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    • Gün 28


      14 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Die ganze Nacht ging der Sturm und um 4 Uhr früh regnete es wieder. Ich hätte dann beinahe verschlafen, wachte erst um 7:10 auf. Also musste ich mich schon beeilen, wieder einige km vor dem großen Regen zurückzulegen. 7:30 war ich unterwegs und Frühstück nahm ich während dem Gehen zu mir. Was passierte durch die Hektik? Genau, hab wieder was liegen gelassen, 😖diesmal mein Drybag zum Wäschewaschen und den 4 Klupperln. Naja, der nächste soll sich freuen, ich kauf nur noch eine Seife.
      Um 8 Uhr regnete es bereits voll , nun hieß es immer wieder Poncho an, aus,....
      Dann traf ich die 2 Polen, Ted und Henry ( IT Spezialist und Arzt )bei einer Bushaltestelle im Hütterl sitzen und jausnen. Von da an gingen wir dann zusammen nach Vigo, vorbei am Stadion Balaidos,
      die Heimstätte des spanischen Fußballvereins Celta Vigo zu unserem Pilgerhostel. Der Weg heute war kaum ausgeschildert und wir mussten nach App laufen, das bei dem Regen unter Poncho nicht so leicht war.
      Nachdem es dann aufhörte zu regnen und ein wenig die Sonne rauskam, machten wir 3 uns auf zum Essen. Hervorragende Pimientos de Padron und für mich Calamares und Tinto de Verano. 🍷
      Wenn es nicht so regnete, hätten wir die vorgelagerten Inseln und die 2 spanischen Galerien davor sehen können.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Caminha (Portugal) to Oia (Spain)

      28 Nisan, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      This morning we took a small 6-passenger water taxi across the Rio Minho into Spain. We chatted on the trail with people we had met earlier as well as new fellow pilgrims. Again, there was a variety of paths, and the day wasn’t too long — about 12 miles, taking about 6.5 hours with breaks. There were almost no services along the route, so we ended up eating snacks instead of a real lunch. (Note to selves: make sure to carry more food in our packs!) Arriving in the tiny seaside village of Oia quite hungry, we were dismayed to find the only two restaurants had just closed — but our hotel was at least serving drinks, which we supplemented with a bag of chips. We found a self-service washer and dryer, and washed a large load of our dirty clothes. Finally 8 pm rolled around, and we were the first two in the restaurant!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      Day 8 - Oia to Baiona

      19 Nisan, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today started with a great first breakfast at our cute little Albergue. Pastries were delivered from the local bakery and then Marcus, from Estonia, made us some scrambled eggs. Marcus was one of the kindest, most considerate Pilgrims we have met on a Camino. It’s too bad he is young and fit so he is walking many more kilometers per day than the average pilgrim. That means we will probably never cross paths with him again. 😔

      After 4.5 miles to second breakfast I began getting worried about the hill mapped out before us. We haven’t had many climbs on this Camino so far. But we did a lot of highway walking today so the turnoff to the trail up the mountain was kind of a welcome sight. As it turns out, the climb was the best part of the day. It took us out of the sun and through a beautiful shaded forest with spectacular views of the ocean. On the downhill side, we stopped at the bottom, at another unique place, for a cold drink to refuel and celebrate our success. There we met two gentlemen from Portland who had completed 13 Caminos. We walked the last 3 miles into Baiona with them and heard many stories of their adventures.

      Another good day in the books. 11.8 miles further down the road to Santiago.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Miercoles (Thats Spanish for Wednesday)

      12 Ekim 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      So. It’s possible I over estimated my ability to converse in Spanish. I noticed it this morning in the breakfast room of my “Charm hotel” (more on that momentarily). There were 4 other women who spoke ONLY Spanish- no English. I clearly had my work cut out for me! One of them asked me where I was from. “Los Estados Unidos”, I replied. “Y tu?”.
      “A Canita” she said. “”Adonde es?” I asked. I had never heard of the country A Canita. Her look clearly screamed, “Stupido Americano!” She said “Sud America!” Then I realized she was saying Argentina.
      So what the tour company called a charm hotel was actually a bed and breakfast type place in this tiny town called Oia. When I checked in the hostess said there was only one restaurante in town for dinner and did not open until 8:00. I decided to forego that and went to a frutería and picked up some apples, chips, and cookies and brought it back to my room. Dinner is served! On the way to the little store I had to cross by this area of the shore where there was a huge pile of seaweed and who knows what else. The stench coming off of that was stomach turning and the flies were all over me. Yuck.
      As I spent more time in this little room I realized that it smelled like my mom’s house. And that is NOT a warm, fuzzy association. So needless to say, I was ready to go this morning.
      A 13 mile walk today. Met a couple of peregrinos. Nathan from Colorado walking with his mother, (such a good boy) and a couple of women- one from Rochester, MN. Many beautiful parts, a good climb or two, (I really like the climbs. Love how strong my legs feel), and an unexpected pleasant surprise coming into the beautiful town of Baiona.. I believe that this is where the ship The Pinta departed from and it was the place that news of the discovery of the New World first came. In fact, today was a national holiday commemorating that event. As I walked into town, I heard shots being fired. Looking around, no one was ducking for cover, so I nervously continued, but then a couple of really big booms that had to have been cannons. So I’m pretty sure they were having some kind of celebration down at the docks. (Can’t get much past this girl!).
      I’m staying in a Parador- the first of 4 that I will stay in on this trip. The paradors are all built in historic structures. This particular one is in an old castle. I fell in love with the Parador system on my previous trip to Spain in 2003. (One of the few things I remember from that trip. I was a hot mess due to my marriage coming to an end. But I digress…)
      I came upon a little group of sheep- all huddled together. Amid the cluster was a small wounded lamb, clearly suffering. All the other sheep were surrounding him as if to reassure and comfort him. There’s a metaphor or two in that scene.
      I used to think that a walking tour of a country would be really limiting in what you would be able to see. But since I’ve been walking I realize just how much MORE I see. I mean I’m pretty sure that I would have just driven by that backyard full of creepy Carnival characters (see below) and not even noticed!
      I did find the place to lay Kate’s stone today.
      The day ended with news that our old grand dog, Bruce Wayne, had crossed over. I will be praying for the Wertish family as I walk today.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Bruce Christenson 1943-2022 ❤️

      15 Eylül 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      My Dad passed away October 18, 2022 very suddenly. When I told him I wanted to walk the Camino….he said “I’ll come”, no hesitation.
      I booked my trip in January 2023.
      I brought some of his ashes with me, and scattered them at Praia dos cristais de Silleiro. It was the perfect place. He was a collector of beach glass, loved going on holiday to the beach and even lived at the beach for awhile.
      The last time I saw my Dad, we went to Grimsby beach to see the “Painted Ladies”. While we were there I picked up a stone and took it home. I’m not sure why I did that, I don’t collect stones or seashells. I painted that stone in memory of my Dad and left it at Hito de Mougas.
      Rest in Peace Dad, I miss you ❤️
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 81

      Strände, Sonnenuntergänge und Zeit zu 4

      2 Temmuz 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nach so viel Sightseeing haben wir uns ein/zwei Pausen verdient. Daher haben wir die nächsten 2 Tage an wundervollen Stränden verbracht. Das Wasser war sooo warm und die Wellen so hoch. Ein Paradies. Mailo konnte gar nicht genug vom Strand oder besser gesagt vom Sand bekommen.😆 Aber so ein Strandtag macht die Männer auch müde erst spielen und dann ein gemeinsamer Männer-Mittagsschlaf. Und die Mädels haben sich gebräunt🤣

      Wir genossen die Zeit mit Janett sehr. Vorallem Ihre tolle Hilfe haben wir sehr geschätzt. 🥰Auch mailo fande es toll, mal nicht immer nur von Mama oder Papa gefüttert zu werden.

      An den Abenden genossen wir gemeinsam den Sonnenuntergang und tranken lecker Wein und Limo;)

      Und dann kam schon der Tag der Abreise :( bei Zeiten ging es los Richtung Porto. Als wir erfuhren, dass der Flieger Verspätung hatte, lagen die Nerven erstmal Kurz blank. Wir fragten uns überall erstmal durch. Ohje angespannte Minuten und Stunden vergingen. Janett's Flug hatte ca. 1 1/2 Stunden Verspätung und somit kaum eine Chance ihren Anschlussflug in München zu bekommen 😭 aber sie hatte Glück, der Pilot hat Gas gegeben und somit ein wenig Zeit reingeholt. Der Anschlussflug hat gewartet 😜🙏🙏🙏 und sie ist wieder gesund und munter in Dresden gelandet.

      Es war richtig richtig schön, dass Robbys Schwester uns besucht hat. 😍 das war ein wirkliches Highlight auf unserer Reise.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 12

      Day 8 on the Camino

      5 Ekim 2023, Ispanya ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We departed our Baiona hotel as the sun was rising and walked along the beautiful coastline for sometime, and crossed over the river on an ancient foot bridge in Ramallosa. Then the path took us beside the highway for a long time. We stopped for a lovely lunch of salad with tuna, padron peppers and garlic mushrooms. We arrived for the night in Vigo, a city of over 300,000 population on a busy Friday night where friends were gathered everywhere for drinks and snacks.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Day 9 - Baiona to Vigo

      1 Mayıs, Ispanya ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Rain, rain, go away…

      …and eventually it does.

      Left Vigo under torrential rain. Ok, maybe not “torrential”, but it certainly feels like it after you’ve been walking for 30 minutes and all your clothes are sticking to you. Yes, I should have bought a poncho, like all the Camino FB groups warned me, but I guess I like living dangerously!

      Left the hostel (20 people in bunk beds in a room, yet surprisingly quiet) at around 8am with Sasha, and along the way picked up two others - Rita (UK), who I had actually shared a room with a few days ago, and Nicola (Czech Republic) who I’d walked with from Caminha to Oia. And we had such a laugh! Maybe it was the rain forcing us to keep our spirits up, but we chatted and shared jokes about sexy surfers and “alpha” males, Rita’s new van, Nicola’s dinner of undercooked potatoes, and came together and then slowly said goodbye as we neared Vigo and went off to our respective accommodation for tonight. Apart from Nicola, who I invited to sleep in the spare room of the apartment I have for the next three nights, as she could find no accommodation for this evening. And in case you are wondering how you can invite a complete stranger to share an apartment with you, please note this woman is not a stranger to me. Also, I knew she was one of my “people” when I saw her random act of kindness a few days ago, when she kindly bought hiking poles for someone who was stuck in an albergue with a broken toe, and who had no way of getting out and buying some themselves.

      It was a long walk today, the longest so far at 31km exactly, but we walked through towns, beaches, woods, horrible roads and industrial areas, stopping at coffee shops and restaurants when we felt like it. And we made it to Vigo, smiling but tired.

      Tomorrow, Nicola will leave, and I will have a rest day, when I will visit Hopefully the rain ease off and the sun will shine again, like it did today.

      No cats were met, but plenty of dogs!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 75

      Baiona - ein kleines Paradies

      26 Haziran 2022, Ispanya ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Endlich wieder spanischen Boden unter den Füßen oder eher Sand zwischen den Zehen. Nach den paar Tagen Portugal freuten wir uns wieder sehr auf Spanien. Vorallem können wir uns wieder mit spanisch verständigen. Da wir die nächsten Tage Besuch aus Deutschland erhalten haben wir einen schönen Campingplatz auf einer kleinen Landzunge gebucht. Baiona. Heißt das kleine Örtchen. Auf der einen Seite geht die Sonne im Meer unter und auf der anderen Seite geht sie im See auf. Ein kleines Paradies. Und vorallem haben wir einen Stellplatz mit Meerblick einfach ein Traum. Wir bereiteten alles für unseren Besuch vor, mailo half dem Papa beim Zeltaufbau, wir ruhten uns ein wenig aus und genossen die Sonnenaufgänge sowie Sonnenuntergänge.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 27

      A day off #camino

      7 Haziran 2023, Ispanya ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      #7camino Having a day off walking and after overnight rain I am hoping weather will be ok for the next part of my Camino. Baiona is a lively little port and a walk around the castle takes you to tiny beaches and provides great views of the Islas Cies. Baiona is famous because it was the first place to hear of the ‘discovery’ of the New World on March 1, 1493 and a replica of Columbus’s Pinta is in the harbour.
      PS I have solved my coffee dilemma.. large espresso +a little milk. I am trying to do a bit of planning for Barcelona, later in the month so any tips appreciated!🙂
      Okumaya devam et

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