Finnmark Fylke

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Finnmark Fylke
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Voyageurs à cet endroit
    • Jour 17

      Oberhalb dem See

      30 mai, Norvège ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Da hei mir dänkt äs gäb äs gmüetlechs Rundeli!
      Denkste! Die letschte 4km hri mir i guet 3 Stung gschafft: dür Schnee Wasser, Matsch, Umwåge, über Bäch🤣. Mini Gamasche u Wanderschueh si i Rucksack gwanderet u derfür mini OBERBRILLIANTE wasserdichte Socke mit de Barfuesswasserschueh agleit eifach obeuse...Video folgt bim nächschte wlan Empfang.
      Mir hei gmerkt, dass viu zviu Schnee u Schmelzwasser ligt. Drum geits morn Richtig Kautokeino mit de ÖV.
      Aber Erläbnis pur uuund mir si flexibel und offe bi immet no super Stimmig
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    • Jour 9

      Drohnenbilder + Morgen

      31 mai, Norvège ⋅ 🌫 8 °C

      Hier sind noch die Drohnenaufnahmen von gestern Abend. Die waren sogar recht gefährlich, da die lokale Vogelpopulation etwas fremdenfeindlich ist! Schockierend! 😱

      Heute morgen gab es dann endlich DEN Grund überhaupt nach Norwegen zu reisen: Gudbrandsdalsost! 😍
      Die Milch wird erhitzt bis der Milchzucker karamellisiert. Dadurch bekommt der Käse eine süße Note von Karamell und Schokolade. Geil! 😃

      Heute morgen regnet es, man glaubt es kaum! Die Stimmung ist trotzdem gut! 😃
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    • Jour 16

      Bird Watching in Gjesvaer

      8 juin, Norvège ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

      Draußen kühl, neblig und stürmisch ging es unweit des Nordkap zu.
      So verließen wir den Platz heute Mittag um nach Gjesvaer zu fahren, was auch noch in der Region rund um das Nordkap liegt.
      Einen Plan was wir dort unternehmen hatten wir nicht.
      Den Dort anschauen und etwas durch die schöne Landschaft laufen geht aber hier meistens immer gut.
      Im Ort angekommen sahen wir als erstes ein Schild mit "Bird Watching Tours" und einem gemalten Kopf eines Papageientauchers.
      Dort gingen wir als erstes direkt hin und fragten wann es Touren gibt und was der Spaß kostet.
      Zu unserem Glück gab es heute sogar direkt noch eine Tour. Perfekt, denn heute ist es hier zwar immer noch frisch mit 5-9°C aber die Sonne ☀️ lacht.
      Ein Schnäppchen ist das Erlebnis keineswegs, aber sehen möchte man das einfach mal, also für 2 Personen gebucht und eine Stunde später befanden wir uns schon auf dem Boot und schipperten zu den Felsen auf welchen verschiedene Vogelarten brühten. Kormorane, Steinadler und auch die Papageientaucher mit ihrem bunten Schnabel.
      Auf dem Rückweg bekamen wir sogar noch etliche Robben zu sehen.
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    • Jour 17

      Honningsvag + Hammerfest

      9 juin, Norvège ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Da es in Gjesvaer heute Grau, windig und kalt war, ohne Besserung in Sicht ging es zuerst nach Honningsvag zurück.
      Auch eher touristisch, aber mit schönem Hafen. Irgendein Kreuzfahrtschiff lag auch im Hafen, aber nicht riesig groß. Wohl machen die Hurtigruten hier auch einen Halt.
      Wir hätten gerne mal solch ein Schiff gesehen. Auch wenn es so deutlich ruhiger / angenehmer im Ort war.
      Viele Geschäfte etc. hat es jedoch nicht auf. Weshalb wir uns zügig auf die Weiterfahrt machten, nachdem wir den Hafen besichtigt hatten.
      Der Plan war das Navi auf "Olderfjord" zu stellen, aber auf dem Weg zu halten wenn wir einen Hinweis zu Wanderwegen sehen.
      Angekommen in Olderfjord sind wir, aber ohne irgendein Wanderschild.
      Also mit der gleichen Devise das Navi auf "Hammerfest" gestellt.
      Hinter jeder Kurve ein weiterer atemberaubender Ausblick, aber keine ausgeschilderten Sehenswürdigkeiten oder Wanderungen. Einfach insgesamt 200km durch "nichts" gefahren, außer unberührte Natur.
      Länger gefahren als gewollt, was aber bei den Ausblicken egal war.
      Rentiere bekamen wir auch wieder "an jeder Ecke" zu sehen. Der hohe Norden Skandinavien ist einfach sehr dankbar, was die Tierwelt betrifft.
      So landeten wir dann doch heute schon in Hammerfest.
      Ebenso ein kleines Städtchen, welches hauptsächlich aus Hafen besteht.
      Der Plan ist soweit auf jeden Fall aufgegangen das es ab Honningsvag immer besseres Wetter wurde und die Temperaturen auf bis zu 16°C stiegen.
      So stehen wir nun auch leicht oberhalb Hammerfest bei Sonnenschein.
      Etwas Erkundung auf einen Aussichtspunkt über Hammerfest haben wir bereits unternommen.
      Nun köchelt das Reh-Ragout auf dem Herd vor sich hin und demnächst gibt's Essen.
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    • Jour 42

      Reaching our northernmost point

      10 octobre 2019, Norvège ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      A fairly quiet day today. After breakfast Amr went for his ritual sauna and walk round the deck. On deck 5 you can walk right round the ship - he says 5 laps is just over a km! It is always nice to get out there and watch if it’s not too cold or breezy! At 11.15 we docked at Honningsvåg which is where some people went on an excursion to the North Cape marker. We contented ourselves with a wander through the town which did not take long...we did go into the North Cape museum though which was interesting and well displayed. This place, like so much of the coast of Norway, was burnt to the ground by the Germans when retreating, so it also is rebuilt, and quite pretty and neat. Of course, it is basically just a fishing town. We are way above the tree line now, and the land we see is just rocky crags. Any trees in the town were planted, and probably have trouble thriving.

      Since leaving Honningsvåg we have been going out in the open sea and have to take care walking around, quite rocking! And I think this will continue as looking at the map we are out in the Norwegian Sea till we reach Kirkenes tomorrow morning. At the moment we have just pulled in to a fjord so it’s relatively calm, but we’ll be out in the open again soon, and continuing north till we reach our northernmost point before turning southeast to reach Kirkenes. There will be a few offload stops during the night, but for passengers that is the next port.

      Kirkenes is the end of the voyage for quite a few people who just do the northern journey, though quite a lot of people are, like us, continuing on the southward journey back to Bergen. So tomorrow there will be the bustle of people disembarking and others embarking.

      And today we did see rain for the first time!! There wasn’t much, and although it is quite cold, it wasn’t snow, so not that cold. By the time we walked around the town this morning it was quite bright, and though clouds are about there is also quite a lot of clear sky. I looked up the weather for tomorrow in Kirkenes and supposedly there will be snow overnight, but cloudy and little chance of precipitation in the daytime. That is so good as we have signed up for a walk to the Russian border! We do go part of the way in a bus, but then have a 4 km hike, which they have already warned will be wet underfoot. Glad I haven’t cleaned the mud off my shoes since the last muddy walk!

      Now sitting quietly - Amr got us prime position chairs at the front - which is good for now. There are many sitting places and chairs and it is usually easy to find a cosy place to sit and read etc. with a view looking out at the passing spectacular scenery. It is getting too cold to sit outside for too long, although there is one outside place that has heaters and is partially glassed in. There are 2 “public” decks where you can find places to relax - 4 and 7. The other decks are just cabins. 4 and 7 have bars, the dining room, lots of room for everyone, although I don’t think we are filled to capacity. Let’s hope for anther fine day tomorrow.
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    • Jour 43

      Kirkenes, a beautiful walk in the snow

      11 octobre 2019, Norvège ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      This morning we arrived at Kirkenes at about 9am. During the night there was quite a swell and rocking of the ship in the Barents Sea, but rather than feeling queasy we slept well. On arrival at Kirkenes there was an enormous low grey cloud hanging on one side, and semi brightness on the other...we feared the worst, but amazingly we were lucky again. The rain was actually a dusting of snow, and it had obviously been snowing overnight, but when we disembarked it was fine and remained bright for our hike to the Russian border.

      We were so glad to do this hike. Partly because it’s so nice to get off the ship to exercise, and also we now know the guides a bit, and they are funny, informative and friendly...and helpful if anyone needs it walking in the sometimes tricky conditions. The small amount of snow made it easier walking in a way - it firmed up what would have been sloshy mud, though there were many hazardous parts, but not any steep climb, just a bit of gradual uphill.

      We were taken by bus (about 15 of us this time) for a short distance, then walked along a mountain track to the border. But this was not the part of the border that another group who took a totally bus tour - they went where there are tourist shops and an official border area. We got to a high point, and there was a yellow post which marked the end of Norway, and another green and red post a metre or so further on, and if you went beyond that post you would get fined (better than shot!)...there was no barrier and nothing to stop you walking right into Russia. But they showed us a tower on the opposite mountain that has a camera and it watches the border, and people straying actually get identified and fined!! So that was lots of fun and we didn’t stray, and got back to the ship before it left at 12.30.

      There was something funny about the time as the photos I took (till my phone’s battery died, it is in a serious condition) had a time that was an hour ahead, and I think we strayed into the next time zone. The ship didn’t change time, and I find it hard that a small section of Norway would have a different time, but we are far East. In fact, after we left Kirkenes and started the return journey we stopped briefly at Vardø which is the easternmost town in Norway, and is further east than St Petersburg and Istanbul. Weird to think about.

      I am going to post a photo of the northern lights we saw last night (again - we have been so lucky, and they say tomorrow night is another good possibility). The photo was taken by someone else with a new iPhone with a better camera that you can adjust, and it shows the green that is hard to see with the naked eye. At least it confirmed that I was looking at the right thing, but it looked like a light part of the sky, not really colourful.

      So now cruising and relaxing till dinner, sipping a Portuguese wine. And I think it’s reindeer for dinner tonight!
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    • Jour 44

      Hammerfest, the northernmost town

      12 octobre 2019, Norvège ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      I am very slack is 10pm and am just getting to remembering the day. This is partly because this afternoon Carole suggested we do one of the jigsaw puzzles that they have (and games etc) and we chose one with 1000 pieces, and of course got obsessed (and have succeeded in doing just a very small amount...but that was the time I would usually be writing. So am going to be quick as tomorrow we have an early start...we are off on an excursion at 8am, first on a bus, then a ferry, then a 5 km walk...then we get back on the boat at the next stop...

      Anyway, today has been fairly leisurely. We are now back round the top of Norway and the first stop long enough for getting off was Hammerfest, the northernmost town in the world. It said 2° there but it felt icy. It is equal in latitude to northern Siberia. And it felt like it, and this is only October, not even winter. We had a walk round, and like most of the towns, it is fun to walk round but not very exciting. They look very pretty as you sail in and the houses are all very rectangular and neat, and often colourful, but at this time of year not much is open - cafes etc. there are often very modern and beautiful churches. A far cry from the huge medieval ones we see on the Camino! And it is all very friendly and easy, but usually we come back to the ship before too long. All these towns along the coast were bombed or burnt down during the war, and so almost all the houses are built in similar practical style which is why they look so uniform (except the art nouveau town we visited on the second day). Today we got back before the excursion people would be back and leapt up to the jacuzzi and were in a lovely bubbly hot tub as we left port!! Felt very decadent!

      Hammerfest is the richest town in the area because of oil. It has a big LPG plant where they freeze the oil and liquefy it so that it can be exported. The plant actually was made in Spain and then brought to Norway and set up here!

      So this afternoon we cruised along and all the big craggy mountains we had seen before now have a dusting of snow on top and look even more like postcards. I realised as I was doing the puzzle that I was doing it and not looking at Norway, so maybe we will never finish it!! Tonight we had dinner of pollack, another very favourite fish here (after cod and salmon)...very delicious white and firm. The cod however is famous and joked about. It is the livelihood of many Norwegians and Amr tells me he heard it has now replaced someone famous and is on the 200 kroner note! There are many funny cod songs!! I went out on deck after dinner, really to look at the full moon, and there were the northern lights again! I spotted them before they announced it, we are getting so used to seeing it almost every night - because of the clear sky.
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    • From Alta to Honningsvag

      28 février 2020, Norvège ⋅ ☀️ -11 °C

      Today we left Alta and headed North to Honningsvag. Every day I say to myself this is the most beautiful I have ever seen and then there is the next day with even more beautiful views. Today we passed ‘nowhere’ land with fantastic polar views and we enjoyed the almost 7 km Nordcape tunnel. Seeing this al absolutely increasing my respect for our planet. Tomorrow we will reach the Nordcape and after that we going east to Russia before we are starting our decent south.En savoir plus

    • Jour 7

      Sendepause, oder wie geil ist das denn?

      28 février 2020, Norvège ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

      Wir sind gerade etwas erschlagen von neuen Ereignissen und Eindrücken. Infos folgen...
      Im nördlichsten Fischerdorf den frischesten Fisch den man sich denken kann, mit Hammer Fischsuppe und Kings Crabs... Genialer Gastgeber mit noch besseren Tipps..En savoir plus

    • Jour 7

      Weil es so Spaß gemacht hat...

      28 février 2020, Norvège ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

      Das Team von Plan B war verzweifelt auf der Suche nach einer Karotte. Nach langwierigen Verhandlungen haben wir die dringend benötigte Karotte geliefert und Plan B um ein paar Liter Heidegeist erleichtert... Der Schneemann wurde super... ;-)En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Finnmark Fylke, Finnmark, Finnmárku


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