Sete Cidades

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    • Thurs.-Black Beach and Abandoned Hotel

      14 Mac 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Today was a mishmash day. We did a little bit of everything from shopping to swimming, to spending time on the black beach in Ponta Delgada looking for coloured glass, and Tim, Key and Matt’s drive/hike to Sete Cidades. We were all over the place, together and not together. Nathan had been sick but today he was a lot better.

      When Tim, Key and Matt went to the west coast, they came upon an abandoned luxury hotel. They fully explored it and could only imagine what it looked like in its heyday. It was supposed to be the most luxurious hotel in Portugal when it was built but the company went bankrupt and as it was not maintained, nature took its course. In a future blog, I will write a footprint about the history of the hotel.

      A few brave souls in our family enjoyed going for daily, very cold dips in the tide pools at the back of our house. Tim especially enjoyed ‘encouraging’ his wife to go in. Polar Bear Dip in the Azores!

      The Best Experiences of the Day

      Nathan - feeling better!

      Audrey - Getting an Azores stuffy dolphin

      Cal - collecting sea glass on the black sand beach and eating chocolate ice cream

      Matt - the view from the deserted hotel and the naked butt graffiti

      Amy - getting a cute angel in a store in Ponta Delgada

      Tim - taking the ‘trail’ to the abandoned hotel at Siete Cidades and watching Key’s epic polar bear dip in the ocean

      Caitlin - seeing the steep cliff over the Lago Azulejo

      Connie - playing cribbage with the family after dinner

      Chris - cooking delicious steak over wood on the barbecue while listening to tunes
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    • Hari 54

      Self-Guided Island Tour

      22 Februari 2018, Portugal ⋅ 🌫 12 °C

      This was our last day in the Azores and my stubbornness kicked in as there was no way I was leaving without seeing something of the island. Full-day guided tours were €160 ($250). Group tours were slightly less but we didn’t feel it would be very nice to be hacking away in a mini-bus. So we rented a Ford Fiesta diesel car for €65 with arrangements to return it to the airport so we wouldn’t have to hire a taxi the next morning. It was raining heavily when we picked up the car at 9. Fortunately the rain didn’t last too long.

      Our first stop was Lagoa das Sete Cidade. This was the area that I had seen in travel magazines and websites that initially beckoned me to the Azores. But it was overcast and drizzly when we arrived. The driver took the position that it was best to move on. I wasn’t giving up that easily and remembered passing a tea house just up the road. Good locally grown tea and home baking kept us occupied for about an hour. The rain clouds cleared and the sun was shining! I asked the very nice server if she could recommend a good place to view the lake and got directions. The driver complained about having to backtrack about 25 km up the mountainside and more than once threatened to turn around. The short 1 km uphill hike was a challenge for me as I was short of breath and could hear my congested lungs. But I made it and it was all worthwhile as this was the exact location of the promotional photos. Awesome! Even the driver admitted that he was glad I persisted.

      After the highlight of my day we continued our way down to the coast taking a narrow secondary highway with great views. One long section of the road had a continuous hedge of blue hydrangeas past their bloom. They grow wild here and would be amazing to see in season. We drove through small towns and made a couple of stops at the ocean. We had a late lunch and the two servers were anxious to tell us their stories about going to Toronto in February, having never seen snow before. Unfortunately they had trouble with their credit card machine and I later found out I was double-billed. The same thing has happened with our recent apartment rental. Such a nuisance.
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    • Hari 8

      Sao Miguel Tag 5

      30 Jun 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute ging es zu den Highlights in Sete Cidades. Erstes Highlight war der Aussichtspunkt Boca do Inferno, gefolgt von einem verlassenen Hotel. Im Anschluss waren wir noch im Spa of Ferreira im Atlantik baden. Den Rest des Tages erkundeten wir noch andere Spots der Insel und aßen in einem Strandrestaurant in Ribera Grande.Baca lagi

    • Hari 8

      TAG 8

      14 Mei 2022, Portugal ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Die vergangenen Tage vergingen wie im Flug. Der heutige Gang zum Vorhang, versprach gutes. Ein Mix aus Wolken und Sonne, perfekt um wandern zu gehen. So griffen wir wieder zur Wanderapp, Eva fand eine interessante Route, 5 km und etwa 1,5 Stunden Wanderzeit. Irgendwie war mir das zu öde, deshalb schaute ich nach und fand eine auch nicht weit derer die wir im Osten der Insel ausgesucht haben. 10 km, Rundweg, Mittel-Schwer ,4 Stunden passt dachte ich mir mit schnellem Blick auf die Route. Also fuhren wir direkt los.
      Angekommen begann die Route in der kleinen Stadt "Cete Cidades" die am Bergsee liegt. Der erste Kilometer verging. Raus aus dem Städtchen, vorbei an lokalen Bauern, die noch mit altmodischen Mitteln die Felder bewirtschaften. Einfach krass zu sehen, wie unausgeglichen manche Gegenden dem technischen Fortschritt sind.
      Ab Kilometer 2, merkten wir, okay ein gemütlicher Rundweg wird das jetzt nicht unbedingt. Den nächsten Kilometer ging es nur noch steil Bergauf. Mit einem kleinen Rucksack voll Proviant im Gepäck, war mein Rücken in kürzester Zeit komplett nass.
      Eine gefühlte Ewigkeit später oben angekommen, musste ich erstmal zweimal hinschauen ,wo wir gelandet sind. Beim verlassenen Hotel, da schaute ich nochmals auf die Wanderapp, um festzustellen das man dabei über 300 Höhenmeter bewältigt.
      Trotzdessen hat sich der Aufstieg gelohnt. Die Aussicht war schön.
      Den Abschluss hat der lokale Teeladen gemacht, der unten angekommen zu finden war :)
      Übrigens schafften wir die Route in 3 Stunden Wanderzeit ;)
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    • Hari 2

      Vista do Rei und eine Hotelruine

      19 Februari 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Der Aussichtspunkt "Vista do Rei" am Ende unserer Wanderung überblickt auf der einen Seite die Seen und auf der anderen den Atlantik. Da wird man wieder daran erinnert das man auf einer Insel ist. Kann man nämlich leicht vergessen wenn man durch den Kräter kraxelt. Als kleines Highlight steht auf dem Aussichtspunkt ein grottenhässliches 80er Jahre Hotel welches seit 30 Jahren leersteht. Wie alle anderen Touris auch warfen wir einen Blick hinein. Tatsächlich war es ganz cool die Ruine zu entdecken und vorallem bis aufs Dach zu steigen und den Ausblick zu genießen. An den strahlenden Farben der Azoren die wir heute sogar in der Sonne bestauenen durften kann man sich gar nicht sattsehen. Sie verändern sich so oft wie auch das Wetter hier.Baca lagi

    • Hari 2

      Vista do Rei

      11 Julai 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Am Morgen gleich nach Vista do Rei gefahren . Ein herrlicher Aussicht und imposant zugleich. Ein 1300 m hoher ehm. Vulkan. Ist irgendwann dann durch eine starke Eruption zerstört worden. Der Krater ist dann entstanden der 12 km in Durchmesser hat.Baca lagi

    • Hari 176

      Azores and the Crater Lakes

      24 Oktober 2018, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      The ship stopped in the Azores, islands that are part of Portugal even though they over 900 miles from Lisbon. They are volcanic islands, with craters containing lakes. We took a bus to see the "Lagoon of the Seven Cities". It is a crater with two lakes in it, one blue and one green. With the clouds and rain, we couldn't see the difference in the lakes' colors, but it was beautiful! We could also see the coast from up on the mountain.Baca lagi

    • Hari 8

      Azores: Blue and Green Lakes

      2 Mei 2015, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      This morning I took my walk and went to breakfast before we had to report to the Princess Theater for our excursion into Ponta Delgada, Azores. Our guide Connie took us to the western part of the island where we saw the green and blue lakes. The scenery was magnificent, and the greenery was simply lush. Anything will grow here. It is noteworthy that there is only one policeman for the whole island. Crime is practically nonexistent.Baca lagi

    • Hari 2

      "Aussicht" von Vista do Rei

      29 Mei 2017, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Traumhafter Ausblick - allerdings nur bei wolkenfreiem Himmel. Die Wanderung hatte trotzdem ihren Reiz: durch dschungel-ähnliche Landschaft bis in den Krater einer der beiden Seen gewandert - natürlich mit traditionellem Azoren-Gedeck. Anschließend von Sete Cidades stramm bergauf zurück zum AussichtspunktBaca lagi

    • Part 2 - Sete Cidades and Mosteiros

      17 Mac 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We turned around and drove down to the bottom of the volcano to the pretty little town of Sete Cidades. The town is very tiny with a cute little church but it sits in an idyllic spot with views of the lakes and the views to the top of the crater. Birds were chirping and flowers surrounded us. All in all it was an aesthetic experience. We had a coffee there and just enjoyed the peacefulness of the place. So pretty and far away from life elsewhere.

      We were able to drive partway around the base of the crater and it was so pleasant. Sao Miguel is called the Green Island for a reason but at this time of the year there are so many colourful flowers blooming on the sides of the road. A painter’s palette of colours. The pink azaleas and purple hydrangeas are gorgeous. And then all the wildflowers...

      I think that we lucked out and got one of the sunny days in the crater. It was a Sunday so lots of Portuguese families were there too, walking on the trails, picnicking on the lake’s edge and exploring the tunnel that help control the height of the water in the lake.

      We had heard about the seaside town of Mosteiros so went back up the crater and then down to the sea. Mosteiros is an old town built on a flat area beside the ocean, at the base of the volcano. We were pretty hungry by that time so stopped in a busy restaurant and we were glad we did. The food was amazing. Really, really good and a great price. We had the best shrimp starter in a lemony sauce to start, followed by a shared fresh fish dinner with vegetables and salad. Dessert was an Azores cheesecake with pineapple on top. Absolutely the tastiest meal that we have had so far on this trip! We will have to go back to try some of their specialities - octopus and limpets.

      On our way home, we took the coastal road and happened to see, once again the Romeros or Pilgrims. The tradition of the march of the Romeiros is one that dates back to the 16th century in the Azores and has been a tradition that has been followed by faithful followers every year for centuries on the island of Sao Miguel. It began when a large earthquake took place in the 16th century, causing landslides and deaths. It was a pilgrimage that originated from the peoples’ need to pay respect and homage to the Virgin Mary - a divine punishment for their human actions.
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