Hello Singapore

What a culture shock compared to Kathmandu!
Took off at midnight from Kathmandu and arrived in Singapore this morning at 7am.
Spent the day roaming the city and finished the day with the Spa.Read more
What a culture shock compared to Kathmandu!
Took off at midnight from Kathmandu and arrived in Singapore this morning at 7am.
Spent the day roaming the city and finished the day with the Spa.Read more
Um 6Uhr Ortszeit sind wir pünktlich in Singapore gelandet. Zuerst kurz ins Hotel um das Gepäck zu deponieren, dann los zu Fuss entlang dem Singapore Fluss zum Merlion Park. Dis Stadt erst amRead more
Nach ruhigen 12.5 Std Flug hieß es TouchDown in Singapur; unserem 2 tägigen Zwischenstop auf dem Wege ans andere Ende der Erdkugel.
Auf dem Weg zum Taxi hat uns die schwüle Luft SingapursRead more
Heading in the opposite direction today towards Fort Canning Park. It appears to be a country park with huge heritage and majestic trees. It is also home to a hotel, military barracks, spice garden,Read more
Am Morgen bin ich wieder losgezogen. Es hatte aber schon wieder 30 Grad.
Dann habe ich mich ne Stunde auf ein Boot setzt und habe mich rumfahren lassen. Die bekannten Gebiete (Boat Quay, Clark Quay)Read more
English below
Um dem Regen zu entfliehen, suchte ich nach Indoor-Aktivitäten. Passenderweise fand gerade ein Kunstfestival statt, sodass der Eintritt in die Nationalgallerie gratis war! Und eineRead more
We have now been on sabbatical for 100 days! We started the day with a decent walk covering Raffles Hotel and the colonial area, Boat Quay, the original docks (now a reservoir) and the 150m highRead more
What an incredible city! There is so much here. Lots of interesting architecture. Beautiful gardens. I could go, but the upcoming posts will come cover a lot of ground.
The 1st picture is a bit of theRead more
Center of much entertainment and activity in Singapore. About as close as you can get to the old harbor, much of which has been landfilled. This is a most interesting skyline. Perhaps the mostRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Merlion, マーライオン, 머라이언, മെർലയൺ, Мерлайон, மெர்லயன், เมอร์ไลออน, 鱼尾狮
Traveler Lovely Singapore it’s so clean. The cruise ship at the top of the marina bay sands hotel has a good bar 🍸
Wow ships or what. Pic are great xx liking the buns [Emna]
Traveler Bloody lovely that!!