Nga Niho Pa

Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
Reisende an diesem Ort
    • Tag 26

      Whale watching

      11. November 2017 in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Am nächsten morgen war es endlich soweit und die Whale watching Tour fand statt! Es wurde nur vor sea sickness gewarnt, weil die Wellen immer noch recht hoch waren.
      Das Boot hatte einen Innenbereich, in dem man während der Fahrt sitzen bleiben musste. Auf dem
      Weg raus aufs Meer, sind wir schon an ein paar Delfinen vorbei gekommen. Zu dieser Zeit befinden sich Hauptsächlich männliche Potwale in dem Gebiet auch Sperme Whale genannt. Als wir dann zu dem Punkt kamen wo der Potwal zuletzt gesehen wurde durfte man raus auf Deck und Bilder machen. Die ersten beiden Male war der Wal allerdings relativ weit weg und ist auch nie getaucht, um seine Schwanzflosse zu sehen. Da die Zeit eigentlich auch schon um war mussten wir uns eigentlich wieder auf den Rückweg machen. Allerdings wurde an einem anderen Ort ein neuer Wal gesichtet und deswegen wurde unsere Tour um eine Stunde verlängert. An diesen Wal sind wir auch näher ran gekommen und man hat seine Flosse gesehen.
      Nach der Tour war ich in Kaikoura essen, bis es dann mit dem Bus wieder 3 Stunden zurück nach christchurch ging.
      ( Bilder kommen später)

    • Tag 88

      Wuchenänd in Kaikoura

      25. November 2017 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Bin das Wuchenänd in Kaikoura gsi, das isch sochli es Mekka für alli Wassertierliebhaber (Wal, Delfin, Seehund und Albatross) Bin uf de Delfin watching tour gsi, doch nöd nume das, mer sind au mit dene go schwümme! Das isch aso na ganz aaschträngend, wells rächt schnäll sind und s Wasser iisig chalt gsi isch. Mer hend zwüsche 200-300 Delfine gseh und es hett au en huufe Jungtier gha, won im Oktober gebore sind. Das isch mega härzig gsi, s Mami und s Junge mitenand z gseh! Mer hend aber au Albatrosse und ein Seehund gseh, das isch au rächt härzig gsi. Am Namitag simmer denn bitzeli usserhalb vo Kaikoura gsi, dete hetts e Seehundkolonie und das isch sehr spannend gsi (hett aber mengmal fürchterlich gstunke, weiss nöd öb das d Seehünd oder s modrige Meerwasser gsi isch) Am Sunntig simmer denn zruggfahre und hend ide Hanmer Springs en Halt gmacht, dete gitts es Thermalbad well dete heissi Quällene entspringet. Das hett richtig guet tah, vorallem well die ganzi Autofahrt 6 Stunde (ein Wäg) gaht... Es super weekend gsi!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 23–25


      16. Februar 2024 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Das Schwimmen mit frei lebenden Delphinen in Kaikoura war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Unglaublich, dass wir das erleben durften!

    • Tag 61


      1. November 2016 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Heute ging es nach Kaikoura.
      Bereits auf den Weg konnten wir wieder einmal die tolle Landschaft Neuseelands betrachten und wurden von vielen Seelöwen überrascht welche am Meer schliefen oder mit einander spielten und dabei vollkommen unbeeindruckt von unserer Anwesenheit schienen.

      Nachdem wir ein wenig Kaikoura besichtigt hatten, haben wir uns bisschen darüber informiert, was man hier alles so unternehmen kann.
      Schnell wurde dabei klar, dass die tollen Touren wie Wale watching und mit Delfinen schwimmen ziemlich teuer (für ein Backpacker-Geldbeutel) sind.
      Deshalb schoben wir den Gedanken an solch eine Tour erstmal zu Seite, doch nachdem wir ein Angebot im Internet gefunden hatten, waren wir voller Tatendrang und nun sind wir in Besitz einen Tickets um morgen mit DELFINEN zu schwimmen ! 😍🐬

      Am nächsten Morgen ging es dann früh los.
      Nach einer kurzen Bootsfahrt kamen wir dann bei den Delfinen an und umgezogen ging es dann auch kurz darauf ins kalte Wasser.
      Ich musste nicht lange warten und schon schwammen die ersten Delfine unter mir durch! Ein atemberaubendes Gefühl diesen Tieren so nah zu sein!
      Über 45 Minuten schwammen wir mit Delfinen und diese schienen genau so viel Freude mit uns zu haben, wie wir mit ihrer Anwesenheit.
      Zurück auf dem Boot gab es dann Kakao und Kekse und es wurden noch ordentlich Fotos von den Delfinen vom Boot aus gemacht.
      Diesen Tag werde ich nie vergessen, dass war mit Abstand das coolste was ich je gemacht habe!

      Eure Sara

    • Tag 15

      Kaikoura - Whales – what Whales

      5. November 2016 in Neuseeland ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Saturday 5th November
      Daily Mileage 247
      Cumulative Mileage 1,391

      An early start today as we had to be on the road by 7am. Paulina prepared an organic breakfast for us, insisting we started with a hot lemon and ginger drink to cleanse our sinuses. This was followed by organic yogurt, muesli, grapes, dates, dried apricots soaked in redbush tea rounded off with a small cheese omelette. She also gave us some croissants for the road.

      I drove the first couple of hours to Kaikoura; the roads were quiet as it was early so we bowled along nicely, eating up the miles, snaking round the mountains along the windy roads. At one point I found myself following two gorgeous vintage cars, a Bentley and a Rolls Royce open top. The Roller was racing along pulling away from the Bentley and me at one point (and I was going at the speed limit of 100kph), then the Bentley put his foot down and tore off away from me too. I was left just pootling along. After a while I caught up with the Bentley and we spent a few miles behind it admiring it. It had a black roof and a gunmetal grey body, with the spare tyre in a matching metal cover on the boot. There were big spotlight lights on the front and the man driving it had a wide brimmed straw hat, which oddly seemed to suit the car. For vintage cars, they sure had a turn of speed and could, if asked, zip along and more than hold their own against modern cars. Finally, the driver of the Roller held a yellow padded gloved hand aloft in the way a policeman does to stop traffic, this was obviously a signal to his mate in the Bentley that they were going to stop as they both slowed down and pulled over.

      After a stop for a takeaway cuppa – sorry no photo as it was at a roadside café and not very picturesque, Peter took over driving. A little way outside of Kaikoura we spotted a few motorhomes and cars pulled into a large parking bay by the edge of the sea. It looked interesting and we wanted to stretch our legs so we also parked up. When we got out of the car we saw there was a colony of seals all around us in the rocks by the sea. People were wandering around taking photos, it was very relaxed and we joined in. There were large male seals claiming territory on the top of big rocks, chasing off smaller seals who dared to try to clamber up. Most of them were lying on rocks in the sun just resting and sleeping, but some of the youngsters were messing around in the water the way juveniles do. It was an entertaining and relaxing break for half an hour or so.

      We arrived at the Whaling Station early and adjourned to the café which was a bit of a disaster as they forgot my food and Peter and Janet’s chicken and vegetable soup was lukewarm and greasy on top – not nice. Then there was an announcement, the whaling trip was cancelled as the spotter planes had not been able to locate any in the area at all. We were very disappointed but realise that wildlife is unpredictable so it couldn’t be helped. We went on the waiting list for a later trip but that too was cancelled. So instead we checked into our B&B, Nikau Lodge to dump our bags off and went into town to browse around then headed to Half Moon Bay to explore the rock pools. There were some seals there too, not nearly as many as we had seen earlier on. There was one with a big bite mark on its back. A local said he had been caught by a boat propeller and was being watched to make sure he is ok. He had been around the beach for about a week.
      We are on the wait list for whale watching tomorrow afternoon and if that fails we can get a plane to fly over them instead so we are keeping our fingers crossed they may come back into the area tomorrow.

      I have included a photo of the view from our bedroom window. Our B&B is on a headland over the town with beautiful sea views.

    • Tag 16

      Swimming with Dolphins

      6. November 2016 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Sunday 6th November
      We had an 8am Swim with the Dolphins trip today so we were up early and ready at the meet point. I wasn’t at all confident about swimming in the open ocean with the dolphins but put on a wetsuit in case. Peter was very keen to do it and Janet had decided just to watch. The boat was like a substantial cabin cruiser but very powerful with a couple of wide steps into the sea at each side at the rear of the boat. The bottom step was in the ocean and had grab rails around it. It only took about 20 mins to get to where the dolphins were thought to be. After a quick tutorial on snorkelling and tips on how to attract the interest of the dolphins the horn blasted which was the signal that dolphins had been seen and it was ok to go into the water. The crew knew I was very nervous about the whole thing and I was holding back to the end of the group before going in the water. I have a strong gag reflex and do tend to panic if I start to gag, often ending up hyperventilating. My biggest fear was that this would happen in the ocean when I was snorkelling and I might drown. However, I really did want to swim with the dolphins and this got the better of my fear, so very gingerly and with lots of encouragement from the crew, after everyone else had gone, I sat on the rear step of the boat and, with a last deep breath slipped into the sea. It was cold and this did make me gasp a bit but that was not scary. I also had a floatation jacket on as I thought this might give me confidence I could not drown, but in fact it got in the way more than helped and I kept rolling over so I decided to replace it with a noodle. This was also a bit of a hindrance so I decided to go with just a float. I found this much better. By now it was time for everyone to come back on board as the dolphins had moved and the crew wanted to drive the boat closer to where they had gone to. The boat stopped again and everyone got back into the water. Peter was doing well and was in the crowd with the dolphins swimming around them. Once again I slipped in and for a few minutes managed to paddle around near the back of the boat with my face in the water, breathing correctly through my snorkel and looking for dolphins. I felt a little more confident now so when we had to go back to the boat to move on again I thought I would go in once more. I preferred waiting until the end as I felt no pressure to keep up. The crew kept calling out encouragement and I managed to swim around a little but not as well as before and began to panic about being in the sea, the boat seemed a long way away but in reality, was no more than 10-12’. I was really scared now and splashing around. I got myself closer to the boat and one of the crew leant down and I was half dragged whilst pulling myself as best I could to scramble onto the step. I firmly decided not to go in again and I think really I should not have gone in the third time as when I got back on board I felt very queasy. I managed to get dressed and sat next to an American Chinese lady who had only been in the water once but was also not very confident and felt sick too. Brightly coloured buckets were given to each of us in case we felt we needed to use them. Neither of us was actually sick thankfully. However, I continued to feel panicky on the boat and began to hyperventilate. The crew were very good and talked to me calmly which helped and wrapped me in a big blanket which was very cosy. Back on land I sat on a bench by the boat, still feeling rather ill, one of the other swimmers who was a doctor came to see if I was ok which was very kind of him. We went back to our B&B where we had hot showers and I had a lay down which helped. The feeling of being on a boat bobbing around continued for several hours though which was not pleasant. I think basically I had got myself over worried about the whole thing which just made me have a bit of a panic attack and to start to hyperventilate, I am normally ok on boats. The whale watching was cancelled this afternoon again as the whales had still not come into the area, which was just as well really as I didn’t feel like going on another boat today. I had really wanted to swim with dolphins and the reason I went back into the water was because I wanted to see one through my mask swim past or around me. Sadly, I didn’t see any through my mask, but they were in the water near me so I think I will give myself half a mark for being in the water with them nearby. Peter did very well though and thoroughly enjoyed it. Both he and Janet got some photos of the dolphins.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 61


      1. Dezember 2018 in Neuseeland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Auf in den Süden! Zurück auf der Straße und zurück zum normalen Backpackerleben. Nach 10 Minuten werden wir von zwei Mädels nach Blenheim mitgenommen. Dort treffen wir Nassim auf einen Kaffee und fahren dann mit einem kleinen Truck nach Kaikoura.
      Unser Hostel entpuppt sich als gemütliche Oase und wir machen uns bei Sonnenschein auf zum 12 km langen Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway.
      Kurz vor Hangry ( Hungry and Angry) gehen wir eine Pizza essen und fallen müde ins Bett.

    • Tag 141


      27. Februar 2019 in Neuseeland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      In Kaikoura angekommen machen wir uns zu Fuß auf in die Innenstadt, stöbern in Souvenirshops und gönnen uns ganz kiwi-like Fish n Chips. Und im Hintergrund ist immer die schneebehangene Kulisse zu sehen. Zurück im Camper wird es richtig stürmisch und regnerisch. Wir verschanzen uns mit schwarzem Tee und Monopoli.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 143


      15. März 2019 in Neuseeland

      Der nächste Stopp - nach noch ein paar Tagen in unserer Neuen-Heimat-Hippie-Gegend - war dann doch endlich Kaikoura ( auch weil zeitgleich ein ziemlicher Sturm auf der Westküste getobt hat und sogar die Brücke zu den Gletschern weggeschwemmt wurde) an der Reihe entdeckt zu werden.
      Kaikoura ist DER Ort in NZ um Wale zu sehen, aber da wir wussten, dass wir schon ganz bald mit unserem nächsten, schon heiß ersehnten Besuch (nähere Infos folgen), ganz bald zurückkommen, haben wir uns auf die etwas kleineren Robben konzentriert - und sind hier tatsächlich ziemlich auf Tuchfühlung gegangen - nicht alle Robben finden uns so toll wie wir sie, vor allem wenn sie plötzlich unter uns unterm Felsvorsprung liegen und wir seeehr nah vorbei müssen..

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    Nga Niho Pa

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