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    • Day 26

      A Estrada to Santiago (33 km)

      October 3, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The walk was good, I felt good, and so I pushed on to Santiago.

      It’s been years since I felt this good walking into Santiago. Last year, injury; year before, COVID; and several years before that it was just a flat feeling. But today, even though it was a long hot day, and even though I got really messed up coming into the city, when I walked into Obradoiro, I felt like things were soaring—gratitude, happiness to be alive, realizing how lucky I am to be physically able to walk the camino. I sat and watched as hundreds of other pilgrims came into the square, just sat and watched. I didn’t know any of them, yet I think we shared a bond.

      For some crazy reason, I went to the Pilgrim’s office to get my compostela. One more to put in the closet. There’s a new, much more automated system in the office, and I couldn’t help but compare back to my first compostela in 2000. No familiar faces there for the first time in years. Things change.

      This afternoon and evening were for spending time with good friends. And now I’m going to bed. Rest day in Santiago tomorrow.
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    • Day 17


      October 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 61 °F

      I woke up today to thunder, lightening, and pounding rain. Uh oh.
      By the time I packed up to go for the day the rain had stopped, although the wind had picked up a lot! But it felt delicious to be out in just the wind before the rain. It was a short walk today to Santiago so I wasn’t too worried, but I stopped for a coffee about 3 miles in and then it started to pour! I mean, being out in it would actually hurt. There were a bunch of pilgrims in the cafe just waiting for the rain to let up.
      Once it lessened I got going while the going was good. It was supposed to rain all day, but wonder of wonders, the sky began to clear. There were many pilgrims walking in this last little bit before the cathedral. A man whom I had not met struck up a conversation. He was from Germany, (Herbert) and had come by himself as his wife had no interest. He is the father of 4 girls and said he had gotten them through school and out of the house and it was time to do this for himself. He talked about how he had been thinking about his whole life on his walk and had one day walked with another man and they told each other stories about their lives. I got the impression that he had spent his adult life working and raising his family and hadn’t had time until now to do any reflecting. It was fun to listen to him. We decided to finish together.
      As we entered the square of the cathedral we both began to tear up. And as we walked farther in we began to see all of those that we had each been walking with. Even people that had arrived the day before- 2 days before in the case of my Scottish ladies- were in the square- everyone hugging and crying. Martin was there and asked me if I had lost my sunglasses the previous day. I actually didn’t know that I had cuz I had no need of them but sure enough, they were gone. AND one of my water bottles. Martin had picked them both up and carried them hoping we would meet in the square. Really touched! The whole scene was really something. We took many pictures with different combinations of people and decided to go to the 7:30 Pilgrim’s mass together.
      In the meantime I checked into the Parador and went to the Pilgrim’s office to present my Pilgrims passport to get my Compostela. And now I’m an official Camino completer!
      Met my new friends and went into the cathedral. Such a beautiful space. Although I didn’t understand a word spoken by the priest, the whole scene was moving. AND as a bonus they swung the botafumeiro, which is a huge ball of burning incense. They usually only do it on Fridays, so we were really lucky!
      I bailed on going out for dinner, (I mean- it WAS 8:30 plus I was just spent). I’m gonna give it a few days just to reflect on the whole experience before I write anymore.
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    • Day 22

      O Milladoiro

      September 24 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Yesterday, we walked 11 miles from Padrón to O Milladoiro, just outside Santiago de Compostela, intentionally taking time to reflect before heading into Santiago this morning. This journey has been challenging, beautiful, fun, but most of all, deeply spiritual. On my hardest days, I truly believe the Lord was walking beside me, telling me, “we’ve got this.” He’s been with me every step of the way, reminding me that He never leaves.

      This journey doesn’t end in Santiago. Today, I walk with a heart full of gratitude. Every step I take is a testament to the countless blessings I’ve received along the way. Just as my steps can’t be fully counted (no matter what my Apple Watch says 🤪), neither can the blessings that continue to pour into my life. I hope all my friends and family feel the same comfort and peace that I’ve experienced on this Camino.
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    • Day 10

      Santiago de Compostela

      September 3 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We are in Santiago de Compostela…with the other 1000 pilgrims who made it here today. The cathedral is beautiful. And the town is quaint. Wasn’t expecting street performers in the square. We are staying in an old monastery right next to the cathedral. We never saw the shrine to leave your rocks.Read more

    • Day 18


      April 29 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      An 18km uphill trek today, surprisingly perfect conditions, we removed layers as we went. From Padrón we started in brisk sunny air along a river, took a coffee break at 4km then went through back village lanes, almost alleys, but a real insight into the local ways with vines and gardens mixed in with houses and small enterprises. Achieved our 2nd daily stamp at a Marian shrine, then it was into climbing hills through various villages, forests, chooks, goats and home produce gardens. A steep final 4 km with a welcome lunch at Milladoiro. Found our very snazzy 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment just off the Caminho, which made the arduous check-in worthwhile. Now for an ale waiting for a restaurant to open at 8.30. On to Santiago tomorrow, ponchos at the ready.Read more

    • Day 13

      Tag 13 O Pino - Téo

      August 18, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Hallo ihr Lieben,

      Die Vorletzte Strecke steht an und es sind nur noch 35km bis Santiago, aber noch 2 Tage für mich bis ich die Stadt erreiche.
      Heute laufe ich 20km bis nach Téo, die letzte Herberge vor Santiago de Compostela.
      Ich starte bei Dunkelheit und Feuchtigkeit, es geht durch den Wald und ich bin froh nicht alleine zu sein, Juliane ist auch dabei.
      Der Tag verspricht bestes Wanderwetter, also keine Hitze aber auch kein Regen.
      Wir sammeln Justine, eine Polin auf, die gestern Abend mit uns in der Herberge war und bald schon quatsche ich mit ihr über Dies und Das - ich bin immer wieder begeistert, wie schnell man gemeinsame Themen findet und wie dabei die Kilometer und die Zeit verfliegt.
      Der Weg ist abwechslungsreich aber eher urban, zB an der Landstraße entlang, für mich nichts besonderes. Ich freue mich dann wieder über die kleinen Gassen und Waldabschnitte, die aber eher rar sind.
      Gegen Mittag erreichen wir die Herberge und bekommen zielsicher ein Bett.
      Nach der routinierten Dusche, dem Bett beziehen und einrichten sowie der obligatorischen Siesta, siegt der Hunger und wir machen uns auf den Weg zu Essen.
      Ein Stück den Weg zurück kam eine kleine Pilger-Bar mit grandioser Sandwich Auswahl und motivierenden Sprüchen und allerlei hübscher Deko und Kleinigkeiten zB Wasser für Bienen und Wunschbänder von Pilgern am Zaun.
      Gestärkt besorgen wir das Abendessen: Oliven, Chips und Wein - und den obligatorischen gesunden Anteil des Essens, einen Apfel 😜
      Zurück in der Herberge setzen wir uns mit dem Pärchen Lasse und Reema zusammen, die zwei kennen wir auch schon seid ein paar Etappen, mit ihnen verbringen wir einen schönen Abend mit tiefgründigen Gesprächen und viel Lachen und besagtem, zusammengewürfelten Abendessen.

      Fazit des Tages:
      Ich bin ein absoluter Gesellschaftsmensch.

      Post Fazit:
      Ich habe endlich den Streß abgelegt und meinen wirklichen Lauf-Rhythmus gefunden, denn ich bin viel langsamer, aber ausgeglichener als letzte Woche.
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    • Day 16

      Santiago Eve

      October 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

      I can’t believe that tomorrow I will be in Santiago! What an experience this has been.
      Got up early this morning to catch the boat to Pontecessures. It left at 8:30 and when I walked down to the pier at 8:00 it was still pitch black outside. And no coffee shops were even open yet! I guess when you’re eating dinner at 10:00 your day tends to start a little later.
      The boat ride was really beautiful and really fun. We sailed by mussel farms and shrimpers all clustered together, crosses out on little rocky promontories, went through large sections of watery mist where I felt like I was on a ghost ship…Many of the peregrinos that I have met along the way were on board. We took a couple of group pictures. (In the one above we have Sylvia and Natalia- my “A Cantina” girls, Noa from Israel, Martin from Germany, and Joan from Seattle. Her husband Mark was taking the picture). And it occurred to me that this has become a little community. Some whose names I know, (like Vidar from Norway who I met on my first day walking and seems I am constantly crossing paths with- he sings “Jolene” every time he sees me cuz that’s how he remembers my name), some who I have spent time talking to and some that I have just seen around a lot. But there is a familiarity and warmth with each other that is so comforting. Many of them were walking all the way to Santiago today, (that’s almost 30 kms- my feet hurt just thinking about it!) so it’s quite possible I won’t see them again. Others, I will most likely see in the square by the cathedral tomorrow. And we will all celebrate in our own way.
      As for me, I think the duration of this walk has been just about right. Today as I was walking I found myself thinking, “There’s some sheep. I have enough pictures of sheep.”, or “Man, my feet hurt! When am I gonna get there?” The sense of constant wonder and excitement has faded, as it tends to do and that’s my signal to self that I need to take what I learned here and move forward to the next thing.
      That’s NOT to say that I’m not thinking about doing the Camino France, which is twice as long. But if I did that, I would like to have some company at least part of the time, so who wants to go. ?😀. I think I could probably talk Grant into doing a week, but the other three are open…
      But there I go getting ahead of myself! Let’s finish this one before thinking about the next.
      To tomorrow- the end of a wonderful adventure!
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    • Day 20

      Back to our albergue!

      July 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      We wandered the streets for a bit around the cathedral, but we are SO tired! After around 225 miles of walking and often uphill…the legs and feet complain constantly! 🤣 We attended mass at the cathedral, thinking we would sit, but they kept having us stand for long portions! Our Irish friend, McDarra, finished his Camino just about 5 hours after us, so we met up for lunch… and more sitting and watching the many pilgrims arriving! Not long after that we agreed we are lacking energy for sightseeing, so we took a taxi back to our albergue in Milladoiro for a nice evening of R&R.Read more

    • Day 15


      July 6 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wir starten die letzte Etappe nach einem fürstlichen Frühstück, kaufen noch die obligatorischen Orangen und sind 9:00 auf dem Weg. Das Wetter ist perfekt und wir kommen durch kleine Ortschaften, die Landschaft ist schön und es läuft sich gut. Es geht auf und ab, nach 10km zieht der Rucksack und die Füße wünschen sich eine Pause! Es gibt keine Bar, wir laufen die ersten 17 km durch und fallen prompt wieder auf die Caminofalle rein- es ist nicht die letzte Bar aber die Erste- so gibt es wenigstens ein Bier 🍺Read more

    • singklll

      September 27, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Sorry guys that was supposed to say single figures it was first sign post under 10k but it was raining so hard couldn't get to type any thing at the time .. Little did i know the next 10k were some of the hardest of the entire trip so many hills so many people and driving rain but I got there .Read more

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