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    • Day 7

      Mazatlan pt2

      May 14, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Mazatlan only got better with as you’d expect more beer, tequila and dancing! Saturday was wedding day with the first stop being the church. I put my suit on that I nearly left in Sydney and stopped for an impromptu photo shoot next to some colourful buildings before attending what I would call marriage counselling. Being in the church was fun but the whole ceremony was a little bit different. Anyway, next was the state ceremony which we skipped in favour of lunch before heading to the nicest wedding party ever. It was on a massive outdoor area that overlooked the whole city plus ocean and had the nicest sunset view. Initially it was a little hard to get into the Latino dancing but after a while and a few tequilas I had picked up some new dance moves and didn’t stop dancing till 2 am. I witnessed a spectacular dance between the newly weds including fireworks and Alicia keys, what’s not to love! Spent a lot of time talking with my cousins Luis Carlos and Rosalia as well as the other 300 people in attendance. Eventually it got to that time of the night where the spicy tamarind vodka got passed around which was surprisingly very good, to the extent that even John was having multiple turns of people pouring it into his mouth. The mariachi band arrived at 1 am where the bride, Julissa sang a Mexican classic that I didn’t know. The night ended with more dancing and a sick feeling in my stomach probably from all the cubas/rum and cokes I drank. The festivities continued the next day at this seaside hotel event space for the post boda/wedding party. Unlimited ice cream, carnitas/pork tacos, drinks and gorgeous views were provided as I was able to spend one last day with my cousins. I highly recommend coco horchata, best drink ever!!⭐️ We didn’t quite get to eat lunch with them as we had to catch our flight at 5 but it was a nice way to say goodbye. After what felt like an endless amount of hugs and kisses we left Mazatlan after the best 4 days!! ❤️Read more

    • Day 121

      Fahrt aufs Festland

      November 15, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      - Übernachtung am Strand Tecalote vor La Paz mit einigen anderen Campern aus USA, Kanada und den Niederlanden
      - Fahrt mit der Fähre von Baja Ferries von Pichilingue nach Mazatlan
      - Fahrzeit insgesamt ca. 13h und an Bord eine unerwartete Einladung zu einer Übernachtung in einer Kabine von einem deutschen Pärchen Julika und DavidRead more

    • Day 20

      Ferry from Topolobampo-La Paz

      December 5, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Pulling into Los Mochis our final stop on the Chepe Train we were informed that the time is 1 hour behind after we crossed into the state of Sinaloa.
      With our ferry not due to leave until midnight we went to find some food near the port. We settled on a dodgey looking place (featuring a homeless guy who sat on the floor awkwardly close to our table) and prayed with every bit that we would not be ill on the 8hour crossing ahead of us.

      The ferry company insists that you 'check in' 3 hours before departure so we had a long boring wait. After finally boarding the ferry by the most ludicrous 4 meter bus ride we went to look for the 2 chairs that we would call our bed (the cabins were way over budget). Finally feeling settled at around half midnight a member from the crew came to check whether we had gone for dinner yet...walking into the canteen was like being transported back to a school dinner hall and a 1980s cruise ship😂. Still stuffed from our roadside supper we soldiered on, not ones to ever turn down a free meal, tucked into our '3 course dinner' at 1am (2am from the area we had just come from) and 'enjoyed' the entertainment. Totally stuffed and exhausted we retired to the plastic recliners (think Ryanair flight) zipped ourselves up into our sleeping bags, put our earplugs in to emit the snoring and  passed out from exhaustion!
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    • Day 48

      Strand geht immer

      February 19 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Nach gut 2 Wochen im Landesinneren, ok, lediglich 150 km von der Küste entfernt, war uns nach viel Zeit in der Stadt wieder nach Strand zumute.

      So sind wir von El Fuerte (Pueblo Mágico) wieder an die Küste gefahren.

      Die Nebenstraßen waren relativ gut zu fahren und wir hatten keinerlei Schwierigkeiten oder Checkpoints.

      In Guasave haben wir einen großen Ley Supermarkt gefunden, der wieder vegane Produkte hat, die richtig gut schmecken.

      Am Strand von Las Glorias angekommen stehen wir mal wieder auf einem Campingplatz.

      Aus den bisher geplanten 2 Nächten sind inzwischen schon wieder 5 geworden.

      Es tut uns gut, sehr langsam zu reisen. Jedoch fahren wir in zwei Tagen wieder ein Stück weiter.

      Aufgrund der vielen, sehr sozialen und lieben Straßenhunde in Álamos, sind wir auf die Idee gekommen, einen Instagram Kanal für Straßenhunde zu starten.
      Hierbei geht es in erster Linie um die Bilder der Hunde (keine verletzen Hunde).
      Ideen, wie ein Kalender oder ähnliches im Non-profit Bereich, sind in Planung, um lokale Organisationen zu unterstützen.

      Schaut doch gerne mal vorbei und helft mit einem Abonnieren des Kanals für mehr Reichweite:

      An unserem Platz hier, kam auch ein sehr hungriger junger Hund vorbei. Das mindeste was wir tun konnten war ihm Futter zu geben.

      Emma ist am Abend platt. Sie flitzt den ganzen Tag über den Strand und ans Wasser, spielt mit den Hunden hier. Es tut auch ihr sichtlich gut.

      Wer mehr von unseren Erlebnissen sehen möchte, findet unser Video von Mexiko auf unserem YouTube Kanal:
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    • Day 193

      Zorro! In El Fuerte

      May 17 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Don Diego de la Vega soll angeblich hier geboren & gelebt haben. Bekannt wurde er als Zorro - eine Art Robin Hood - der maskiert gegen die Ungerechtigkeiten der Spanier in Mexiko kämpfte.
      Bei sehr gutem Essen und einer eher mittelmässigen Show sahen wir ihn! Zorro!Read more

    • Day 3

      Vegan in Mazatlan

      December 15, 2019 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      On our first night in Mazatlan, we went to La Ruta Vegana, the best vegan restaurant in Mazatlan... well, OK, the "only" vegan restaurant in Mazatlan but it nonetheless deserves the accolade that "best" conveys.

      Roch ordered a plate of 3 quesadillas and I ordered a couple of tacos along with an order of crispy potato wedges to share.  The only thing lacking was a good bottle of Dos XX.  The restaurant doesn't serve alcohol so we had to settle for non-alcoholized beer which was surprisingly satisfying with our meal.  Our dinner altogether was a mere $18.11 and we left the restaurant thinking, we gotta come back to this place...

      ... and indeed we did go back the very next day.  We didn't realize that La Ruta Vegana was the only vegan restaurant in Mazatlan until we went to Bliss Tienda Vegana which we thought was a cafe as well as vegan store.  Nope, it was just a small vegan store so we happily went back to La Ruta Vegana.

      This time I ordered the quesadillas and Roch ordered "Pozole", a Mexican soup typically made with hominy (processed corn with the germ removed) and pork. The thick soup is seasoned with a combination of spices and garnished with radishes, shallots, shredded cabbage, limes and tortilla chips. We'll never know for sure if the vegan version that Roch had was as good as a traditional meat version.  All I can say is, there wasn't a drop of soup left when it came time to pay for the meal.

      The owner of La Ruta Vegana told us that there were a few other vegan restaurants in Mazatlan but they have consequently closed.  How odd, when everywhere else we've travel to has seen an increase in the number of vegan establishment in light of the plant-based revolution.  La Ruta Vegana will be celebrating its 5th anniversary next week, and we have every intention in joining in on their celebration.

      Although dining out here is a challenge, the local markets offer a plethora of beautiful fruits and veggies. They even sell large packages of trimmed and diced mixed vegetables that is made into soup. In fact, that's what we had for dinner last night. Strangely, however, Sinaloa province is reputed to be the mango capital of Mexico (and home to most cartels), but we've rarely sen any. Those we did find were expensive even by Canadian standards.

      On the other hand, papayas and pineapples are plentiful and succulent, so we can't complain too much.
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    • Day 12

      Christmas in Mexico City

      December 24, 2019 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      At 2:40 PM, we flew out of Mazatlan on an Interjet flight en route to ten days in Mexico City. This last minute change to our winter staycation in Mazatlan came about when our original Airbnb turned out to be a dud and we couldn't find another that could accommodate our entire stay there.

      However, since Brenda and I had wanted to make a side trip to the capital city anyway, it all worked out in the end.

      We weren't expecting much from the no-frills Interjet flight, but we were pleasantly surprised. First of all, there was more than sufficient legroom to accommodate me, even when the person sitting in front of me fully reclined her seatback. And then, half way through the flight, the crew came down the aisle handing out snacks and complimentary drinks, INCLUDING COCKTAILS!!! Dos gin y agua tonica por favor! Wow, Air Canada barely hands out water on cross country flights. Lastly, our pilot gently dropped the Airbus onto the tarmac in Mexico City twenty minutes ahead of schedule.

      We metroed into the city and found our hotel without any difficulty. A subway ride here costs five pesos ($0.35 CDN) so we only spent about seventy cents to get to our hotel.

      We chose our hotel for its proximity to a number of highly rated vegan restaurants. Unfortunately, by the time we checked in, all of them had already closed for Xmas eve. And that folks, is how Brenda and I had our "A Christmas Story" moment of a meal of Chinese food in a food court, just before they closed.

      We managed to find a well stocked grocery store where we picked up some fruit for breakfast, as we believe most places will still be closed after the late night posada celebrations. We're told most places will re-open at noon on Christmas day so we should be all set for food the rest of the day.

      And if not, there's always Chinese food.

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    • Day 237

      Mexiko Festland

      January 4, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Die Überfahrt war nicht so erholsam wie gedacht. Obwohl wir keinen großen Wellengang hatten fühlte sich die Nacht oben im Alcoven an, als ob unsere Alf gleich über Bord geht.😅
      Kaffee machen war auch eine kleine Herausforderung... aber dafür waren wir früh genug Wach um uns den Sonnenaufgang anzuschauen!😉

      Auf der Fähre treffen wir noch auf Renato (ein Biker aus Mexiko City), der uns wertvolle Tipps für unsere weitere Reise gibt. Sprich - Wo ist es schön und welche Orte sollten wir meiden.
      Wir werden Renato in Mex. City wieder sehen.

      Als zweite Bekanntschaft laufen uns Valentina und Flavio mit Hund Jipsy über den Weg. Zwei Backbacker aus Italien. Wir nehmen sie mit, denn wir wollen in die selbe Richtung.

      Ca. eine Stunde vor Mazatlan finden wir einen Stellplatz an einer traumhaft schönen Bucht for free.
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    • Day 238

      Einsamer Strand allein

      January 5, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wir fahren mit dem italienischen Pärchen in das nahe gelegene Örtchen Dima. Dort trennen sich unsere Wege, denn die Beiden trampen weiter nach Mazatlán.

      Wir besorgen alles Nötige, wobei eine nette alte Dame, auf Nachfrage wo es Weißwein zu kaufen gäbe, Felix zum Supermarkt begleitet. Für Felix ist es ein Erfolg, da er sich das erstmal allein auf Spanisch unterhält.

      Wieder zurück am einsamen Strand, wird den Rest des Tages das Auto geputzt und kleine Reparaturen erledigt. Naja ... Alf hat jetzt ein kleines Loch in der Motorhaube, da Felix NUR ein wenig Rost bekämpfen wollte. 😅
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    • Day 240


      January 7, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir uns schon am Abend mit unseren alten Travelerfreunden Anne und Erik treffen, allerdings hatten die beiden Probleme mit dem Auto und so sehen wir uns erst zum Frühstück.

      Wir tauschen uns aus und dann geht es für uns weiter nach Mazatlan.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Estado de Sinaloa, Sinaloa, SIN, シナロア州, 錫那羅亞州

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