Ciudad Lineal

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    • Dag 54


      13. juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Breakfast came with my hotel room so I had a lazy morning. I then walked up to the Cortes area to have a look around.

      After lunch I went to the Thyssen-Bornemisza gallery as suggested by Sandra. It was much bigger than I expected and had a huge range of artists. The highlight was an immersive musical video installation by Icelandic artist Ragnar Kjartansson which was amazing.

      It was 40 degrees today and very draining. It was a relief to get back to my air conditioned room.

      I heard from my camino friend Lesley from Durham today. She was also suffering an injury and we spent many days with each other filling in time eating, drinking, commiserating and chatting and then later bumping into each other. After a few more days of rest, she began walking again with Ann and Den and today walked into Finistere! An amazing achievement!

      Sleep’n Atocha
      12 kms
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    • Dag 53

      Santiago to Madrid

      12. juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      I caught an early taxi to the airport for my 9.20am flight to Madrid. We walked alongside the airport on the last leg of the Camino but it seemed much further in the taxi.

      I then caught the airport bus to Atocha Station and my hotel is just a short walk away. It’s another great room with big windows and a balcony overlooking the plaza.

      It’s very hot. I had a walk around the neighbourhood and another gigantic pizza for lunch (and the rest for dinner).

      After a brief siesta I went for a walk through some of Retiro Park and then through the Botanical Gardens. I joined the queue for the free entry into the Prado (every day for the last two hours of opening) but they reached the quota when I was almost at the front of the line. I will try again tomorrow. I have found that entry to most places is greatly reduced for the over 65s so it is fairly economical to go to most museums and galleries.

      Although it is Sunday a lot of shops were open and Madrid is very busy. It is an entirely different pace to my time in Spain so far and I am looking forward to seeing more tomorrow.

      Sleep’n Atocha
      10 kms
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    • Dag 3

      Exploring Madrid!

      15. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      We may need to move to Madrid! Such a cool area to visit explore.

      Today is a holiday so tons of people out and a show in the town square.

      Visited the King and Queen of Spain in their palace. Asked if I could rent a room for my summer getaway. They said no. I’ll keep asking.

      Found my new Starbucks to have meetings in Spain. I’ll start setting up 1:1’s

      Saw store with all rubber ducks. Never knew this was a high demand product. Starting to think how I could make a million by selling random items. Haven’t come up with anything yet.

      Started my 42 day devo I put together for my sabbatical. I sense God has some special things in store during these special times. Maybe he will call me to open up a rubber duck store.

      Love Spain food. That’s it. Just love it.

      Explored the churches. They are beautiful. Seems more like a relic and religion. Made me wonder how many people see Jesus as a religion. Asked Jesus to always be real to me. Sometime these relics remind me how easy it is to make Jesus a relic that you visit than a relationship you experience.

      Oh one last thing. Found a room in the palace that had a dinner table with 100+ chairs. I thought this would be a perfect place for a potluck. Going to try to convince them to let me have one.
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    • Dag 3

      FLAMENCO 💃

      15. maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      We went to see a flamenco! This is the most famous traditional Spanish dance. In fact it is so much more than just a dance; it's an art form based on the various folkloric music traditions of Southern Spain.

      I think I’m going to start a dance company and teach it. It’s probably going to look more like the Carlton dance though 🕺
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    • Dag 6

      Welcome (back) to Madrid

      13. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Hola from Madrid.
      I think we deserve a pat on the back for catching 2 trains today and navigating ourselves through the Madrid metro. Quite worried when you have to go through electronic gates, and there's no way back without paying if you get it wrong.
      I know how a cull cow feels now.
      A good result, anyway, emerging into 27 degrees sunshine from the underground, a short walk to the hotel .
      Interestingly, they're still predominantly cork top wine bottles; we haven't had a cork screw for the last 3 days, quite the crisis.
      The supermercado was several floors and required taking this baby trolley up and down ramps. Got these cool wheels that self lock on the elevator, so no brakes are required. Great engineering 👍.
      Mainly a traveling, admin, and maintenance (aka wine) day today. Sorted our data after not being able to buy a sim card over the weekend. Bugger.
      We're now on a European sim, New phone number, same email.
      Hot tip (not); I've noticed many shop counters have chairs around them. I think you're supposed to patiently pull up a pew and wait until they get to you. Commonly 4 plus in a que. Not sure I enjoy this aspect of Spanish culture. God help us if kiwis latch onto it.
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    • Dag 7

      Madrid, On and Off

      14. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      A day on the hop on/ off bus. It seemed the most practical way to view this city of 6.7m people.
      The footpaths outside our hotel are 10m wide, and you still struggle to walk side by side in a forward direction.
      Apparently, the Spanish economy is going pretty well by EU standards, and people seem pretty happy. Noticeable they seem to take pride in their appearance and not a lot of homeless about considering the population. Very well presented bunch with quite different clothing choices to NZ.
      I think they could employ a few more gardeners, though, as the current lot don't seem to have come back from the Christmas break. A bit of round up wouldn't go amiss.
      Some impressive green spaces all the same, which we mostly enjoyed more than the history on offer.
      The local cuisine went down a treat tonight, Pintxos ( tapas ) were delivered every few minutes, and they just kept coming. A bit of a trap for a country lad that likes an empty plate!
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    • Dag 8

      Segovia and Avila day trip.

      15. maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      A day trip out to Segovia in the north west to view an 1800 year old Aquaduct and Cathedral. Both are very impressive engineering features. No Cement in the Aquaduct makes it even more impressive. There are no earthquake engineering issues here, apparently.
      Onward to Avila to check out the longest city walls still in existence in Europe. Apparently, the ashes from cremations were used to fill the walls.
      We went to check out a museum on the way home but got turned away due to a festival starting tonight. Due to an early start tomorrow, I think we'll miss the fireworks tonight , we'll see.
      We checked out the Real Madrid stadium ( street view only) yesterday, but we're not big enough fans to justify the $75 pp entry fee to peek around the door.
      Off to Portugal tomorrow in keeping with the plan C itinerary.
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    • Dag 40

      Last day in Spain

      19. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We have had a fantastic last day, but now we are sitting at the airport, flight delayed by 45 minutes, so will write up now and try and remember what we did. Tonight we fly to Paris and stay at a CDG airport hotel for 2 nights, and begin the voyage home on Tuesday, arriving in SYD on Wednesday. So tomorrow we have a last Paris day!

      So this morning we first went to the best pastry shop, La Mallorquina, in Sol, and had THE best pastry, then off to THE best churros place, and had fresh OJ, churros, chocolate (the thick dipping sort) and coffee! So a very satisfying start. The Spanish pastries had not been up to scratch, but today redeemed them. Then we went back to the hotel to pack our bags, and leave there for the afternoon, as we had to check out of the room.

      Then we were free, and walked quite a lot. First to the Plaza de España where we sat down and had a little kindle read…always lots happening there. Today was a Ukrainian gathering…not a noisy protest as such, but they were singing what sounded like a national anthem…then as we were leaving we had to wait while a procession of vintage cars (20s and 30s Amr says) drove past, with vintage people, and honking their horns. Then we walked back up the Gran Via which for some unknown reason was closed to cars - normal later when we were there - maybe some important person was going to drive through…anyway, all very pleasant, lots of people enjoying Sunday morning…we walked down to the beautiful boulevards with a central park near the museums, then back and went for some lunch at the crazy and busy bar we were at last night.

      We picked just the right time, as we got seats outside in the shade, on stools beside a barrel, perfect view of the whole scene. So we ordered the wonderful prawns in garlic oil we’d seen being cooked last night (I think everyone was having them, they are so delicious) and we had a last serve of perfectly cooked chiperones a la plancha. As crazy as ever - so many people piling into the small inside bar that we thought it must lead to a secret dining room, but no, they were all squeezed in standing and eating and drinking!

      Then we went back to Sol and sat and read…need to finish the book reading book…then bought some mandarins and mineral water (necessities for Amr!) and picked up bags and made our way to the airport. Very easy and efficient by metro, and here we are at the gate with extra time on our hands, so will post this using the airport wifi.
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    • Dag 32

      Madrid -Flughafen

      24. maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Etappe 2 Rückreise ✔️

      Hoffe jetzt ne ruhige Ecke am Flughafen zu finden und 😴😴😴

      Später bzw morgen mehr

      Nachtrag :

      In Santiago gings mit dem Laufen wieder nicht so richtig, zudem hat es immer wieder geregnet. So hab ich beschlossen einfach im Bahnhof zu bleiben.

      Habe angefangen die Reise hier nochmal nachzulesen. Tja hat mich dann doch bewegt und mich stellenweise begeistert, und stellenweise auch erschrocken.

      Ein kommen und gehen am Bahnhof. Und je näher meine Zugfahrt rückte um so unruhiger wurde ich. Wann kommt end die Anzeige von welchem Gleis? Wo ist Wagen 3? Vorne, hinten, gibt es nen Aushang? Oh man Klaus!!!! Nimms doch gelassen. Und dann lief es reibungslos und eigentlich besser als in Deutschland organisiert 😂. Gepäck wurde gescannt, Fahrkarte und Ausweis kontrolliert, und dann war ich gleich auf Gleis 1 und es wurde mir gesagt wo ich ungefähr stehen soll für Wagen 3 und dann musste über mich selbst lachen. Typisch deutsch, alles mindestens ein Jahr im voraus haargenau geplant wissen. Fünfmal auf die Fahrkarte schauen, welcher Wagen nochmal? Welche Sitzplatznummer. Oh man ist man doch bescheuert. Könnte man doch auch bis 10 min vorher einfach ganz entspannt bleiben, sich mit anderen Dingen beschäftigen und dann einmal orientieren......... Vielleicht hats auch was mit dem zunehmenden Alter zu tun, dass man so kontrolliert und zwanghaft wird? 🙄 🤔

      Wie auch immer beim umsteigen hab ichs dann anders gemacht und siehe da der Zug fuhr am gleichen Bahnsteig gegenüber 😂😂😂😂

      Um 22 Uhr war ich dann in Madrid. Ich war ja schon mal in Madrid und wieder, nicht meine Stadt.

      Hab zwar die Metro gefunden und irgendwann auch einen Automaten zum Ticketkauf. Bei der Auswahl Sprache deutsch ist trotzdem alles in spanisch geblieben, bei englisch ebenso. Jeder für sich unterwegs und so spät kein Bahnhofspersonal in Sicht.

      Hab dann ein Taxi genommen und war kurz nach elf am Flughafen.

      Tja und dann war ich vom ganzen Tag nixtun total ko und habe meinen Schlafsack ausgerollt. Harter Boden aber warm und tatsächlich konnte ich ein wenig dösen und hatte nen weiteren Pilger in der nähe und so konnte ich auch mal eine rauchen gehen und musste nicht alles mit raus schleppen. Trotzdem unbequem und links fällt mir das Bein bald ab😢 ach menno

      Um 10 vor vier bin ich aufgewacht. Oh der Gepäckcheckin ist schon offen. Schlafsack eingerollt, verstaut 5min am Schalter gewartet und dann war der Rucksack schon aufgegeben.

      Personenkontrolle hingekommen, durchgeschleust, fertig 😂😂😂
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    • Dag 62

      Tag 62 - gemütlicher Tag in Madrid

      4. november 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      Heute lies mich mein Onkel eine Stunde länger schlafen als gestern. Nachdem wir wieder zuhause gefrühstückt haben, liefen wir zum Einkaufszentrum in unserem Viertel, der ca. 20 Gehminuten von unserer Wohnung entfernt ist. Als wir bereits wieder zurücklaufen wollten, rief der Cousin meines Onkels zurück und meinte das er in ca. 2 Stunden Mittag habe und wir uns kurz bei uns zuhause treffen könnten. Da mein Onkel ihn sonst nicht mehr gesehen hätte, sind wir nach Hause gegangen und warteten dort auf ihn. Wir haben zusammen bei uns zuhause etwas getrunken und viel geredet. Als der Cousin dann gehen musste, sind mein Onkel und ich auch gerade gegangen. Mit dem Metro gingen wir ins Zentrum shoppen. Er brauchte noch ein paar Schuhe und ich musste den Real Store leer kaufen. Eigentlich wollten wir heute Abend in ein spanisches Steakhouse essen gehen, doch als wir einen Tisch für heute Abend reservieren wollten, war bereits für heute und morgen alles voll. Auch das zweite Steakhouse, welches mein Onkel kennt, hatte für beide Tage keinen freien Platz mehr. So entschieden wir uns, um ca. 17:00 Uhr im Mercado San Miguel ein Chuleton essen zu gehen und da mein Onkel eine riesige Lust auf den Chuleton hatte und wir nur gefrühstückt hatten, sind wir auch direkt essen gegangen. Zu zweit assen wir einen 1200 Gramm schweren Chuleton. Als wir am Morgen das Haus verliessen, war es noch ziemlich warm, so dass wir beide nur ein T-Shirt anzogen, doch am frühen Abend wurde es richtig kalt. So entschieden wir uns, noch ein weiteres Bocadillo holen zu gehen, damit wir diesen zuhause noch verspeisen können und sind dann auch bereits wieder nach Hause gefahren. Zuhause merkten wir beide das wir ziemlich müde waren, so chillten wir nur noch ein wenig und assen am späten Abend noch unser Bocadillo welches wir gekauft hatten und gingen dann frühzeitig schlafen.Læs mere

    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Ciudad Lineal, سويداد لينيال, Linia Urbo, シウダー・リネアル, Ciudad Lineal distritu

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