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    • Dia 62

      Finisterre (bike day 2, 48km)

      13 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was longer but less hilly and most of the day was so good with quite a few long downhill sections going back to sea level but some of the hills were insane. If we lost our momentum on the narrow rocky paths we just couldn’t start again and had to push! We also had a few bike issues. Ant’s bike couldn’t use the last 3 easy gears for a while and Jane’s motor died. Shimano “Error E10” wasn’t a good sign. Fortunately we were near the top and there were not any steep sections to go but still a bit of work to get to the top. Then we went all the way down to the coast to a seaside village called Cee where, after a long lunch, a new bike arrived from our rental company. Such awesome service! AND a full battery! We then went over a hill and back down again to Finisterre. On the way there was a ridiculously steep down hill that we could easily have bypassed on the road and Ant managed a proper “stack” but fortunately was not injured!
      The arrival into Finisterre had a long cobbled pathway which we normally love but seriously, for a bike path! Welcome indeed. Not good for the derrière!
      We arrived in one piece, had a quick shower and cycled to mass as it is St Anthony feast day! Then off to meet a fellow pilgrim for a drink before we ate a delicious seafood dinner of Calamari, langoustine in pastry bags and a huge plate of mussels. We walked to sunset because our butts are a bit tender for cycling!
      Finisterre was know as the “end of the world” for westerners and it is tradition for pilgrims to watch the sun set over the sea after the long walk across the country. We got lucky and had no clouds - the first for many days so we will bore you with our pics!
      A special moment today at second breakfast when we met an 81 year old Belgian lady who walked the Camino Frances in a month! Such a positive lady, just amazing!
      Phew, I feel tired just writing this but it was such a cool day. Beunos Noches 💤
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    • Dia 35


      20 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After a 27 kilometer walk over acutely rising and falling hills, I am in Lago. Today was the day of great new acquaintances. The 11 year old who walked the Camino de Norte with her mum, the daddy-daughter powerhouse who walked the Primitivo, and the Brits who are high school friends and use this walk to catch up.

      Tomorrow I'll walk to Cee (pronounced "the," about 25 kilometers from here) to see the ocean. I can't wait.
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    • Dia 40

      Second last day

      31 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Another 30k day today, but feeling better than yesterday. There were still some long hills, but the day overall seemed easier.
      There were long stretches on the side of the road, and long straight sections of track. I didn't remember this. Did I take an alternative route before? Or was I distracted? 😂 I will have to check.

      I walked alone most of the day, except a short section I walked with Jan. Since starting the way back, we don't see anyone walking in the same direction - everyone seems to be going the other way.
      We didn't expect to see anyone we knew, as it's been several days since we got to Santiago and people we meet on the way normally make it within a day or two. But, surprise! We saw Svenia!
      She was now walking with her sister. She showed me photos of Milka, when she arrived to Santiago and then Finisterre.
      We're back at the same albergue in A Pena now, waiting for the communal dinner 😋
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    • Dia 37

      Etappe 31 - Olveiroa

      18 de outubro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nun geht es auf die zweite Etappe Richtung Finesterre. Mal schauen was Petrus an diesem Tag so mit uns vor hat.
      Wäsche und Regenjacke kamen gestern in den Trockner. Ich hätte keine Chance gehabt, dass alles trocken ist für den nächsten Tag. Schuhe habe ich zwar mit Zeitungen ausgestopft - trotzdem noch feucht.
      Habe in einem Schlafsaal mit ca. 36 Betten meine Nacht verbracht. War sogar angenehm - nur dezente Schnarcher. Somit nun ausgeruht auf die nächste Etappe.
      Nach zwei Stunden und ohne Regen das erste Café erreicht. Dann weiter bis Vilaserio und in der Alberque "O Rueiro" etwas gegessen.
      Langsam wird es stürmisch, einerseits gut, da der Regen vertrieben wird, andererseits kommt der Gegenwind wieder richtig auf.
      Heute wird die Etappe, so schön sie auch ist, für mich zur Tortur. Manchmal könnte ich heulen, da mir Knie und Beine starke Schmerzen bereiten. Trotzdem werde ich die Pilgerwanderung nicht abbrechen und bis Finesterre und Muxia gehen. Mal sehen wie mir das gelingt. Diese Tage mutieren für mich nicht zur "Kür", sondern werden noch einmal zu einer richtigen Herausforderung.
      Dann kommt pünktlich 13.00 Uhr der Regen auf. Sturm und Regen, bergauf und bergab - derzeit ist die Wanderung..........
      Gott sei Dank in Olveiroa ein Bett gefunden. Nasse Klamotten runter, heiße Dusche und dann in die Horizontale - tut das gut!!!
      Nun noch was leckeres Essen und ein gutes Glas dazu trinken!!!
      Die Küche in Spanien ist fast überall gut - freue mich nach fast sechs Wochen trotzdem wieder auf deutsches Essen.
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    • Dia 38

      Etappe 32 - Finesterre 1

      19 de outubro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Diese Nacht sind schwere Gewitter in der gesamten Region niedergegangen. Sturm und heftiger Regen auch am morgen.
      Mein Hospitelero hat mich bis Cee mitgenommen. Bin dadurch weiteren heftigsten Regenfällen ausgewichen.
      Hier in Cee habe ich den ersten Kontakt zum Atlantik und pilgere jetzt weiter bis Finesterre.
      Ab Cee riß der Himmel auf und nur zwei kleinere Schauer gab es an diesem Tag. Nach fünf Tagen Dauerregen wunderbar, denn ich konnte Aussichten genießen, welche mir sonst vorenthalten geblieben wären.
      Wunderbar war der erste Anblick des Atlantik, die ersten Sandstrände bei Estorde und der fast zweistündige Strandspaziergang ab Escaselas über San Martin bis Finesterre.
      In Finesterre übernachte ich in einem Einfamilienhaus , dessen Besitzer mit seiner Familie im Dachgeschoss wohnt. Er hat die eigentliche Wohnetage mit fünf Zimmern und 9 Betten vermietet. Küche und gefüllter Kühlschrank stehen uns Mietern ebenfalls zur Verfügung.
      Nach Dusche und Wäsche bin ich aufgebrochen zum Kap Finesterre. Es war noch einmal ein Weg von rund vier Kilometern. Der Weg zieht sich " unendlich" - lohnt sich als Krönung des Gesamtweges.
      Die Bilder vom Kap sprechen für sich.
      Für mich war dies noch einmal ein sehr emotionaler Moment. Ich habe dem lieben Gott von ganzem Herzen gedankt, was ich seit 12. September alles sehen und erleben durfte - und nun stehe ich hier und kann diese Augenblicke erleben. Dies ist kaum zu fassen. Emotional nur ein Feuerwerk!!!
      Nach meiner Rückkehr nach Finesterre habe ich beschlossen den Abend bei einem guten Essen ausklingen zu lassen, d.h. die bis hierher bestandene Pilgerfahrt zu feiern. Am Hafen befinden sich gute Fischrestaurants. Bei mir gab es eine leckere Fischsuppe und Krake gegrillt, dazu einen frischen Weißwein.
      Wenn ich heute noch einen Sonnenuntergang sehen könnte, dann wäre der Tag absolut perfekt.
      Übrigens: da man seine Sachen nach der Pilgerung am Kap nicht mehr verbrennen darf, habe ich meine Socken im dafür vorgesehenen Container " versenkt ".
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    • Dia 36

      New friends

      27 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      All the new people we met last night were very nice. They were from Germany, Italy, US, Portugal, Austria (?) and Spain.
      Today we're on the second leg to Finisterre and I walked all day with Pablo, a dentist from Bilbao (Spain).
      We saw some of the other people from last night when we stopped for breakfast and lunch.
      A few of us are staying at the albergue Logoso tonight. Another nice place with good food and great value.
      I started walking just after 7am and got to the albergue later than I wished, as afternoons are getting very hot again.
      I intend to start earlier tomorrow, we'll see!
      My plan is to get to Finisterre tomorrow and to Muxía the day after. Pablo planned to do it in reverse: he goes to Muxía first. The route makes a fork, one arm going to each of these destinations, and there's another route between them, forming a triangle.
      If I leave as early as I want, I won't see Pablo tomorrow, but we will meet at some point the day after, as we will walk in opposite direction.
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    • Dia 43


      21 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      7 Uhr 30 reicht vollkommen aufzubrechen, bei dem Nebel und ohne Kaffee, den bekam ich erst nach 3 Stunden in einer Panaderia/Bäckerei. Heute reichten auch 25km, denn in den weiteren 15 km gibt es weder Bars noch Herbergen. Es war sehr schwül , heute kein Regen und es waren auch wieder je 540 Höhenmeter zu bewältigen, aber es scheint, dass ich morgen schon Finisterre erreichen werde nach 30 km, ich hoffe., hätte 1 Tag eingespart.Leia mais

    • Dia 6

      O Logoso to Dumbria

      17 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I stopped for lunch, the bocadillo con bacon y queso was great! I saw Patrick and Roseanne from Idaho once more, but they will be heading to Fisterre at the junction. A bit further on was the junction to go left to Fisterre or right to Muxia. I am going to Muxia first, so I headed right. The rest of the trail was lovely. Mostly downhill, through some more eucalyptus, birds keeping me company. I am staying at the Xunta Albergue in Dumbria. It is quite nice, and there are more than just Nancy and me. Some who came from Muxia today; some, like me, heading there tomorrow.Leia mais

    • Dia 3

      Santa Marina til Logoso

      27 de abril, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Etter en hyggelig frokost på Albergue Casa Pepa, sammen med andre pilegrimer, bare det ut i regnet. På veie til Logoso, en kort dag med sine ca. 17 km. Den første delen av veien var en kopi av gårsdagen, regn og flere utfordrende bakker. Skoene begynner å bære preg av mye gåing. Sålene er slitt og dempingen i skoene er ikke hva de var. Det til tross, bena greier seg bra, men det blir nye sko når jeg kommer til Finisterre i morgen.
      Til stor glede stoppet det å regne. Glimt av en blå himmel og solen som tittet fram gjorde resten av ferden rent hyggelig. Leden går gjennom en vakker del av Galicia. Vi går på ca. 400 meter, med et fjellandskap rundt oss. Fjellene er ikke av de høyeste, kanskje rundt 6-700meter, men vakkert er det.
      Snart var i framme i Logoso og Albergue O. Logoso. Et hyggelig sted, innkvartert på sovesal, men med gardiner foran køyesengen, slik at en kan oppleve litt privatliv.
      Bildet av «Stabburet» i sten, er fra gammelt et oppbevaringssted for fødevarer til folk og fe. Det er mange å se av disse langs veien, men få som er bygd av sten. I morgen er det meldt bedre vær og bra er det, for det er nærmere 30 km til Finisterre, som er morgendagens mål.
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    • Dia 36


      27 de agosto de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Dinner at the O Logoso albergue & restaurant was very good value., and the music added a good atmosphere.
      The guy playing guitar is Russell. He's from England, and the author of many written messages pilgrims could see on the way to Santiago.
      I saw the messages but didn't stop to read (a bit long to read just at a glance), 1) because on my last 20k to Santiago I was keeping a good rhythm and didn't want to stop, and 2) because at a quick glance I saw words that sounded negative, and since I didn't know who wrote and why, I chose to ignore.

      On my walk to A Pena yesterday, one of the times I caught up with Jan, he was sitting on the side of the track chatting with Russell. I'm sure the thing that started the conversation was the guitar. I stopped for 2 minutes and had a few words, but didn't want to sit down as I wanted to get to the albergue and rest there. In those 2 minutes I heard that Russell has been on the Camino for 3 years, sleeping in a hammock. He thought he would not be able to go back to 'normal life'. I said, life could be anything he wanted, and if living like that worked for him, that was ok. But he said he wasn't sure he could sustain that either and didn't know what to do.
      At the time I wished I could stay and learn more, but it was getting late for me and I kept going.

      I was surprised to see him again at O Logoso. I heard a bit more of his story: he turned 58 just 2 days ago and sounded heartbroken and possibly depressed. He said he had a girlfriend and he had to end the relationship last year because she was very jealous and he couldn't deal with that, but he still loves her. That gives background to one of the written messages, which Pablo saw and remembered: "there are many dangerous drugs in the world, and the worst one is love".

      I liked Russell's style with the guitar. He played songs I like a lot, but only fragments. He didn't play a single song whole. He also repeated himself a lot when talking. It's obvious to me that he has mental health issues. Despite the depressing undertones, he's kind to the people he meets. I hope he finds what he needs.
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