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    • Dia 29

      To Sarria.

      17 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      I don't think I like twin beds anymore, especially if the mattress is hard. I got cold this morning blanket barely kept me warm. The bed was hard, and the room was cold. The shower water was warm packed up. Went and drank a cup of coffee and ate an omelet between two large toast. Met an older lady from Holland. See the picture. She said she was 72 years old. She said she did part of the Camino last year and continued it this year. She said she has back problems and can only walk so far. She could be home, taking it easy in a rocking chair and still being in pain. So she said, "So here I am. I woke up to fog and drizzle. I started my walk. It was to be plus five hours. The fog did not clear until about 12pm. It rained pretty all day. The path was pretty much muddy. I wore my rain gear the whole day. The terrain was not too bad. My shirt and sweater were soaked with my sweat. I again went through numerous small villages. They all had church's. They always seemed to be locked. My Google map pointed me in a different direction. I had to backtrack. I think it would have met back to the original one. I arrived in Samos at about 4 pm. I did 16 miles today. What made it was the muddy path as well as the rain. The room is nice. At least the bed is soft, and the room is warm. Wishing Patricia was on her way. Got the news from her. Saturday, she will try again. It is cold here in Samos. I went to the evening mass. Before I leave, I am going to visit a men's monastery at 11 pm. Met a young man from Holland at supper. Shared our stories. Issac, my Korean friend, bowed out on his journey due to knee problems. Hanh, my young Filipno friend, not only dealing with leg problems. But being attacked by bed bugs. She messaged that she was bitten over 70 times. As I walked this morning, it was eerie silence, no life. Until the sprinkling began , I began to hear the pitter patter on my rain jacket and the hoodie. I decided to take my time and observe my surroundings, and began to be deep in thought.Leia mais

    • Dia 17

      Samos II

      4 de junho de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Benedict of Nursia, known today as the Father of Western Monasticism, established a Rule that became the pattern for life in the monasteries of Europe and a standard for monasticism in Western Christianity.
      In about 540 AD, after founding the monastery of Monte Cassino, Benedict wrote his Rule for the monastery, which became the foundation of the Benedictine order.
      Benedictine monks are sometimes referred to as “Black Monks” because they wear black habits.

      Benedict’s principal goal was to create a setting and a way of life where the voice of God could be heard without distractions and where the disciplines of prayer, service, and good works would lead to continual progress in spiritual growth, faith, and ultimately, inexpressible joy in loving and serving God.

      Becoming a monk under the Rule of Benedict meant a life-long commitment. After a year on probation, a monk professed three vows: stability (a promise to remain in the community), the reformation of his own life, and obedience.

      Much of the Rule is devoted to developing the monastic family and how life in the community should operate. Benedictine monks spend about four hours a day in the "divine office" of prayer and another four hours a day in reading the Scriptures. According to Benedict, manual work is a form of holy prayer. Each monk is given work assignments because labor is a valued and integral part of the human experience.

      Work is also crucial because each monastery is to be as independent and self-supporting as possible. In the Middle Ages, when beer was a primary source of nutrition for most people, Benedictine monks became famous for their advanced methods in beer-making. Around 100 monks were needed to operate a brewery.
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    • Dia 7

      Samos | 20 km

      7 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Für diese riesen Schlafsäle werd ich echt zu alt. 34 Leute die so ihre Eigenheiten haben und alle irgendwie zur Ruhe kommen möchten. Das ist nicht einfach. Einschlafen war solala, durchschlafen war natürlich nichts. Aber das war mir schon klar, man muss die Dinge ja auch manchmal so annehmen wie sie sind. Als dann aber um kurz vor sieben so eine ganz witzige alte Dame das große Licht für den ganzen Raum anmachte und laut “Good Morning” sagte, dachte ich, ich spring der gleich ins Gesicht von meinem Doppelstockbett. Manche Menschen will ich einfach von mir fernhalten. Unangenehm.

      Ich wollte wieder den großen Strom abwarten und lies die aufgeregten Damen und Herren, und alle dazwischen und außerhalb, ziehen. Ich machte mich fertig und ging um kurz vor 8 aus der Tür, raus in den 4 Grad frischen Morgen. Eine herrliche Luft und ein blauer Himmel begrüßten mich. So konnte der Tag beginnen. Dadurch, dass ich auf über 1.200m gestartet bin, waren die Wolken zu Beginn unter mir. Das sieht immer etwas verrückt aus, ist aber einfach schön. Ich hatte also schöne Aussichten.

      Mit Daniela bin ich so verblieben, dass sie mir ihren Standort schickt, wenn sie ihre Frühstückspause macht, da sich dann ihrer und Anni’s Weg trennen, da Anni schneller in Santiago sein möchte und die Tage nochmal ordentlich Kilometer schrubben will. Da die beiden aber schon 6:45 Uhr los wollten, sagte ich, dass ich erst später dazu stoße. Das ist mir doch etwas früh, denn ich habe ja keinen Zeitdruck. Übrigens habe ich nun alle Unterkünfte durchgebucht, da es nun richtig voll wird und die Leute, die die letzten 100 km machen wollen, anscheinend nun auch alle buchen und am Ende sonst nichts mehr übrig ist, wo ich nächtigen kann. Das nimmt die Flexibilität, die ich so gerne haben wollte, aber daran kann ich nun nichts ändern.

      Daniela und ich trafen uns in einem kleinen schnuckeligen Ort in einem rustikalen Restaurant und ich bestellte mir auch ein kleines Frühstück mit Tee und Orangensaft. Gestärkt gingen wir gemeinsam weiter und plauderten eine Menge. Daniela ist 41, kommt aus Bayern, hat 2 Kinder (11 und 17) und ist geschieden. Sie hat ein sehr spannendes Leben und schon sehr viel erlebt. Manche persönliche Geschichten, die man hier so hört gehen einem echt nahe. Schon spannend wer welches Päckchen, neben seinem Rucksack noch so zu tragen hat.

      Die Route war heute sehr schön, grün, waldig, grasig. Genau nach meinem Geschmack. Das Wandern ging heute super leicht von der Hand. Ich hatte heute einen besonders schönen Tag und die Ankunft in Samos war dann das i-Tüpfelchen: Ein kleiner Ort mit unglaublich viel Grün, einem super schönen Kloster und einem üppigen Fluss. Darauf erst einmal ein Sieger-Radler und noch einen frischgepressten O-Saft. Hier zu sitzen und dem Treiben zuzusehen, das Rauschen des Flusses zu hören und ins Grüne blicken zu können ist eine Wohltat. Zudem ist unser privates Doppelzimmer heute auch super gemütlich und schön. Wir fühlen uns pudelwohl!

      Frisch geduscht geht es nun gleich zum Abendessen. Der Hunger ruft. Es geht mit Flip Flops raus in den sonnigen Abend, bei 19 Grad. Übrigens: ich habe heute die erste kleine Blase am Fuß entdeckt. Naja, ganz ohne geht wohl doch nicht. Ist nicht schlimm.

      Es ist wunderschön hier! Samos, du machst uns gerade glücklich und bist heute genau das Richtige! Danke!
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    • Dia 32

      Another drab monastery

      23 de abril, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      You could stick to the road and get to Sarria in under 20km, or you could take a rural 7km detour via a monastery, which I think was also the hillier option.

      I suspect all the long-termers (in my generous view, anyone that started before Burgos) took the detour because we're all dragging our feet on finishing, and the newbies that just started in O'Cebriero did a mixture depending on their bravery and fitness this early in their respective games.

      It was of course lovely. It was of course closed. Churches being open seems a lot like a Navarro and Rioja thing, I gotta say. It's inhabited by Benedectine monks and nuns, and good on them. There's a fucking petrol station on the side of it, I'd note. Is nothing sacred?
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    • Dia 20


      5 de outubro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Lungo la LU633 ricalchiamo nuovamente e sempre al contrario 😬 come ormai da nostra consuetudine 😁 un tratto DEL 🧑‍🦯 CAMMINO FRANCESE, la strada brulica di pellegrini e d'un tratto per caso si apre la👁️ splendida vista sul ⛪MONASTERO DI SAMOS. Ci accostiamo per un veloce scatto 📸 e per ammirare la magnificenza di tale complesso monastico, a saperlo la tappa notte 😴😴 si poteva fare nel Parcheggio 🅿️ del paese che non sembra niente male, bhe lo annotiamo ✍️ per una prossima volta, non si sa mai.Leia mais

    • Dia 37

      Samos to Barbadelo - the beginning of th

      28 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Oh dear - feeling a bit gloomy today as we’ve entered what is really the last stage of our epic journey.
      Sarria - which we passed through today - is the last place you can start walking if you are to qualify for your Compostela. It’s just over 100km from Santiago and is reputedly much busier than the rest of the Camino.
      Starting from Samos, again in the cloud, we saw hardly anyone. We were not expecting anywhere to stop for the first 15km and this would have been true apart from the kindness of a man at a tiny Albergue in the forest. He had a table with (remarkably good) coffee, tea etc and some biscuits and fruit - all donativo. I so appreciated my coffee and was also very happy to meet up with Callie and Anna who had been in Samos at the Albergue run by the monastery. Sean (erstwhile veggie inclined friend who I have met a couple of times) had actually stayed at the monastery in a room and had three meals. That’s what I would like to do next time!
      It was a fairly gentle and cool walk through the forest, often beside a river, to join up with the main path to Sarria from Triacastella.
      Sarria appeared in a bowl in the hills and we were soon walking in what felt like a city, but what is in fact a middle sized town - but with lots of infrastructure for pilgrims. Lots of hostels, banks supermarkets etc.
      I had heard from Bella about a great vegan/veggie cafe and shop so we headed there and had breakfast (in my case) and lunch (in Caroline’s). Although hers looked so good (a Buddha bowl) I had a small lunch too.
      It really was a fab place; my toast and tahini and honey was delicious and I then had a bowl of lentils which was exactly what I needed. C had a Buddha bowl which was perfection - I just didn’t feel I could eat that as was still feeling a bit under the weather.
      Leaving Sarria was hard after what ended up being a long stop and after eating quite a lot.
      I’m definitely better if I eat after I arrive rather than on the way.
      By the time we were heading out of Sarria it was pretty warm and although we were again on paths through trees, it was largely up hill so felt quite hard.
      Our Albergue in Barbadelo is very luxurious compared to the normal ones and has a pool! I had a wonderful and very refreshing swim. The place isn’t busy - I guess most people start in Sarria so wouldn’t stop after 4 km! Hopefully that will give me a head start tomorrow so the way won’t be too crowded. The plan is also to go beyond the ‘regular’ stage tomorrow, and as it is also the middle of the week, maybe it won’t be so crowded.
      Caroline has got a painful ankle so is going to get some physio in Portomarin tomorrow, so she will take a taxi there in the morning rather than walking. She’s really hoping they will sort it out for her so she can continue. I hope so too!
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    • Dia 27

      Camino Day 22 - Sarria

      15 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      About a 9am start out of Samos as we only had 15kms to go today.
      The walk was through the same magnificent countryside from the previous day.
      No stops on the way for 2nd breakfast or a cold drink, but then we came across a private house in the middle of the trail that had set up a "Camino Support Centre".
      Coffee, tea, cold water, cake, biscuits, fruit, and wine!!! Just make a donation of whatever you can afford.
      It even has a full bathroom and a couple of beds available if you need them .
      Amazing hospitality.
      We entered Sarria around 12ish as it started to get warm and also the threat of rain.
      Found out albergue, I've stayed before, and then off for a nice burger for lunch and a walk around town.
      Bumped into our new American friends again, and we chatted for a while.
      Beck to the albergue to get the washing in before the rain and a rest before dinner.
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    • Dia 3.128

      Samos, Mosteiro San Xulián

      14 de março, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Im Tal des Río Oribio liegt das Kloster für San Julián. Es wurde bereits im 7. Jahrhundert gegründet und zeigt sich heute nach wiederholten Umbauten im Stil des Barock bzw. Klassizismus. Ab Mitte März kann es auch besichtigt werden, wir sind dafür jedoch wenige Tage zu früh hier.Leia mais

    • Dia 28


      29 de agosto de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      In Samos angekommen trinken und essen wir erst mal noch eine Kleinigkeit gemeinsam mit George der uns wieder eingeholt hat und machen uns dann auf den Weg in die Herberge, wo wir unser tägliches Programm abspulen und uns dann noch etwas auf dem Zimmer entspannen.

      Anschließend geht’s zum Abendessen mit ein paar anderen Pilgern (George, Simon, Mattheus, Monika, Alessandro,....) die anderen gehen nach dem essen noch etwas trinke. Ich habe heute einfach keine Lust auf Gesellschaft und gehe stattdessen zurück aufs Zimmer um ein wenig alleine zu sein und meinen Gedanken nachzuhängen....
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    • Dia 36

      Day 33

      23 de setembro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Left Samos at 7 am arrived at 12.30 am in Barbadelo.
      It was still a walk in the dark this morning, even though we left a little later. The first 7 ks were difficult with some steep climbs, loose , rocks slabs. Cool temperature again for most of our walk today, but we did walk through some lovely woodlands, too. Towards the end of our trek, the sun came out.
      We only went through the outskirts of Sarria. This is where a large number of pilgrims will start their walk over the next couple of days.
      We have noticed a small increase in pilgrims over the last couple of days. But we haven't had any problems getting a bed. Last night, there was only 1 other with Lyn and I.
      There was no chance of pics of our travel today, with one exception.
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    Samos, Սամոս, サモス, Самос, 萨莫斯

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