Sede Afundación Santiago de Compostela

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    • Day 23

      23. Etappe Die Messe für Pelegrinos in S

      June 9, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir nur die Kathedrale besichtigen. So sind wir irrtümlich in eine Messe geraten, die wir dann natürlich nicht verlassen haben. Anschließend nach einer kurzen Pause haben wir dann die eigentliche Pilgermesse such noch mitgemacht!!! Doppelt genäht hält besser.Read more

    • Day 138

      Die Stadt der Abschiede

      July 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Morgens schlafen die meisten in unserem AirBnB noch, das wir glücklicherweise für zwei Nächte gebucht haben, als Shanti und ich uns auf den Weg ins Café Airas Nunes machen um zu frühstücken. Bei einem Cappuccino und Chocolate con churros schreibe ich die ersten meiner vielen Postkarten, die ich aus Santiago versenden will.
      Später besuche ich mit Shanti und Sam die Pilgermesse, wo wir auch Maru erspähen können. Anschließend heißt es leider Abschied nehmen von Shanti und Alyssa - erstere macht sich nach Malaga auf, um den Süden Spaniens zu besuchen, letztere fliegt zurück nach Hause, in die USA. Seán und Maru schaffen es zu ihrem großen Leidwesen nicht, sich persönlich von Shanti zu verabschieden. Wenige Stunden später, als ich gerade mit Sam auf dem Weg von einem Bier zum nächsten bin, gibt uns Seán bescheid, dass wir jetzt leider auch von ihm Abschied nehmen müssen, da sein Flieger nach Irland bald geht. Also machen wir uns auf den Weg zurück zum AirBnB, um auch ihm Lebewohl zu sagen.
      Santiago ist nicht nur die Stadt des Ankommens - sie ist leider auch der Ort unzähliger Abschiede.

      Nachdem wir uns unter vielen Umarmungen von dem "plastic bag guy" verabschiedet haben, finde ich mich mit Addie, Amy, Sam und Sarah in der Bar gegenüber von unserer Unterkunft wieder. Hier bekommt man zu jedem Bier ein köstliches Stück Tortilla und da Sam Veganer ist, haben wir anderen noch mehr davon.
      Anschließend holen wir uns ein leckeres Eis.

      Abends essen wir in einem ausgezeichneten veganen Lokal, das uns Nathalie zeigt. Danach spüren wir noch ein paar Orte mit Livemusik auf, die uns sehr zusagt. In Santiago ist immer etwas los! Besonders Maru ist wieder äußerst begeistert und ich fühle mich etwas nach Ribadeo zurückversetzt. Seine pure Freude an der Musik ist ansteckend und ich merke, wie ich gleich doppelt Freude daran habe. Bis kurz vor Mitternacht lauschen wir der in Santiago sehr bekannten Gruppe "Tuna de Derecho" unter den Arkaden auf der Praza do Obradoiro.
      Wenige Minuten vor zwölf finde ich mich mit Maru, Sarah und zwei weiteren Pilgern, die ich nur flüchtig vom Norte kenne, auf dem Rücken liegend mitten auf dem Platz wieder. Kopfüber schauen wir uns die hell beleuchtete Fassade der Kathedrale an.
      "Um Mitternacht könnt ihr euch etwas wünschen", sagt David, einer der hinzugestoßenen Pilger, ohne es genauer zu erklären.
      Als die Kirchenglocken schließlich in zwölf tiefen, gleichmäßigen Schlägen den neuen Tag einläuten, habe ich nicht nur einen Wunsch. Mir fällt für jeden Schlag ein neuer ein. Hoffentlich kann mir das der heilige Jakob verzeihen.
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    • Day 33

      The botafumeiro

      August 24, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      The swinging botafumeiro is one of the major attractions here. But it is very difficult to know when it's on.
      There's a lot of hearsay with inconsistent info, such as:
      They swing it all the time in summer
      They swing it every day, but you never know at what time (after a mass, but no one knows which one)
      They swing it every Sunday
      They swing it every Friday

      They never announce when it will be on, you have to be lucky. The official website of the Cathedral lists a few special dates of the year when it is used, and says that anyone can request it for any other day (for 450€).

      On our day of arrival I made some enquiries and finally got a hot tip, from a source I can't reveal, that they would use it at a special service on 25/8 at 5pm. The info was given to Jan and I, because we came across as nice people I guess, but we were summoned to secrecy!

      Jan and I were planning to start walking to Finisterre on 25/8, but given this info, we decided to spend an extra day in Santiago.
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    • Day 29

      Arrived in Santiago!

      May 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      I had a very short day today, less than 20 km, so I didn’t set an alarm and slept till after seven! By 8:00 I was on the way. Chatted with a lot of people, both people walking, and people out and about. As you get closer to a big city, you are bound to run into all sorts of people who are using the same space as you are to get to their own destinations. It’s sometimes a rude awakening to realize that not everyone who is out there is walking to Santiago! I had a particularly nice long chat with a woman who was planting potatoes. She had a daughter living in Illinois, but she was sure she would never go that far from home to see her. Luckily, her daughter comes back at least once a year.

      I was so happy to be able to finally visit the Colegiata de Sar, a beautiful 12C Romanesque church ear Santiago, which had buttresses added to keep it standing in the 14th or 15 century. The part of the cloister that remains is really beautiful, and I’m glad I got to see it. Free for pilgrims!

      This Camino crosses the bridge close to the spot where the terrible train accident happened. It’s been many years, but there are still memorials up there. So many lives at short.

      When I arrived in Santiago, it was pretty clear it was a holiday. Lots of music, a few parades, tons of people (but there’s nothing unusual about that). As I was watching a little band playing traditional Gallego instruments, I turned around to a tap on the back and saw it was Faith! We had a good long chat, and I’m thinking that on my return to Santiago, I may take her up on her offer of the Pilgrim House debrief. I’ve never done anything like that, but think it might be enlightening.

      Since I am leaving Santiago tomorrow to walk on to Finisterre and Muxia, today is more of a regular day than a celebratory ending. That will come in good time.
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    • Day 16

      Santiago de Compostela: Ons is hier!

      October 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Die eerste Netwerk24-Camino-toergroep het by die Santiago de Compostela-katedraal aangekom! 260 km en 13 dae later! Wat ‘n epiese ondervinding en wonderlike groep mense! Bokke, vanaand cheer ons vir julle!Read more

    • Day 18


      June 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After walking up, down and all around, we finally made it to Santiago!! Walking into the square was absolutely bittersweet. Our long journey was finished but we made it there safely, beautifully and successfully. Betsy is incredibly strong. She has done the Camino EIGHT times, walking, carrying her own backpack. Even after she was diagnosed, she kept going until she could not walk anymore. What an inspiration. Doing this walk with this family, really changed my life and perspective as a caregiver and as a human. I’m incredibly proud and grateful for the support, emotionally and physically, and the people that we met along the way. It was very difficult but we do not give up!! Let’s push Betsy 2023 was a success!!! Betsy, Robert and I thank each and every one of you for making this experience even more special, memorable and enjoyable. To Mark, Linda, Amy, Clayton, Joanne and others that we met along the way, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Without you guys, we wouldn’t have made it!! We all were a team and eventually became FAMILY! We are 115 km stronger and better than ever! Congratulations to everyone who has made it!! Ofcourse, we ended the day with dinner with team Betsy and also we had to go to Tuna!! Betsy smiled…which makes all of this worth itRead more

    • Day 85

      64. Santiago de Compostela-nicht pilgern

      July 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Auf einem schönen Stellplatz mit Pool kühlen wir uns noch ab. Ich geh zum ersten Mal seit Salema wieder ins Wasser, da es mir endlich wieder besser geht.
      Wir lassen uns mit dem Taxi abholen, um uns in die City fahren zu lassen. Cities mit Altstädten sind ja meist beschwerlich mit WoMo.
      Dort treffen wir unsere Schweizer Freunde wieder. Schlendern durch die Stadt, sehen die vielen Pilgerer, Musikanten und genießen das spannende Flair. Nach dem Essen gehts zurück (per Zufall mit dem gleichen Taxifahrer) zum Stellplatz.
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    • Day 13

      Day 12 as Pilgrims

      April 16 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      This morning it was time to say farewell to Santiago. The taxi came at 7am to take us to the airport for our flight to Rome via Madrid. We have VIP lounge access and enjoyed breakfast in the deserted lounge. Such a nice flight to Madrid, we saw snow on the mountains and enjoyed the changing landscape below.
      We had to say goodbye to Catherine and Bruce but I know that we will keep in touch. Catherine lives on Vancouver Island and Bruce is just an hour from one of our favorite places - Emerald Lake, BC.
      My next post will be from the port city of Civitavecchia, Italy ✈️
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    • Day 13

      Day 11 as Pilgrims

      April 16 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Today we slept late and enjoyed wandering around Santiago after breakfast. At noon there was a Pilgrims Mass so we stayed in the Cathedral for that. Afterwards we decided to open a bottle of bubbly for lunch and happened to see Catherine and Bruce walking by our apartment so we invited them to join us. We wandered some more in the afternoon and on our way back we bumped into Bruce so we had sundowners with him and arranged to meet for dinner later with Catherine. Another excellent evening eating seafood, cheese, and tuna salad with some excellent Spanish wine.
      It is not goodbye yet because they will be on our flight to Madrid in the morning!!
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    • Day 90

      Santiago di Compostela

      August 20, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Stunning view from my camper van of the lighthouse at finisterre.
      Then visited the cathedral di Santiago di Compostela. All a bit touristic but I like when all the pilgrims come together and are happy to have done the Camino. I was at a "Misa", which was in another church, because the famous one is under cobstruction. I met 2 German girls, who - after the misa- were drawing their dreams.
      On the main square, where are most of the pilgrims it wa easy to ask for people to draw something.
      When the group started drawing, the kids appeared and asked if they can also draw sth.
      You can see little Messi, with the soccer shirt
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sede Afundación Santiago de Compostela, Sede Afundacion Santiago de Compostela

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