Sri Lanka
Colombo District

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    • Dag 2–3


      2. januar, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Am Dienstag um 16.30 Uhr Ortszeit, nach 21h Reisezeit und zwei an sich entspannten Flügen, sind wir in Colombo, Hauptstadt von Sri Lanka, angekommen.

      Der Flughafen ist ein Witz, aber gut: kleines Land (die Insel ist etwas kleiner als Bayern) = kleine Hauptstadt (zumindest für asiatische Verhältnisse) = kleiner Airport.
      Die Immigration ging auch bei allen super fix - außer bei Paula, die ihr Visum falsch beantragt hat und mit einem der Grenz-Offiziere ins Hinterzimmer musste. Aber Schwund gibts bekanntlich immer und dafür sind wir ja in ner Gruppe unterwegs.

      Aber nochmal zwei Schritte zurück: wer ist „TukTuk on Tour“ eigentlich?
      Ursprünglich hatten Benedikt und ich die Idee nach unserer letzten Reise, den furchtbaren deutschen Januar auch 2024 in der Sonne zu verbringen - wie wir auf Sri Lanka kamen, kann ich nicht mehr genau rekonstruieren, aber es könnte der Einfall von Paula (Schwester) gewesen sein. Sie war auf jeden Fall so begeistert von der Idee, dass sie sofort zugesagt hat, mitzukommen. Danach haben wir sie auch offiziell gefragt.
      Zu dritt hatten wir die Idee, uns mittels TukTuk fortzubewegen, das hatte ich in einem Reiseblog gelesen und fand die Idee mega! Wer nicht weiß, was ein TukTuk ist, das erkläre ich morgen (@Mama, nicht googeln!).
      Im November haben wir dann tatsächlich noch recht spontan Zuwachs von gleich zwei Enden bekommen: Josie, eine Freundin von Paula und Heidi, Freundin von allen (aufmerksame Leser*innen kennen sie noch aus Ecuador) haben sich beide recht kurzfristig entschlossen, mitzukommen. Insgesamt sind wir also zu fünft!

      Ich hatte uns ein, wie ich dachte, richtig schönes und richtig nahegelegenes Hotel in Colombo rausgesucht, das sich leider als totaler Ober-Flop entpuppte. Ich hab wohl irgendwie den falschen Flughafen bei Booking eingegeben, auf jeden Fall sind wir anstatt meinen geplanten 20 Minuten, eine Stunde und 20 Minuten dorthin gefahren. Da lag zum Teil auch an dem Verkehr, der wie in jeder asiatischen Großstadt komplett gaga ist. Wenigstens gibt es in Sri Lanka Uber, da spart man sich die Touri-Taxipreise am Flughafen.
      Im Hotel („Vila 47“, 17$/pP Nacht) angekommen, war dann niemand da. Und mit niemand meine ich niemand. Kein Gast, keine Rezeption, kein Person - niemand.
      Ich hab denen über die Plattform eine Nachricht geschrieben und dann kam jemand der uns zu unserem Family room gebracht hat. Zugegeben, das Haus ist schon wirklich schön : super offen, verwinkelt, modern, grün - aber so ganz alleine und mittlerweile im Dunkeln haben wir uns schon unwohl gefühlt. Zudem ist alle fünf Minuten die Sicherung für das Stockwerk rausgesprungen und wir saßen ohne Strom da.
      Der Host war auch ein bisschen ZU nett für unsere deutsche Nüchternheit (oder zu dem Zeitpunkt auch Müdigkeit) und hat sich überschlagen mit Angeboten. Das einzige, das wir dankend angekommen haben war, dass er uns gezeigt hat, wo wir in der Gegend etwas zu Essen bekommen.
      Auf das Essen in Sri Lanka hab ich mich insgesamt richtig gefreut bei dieser Reise! Endlich wieder Curry und Gemüse (nach dem Mais-Massaker in Südamerika)! 🙏🏼
      Und es ist auch wirklich alles köstlich! Zwar ganz schön scharf, aber richtig richtig gut!
      Nach einer kurzen halbherzigen Partie „Cabo“ sind wir schlafen gegangen.
      Ich hab echt kein Händchen für Ankommenstage, die sind einfach schwierig und im Bett liegend fragt man sich dann doch, warum man sich das alles nochmal antut…die Antwort kommt morgen :)
      Les mer

    • Dag 42

      tag 42: ins nächste abenteuer

      13. november 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      im flugzeug: schweren herzens gings für mich gestern vom süden nach negombo.
      in der letzten nacht nach 6 wochen wurde ich von einheimischen doch noch dazu überredet, rice and curry mit den händen zu essen. es kam öfters vor, dass wir in lokalen restaurants mit händen essen mussten. doch reis ist nochmal ein anderes level. schlussendlich ist es halb so chaotisch gewesen wie es sich anhört. obwohl ich ihre taktik nicht wirklich verstehe. ich hoffe nur, dass das essen in südostasien weniger scharf ist!

      nach einer nacht nähe des flughafens konnte ich nun heute einchecken und bald steh ich schon auf neuem boden. so viel vorfreude und ungewissheit!

      in singapur: heil angekommen! der flug war i.o. als ich die preise gesehen hab wäre ich fast wieder in ein anderes flugzeug gestiegen und das leitungswasser schmeckt besser als in der schweiz.
      für die busse kann man easy die kreditkarte hinhalten, einfach nicht vergessen beim aussteigen aus zu checken. es fühlt sich an wie eine schweizer stadt, nur 100 mal grösser und moderner.

      ab morgen abend geht die reise zu zweit weiter. katrin wird nun endlich auch mitreisen! juhu🎉

      preisvergleich: in sri lanka zahlte ich für 30 tage 35gb 2000 rupien (≈6chf) hier für 30 tage ist das günstigste 100 gb 50$ (≈35 chf)

      nun freue ich mich riesig auf die weitere zeit.

      (als foto gibts ua sonnenuntergäge und essen, vom reisen selbst habe ich fast keine.)
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    • Dag 71

      D71 Sri Lanka - Colombo Wedding!!

      13. september 2019, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Please note - We did not stay up until the wee hours of the morning writing this particular blog. Sleep seemed like the better option. I hope you enjoy our recollection of the wedding as much as we enjoyed attending.

      All we had been instructed to do was to arrive at the family compound around 5pm to get changed for the ceremony. Yesterday and today’s celebrations we were told were the responsibility of the bride’s family, whereas the next 2 days are being organised by the groom’s family. So while we previously thought we were attending the ritzy formal celebration, we were actually attending the marriage ceremony held at the family home. We didn’t mind at all - in fact, it felt right that way, since we had been invited by the bride’s family in the first place!

      Yesterday, I had tried on the dress that Kareema had organised for me - it was way too long so overnight she had it shortened to accomodate my short stature! It was also quite gapey for my size in the torso but I didn’t dare comment as she had way too much on her plate already! The dress was dark blue in colour and in keeping with the wedding theme, had gold detailing. It was very heavy as it had two layers and came with a shawl, but Kareema did such a great job considering she had never met me before and I was beyond grateful. She also let me borrow a pair of sparkly heeled slippers, and some very ritzy looking gold jewellery. She jokingly told me not to leave without finding her at the end of the night!
      Suwadi had picked out a shirt for Anthony - a nice cotton “gold coloured” material that was to match my dress (Anthony said it was more beige than gold). Paired with a traditional sarong and white cap with a simple trim (symbolising that he was from this village). Ant looked the part and all the other men were huge fans! He was #2 on the VIP list that night, coming in close to the bridal couple!

      What can we say about the night....
      - Right up until after 7pm (when the bride was due to arrive), people were getting changed and arriving to the house in droves, food was being prepared in HUGE quantities outside under cover, fairy lights were being switched on and kids were still running riot (in slightly smarter wear this time!).
      - For 90% of the evening, men and women were seperate into two different areas. The women were positioned in the main common area where the bridal party would be for the night, on chairs and crammed on the floor wherever they found room (and boy did that make for a steamy hot environment)! The men were outside and then in various rooms to eat a communal meal together in groups of 6, either sitting on the floor or at a table. As Ant and myself were visitors, Suwadi had arranged for us to eat with him at a table, as it was a bit complicated for me to eat alongside all the other ladies.
      - Dinner was delicious, again! Tonight we enjoyed a beef biryani with several accompanying dishes, plus Wattalapan for dessert! I have been trying to find this so Ant could try it and it did not disappoint. We were introduced to the kitchen crew earlier, including the head chef who is one of the most popular in the area and has been doing this for over 40 years! We were in absolute awe at the setup - a dozen or more vats holding various curries and pickles, plus others cooking the biryanis that were sealed with a dough to help trap the steam. The cow that had been slaughtered at 1am that morning certainly made its way into everyone’s bellies with ease!
      - The bride’s family colour was pink so when we saw a lady or a man wearing a pink dress or shirt we knew it was a relative of Suwadi and Kareema.
      - This was an arranged marriage by two Tamil Muslim families; the bride was around 18 and the groom was 5 or 6 years older. So the marriage ceremony was the first time that they had laid eyes on one another. For the record, they both looked equally as nervous beforehand, and equally as relieved and happy (albeit tired) afterwards!
      - The bride arrived at the house first and a couple of hours later, the groom and some of his relations joined the festivities. As they walked into the compound all the men were singing various chants and songs which we found incredibly moving.
      - The bride’s family prepare a room for the happy couple to stay in for the remainder of the wedding period; this was upstairs at her parents house (part of an informal dowry) and was complete with two HUGE cupboards (contributed by Suwadi and Kareema) full to the brim with presents. Their contents were donated by various family members and included clothing and shoes, gold jewellery, makeup, bags, towels, toiletries, everything one could desire at that point in time! It was slightly intimidating...
      - They don’t stop eating. The entire time. The dinner was served in waves due to the sheer amount of people eating, but even after the main dinner was eaten, sweets alongside hot tea and coffee was pushed gently into our hands/mouths. A few people laughed at “how little” we eat.
      - This group of people have been some of the nicest, most generous, hospitable and welcoming people that we have had the pleasure of spending time with. They immediately opened their home to us, despite how busy they all were, and continued to go out of their way to talk to us and to introduce us to more people.

      Suwadi’s driver, Dean, drove us back to the Villa just after midnight, where we had to wake up our poor housekeeper to let us in! We did pre warn him, but we did feel slightly guilty...
      What a night - we are still exhausted due to being so switched on the whole time but it was an honour to be part of such an exciting occasion!
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    • Dag 24

      Rumpeldiepumpel durch Sri Lanka

      28. desember 2019, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Nachdem uns nach dem gestrig feurigen Abend das Toilettenpapier ausgegangen war, machten wir uns auf dem Weg Richtung Bahnhof, um mit dem Zug die südlichste Spitze Sri Lankas zu erreichen. Das wir für diese 120km fast den ganzen Tag brauchten, hat keiner von uns gedacht, aber die Realität sah genauso aus😄.

      Da der Expresszug selbst in der 2ten Klasse so überfüllt war, dass nur noch ein Platz auf der Lokomotive zu ergattern gewesen wäre. Als uns dies einfiel setzte sich der Stahlkoloss aber schon schnieffend in Bewegung. Da war er weg unser Zug... Nach einer Stunde warten kam aber der nächste. Ein Bummelzug der auch recht voll war. Wir aber einen Platz an der stets geöffneten Tür ergattern konnten . Nach 2 Mal umsteigen und 6 Stunden später stiegen wir am Zielort Mirisina aus. Hinzuzufügen ist noch das die Zugfahrt entlang am Ozean ging und wir die 6h eher als Sightseeing empfunden, und das auch noch recht günstig, diese abenteuerliche Zugfahrt kam gerade mal 560 Rupie, das sind 2,80€😅
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    • Dag 2


      20. mars, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Arrived at Colombo airport about 11.40pm.last night. Got through to Immigration fairly quickly but they couldn't find any record of our completed online passenger arrival cards so we had to manually fill in another one and join the end of the now lengthy queue. By the time we got some Sri Lankan currency, found our tour guide and other 7 passengers and got on our bus it was almost 1am or 5am Darwin time. Another hour later we had dropped off 5 passengers at their 4 star hotel and the 2 Helens, Ruth and I were at our hotel. Checking in took a little while and eventually they found my name so I signed for the other 3. In spite of Ruth asking if we had 2 beds, there was only 1 (large) bed when we got there so finally swapped with Darwin Helen, had a cold shower and flopped into bed at last. Our room overlooks the ocean, the road and the railway line but thankfully isn't noisy. The trains full of commuters coming into the city kept us amused for a while this morning before we were picked up around 10am for a city tour including "icons, monuments and a temple". We're looking forward to moving on tomorrow.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Last night

      29. desember 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Lovely afternoon on the beach and there was some good sun to be had. As the afternoon developed so did the thunder clouds. Just made it into the resort undercover lounge before the heavens opened. A classic tropical downpour - 30 mins and it was done! Love it! Tuk tuk home (nice guy) and as I had deliberately missed lunch I set out for a Jaffna Restaurant I had been looking forward to. Went for a long walk prior (in the lovely post rain air) and then turned up at the door. Of course it was closed tonight!!. What to do? There is a quite reasonable looking Indian restaurant in my hotel but I saw that as a last resort. A couple of doors away I saw a rice and curry hotel. They call cafe/diners hotels here! Tiny little place with a few tables - it looked clean and the food having a good variety and looking fresh - so I darted in. Well - did I get a treat! I think for all sorts of reasons, this was the meal of the trip and summed up Sri Lanka in a moment. Helpful and interested staff and wonderful wonderful food - $6.50 doesn't even cover what will be a true memory of Colombo.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      2.tag: mittelgrosser kulturschock

      4. oktober 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      laut, wirr, chaotisch und trotzdem funktionierts. der tag begann mit einer gemeingefählichen tuktukfahrt durch die strassen von colombo und endete in einem hostel mit 2 gehminuten vom strand entfernt. dazwischen haben wir kottu probiert und das treiben der hauptstadt beobachtet sowie die ersten wellen der reise gsehen. das wetter ist unberechenbar und regnerisch. morgen gehts gen osten der sonne hinterher.Les mer

    • Dag 26

      Colombo H3 Trail #2331 - Hukandara

      4. november 2019, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Up early in Bangkok, taxi ride to the airport, and off to Sri Lanka. Made it in as scheduled, but was unable to change my return flight, so it will be a short stay. Sri Lanka is a lovely country, arrived on a bright sunny day (although it had been raining quite hard off and on for several days). Was an easy 45 minute transit from the airport to the hotel, checked in and relaxed a bit with a cold Lion Beer. Got in an hour long nap, and dressed for the hash. AINT ZE BUSH had arranged a tuk-tuk to pick me up and deliver me to the hash a half hour away. As it turns out, it was the final trail of a weekend long event that included a Hash Ball, and this trail was the annual joint run where the ladies were invited to run on the men's hash. Excellent pack of over 40 hashers gathered for the 8 Km trail in the Hukandara area. It got very dark towards the end of trail, but we all managed to find our way back to the house, where cold beer and snacks awaited. After cleaning up a bit, we had a rousing circle in the back yard, with a hash bag give-away, and a fully catered dinner. After filling up, and quenching my thirst in ice cold Lion Beer, Bushy again set me up with a taxi back to the hotel for a quick clean up, pack up, and check out of the hotel. Another 45 trek back to the airport for an early 1:15 am flight back to Bangkok. Awesome day, will definitely go back to Sri Lanka again.
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    • Dag 100

      2 Tage in Colombo

      6. desember 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Am Donnerstagmorgen bin ich mit drei anderen Mädels aus dem Hostel in Mount Lavinia in die Innenstadt gefahren. Die drei haben erst einen Yogakurs besucht, was allerdings nicht so mein Ding ist, also habe in der Zeit im Café gelesen. Danach wollten wir zu einem Food Market. Es stellte sich allerdings heraus, dass es eher ein Markt für Kleinkram, Stoffe und aktuell auch für kitschige Weihnachtsdeko ist. Es war auch sehr überfüllt, heiß und laut, eine typische asiatische Großstadt eben . Irgendwann haben wir dann aber einen halbwegs passablen Imbiss an einer Ecke gefunden. Hier habe ich Cheese Kottu probiert, welches ich direkt als eines meiner lokalen Lieblingsspeisen verbucht habe. Kottu besteht im Wesentlichen aus Fladenbrotstreifen (Roti 🫓). Es gibt verschiedene Varianten mit Gemüse, Ei, Fleisch oder eben auch Käse, was das Ganze sehr cremig gemacht hat. Außerdem ist es sehr gut gewürzt und schmeckt irgendwie orientalisch und leicht scharf. Definitiv werde ich das zuhause mal versuchen nachzukochen 😃.

      Leen, auch 25, Belgierin und ich, hatten erstmal genug von der überfüllten Stadt wollten den Nachmittag lieber am Strand verbringen. Dieser war zum Glück nur ein paar Gehminuten vom Hostel entfernt, also sind wir dorthin zurück gefahren, um unsere Badesachen zu holen. Dort trafen wir auf zwei deutsche Mädels, die den gleichen Plan hatten. Bei einem wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang haben wir uns in die hohen Wellen geworfen, was ziemlich lustig war 😃. Nach einer kurzen Dusche waren wir dann auch etwas hungrig und sind mit ein paar Leuten aus dem Hostel noch etwas essen gewesen. Irgendwie war es aber eine kleine Enttäuschung, weil es erst ganz schön lange gedauert hat und dann nicht so ganz die richtige Bestellung ankam. Ich und ein anderes Mädchen hatten etwas Gemüse bestellt, was aber sehr wenig war, sodass wir anschließend noch zusätzlich Reis bestellt haben. Das hat wieder ungewöhnlich lange gedauert, sodass der Rest des Essens kalt wurde. Als der Kellner um die Ecke kam, stellte sich heraus, dass er statt „Rice“ das Wort „Fries“ verstanden hatte (die wir nicht haben wollten und die überhaupt nicht zum Essen passten) 🤦‍♀️. Einen schönen Abend hatten wir trotzdem 😃.
      Außerdem hat Leen sich entschlossen, mich morgen in den Süden nach Weligama zu begleiten, wo wir zusammen surfen gehen wollen 🏄‍♀️.
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    • Dag 73

      D72/73 Sri Lanka - Colombo

      15. september 2019, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      We set off after a late breakfast of mini chippolata style “chicken” snags, extremely salty bacon and a delicious omelette, heading into Cinammon Gardens using our first Uber ride. What a bargain!

      Our first stop was The Good Market, a sustainability focused market attracting local expats. Prices were at a premium, with many attractive nik naks on offer. Children’s clothes, handmade toys, carved coconut wares, and heaps of delicious smelling food. One lady was offering devilled, sugared and natural cashews, as well as some freshly squeezed cashew milk sweetened with a local honey. It was yum, and so refreshing in the heat and extreme humidity of the morning.

      The fort area has some impressive old colonial buildings, a clock tower and a lighthouse. Oddly though, the lighthouse now sits inland. In front of it lies the huge Marina Square development (part of Port City), currently a large vacant piece of land (269ha of reclaimed sea) ready for its luxury high rise condos, marinas and more. Check it out on google maps - it’s similar in nature to the development in places like Dubai.

      Wandering through the fort area, we saw this huge tall brass chandelier inside the historic Central Point building, dropping five levels through its central staircase shaft. It was super impressive, and said to be the largest in south east asia. A strong coffee at Java Lounge (advertised as using Starbucks coffee beans), a visit to the local tourist hot spot trinket souvenir stores, and a viewing of the candy cane looking Red Mosque, we jumped into another tuk tuk to Galle Face Green.

      Arriving to what is more like Galle Face Dusty-Brown-with-patches-of-Green, the sight that welcomed us took us back to the balloons in Cappadocia. Although instead of balloons, kites of all shapes, sizes and colours bobbed around in the sea strewn winds. Below the kites, hundreds of locals wandered amongst vendors selling snacks, inflatable toys, kites and other associated paraphernalia. The sun was hiding behind the clouds after the tropical downpour earlier in the day, and the heavy ocean waves rolled up to the stone retaining wall. The clouds slowly turning shades of pastel orange, and the buzz of everything happening around us made us feel further from home than we’d felt this whole trip.

      And then, after a magical day of emergence into the city like locals, we were rapidly reminded of our tourist status...

      We selected Nana Chef’s Halal snack food stall for dinner as there were quite a few other patrons, and were ushered to our seats overlooking the sun as it set into the Laccadive Sea. The waiter showed us one by one what was on offer, all neatly displayed behind glass. We were instantly swooped up in the excitement of our seaside barbecue.

      The food arrived and albeit minimalist, and the beef skewers needing further evolution of my jaw and inscisors, it was tasty. We washed our hands and cleansed the prawn smell with a squeeze of lime, then asked for the bill. On presentation, I nearly fell over. It was the equivalent of about $30aud, which is 5 star accomodation prices. I was so shocked and still riding the wave of our meal by sunset, that we paid quickly and began to leave. A minute up the promenade and I was fuming and a local passer by knew it - ‘I think he just ripped you off no? I heard the bill was more than 3000 rupees.’ He said.
      I replied, ‘you think so? What would it normally cost?’ To which he responded with half the amount at most. I was reeling. Not at the cost, but at being taken advantage of. After a few expletives I decided to confront the business. I turned around, and made a beeline for the waiter.

      ‘Could I see the bill again? It was very expensive..’ I said trying to be diplomatic. He said he’d thrown the bill out already and with that, begun scribbling on his notepad, stopping half way through to say ‘you want a discount?’
      ‘Yeh I want a discount, it was too expensive and not right, we have never paid this much’, to which he responded as he fumbled over small rupee notes, ‘ah tourist prices you know, it’s must.’ And I said ‘nah it’s not, more of a discount’ as he slid me an additional yet tokenistic 100 rupee note. We were able to reduce the bill by a fifth, but hardly enough considering my sudden dissatisfaction with the meagre meal.

      We walked away, with some reprise knowing that we’d done our best to keep the system as honest as it can be. My next move will be a scathing google review. As we approached the line of tuk tuks, we debated whether or not we should just grab another Uber home, something we’d only discovered existed here this morning. Instead we opted for a tuk tuk with meter as it’s usually about the same price.

      Approaching the first tuk tuk in line, and telling him we wanted to go to Malabe (it’s about 30 mins from town), he appeared uninterested, to which another guy appeared and said ‘no problem sir, follow me’. We turned around, started to follow towards his tuk tuk when all of a sudden the first guy ran after us - they just erupted at each other and we found ourselves in the middle of a heated tuk tuk driver argument. The originally disinterested driver agreed to our destination, so we walked towards his tuk tuk as they continued berating one another. It was rather intense and we very nearly began to walk away altogether.

      Once in the tuk tuk, we started off. Two minutes in and the driver started saying something about ‘petrol’ and ‘5 minutes’. We said ok, and he swung the tuk tuk around the wrong corner (we always track everything with our own phones - thanks google). Two minutes up the road and at the moment me saying ‘wrong way!’ we pulled into what looked like a pawn shop with mountains of jewellery inside, and a line of tuk tuks out front. ‘Ah’ I thought, he’d taken us to a place where he would gain commission from any purchases we make, offsetting the cost of his return from our distant accomodation. A stern ‘no thanks’ and we were back on track, arriving tired and emotionally worn out from our few hours of emergence in Colombo’s tourist money wangling environment.

      The following day, we stuck to Uber’s, travelling only to the department store Odel and the new shopping mall so very creatively named Colombo City Centre. We were on a hunt for a carry on piece of luggage to haul our increasing pile of goodies that we’ve collected along our travels. After some googling, we decided to continue with the haul of plastic bags given the excessive price that they were asking for old stock, that can be purchased in Aus for up to 75% off. Arriving back to our friend Rennie (who has looked after us so well with our British style breakfasts at Villa Jasmine Breeze), we waited for Suwadi’s driver to arrive (Dean), who then drove us some 4 hours to Habanara. Expecting them to turn back around and head into the darkness with wild elephants risking traffic on the toad, they decided to stay the night at the hotel and join us for breakfast before returning home. We are eternally grateful for Suwadi and his community’s generosity over the past few days.
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