Pino, O

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    • Dzień 91

      79. Wandertag

      18 czerwca 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Das Fazit der 13. Woche fällt heute aus und wird dann als gesamt Rückblick später nachgeholt.
      Wir sind nun 20 Kilometer vor Santiago und ich bin freudig gespannt auf den morgigen Tag.
      Heute war das Wetter wie schon so oft von Morgen bis gegen Abend geprägt von Regenschauern. Wir sind noch einmal richtig nass geworden.
      Heute habe ich unter Pellerine mit einem polnischen Mann gesprochen, er ist 76 Jahre alt und hat den Weg schon 7mal gemacht und dieses Mal sei für ihn das letzte Mal. Ich habe mir schon überlegt, wie ich das halten werde. Ich weiss es nicht!!
      Dann habe ich wider erwarten den jungen deutschen Mann aus der Kathedrale von Leon getroffen. Spontan haben wir uns umarmt. Ganz spannend. Fotos habe ich nicht viele gemacht, dem Wetter geschuldet.
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    • Dzień 43

      43. Etappe: O Pedrouzo (28,3 km)

      8 grudnia 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Nach dem leckeren Pilgermahl gestern hab ich super unter meinen 3 Decken geschlafen bis zum Sonnenaufgang! Verdammt lang her, dass ich das letzte Mal so spät aufgestanden bin 😅
      Den Hospitalieros wäre es sogar lieber gewesen, wenn ich noch später gestartet wär - es gab abends noch eine kurze Diskussion zwischen den beiden, ob sie es schaffen schon um 9 zu öffnen 😅 In jedem Fall hat sich der frühe Start für die Bar gelohnt, denn kurz nachdem ich um 9 dort aufschlug, kamen noch 6 weitere Pilger zum Kaffee/Frühstück vorbei 😊
      Gut gestärkt gings also los in die vorletzte Etappe - und seit 2 Tagen ganz ohne Blasenpflaster. 🥳 Meine Füße sehen zwar immer noch aus wie ein Schlachtfeld, aber die Blasen heilen und schmerzen nicht mehr - kurz vor Santiago gerade noch so geschafft! 😅
      Heut gabs ordentlich Regen, aber auch Sonnenschein und milde 12 Grad, so dass ich mich permanent an- und auszog und dabei ganz das Fotografieren vergaß. So manche Stelle kam mir ohnehin bekannt vor, denn heute traf der Camino del Norte auf den Camino Frances. Und so kehre ich nun auch wieder in der gleichen Herberge ein, wie schon vor 4 Jahren. Die Musikbeschallung ist zwar vielleicht etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber ansonsten ist es hier sauber und gemütlich und der Empfang herzlich 😊
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    • Dzień 36

      O Amenal

      10 października 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      We had a much shorter day today and only walked 7 miles. It was a rainy start but mostly just a light drizzle. It stopped after we had been walking for a few hours. Most of the morning was spent walking in beautiful forest. I say morning because it was about noon when we reached our destination for the night. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 41

      O Pedrouza

      15 października 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Today was 15 miles in the misty rain most of the day. In Portland, they call that a “dry” rain. It doesn’t really prevent you from doing anything, in fact you barely get wet, it’s just kind of annoying.

      Today was an “easy” walk. That must be due to the 6 weeks of constant walking we have put in. Up and down hills that are a struggle for the new Pilgrims are rather quite easy for us. But that is not to say we don’t end everyday with sore feet. My shoes are definitely at the end of their life.

      It is supposed to rain for the next week or more so walking across the finish line in Santiago tomorrow is going to be a wet one. We would love to complain about that but we feel so fortunate to have had nearly perfect weather for this entire trip.

      12 miles left. Santiago here we come.

      Buen Camino. ❤️🇪🇸
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    • Dzień 7

      Day 4

      15 września 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      A shorter day, 12 miles, but alas a blister. Boo. So disappointing after all the boot wearing this summer, walking, and foot rituals the last few mornings to avoid blisters. A beautiful day to walk and tomorrow we walk into Santiago. Hard to believe I've walked almost 63 miles to get there. Given detours (pubs), probably a little more mileage. 🙃 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 40

      Day 36 Arzua Day 37 O Pedrouzo

      17 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Day 36 was a very muddy day and we are filthy. After 25 km it's worth paying to get our clothes machine washed. Wish we could throw our shoes in too🤣
      Day 37 A repeat of Day 36 after 20 km. Tomorrow we walk our last 18 km right into Cathedral Square 🤗 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 36

      Day 33 - Wind, wet and gratitude

      18 października 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      “Sometimes a simple moment of joy is all we need to remember how lucky we are” - Walter Y Flan

      Day 33 - Arzúa to o Pedrouzo - 19km - approx 5.5 hrs walking time.

      We left our hotel and Albergue in the dark. I mean dark enough that we needed Annette’s phone flashlight to see where we were going, as we both left our headlamps in our bags that were being transported. Not the smartest but there you have it! Shockingly, there were more hills! Imagine that. Up, down and all around we went. After walking through dark tunnels of trees, we were surprised to see it was all of a sudden daylight. It seemed to happen so fast, as it does some days. Again, we looked back - the sunrise was incredible, as it so often is here. I love the mornings. It’s the only time of day I can say I enjoy walking. Starting in the dark may seem stupid but, I love to be walking and see the light enter the world once again. Be there for the breaking of day. As it is so late in the season, I don’t even have to get up at stupid o’clock for this pleasure. Sunrise isn’t until after 8:30am, so we can even sleep in a bit and still enjoy the sunrises. And I have been!

      We were walking through forests for the most part and the ground is more dirt than rock. Due to the rains from the night before - and I think last night too, the path was muddy and slippery. When walking in the woods - any woods, it always smells good. Here though, the occasional smell of eucalyptus made me smile. I really love that smell. I think in Galicia, it’s a race to see if the chestnut trees or the eucalyptus are more prevalent. Thinking of smells - there are a lot of cows in Galicia! And lots of manure spreading. Those aren’t smells I won’t soon forget 😂

      I was looking for someone today - a man with a donkey this time. Roland, a modern Don Quixote and Pilgrim from Hungary and his donkey Rosinante were an inseparable couple (aka Rolandante), living and walking on the Camino. However, Rosinante died earlier this year and Roland now has a new donkey to accompany him. She was in a field as we went passed and looked very happy and healthy! We were lucky enough to encounter them this morning just as they were setting up their stand. They also have their own donkey stamp, which is so cute. Of course I wanted one for my credencial so I waited patiently until they were ready. Roland makes earthen (clay) pendants and bracelets, sells his book (in Hungarian only), postcards and beautiful colouring posters front the images in his book. I had to buy a bracelet of course. He is almost sold out for the year though, so I may have bought more than one…

      We walked through many small communities today and some cool places. There was a birergartten that used all the old beer bottles for decor. I think even the local cat drank at that bar!

      As the ground was wet and soggy and hard walking, we only stopped for a tea break and a less than satisfying lunch. We had been looking for a place I had heard about - a Texas rubbed meat place. In fact, Annette and I swear we smelled it on more than one occasion. Nope. They are apparently located at Marker 25km, but we didn’t see them. Found out later they are closed today and likely the rest of the season :-( We walked as far as Santa Irene where we finally gave up and had lunch. One thing is certain - dinner later was non negotiable. Needed something decent after the sorry excuse for lunch.

      We only had a few Kms left for the day to O Pedruzo. We had been fighting a losing battle with strong winds for the last 2km and continued to do so all the way to our accommodations. Rain was still threatening and I did end up having to put my poncho on at one point as it went from a light spilling to an actual rain. As is often the case here, I got my poncho on in time for it to stop! We arrived to O Pedruzo around 2pm, both weary, with sore feet and bone tired.

      I had done laundry 2 nights ago, but I have no idea what is clean or dirty anymore. So, another load today after getting to my Albergue. Of course my machine decided not to work and did not spin. So, double wash it is! Can’t be too clean, am I right? Especially after being in the Camino for weeks on end!!
      When I was finally able to put stuff in the dryer, I went in search of dinner. As with a lot of places, bars and restaurants here don’t seem to be open until 7 or 7:30, for dinner. I was hungry at 6. I did find a churro place that was open and smelling yummy. So, next best thing….dessert before dinner it is! Annette joined me and then we made our way to the Pulperia for dinner at 7:30. So very glad we waited, as the grilled octopus and Padron peppers were to die for! We split the food as we were both still thinking about churros in chocolate. Thankfully we did split as we would never have eaten a whole order each. Amazing dinner for Annette’s last night. She walks into Santiago tomorrow!

      It is so strange to think there are less than 20km left to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela - my destination. How is that possible? I am stringing it out to 2 days as I want to arrive early in the morning - so, the 20th of Oct it will be. In the meantime, I am going to walk the rest of The Way on my own and contemplate what this journey has meant to and for me.
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    • Dzień 45

      Last night in Amenal, 16k to go!

      1 listopada 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We have reached Hotel Amenal for the night. Just over 16k to Santiago.

      We walked today with Paul from Ontario, until early afternoon he stopped one village before us.

      And at our hotel just now, we had a drink with, Caroline from Toulouse. We have been bumping into to her since before Cruz Ferro. She had taken a fall on the trail before we first met her. She had 6 stitches in her forehead and two black eyes back then. She is looking much better now. But she kept on walking, and now she is one day away! We hope we see her tomorrow in Santiago! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 34

      Santa Irene

      21 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Day 34
      Joining the French Camino route has been a really interesting experience: we walk in groups, ones, twos, and overtake or are overtaken by others continually. Every cafe has tables filled with detritus from the previous users, and there are queues inside for the toilets. The prices of food and drink have risen, and the cosmopolitan range of food increased significantly. And the quality. There are many many day walkers - not carrying their kit - and more Spanish speakers, more US, UK, Irish, and 'other' nationalities (that I've met fewer of until now, like Danish, or South African, or Argentinian). It's busy busy busy.
      But actually very pleasant.
      It feels like I'm being funnelled gently towards the Big City, where there will likely be a huge hubbub of pilgrims, ordinary tourists, locals and who knows who else? I'm remembering the hilarious TV clip I saw in the breakfast bar this morning. Take a look at the photos: are the nuns who are thronging the Pope thinking they have a chance at winning the offer in the top corner of the screen? (Apologies [2 days later], I just realised not everyone understands Spanish... the ad is for "Who wants to be a millionaire?"!! ... (I think it's funny)).

      Met 4 fun Irish women at lunch, Cliodhna and Máire from Galway, and Michelle and Siobhan from Dublin. Lots of Camino gossip (in the nicest possible way), lots of laughing, a really nice vibe between them; and I walked on with Michelle and Siobhan. At the cafe ours was the only table with flowers: I noticed that the other tables were bare only halfway through the lunch. A pilgrim must have picked them and put them in the table cutlery container, just for anyone lucky enough to follow on. And talking of flowers there were - astonishingly - about 8 new species on today's walk, including a marsh orchid, and two plants I've never seen before (as opposed to not yet identified): grey everlasting, and jersey cudweed. Using an app to identify flowers is amazing! It helps differentiate between similar-looking but actually-different plants in a way I could not have done any other way. It's also very quick.

      A sweet hostel, small, well off the beaten track, and once again I was given the bed around the corner from everyone else and near the window. My perfect space!

      Cat who sat on my feet to get my attention, Gill and Nick from Kent, birthday girl from Denmark, 6 Italians, a morose Norwegian. And a message from Dorien, Netherlands, whom I met on day 15. How lovely lovely lovely is that?

      People are wonderful!
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    • Dzień 43


      30 października 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Today was an incredible day! We made it to Santiago! We rejoiced and we cried and we are slowly settling into “normal” life. All over the city are wandering pilgrims in ponchos looking like this reentry into a world without long stretches on the trail is not a smooth and easy process.

      Tomorrow we will be in Santiago and we’ll go to the pilgrims’ mass and see inside the cathedral and do laundry. The receptionist at our hotel is going to help us wean off if Camino pizza and pork with fried potatoes. He says he’ll send us out for real Galician food tomorrow.

      The walk was tough today. David pulled a muscle in his calf yesterday so he was very sore and moving slowly. The new blisters I got to match the ones on my other foot were making my whole foot sore and stiff. And it rained a lot again!

      But…as we saw the distance markers ticking down and as we got our first glimpses of the cathedral, it was like nothing else. What elation! And how overwhelming! We laughed and we cried! We were filled with gratitude for having the health and time and stamina and support to make this journey. We felt like the pilgrim statues at Monte de Gozo, whose pictures I’ll post.

      We went to get our compostelas, our certificates of completion. There are about 20 volunteers who ask to see your credentials with the stamps from stops along the way. You fill out a form online as you enter to state your reason for walking. When I got my compostela the nice French woman who helped me said I looked so happy and that I couldn’t stop smiling!
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