees' plight, what the process is to get out and be resettled. I have so many questions and not many seem to fully understand the process. There are many rumors spread also. We returned home, had Supper and I almost finished a second cushion cover, but quit so I can get to bed early. We meet the driver at 6:30 am😴🥱
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  • Day 21

    Last day in Malawi

    May 29, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

    Today is my last full day in Malawi. We did a couple of errands in the morning, including stopping at Ethiopian Airlines office to confirm some changes they made on my ticket. Stopped for lunch, then headed to Dzaleka one last time. I spent some time talking with a young lady who is on the YWAM team. She is from Democratic Republic of Congo and was kidnapped when age was 18 by militants, but somehow managed to escape. She hitchhiked and was picked up by a couple of truck drivers, and while she didn't say it, inferred that there was some "payment" for the ride. When they got to a border, the drivers went to show passports, etc, and left her there waiting for them to return, but they never did. She had nothing, no ID, passport, money. Didn't know where she was. There were others stranded there in similar situation, so Malawi police were called and made arrangements for them all to be transported to Dzaleka Refugee Camp. She has been there ever since- 6 YEARS. Has applied for resettlement and now just waits for her request to be approved. Once they are approved, they then wait for an assignment to a new country. She loves the ministry at YWAM and has been there for 4 years, working with women, widows, disabled, and young girls- teens(her favorite). But her dream is to be a doctor. And she would love to get married and have children. So much unknown, but she has hope and joy. Won't you remember to pray for Dorcas when you think of her story? There are over 50,000 people at Dzaleka and EVERY ONE OF THEM HAS A HORROR STORY that brought them to the camp. It is sobering to think about the trauma, the despair, the poverty, the frustration of these people.
    Next, we went into the village just outside the camp and next to the YWAM base. Over 20 women showed up for Bible study, led by Roberta today. But first, they sang. Their joyful worship makes me so happy. I said my goodbyes to my new friends, and we headed back to Lilongwe. Roberta wanted to go out to celebrate my last night. There are only one or two restaurants on her side of town that stay open for supper. So we were back at La Cantina mexican restaurant. The food is so good!
    It has been an amazing and wonderful almost 3 weeks here and I hate to see it end. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Now 2 days and 4 flights to get home Wed evening.
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  • Day 27

    Im Herzen Afrika's

    May 31, 2023 in Malawi ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Nach jetzt weiteren 1.000km auf der Great East Road sind wir nun in Malawi, mitten in Afrika angekommen. Was sich schon in Zambia nach Verlassen der Hauptstadt angedeutet hat, setzt sich hier in Malawi uneingeschränkt fort. Beide Länder zählen zu den ärmsten der Welt, das Durchschnittsalter beträgt 16Jahre! und Leben heißt hier schlicht zu überleben. Entgegenkommene Pickups von Unicef, WorldVision oder World Food Program sind keine Seltenheit. Etwas Vergleichbares habe ich bisher noch nicht gesehen. Wenn die Kinder dann trotz dieser Lebensumstände am Straßenrand, sobald sie uns sehen, vor Freude nahezu "ausrasten" ist regelmäßig Gänshaut, trotz mehr als 30Grad, garantiert.

    Aber man muss auch sagen, dass sich damit ebenso der Charakter der Tour verändert hat. Die Eindrücke zu sammeln und hier in diesen Regionen Afrika's mit dem Motorrad durchfahren zu dürfen ist für mich persönlich und sicherlich auch für unseren mittlerweile eingeschworenen Haufen eine ungeheuere Bereicherung, definitiv aber kein Sightseeing Urlaub mehr.

    Das Erlebte in Bildern festzuhalten fällt mir zudem zunehmend schwerer, so dass ich dankbar bin, hier auf die Fotos und Videos aus der Gruppe zurück greifen zu können. Aber auch diese können nur einen Ausschnitt zeigen... vor Ort ist es noch so viel mehr ungefiltert.
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  • Day 56


    September 29, 2024 in Malawi ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    I extended the journey into Lilongwe by stopping at a self described boutique hotel as the afternoon wind grew in intensity. For the money, cheap by NZ cost, it had a few too many broken or missing facilities. But the beer was cold and the food was good. As was the wifi. I'd come to accept my Mzungu novelty over the preceding weeks and was leaning into it with the kids and younger people. Mzungu is the label for the white outsider. Generally verbalised by kids without being derogatory. Not so much by adults who would use it to represent a less generous description of foreigners. As a Mzungu you're also fair game on price jacking either explicitly or implicitly. When I used the term at the hotel the manager asked if I felt unwelcome. No I replied I had just been noting my uniqueness.
    At breakfast the next morning I discovered all the other guests had departed after dinner having finished a stay of a couple of weeks as part of an international logistics assignment.
    Not that it bothered me. When I got to Lilongwe there was time to spare. Abit of mall based excursion with an espresso bar and a modern supermarket was a pleasure. I made me way to the moderately priced , $30, la luna guesthouse for a very friendly few days and some downtime. Got in a visit to the local wildlife sanctuary where I only saw monkeys and some sculptures. Surprised to find swell stocked whisky collection, Speyside region at least, just behind the guesthouse.
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  • Day 60

    Lake Malawi

    October 3, 2024 in Malawi ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Departure from Lilongwe was cathartic. Leaving after a short stop often is. I had unfinished business here but right now it couldn't be done.
    I loaded up and followed the M1 towards the north. At some point I'd get to the M7 and into the quieter roads winding to the lake. Massive roadworks saw this principal highway sporting long stretches of slip roads functioning as bypasses. Enabling large scale extension, expansion and, eventually, resurfacing. I was a little slower than usual to respond but got there in the end monopolizing the freshly packed, or surfaced, area out of harm's way. Surprisingly the local cyclists didn't seem to indulge in this type of behaviour so freely. However some did follow suit on the longer stretches. At 60km Mponela arrived, which seemed like a good cold drink stop before diverting onto the quieter roads to the lake, 120 km further along. Riding through town I decided it was a better idea to overnight with a range of facilities including an array of ATMs. Winding my way through the town streets I got a local guide to the suggested Centurion Lodge. It was an over priced lower end joint. Sensibly I rejected it and headed to the, only slightly, more expensive Thope Lodge. Escorted by a cavalry of local kids who originally squawked for money, but actually turned into quite helpful and inquisitive guides. The well attired front desk provided a reassuring gauge of facilities. It was not without its puzzling aspects though. The entrance porch light shone directly into the curtain free bathroom window, with a doorless access spilling light into the bedroom. Of course no light switch. I jammed the doormat into the window frame which lasted long enough for me to fall asleep.
    Back into the headwind and hills the next morning moving quickly onto the dirt road to Ntchisi, graced by very little traffic. The road eventually leads to the Nkhotakota Game Reserve, which also had a more direct sealed route. Tilled land in abundance, ready for the rain.
    I'd just missed the less ubiquitous bakkie. Ute in common parlance. Fortunately a truck with a spacious flatbed trailer pulled up minutes later and with the help of a few local women roadside vendors up went the bike and we fastened it down. They remonstrated my rather meagre remuneration for their few minutes efforts but nothing came of it. It was one of those scenarios where you have too little or too much and there ain't no change coming back. It turned out I was human cargo number 5 squeezed into the sleeper compartment with a mum and baby in the passenger seat as well. The ultimate side hustle where motorised transport is multi modal.
    Malawians need to take a leaf out of the Botswanain libertarian approach. "We told you there was wildlife, you were stupid enough to ride your bike." The sole, and grumpy, elephant might have halted proceedings briefly but not disastrously. I disembarked at the game park exit and made my way into Nkhotakota and budget guesthouse. The 5x more expensive option was better but not that much.
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