Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina

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    • Dag 8


      2 juli 2022, Servië ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Dieser Ort mit dem unaussprechlichen Namen ist schöner als gedacht. Hier steht die größte römisch katholische Kirche Serbiens - wer hätte das gewusst 😀
      Von hier geht wieder runter an die Donau. Heute Abend muss ich die Fähre bekommen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 46

      Serbische Gastfreundschaft

      2 augustus 2022, Servië ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Früh am Morgen war eine mystische Stimmung mit Nebel auf dem See. Aber schon bald kam die Sonne und verwandelte den See in einen Spiegel.

      Auch heute führte uns unsere Route über Hügel und durch kleine rumänische Dörfer. In dieser Gegend hatten viele Häuser reich verzierte Mosaikfassaden. Viele Einwohner boten ihre Ernten aus dem Garten direkt an der Strasse vor ihren Häusern an improvisierten Ständen an.

      Wir haben einen Abstecher nach Serbien gemacht zu einem Arbeitskollegen von Werner. Marjan ist zurzeit mit seiner Familie in seinem Heimatdorf in den Ferien und wir durften bei ihnen übernachten. Wir genossen die Dusche, die Gastfreundschaft und den wunderschönen Abend. Danke Marjan und Vedrana!
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    • Dag 47

      Agrarland Serbien

      3 augustus 2022, Servië ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Wir fuhren heute vorwiegend durch Agrarland. Die Felder mit Sonnenblumen, Mais, Weizen und Soja waren gigantisch und reichten bis zum Horizont. Dementsprechend gross waren auch die Lagersilos und die Sonnenblumenölfabriken.

      Da wir gerne am Wasser übernachten, nahmen wir die Schotterstrasse zum Zobnatica-See und haben es uns dort gemütlich gemacht. Rund um den See gab es etwa alle 50 m einen Steg, meistens mit einem Häuschen, für die Fischer.
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    • Dag 64

      Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia

      2 augustus 2022, Servië ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This is our last stop in Serbia and it's a quick one with so many giggles. We walked through the town and found a river with a man-made beach. It had several playgrounds to try out and tasty food. Addy loved the corn on the cob. As we walked home, we noticed a building with old Roman ruins in it. It was closed, but they had big windows so we could see parts of the Imperial Palace of Sirminium. It was discovered in the 1950's, but dated back to at least 294 A.D. when it served as one of four capitals of the Roman Empire.

      Most hotels we stay in the girls build a tent or make a cave. They made a great one at this stop with Seth's help, so I had to take a picture to share. It took up over half the room and utilized over ten hairbands. It is the little things that make life more rich. They said that the tent was their favorite part of this stop! Seth also did different braids for each of the girls after showering that night, because they like to wake up with curly hair sometimes. They looked extra cute!

      My favorite part of this stop was all the giggles. They giggled while walking to the river, giggled on the "ice cream go-around", giggled while playing in the tent, and giggled while eating pickles. They had so many giggly break downs where they just fell to the ground. At one point Mabel grabbed a banana, but the tip broke. She exclaimed to the bigs, "I still love it guys." They were in the middle of eating pickles and just lost it giggling to the point of crying. Addy ended up upside down giggling with a piece of pickle in her mouth. That pickle ended up in her nasal cavity and it burned.

      Addy's words of wisdom: "Don't laugh, while eating a pickle upside down."

      I wasn't sure about visiting the southeastern parts of Europe, but I am so glad we did. We are headed north now and will be back to using trains in a couple days. That means we will need to lighten our packs and get our walking shoes ready. Back to backpacking!
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    • Dag 4

      Nowy Sad - Serbskie Ateny💫

      13 augustus 2022, Servië ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wyczekane Bałkany! Pierwszy przystanek Serbia- Nowy Sad. Kontrola na granicy, choć w miłej atmosferze zarówno po stronie węgierskiej jak i serbskiej była bardzo miła zajęła nam trochę więcej czasu niż planowaliśmy, ale to nic bo akurat w Nowym Sądzie i tak chcieliśmy zasmakować trochę życia nocnego🍺 spacer starym miastem, serbska kuchnia oraz piwo nad brzegiem Dunaju wśród lokalsow sprawiły ze był to super wieczór na odpoczynek (w końcu zrobiliśmy tylko 10km piechotą zamiast 20😝) ludzie których spotykamy na każdym etapie tej podróży są przemili i pomocni sami z siebie i to samo spotkało nas w Serbii, a trafiliśmy na protest rolników i zastawione traktorami glinę ulice miasta. Widząc ze jesteśmy zza granicy każdy nas przepuszczał i pomagał.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Slowenien, Ungarn und Serbien

      21 augustus 2022, Servië ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Der erste Stopp brachte uns zum Plattensee. Wenig Wasser verleitete nicht zum Schwimmen dafür hatten wir danach noch 2 tolle Lost Places zum Besichtigen. Der erste war eine aufgelassene russische Militärbasis und der zweite eine alte KuK Kaserne. Sehenswert beides. Die Grenzübertritte laufen ziemlich geschmeidig😁👍Meer informatie

    • Dag 25

      Laatste koffie breek in Servië

      30 augustus 2022, Servië ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Voordat we de grens overgaan nog even een bakkie koffie/appelthee maken.

      For our non-Dutch speaking friends/followers.... If you wonder why the picture of the mobile toilet 🤷?
      In Dutch, when you say "Toi toi" to somebody, you wish them good luck.
      That is what you definitely need when using one off these toilets 🤢.
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    • Dag 166

      Bee Museum & Sremski Karlovci, Serbia

      21 oktober 2022, Servië ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      In Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, just south of Belgrade, among the Danube River, David and Emily went to a wine and honey tasting. The site also had a Museum dedicated to bee keeping and also the family trade and history of the owners, the Živanović Family and their trade.

      The Živanović Family beekeeping for 155 years continuously through five generations. The tradition started with Professor Jovan Živanović, at about 1865, and is regarded as "the "father of rational beekeeping" in this part of Europe and in these regions." He also taught beekeeping and biology in Vienna.

      At that time, bee keeping was done by creating a wicker basket, and covering it with a mixture of mud and cow dumb (every bee's dream). An example can be seen in the pictures. However, to harvest the honey, the bees had to be killed. Jovan Živanović created the first "modern" hive in this area, where the side could be removed and the bees could be shaken off the hive, saving the bees.

      Not to bury the lead, but the tasting we had here was very interesting. We got to try two native varieties: Prokupac (a grape), and Bermet (a spiced dessert wine). In addition, the honeys were a meadow honey, a sesame seed honey and a linden honey. The tasting had 7 wines, 3 honeys and a guided museum tour by a Živanović and it cost 650 RSD... about $5.50 a person. I feel like all of that could have cost $650 in Napa. Crazy good price. We'd recommend it.

      Quickly, the town itself was very quaint. It features Karlovci Gymnasium, a big fancy yellow building which is the second oldest secondary school in Serbia.
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    • Dag 164

      Novi Sad, Serbia

      19 oktober 2022, Servië ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Novi Sad is the second most populous city of Serbia and located along the Danube river. It's also the capital of the autonomous province of Vojvodina. Vojvodina is lesser known, but has a similar situation to the other autonomous province in Serbia, Kosovo. Both are ethnically segregated from the rest of Serbia. Kosovo being largely Albanian Muslim, and Vojvodina being Hungarian and a little more religiously diverse (Serbia is mainly an Orthodox country). Both autonomous provinces had the same status I the former Yugoslavia, while being part of larger Serbia. While Kosovo has voted for independence, Vojvodina has not taken those steps yet.

      Novi Sad is most well known for the near by Fruška Gora national park. The park is a mountain with 11 monasteries asking the top. It's a popular pilgrimage spot for Orthodox Christians. Unfortunately, we were not able to make the pilgrimage ourselves.

      One of the other main attractions is Petrovaradin Fortress. The fortress was built in the 1600s but excavations have found evidence of habitation in the area of Petrovardadin since 19,000 to 15,000 BC.

      Pictures are coming.
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    • Dag 98


      5 augustus 2023, Servië ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Die erste Nacht in Serbien haben wir in Niš verbracht. Von der Stadt haben wir aus zwei Gründen nicht viel gesehen: erstens waren wir dermaßen KO von der Grenze (3-4h bei 40° ohne Klima plus Wegzeit...), zweitens hatten wir eine Unterkunft mit Whirlpool 😍.
      Heute waren wir auf der Durchreise in Belgrad. Erst waren wir gar nicht angetan, dann haben wir es bereut nur so kurz da gewesen zu sein. Die Innenstadt und Altstadt sind wirklich schön. Nächstes mal würden wir länger bleiben.
      Die Nacht heute verbringen wir in Subotica, einer wirklich schönen Stadt nahe der Grenze zu Ungarn.
      Serbien hat uns ehrlich gesagt überrascht, es ist schöner als wir erwartet hatten und besser als sein Ruf.
      Ein Wort noch zu EU Außengrenzen, Pfui! Wir haben in den letzten Tagen insgesamt fast 7h an diesen verbracht. Es ist egal ob man rein oder raus will es geht nicht vorwärts... Wir wissen ab sofort das Schengener Abkommen mehr zu schätzen. Wir werden es morgen um 7 Uhr über ein Wald und Wiesengrenze probieren. An den Hauptgrenzen zu Ungarn muss man z.Z. bis zu 17h warten 😱.

      Sırbistan'daki ilk gecemizi Niş'te geçirdik. Iki nedenden dolayı şehri çok fazla görmedik: birincisi, sınırdan çok yorulmuştuk (40 ° 'de klimasız 3-4 saat artı seyahat süresi...), ikincisi, jakuzili bir konaklama yerimiz vardı 😍.
      Bugün Belgrad'dan geçiyorduk. İlk başta hiç etkilenmedik, sonra sadece bu kadar kısa bir süre için orada olduğumuz için pişman olduk. Şehir merkezi ve eski şehir gerçekten çok güzel. Bir dahaki sefere daha uzun kalacağız.
      Bu geceyi Macaristan sınırına yakın gerçekten güzel bir şehir olan Subotica'da geçiriyoruz.
      Dürüst olmak gerekirse Sırbistan bizi şaşırttı, beklediğimizden daha güzel ve ününden daha iyi.
      Avrupa Birliği dış sınırları hakkında bir kelime, iğrenc! Son birkaç gün içinde toplamda neredeyse 7 saat geçirdik. Girmek ya da çıkmak istemeniz fark etmiyor, ileri gitmiyor... Schengen Anlaşması'na bundan sonra daha çok değer vereceğiz. Yarın sabah 7'de orman ve çayır sınırından deneyeceğiz. Macaristan ile ana sınırlarda şu anda 17 saate kadar beklemek zorundasınız 😱.
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina, Vojvodina, Voïvodine, Vajdaság, Provincia Autonomă Voivodina

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