Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut District

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut District
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    • Hari 39

      …And the Flag is a Big Plus 🇨🇭😉

      18 Agustus 2023, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After a brief stop in Lyon to break up the long journey, I cross into Geneva. From Geneva I catch a train to Montreux and almost as soon as we pull out of the station i’m entranced. The route takes us along lake Geneva and with the blue sky and crystal clear waters, it’s stunning.

      From Montreaux, I catch the train to Zweiswimmen - a famous route known as the Golden Pass. I stand on the platform in Montreaux as the train pulls in and modern carriages with huge panoramic windows pass me by. I hold my nerve as tourists make a beeline to the front. Thanks to a friend I have insider knowledge and so I wait as the tail end of the train finally pulls into the station. The carriages are older but they’re quiet and most importantly, the windows open, allowing me to shoot photos without the reflections that have become my pet peeve on the train journeys I’ve taken so far. I spend much of the next few hours running from side to side of the carriage, and sticking my head out of the window, the new Hozier album in on the go, as happy as Larry, (and doing an excellent impression of a golden retriever). Everywhere I look there’s towering mountains and rolling hills. I think Switzerland might just be one of the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen
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    • Hari 18


      16 Oktober 2023, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Exploring the Lake Geneva Shoreline with Richie

      Took the train around to Montreaux (same montreaux as "smoke on the water"). Took a cable train up to Roche's de Naye, at 2000m elevation could see everything, including Switzerland's 3 biggest mountains (though they looked tiny from a distance). Had a walk along the water edge in Montreaux and visited the Freddie Mercury statue and Queen Museum.

      Fun fact of the day: in the Alps there are heaps of empty shacks for hikers to stay in if they are stuck in the wilderness overnight.
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    • Hari 9

      Frank, Freddie and Travellers Cheques

      22 September 2023, Swiss ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      For years, ever since the children were old enough to find me annoying, there has been a young family tradition. To be fair it is my tradition and no-one else is overly impressed. On the day before any holiday ended, I would at some point start to sing the opening lines of Frank Sinatra's New York New York. "Start spreading the news, we're leaving to...morrow". Guaranteed to get a chorus of "Oh dad!", normally by the end of the 4th word. So today is that day and traditions must be upheld. But I will choose to uphold them silently, otherwise I may suffer actual bodily harm. I have been Jackie's sole companion for the last 9 days and even I accept that one can have too much of a good thing.

      Last night, despite warnings of an imminent heavy thunderstorm, we decided to travel to Vevey for dinner. It was a straightforward journey, 5 min by bus, 6 min by train, then a 7 minute walk. Leaving the restaurant, the heavens opened and the rain started to bounce off the pavement. We hopped, skipped and jumped between what cover we could find on the way back to the station, but by the time we got there we were soaked through. No matter, life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning how to dance in the rain. And we did.

      This morning, we walked along the lakeside through Montreux, past numerous art installations, including the famous statue of Freddie Mercury. As a science graduate with a logical brain, I struggle with visual art in much the same way as I do when wine connoisseurs describe the bouquet of a fine wine. Take for example the sculpture in the photo. Whilst I see numerous vertical poles ending in metal figures, not unlike those we have found in toilet signage, the artist visualises "the trickle of ink paint in space, a tension between sculpture and painting. Through this work, I suspend time between 2 states, the flow of paint and the ascent of the sculptural form". Aye right then.

      After we had walked our fill of art, we returned via the Queen Studio Experience, a museum set in the Montreux's Casino Barrière, which previously housed the legendary Mountain Studios, the recording studios used by artists such as David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Yes. The studio was at one time owned by Queen, who recorded 6 albums there between 1978 and 1995. The Cassino is probably best known for burning down during a Frank Zappa concert in 1971, when a fan with a flare gun got a bit excited and set fire to the wooden roof. Deep Purple were also recording in Montreux at the time and seeing the smoke from the fire billowing across Lake Geneva were inspired to compose "Smoke on the Water".

      Afternoon coffee was accompanied by a delicious pastry with fresh, glazed raspberries but tested our cashless society approach to this holiday to the limit, when the café's card reader couldn't get a signal. As we had already eaten our fill, I considered it to be more their problem than mine and after a telephone discussion with IT support and switching the reader off then on again, everything turned out fine. It is perhaps one of the few positive legacies of the COVID pandemic that cash has lost its crown. It is certainly a far cry from travellers cheques and queuing at the post office for currency.

      For our final treat of the day, we took the Funicular up Mt. Pèlerin. At 3,540 feet above sea level it is easily into the mountain classification, but with the summit covered in trees rather than snow and with Lake Geneva already at over 1200 feet, it looks more like a tall hill than a mountain. There are clusters of houses all way up the slope and the car soon filled with the excited shouts of school children returning home. The views of Lake Geneva and the towns of Montreux and Vevey below, with the backdrop of the French Alps across the water, were spectacular and we spent a lovely half hour sitting in the sun drinking it all in (the view - no wine involved).
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    • Hari 56

      Day 54 - Lausanne to Vevey

      12 Juni 2023, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Another warm sunny day and plenty of good walking. The day started with lakeside walking and evolved into 'above lake' walking through vineyards (white wine, I believe). I met heaps of people today: a lovely lady who has done the camino in Spain (she took the photo of me); a woman, originally from Canada, who's mum's came from Brisbane, and has lived in Switzerland since she was 15; and a really lovely couple from British Columbia, Kim and Crag (could be Craig, but pronounced "Crag"), who are dipping in and out of the VF. Again, it's very hard to select the photos as I have taken loads today, and there was so much beauty and so much to be in wonder of. I feel strong today. Yes, the mountains are intimidating, but after a pep talk from my daughter last night, I'm feeling strong and capable again. I'm tired, of course - walking all of today and most of yesterday on sealed surfaces has made my feet burn, but I'm not so sure now that the mountains will defeat me. Oh, and I had a small heart attack this afternoon as both of my credit cards were declined!!!!!! It appears that it was the machine at the hotel, as I was able to withdraw cash to pay, but I may have paid $156.00 up to 6 times - with all the failed attempts!!!! Oh, and I wasn't exaggerating about the midges/gnats, I managed to take a photo of a swarm as I set off this morning.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 7

      Petite étape en Suisse

      23 Juni 2020, Swiss ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Après avoir passé 1 nuit à Chambéry nous voilà partis pour la Suisse !!! Nous avons fait bonne route et nous sommes arrivés chez Émilie, Nicolas Augustine et Léopold !!!
      Nous avons fait une petite rand'eau comme s'appelait la randonnée. J'ai appris que le lac Léman en celte veut dire le "lac grande eau".
      Nous nous sommes aussi baignés dans le lac. J'ai eu un petit peu peur des silures géants, mais papa et maman m'ont dit que ces gros monstres qui peuvent faire 3 m 20 de long ne vivent qu'au milieu du lac.
      Je vous écris depuis la voiture . Direction la Toscane !!!
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    • Hari 5

      Suisse 🇨🇭

      16 Juni 2023, Swiss ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Bon bon bon… Pas de forfait en Suisse donc je fais le post des deux derniers jours ! ( tellement pas d’internet que Callista a eu 45€ d’hors forfait sans le faire exprès…) Donc on est arrivés hier midi à Genève et on ne s’est pas éternisés car c’était pas vraiment ce qui nous plaisait le plus d’être en ville, donc on s’est carapatés vers ailleurs en longeant le lac Leman, on est passés par Lausanne ( petite balade au bord du lac où on a vu des plages magnifiques) puis on a trouvé un tout petit camping perché au dessus de Lausanne mais complètement dans la campagne, entouré de forêts ! Et on a donc fait étape au camping du portillon pour la nuit ou la vue était à couper le souffle !
      Après une bonne nuit on a décidé d’aller visiter Bulle puis Gruyères sur les conseils de Lu et c’était vraiment super beau ( en plus c’est la ville ou le Gruyère est né !) on s’est donc arrêté dans un petit resto pour prendre un café, resto avec une vue incroyable ( tous les paysages sont vraiment fous en général ) même si j’ai payé le café le plus cher de toute ma vie ( 5€20) mais qui était servi avec une petite mousse sucrée au Gruyère donc ça va j’ai pas fait de scandale… Puis pour passer la nuit on est actuellement dans le camping de Chateau-d’Oex qui est complètement entouré de montagne avec une immense piscine ( puis comme c’est Juin le camping est vraiment pas rempli c’est très agréable ). Et donc on s’apprête à manger avant d’aller tester la night life Suisse ( vu l’endroit on s’attend pas à grand chose) ou au moins aller visiter de nuit la petite ville ! Bisous 😘
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    • Hari 22

      Rochers de Naye 2045 m

      5 Agustus 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      D humeur "cabrette", Catherine et moi sommes lancés à l'assaut des Rochers de Naye, 2045 m. Le train à crémaillère nous y conduit en 50 minutes à partir de la gare de Montreux. Vertigineux dénivelés !
      Nous voilà à pieds progressant sur une crête rocheuse avec corbeaux et .... touristes. Les ⛅️ ont permis quelques extraordinaires panoramas avec un choc de température entre lac et sommet, avec son aspect minéral attirant mais aussi nous sommes contents de redescendre !
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    • Hari 26

      Golden Pass scenic train ride

      21 Oktober 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      Really glad I took this scenic route with the panoramic trains. So much pretty scenery, I hardly knew where to look 😂 Sorry for the window glare in some of them -- it's hard getting good pics on a train. Got a few decent shots, though :)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2

      1.Etappe-Vevey-Campingplatz Maladaire

      2 Juli 2023, Swiss ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Die erste Etappe war länger als geplant, spontan musste ich nochmal ne Stunde länger laufen, und ein "Zelt" improvisieren... Ergebnis ist eine offene Blase und müde Beine, schließlich waren es ca 26km und 500hm hoch oben in den Weinbergen. Aber wunderschön! Leider habe ich erst um 15:30 Uhr zu Mittag gegessen.
      Meine Gedanken kreisten um die Frage, was ich alles abgeben kann, damit der Rucksack leichter wird. Gebadet hab ich auch unterwegs, kurz vorher hat mich ein Mitt-50er angequatscht, den ich abwimmeln musste.
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    • Hari 8

      Fallen Trees and an Australian Cobberdog

      21 September 2023, Swiss ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      For today's journey to Montreux, we chose to travel first class on the GoldenPass Express which runs from the heart of the Swiss Alps to Lake Geneva, following an old trading route that has been used since the Middle Ages. The entire train has an elegant and beautiful design with large windows that allow you to fully appreciate the view. Thanks to a complex gauge changing system that my brother Alastair will be only too happy to explain, you can complete the journey without the need to change train, despite the route involving different track widths. We were served a lunch of antipasti and wine, which we tried and failed to leave untouched until after 12 noon.

      One of the catering staff, having conversed with the Canadian couple across the aisle, first in French then in a Swiss-accented English, turned to us and in the broadest Glasgow accent asked "Are you guys Scottish" She told us she grew up between Glasgow and Edinburgh and has a Scottish Mother and Swiss father. The longer we chatted the stronger her Scottish accent was let loose. We established she was from Coatbridge and her aunt works in Wishaw General. Small world.

      The journey to Zweisimmen was nice but not as Heidi-esque as I had anticipated - or perhaps we have now grown accustomed to the beauty around us. There was a longish wait at Zweisimmen while the train silently switched to the narrow gauge and after this point we began to climb back into the mountains and Heidi-ville returned as we passed through green valleys full of traditional wooden chalets.

      Taking photos from a moving train is very hit and miss. There are reflections from the windows to contend with and the slight delay between the decision and the actual capture almost invariably means a tree or a pylon will be in the middle of the shot. But the scene is too pretty not to try and perhaps if you try enough times you will get that one picture that captures the essence of the scene and will stir the memories for years to come.

      I felt the need to visit the toilet on the train just to fully appreciate the full five star experience. Picture a toilet on the Glasgow to Edinburgh train at any time of the day and then try to imagine something as far away from that as possible. When I had finished and washed my hands (yes I am one of the 53% of males who do), I was immediately greeted by a loud bing-bong. However, rather than offering congratulations for a job well done, it was the start of a train announcement for the next stop.

      Sadly the last section of the line was closed by fallen trees that took out the power grid, so we missed the steep, winding descent through the vineyards into Montreux. We transferred onto a waiting replacement bus service at Montbovon to complete the journey by road. We were already aware of this as the train company had informed us by email the evening before and arranged to refund our seat reservation fees (about 20% of the overall price) as compensation. We are not in Kansas now Dorothy.

      We were met at the station by Maria's sister Becky, as she and her family live in Montreux. She very kindly took us to her house for tea and cake (my reputation for cake precedes me) and introduced us to Sidney, their adorable Australian Cobberdog. It was great to catch up with Becky and her family as we haven't seen them since Grahame and Maria's wedding in 2019. We were also grateful for the lift to the hotel, where we are now sitting with a nice glass of wine.
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