Kampung Bukit Hantu

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    • Dia 106

      Langkawi - Bye bye Thailand

      10 de janeiro de 2020, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Hai di sana zusammen 🙏🏼,

      Simone und ich befinden uns gerade auf dem Weg nach Malaysia, genauer gesagt, nach Langkawi und wollten mal was von uns hören lassen.

      Unsere letzten Tagen waren traumhaft schön. Koh Lanta hat uns beiden extrem gut gefallen und das nicht nur wegen des Frühstücks. 😂 Wir sind tatsächlich Stammgäste in der deutschen Bäckerei geworden und zwar so gute, dass uns Ina (die Besitzerin) zum Abschied auch noch selbstgebackene Kuchenstücke geschenkt hat😂

      Ansonsten haben wir extrem entspannte Tage verbracht, geprägt vom chillen am Strand, cruisen mit dem Roller, schnorcheln, futtern auf dem Nachtmarkt, Beachball zocken und atemberaubende Sonnenuntergänge. Besser geht's kaum. Der Himmel war stets blau, die Sonne brannte, so dass sogar ich mittlerweile ein wenig Farbe habe😎.

      Wir haben in einem kleinen netten Bungalow gewohnt, den eine total liebe Thai-Familie betrieben hat. Inklusive Katze. Die bis dato keinen Namen hatte und seit unserer Ankunft nun auf den Namen "Thai-Moods" hört 😂 Insider brauchen keine Erklärung, für alle anderen: der Hotelkater in der Waldruhe heißt Moods und ist ebenfalls schwarz. Lustigerweise fanden die Besitzer es so lustig, dass sie die Katze nun wirklich Thai-Moods nennen 😂 Wie es scheint war der Eindruck den wir hinterlassen haben wieder ein mal einprägsam 🤣

      Ja so war das auf Lanta 😍 Und nun kehren wir Thailand langsam den Rücken und reisen weiter südlich. Die Anreise nach Langkawi erweist sich bis dato als recht unkompliziert auch wenn wir auf einer 220 KM Strecke insgesamt in 3 Bussen saßen, ist die Reise absolut gut zu ertragen. Simons Stimmungsbarometer ist permanent im grünen Bereich und meiner damit auch 🤣 Warum wir 2x den Bus gewechselt haben? Zufälligerweise sind die Thais in Sachen Transport ziemlich gut organisiert und wenn mehrere Menschen von unterschiedlichen Inseln auf eine Insel wollen, dann werden die Minivans irgendwann zusammengewürfelt, was erstaunlich gut funktioniert hat. Vietnam darf sich hier gerne etwas abschauen😂

      Also 3 Busse und eine Fähre später sind wir also auf Langkawi angekommen, wo wir die kommenden 6 Tage verbringen werden. Mehr zu Langkawi gibt es dann im nächsten Artikel.
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    • Dia 98

      Dream Forest

      4 de fevereiro, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Der Dream Forest ist wohl recht neu auf Lankawi. Ich habe extra nicht viel gelesen - ich wußte nur, dass es nur nachts offen hat und im Dschungel ist.
      War wirklich sehr cool. Es wird einem zu Anfang eine Geschichte erzählt, die an lokale Sagen angelehnt ist und wird dann durch den Wald geführt...findet Hinweise, ab und an wieder Videoscenen. Teilweise auch ein bisschen gruselig auch vom Sound her, wenn so zum Dschungesound noch andere Geräusche und Stimmen dazukommen. Zwischendrin noch ein Lagerfeuer wo man sich Würstchen und Marshmallows kaufen und da grillen kann. Leider kann ich nur zwei Videos dranhängen, schad.Leia mais

    • Dia 65


      19 de fevereiro, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      On se rend maintenant à Langkawi une île située au nord de la Malaisie ( et qui est un bon point de passage pour aller en Thaïlande).

      On a adoré cette île donc on a prolongé notre temps la bas. A la base on voulait y rester que quelques jours et on est resté plus d’une semaine. On a profité de la plage, fait du sport tous les jours et mangé la nourriture locale qui était vraiment bonne et pas chère.

      On a fait le tour de l’île en scooter et ça nous a confirmé la beauté de cette île. Les plages et la végétation sont vraiment belles.

      Donc vraiment un coup de cœur pour cette île 🫶
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    • Dia 71

      Langkawi, Malaysia Mar 19th

      19 de março, Malásia ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      Today was a stop at a small island off of the Malaysian mainland. Malaysia has many, many small islands that make up the entire country. Our stop today was a visit to the Mangrove trees and by river kayak. We started out our kayak journey in a 2 person kayak and set off into the river where the mangrove trees grow wild. They are very tall and their roots grow into the sandy ground like spider legs. They have adapted to the salty river water by absorbing the salt water and then concentrating it into one of its leaves in the cluster. That leaf then turns yellow, dies and falls off with all the salt taken with it. This is how they explained that the mangrove trees have adapted to the salt water environment.
      We paddled against the wind for the first half of the trip and then my legs were cramping up in the kayak so we had to get a tow for the trip back. We were able to kayak down a small river full of mangrove trees, but had to turn back since a tree had fallen across the river in their usual route.Unfortunately this kind of put a change into our plans for a day of kayaking.
      Then back to the ship for a much needed shower to get all the salty river water off and rinse out our clothes. Scott will be doing laundry tonight to get our long sleeve UV shirts ready for another outing into the wilds of some other country.
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    • Dia 20

      Langkawi, Malaysia

      16 de dezembro de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Langkawi, known as the Jewel of Kedah is a duty-free island and an archipelago of 99 islands in the Strait of Malacca, located some 30 km off the coast of northwestern Malaysia. According to one interpretation, Langkawi means island of the reddish-brown eagle. In Malay, Lang means eagle and Kawi means red stone. There is a 39ft. high statue of the eagle in Eagle Square, but unfortunately we did not see it.

      The tour today was called “Cave and Mangrove Adventure”

      The tour started with a one hour drive to the Kilim jetty. Here we boarded a boat, and headed out to a fish farm where we saw all manner of fish, including a manta ray which you could touch and feed. There was also a large pen of very large, ugly Grouper, which I may never eat again!

      Next, we headed off to a quiet section of water to see what they called eagles. In fact they were not eagles but native Red Kikes and Sea Gulls (the guide joked that these Sea Gulls ate fish whereas the ones we know from back home, eat French fries). They attract the birds by throwing pieces of cut up fish in the water behind the boat, then revving up the engine to create a loud noise as well as a large plume of water. The noise and the splashing is a recognized signal that attracts the birds that quickly fly out from their concealed perches in the mangrove trees, and swoop down to pick up the food from the surface and quickly fly away again. He told us that during the pandemic, when there was virtually no tourism, many of the birds died because they were so used to being fed, they lost their instinct to actually catch live fish. As a result, the guides try to keep the feedings at a minimum, so only one boat in a group actually throws the food overboard.
      Next, we slowly motored through narrow channels lined by mangrove trees with their exposed roots. Mangroves are tropical trees that thrive in conditions most trees could never tolerate , as outlined before.
      At one point, we nosed into the mud bank and the guide, having picked a few stems of immature mangrove trees at the fish farm, showed how to plant them. Lee took a turn and dropped the stem from the bow of the boat, so it stuck in the mud. Apparently in 3-4 months it will be several feet tall.
      The next stop was the cave, actually a tunnel, through the base of an island where we were to see hundreds of bats clinging to the roof of the caves. At that point where they were hanging, it was very dark and the flashlight of the guide closest to us, did not provide enough light for us to see them. Peter and Heather, however, saw lots of them. Moving along, the cave got quite high and wide in the middle but then narrowed significantly towards the exit. At that point, it was so shallow, we almost had to crawl on our hands and knees to get through. One of the guides was right behind me and coached me through with his hand on my back to keep it down so I didn’t scrape against the ceiling.
      After the bus returned to the pier, it was a fair hike to get back to the ship which then left for Penang, Malaysia at 5:00pm. The entertainment tonight was by Chris Ritchie, described as being one of the UK’s most sought-after vocalists. He did some great impressions of Tom Jones.
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    • Dia 87

      Lounging around in Langkawi

      8 de dezembro de 2016, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We didn't really have much planned today, which was great because I was feeling a bit dehydrated from the day before and there is no way in hell I am getting heat stroke again. We had to take our car back to the airport, so decided to go the long way and check out the tourist area we walked along last night, but this time in the daylight.

      When we arrived, we quickly discovered that the tourist street looked better in the dark, as the street seemed cobbled together and was filled with crappy tourist shops. We did a drive by as it wasnt worth the energy to leave the comfort of the air conditioned car, and proceeded in the direction of the airport in search for a petrol station. This exercise turned out a lot more difficult than was anticipated, as no petrol station could be found. Our car was due back at 11am, and it was now 10.45 and we had to drive back 15 minutes towards our hotel where we knew we could find a station. This resulted in stressed driver (me) questioning Jamie on why he couldn't read a map or why he couldnt make a petrol station magically appear.

      When we finally found a station, it was 11am and I was not happy. There is one thing I hate more than anything in this world and it is being late. To me, making people wait for me is so rude, so, as a consequence, I was super stressed. As a result, Jamie dealt with all the petrol transactions before we took off in the direction of the airport.

      When we arrived, 20 minutes late, it was absolutely no issue, but I still felt so bad about these guys waiting for me to arrive (there is no rental car centre, so the staff know what time you are coming and wait for you outside the terminal). I had an espresso frappe to calm me down, before we took a taxi back to our hotel. Our taxi driver was super nice and told us some interesting facts about Langkawi including:

      1. The island is duty free
      2. The population prior to 1978 was around 30,000, however, when a doctor became prime minister, he decided that Langkawi had great tourism potential and ensured it was allowed development. The population now stands at about 150,000.
      3. No factories are allowed to be built on the island, the only exception being the one cement factory on the opposite side of the island that existed prior to this law being implemented.
      4. There are strict rules around deforestation on the island.

      When we got back to our hotel, I felt suitably more informed and went to the pool to digest the information and work on my tan a bit more.

      It wasn't long until we started to feel hungry and decided to hit up the local Langkawi Food Festival, where Roti, Fried Chicken, Seafood and Mango related goodies were in high supply. We grabbed some honey glazed bbq chicken and a massive Mango juice and sat down with the locals. We decided it was so good, that we would return for dinner this evening.

      We treked back to our hotel and filled in some time playing pool and hitting the gym before we headed back to the market for round 2 which included coconut ice cream in a coconut shell. Delicious!
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    • Dia 156

      Beaches and High Tea

      2 de fevereiro de 2020, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      A few nights ago, Clarinda and I were out for our evening constitutional (since this is a post about high tea, pretty sure I’m not allowed to call it a walk). We noticed an ad for high tea, and told the girls about it. They were pretty excited, as they love high tea: the tea, delicate little finger sandwiches with the crusts cut off, clotted cream, jam, little tiny desserts served on three tiered trays and all things tea party. The highlight of our family tea experience (peak tea) was experienced a few years ago at the Empress Hotel in Victoria. The Empress sets a pretty high bar, so expectations were pretty high, given the fact that both Malaysia and Canada went through the British colonial experience.

      Dear reader, you may be shocked to learn that Malaysia did not deliver on our high tea expectations. Upon arrival we were confused: the multi-tiered trays, the clotted cream and jam, the scones-- all absent. In place we saw fried noodles and fried rice, curries, fish, mashed potatoes drenched in gravy, chicken nuggets, spring rolls, soup, samosas as well as a pasta station served up buffet style. They did have some finger sandwiches -- a generous coating of mayonnaise, with a light dusting of tuna preserved under heat lamps. Deserts consisted of a dry loaf and a variety of jellos straight out of a 1960s issue of Better Housekeeping magazine. Most of the food was mediocre, the highlight was the mashed potatoes, perhaps because I’ve not had them in months (or more likely because my standard of mashed potato excellence is boxed Idahoan potatoes).

      The girls were pretty disappointed in the tea experience, which given expectations, was a reasonable outcome. This served as a gentle reminder to us that expectations shape our perception of experience. If I re-frame the high tea experience as a buffet style meal that cost only about $6 CAD per person, then I would say that the meal was a total success. Perhaps easier for me to reconcile than it is for kids that have now been on the road for five months, and at times, are craving the familiar.


      The beaches here are amazing. The water is warm, some beaches have lots of shade, the sand is soft and the beach is wide and long, the views and sunsets are so pretty. Unfortunately, the one closest to our house has little jellyfish that kind of hurt when they sting you but it's really pretty with the sunset. We found a beach that’s about a 30 minute drive from our place that is such a nice temperature. Today the tide was low so we could walk really far out. It's kind of like our own private beach because there aren't very many people who know about this beach because they just go to popular beaches. When there are people there they aren't too close to us. It’s really nice and refreshing to go swimming because it’s like +35 out.

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    • Dia 158

      8, 574 stair hike

      4 de fevereiro de 2020, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      After our horrible hike in Sapa, my parents wanted to do another hike in Langkawi to make up for it. My parents really like hiking and my mom was worried that we wouldn’t hike after our Sapa hike. After putting off the hike for 5 days because we were busy going to the beach, we finally did the hike. The hike was through the rainforest, up 4,287 steps and had an elevation of 800 meters. The steps were concrete and brought up the hill by Malays and probably took a really long time to build.

      We saw some really cool trees with huge roots and they were super tall. Some of the trees were twisted into cool shapes too. It was really hot, but it was slightly less hot than usual because the trees were giving us shade. Some of the trees had giant leaves and some had huge tree trunks. All of us holding hands could not put our arms around some of the tree trunks because they were so big; everything in the jungle is way bigger than usual.

      Throughout the day the insects got louder and louder. They were pretty quiet when we started the hike, but by the end of it they were so loud. We saw some lizards on trees and moving around under the leaves. There were leaves and plants growing everywhere. The leaves were on trees and on the pathway. There was one tree that was so big, it had fallen down and broken the railing for the steps we had to climb. It was fun having to climb over the very large tree.

      We were the only people on the hike. There’s a viewpoint at the top of the hike and we saw people who had driven motorcycles up, but no one else hiked up. At the top, we could see little houses and we were so high up. We also saw a really cool bird flying; we think it was a great hornbill.

      After we looked at the view and had some food, we hiked back down. On the way down we heard a drone going through the forest. We heard it going most of the way down.

      After the hike, we drove into town and got gelato. I enjoyed this hike more than the trek in Sapa because it wasn’t as long and we didn’t have to hike in the dark.

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    • Dia 19

      Erkundungstour über die Insel

      15 de julho de 2018, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Ganz gemütlich startete der Tag mit Wäsche waschen und gemütlichem Frühstück mit Pancake und Espresso für mich und einheimisches Reisfrüstück für den Herrn. Dass es in unserer Unterkunft Affen gab wussten wir. Allerdingsund machten sich die gleich bemerkbar, indem sie ohne dass wir es merkten 2 Packungen Cookies die auf dem Terassentisch lagen entwendeten. Egal wo wir gesucht haben sie waren weg. Nach ungläubigen Suchen machten wir uns auf dem 2Rad auf den Weg. 1. Stopp sollte die Ferrypoint sein, bei dem wir die Tickets für die überfahrt nach Satun kaufen wollten, aber feststellen mussten dass ohne Reisepass nichts geht. Etwas genervt ging es weiter Richtung Black Sand Beach & dem ersten Wasserfall. Der Durianwasserfall war sehr sehr schön angelegt mit kleinen Häuschen zum Picknicken. Wir machten uns auf den Weg nach oben und freuten uns über das erfrischende Bad im Naturpool. Planschen, Sonnen und eine Kleinigkeit zu essen ging es weiter zum nächsten Stopp. Die Temurun Wasserfälle waren ebenfalls sehr schön angelegt und deutlich höher wenn auch schmäler als der erste. Auch hier gönnten wir uns ein Bad im obersten pool und machten uns auf zu einem Strand ganz in der Nähe. Als wir zum Strand hinunter liefen erklärte uns ein Mann dass wir noch ein Stück nach rechts durch den Dschungel laufen sollen, da sei es noch ruhiger und schöner. Gesagt getan landeten wir allein an einer super schönen Bucht an der wir ein wenig verweilten & zu meiner Freude gab es eine Reifenschaukel :P. Mit Einbruch der Dunkelheit machten wir uns auf zum Nachtmarkt von Langkawi schlemmten ein wenig und fuhren wieder Richtung Unterkunft wo wir in einer Bar nebenan das WM Finale schauten. 

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    • Dia 36

      Langkawi rettet den Malaysia Trip

      30 de outubro de 2018, Malásia ⋅ 🌧 31 °C

      Endlich hat Malaysia was zu bieten. Diese Insel ist einfach der Wahnsinn, die Strände, die Berge unsere Scooter. Wir haben uns hier in die Insel verliebt. Zudem haben wir im Hostel gute alte Freunde getroffen, aber auch neue. Lasst euch von den Bildern inspirieren. Zudem sind die Waren steuerfrei, das heißt für mich, dass Schokolade zu Hauf gekauft werden kann. Langsam bekomme ich das Gefühl, dass ich hier eher zulege als abbaue. Viele Grüße euer DanielLeia mais

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