Ban Nai Yang

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    • Dag 2

      Angekommen in Phuket 🛬

      21. marts 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Nach 20 Stunden sind wir glücklich und erschöpft in Phuket angekommen ☺️ Erschlagen von der Hitze, der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit und den vielen neuen Eindrücken (Kakerlaken auf den Straßen 🪳, Fischen am Straßenrand 🐟 und einem unfassbar leckeren Abendessen unter einem Mangobaum 🥭) fallen wir glücklich in unser Bett 😴Læs mere

    • Dag 29

      Ein Tag auf Phuket

      27. november 2022, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Wir hatten eine kurze Nacht, denn der Wecker klingelte um 4 Uhr morgens. Wir mussten zum Flughafen fahren, um unseren Flug nach Phuket um 6:25 Uhr zu bekommen.
      Als wir am Check-in ankamen, wurde uns gesagt, dass unser Gepäck zu viel Gewicht hat. Nur 15 kg waren erlaubt! Das heißt, wir mussten umpacken, denn 4 Handgepäckstücke sind erlaubt, versteht wer will... trotzdem musste ich (Tanja) für 2 Kilo extra bezahlen.
      Wir sahen ein bisschen aus wie Zigeuner, mit all unseren Sachen (einschließlich eines Reises). Bei der Sicherheitskontrolle musste Nynke alles auspacken, wieder hektische Zeiten am Flughafen.
      Der Flug ging schnell vorbei und wir kamen um 9 Uhr in unserem Hotel "Tambon Sa Khu" an. Dort erhielt Nynke eine Nachricht von unserem Airbnb in Chiang Mai, dass sie etwas unter dem Kopfkissen vergessen hatte (für sie sehr wichtig!). Der Hotelangestellte war sehr hilfsbereit und rief viele Leute an, damit es zu unserem nächsten Airbnb geschickt werden konnte. Unser Zimmer war noch nicht frei, also stellten wir unser Gepäck ab und gingen zum Strand, um bei "Bread and Butter" zu frühstücken (gut, aber teuer). Danach sind wir ein Stück am Strand entlang zum "plane spotting point" gelaufen, wo die startenden Flugzeuge direkt über dem Kopf Richtung Meer fliegen, ziemlich beeindruckend. Es war so heiß in der Sonne, dass wir nicht lange geblieben sind. Auf dem Rückweg gönnten wir uns ein kaltes Getränk, bevor wir zum Hotel fuhren, um endlich einzuchecken. Als wir dort ankamen, sagte uns der hilfsbereite Hotelangestellte, dass unser Airbnb für morgen geschlossen sei! Nach einigen weiteren Anrufen, der Hilfe von Google Translate und etwas Schweiß haben wir die gute Nachricht, dass wir morgen nach Phang Nga kommen können! Hoffentlich klappt alles.
      Nachdem wir uns etwas ausgeruht hatten, gingen wir zum Abendessen in ein japanisches Buffet-Restaurant. Wir waren die einzigen Gäste und die 3 Kellnerinnen beobachteten uns ständig. Die Menükarte könnte nicht größer sein und sie vermissten eine Bestellung von Nynke, aber natürlich konnten sie kein Englisch. Die Kellnerinnen hatten eine kleine Diskussion und gaben etwas Rabatt. Es war gut, aber sie hätten uns fast rausgeschmissen, weil sie um 21 Uhr schließen. Willkommen in der Welt der Freundlichkeit!
      Morgen früh werden wir bereits Phuket (bekannt für Strand und Party) verlassen und nach Phang Nga fahren, einem der Highlights Thailands.
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    • Dag 20

      Reiseabbruch Dank Corona

      17. marts 2020, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern auf Grund der Meldungen bzw. der Lage in Europa sehr teuer von Freitag auf heute umbuchten, sitzen wir nun am Airport in Phuket und warten auf unseren Rückflug nach Europa über Doha. Wenn alles gut geht werden wir morgen Mittwoch gegen 21:00 zuhause sein.Læs mere

    • Dag 14

      Auf nach Phuket

      12. december 2019, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute Morgen noch mal warm geduscht und dann in saubere Klamotten. Die haben meine Jeans wieder tip top sauber bekommen - sehr gut . Dann den Rucksackll Flugfertig gemacht (Alle Flüssigkeiten und Sachen, die ich während des Flugs für den Flug brauche an leicht erreichbare Stellen geräumt).

      Ich sollte wieder den öffentlichen Linien-Bus nehmen, mit dem ich bereits von Flughafen nach Chiang Mai angereist war. Diesmal musste ich dazu aber erst m herausfinden, wo der eigentlich hält. Dabei bin ich auf eine App gestossen, die nicht nur alle Routen und Haltestellen anzeigt sondern sogar wo sich die Busse gerade befinden. Wenn man dann auf einen draufklickt sieht man auch die Busnummer, das Kennzeichen und ein Foto vom Fahrer. Wow.

      Gestern habe ich abends ein bisschen FOX News gesehen und in Mexico City gibt es wohl Probleme, dass Triebtäter sich alte Taxis besorgen und dann junge Frauen hineinlocken. Deswegen wurde dort so etwas ähnliches entwickelt. Wenn ein Taxi nicht in der App auftaucht ist es kein gemeldeter Fahrer und man sollte nicht einsteigen. Das selbe will man hier wohl mit den Fahrerfotos erreichen. Die Echtzeitpositionsverfolgung der Busse ist aber auch sehr nützlich, da die Busse nicht nach Fahrplan ankommen sondern irgendwann. So kann man sehen, wie weit der nächste Bus noch entfernt ist.

      Wenn der Bus dann heranfährt sollte man ihm winken um sicherzustellen, dass er versteht, dass man einsteigen möchte. Die Busfahrer sind nicht gewohnt, dass Touristen überhaupt von dem Bus wissen und so fahren Sie auch mal an einem vorbei. Wichtig ist dabei, das man nicht mit nach oben gestrecktem Arm und Hand winkt, das bedeutet nämlich, dass man nicht interessiert ist. Stattdessen streckt man den Arm locker Waagerecht aus und macht eine Wellen- bzw. Tätschelbewegung mit der Hand. Dann druckt man dem Fahrer 20 Baht (0,66€) in die Hand und fährt soweit man will.

      In Bangkok angekommen habe ich einiges an Zeit zum umsteigen. Allerdings funktionierte das ejnfache Umsteigen nicht. Ich musste durch die Arrivals aus dem Sicherheitsbereich heraus und dann ganz normal bei den Departures durch die Sicherheitskontrollen rein. Dabei stiess ich am Rand des Flughafens aber auch auf einen Food-Court. Das ist ein Bereich in dem viele kleinere Essenstände sind. Das hatte ich in Bangkok schon öfter gesehen aber wusste nicht wie es funktioniert. Jetzt hatte ich ja etwas Zeit und es ist eigentlich simpel: Am Eingang des Food-Courts gibt es eine Kasse. Da kann man Wertmarken kaufen (zu 10 und 5 Baht) mit denen man dann an den Ständen bezahlen kann. Ich holte mir also für 100 Baht Marken und ass ein paar Nudeln mit Ente. Einfach aber nicht schlecht. Da ich dann noch 40 Baht Marken übrig hatte bestellte ich noch ein "Salim in Cocunut Milk" als Dessert ohne eine Ahnung was das genau war. Es schien ein großer Ball aus gefrorenem Wasser zu sein, über den ein süßer karamellartiger Sirup gegossen wurde. Diesen Sirup nahm der Ball komplett auf. Der Ball lag in einer Schüssel mit Kokosnussmilch sowie grün und pink gefärbten Glasnudeln. Ein seltsamea Dessert.

      Die eine 5 Baht Wertmarke könnte ich an der Kasse dann wieder gegen Baht tauschen. Insgesamt eine sehr günstige Möglichkeit, am Don Mueng Flughafen in Bangkok zu essen.

      Als nächstes ich dann in Phuket ankam dämmerte es bereits langsam. Das Hostel war nur 10 Fußminuten vom Flughafen entfernt. Man zeigte mir kurz mein Zimmer und ich wechselte in etwas sommerliche Kleidung. Ich trug noch meine Kleidung für den Kühlen Norden. Dann gönnte ich mir im Hostel ein schnelles Bier und ging zu Strand. Auch wenn es schon dunkel war, wollte ich heute wenigstens noch mal das Meeresrauschen hören. Dort wollte ich dann auch mal nach ein paar Touren bzw Ausflügen schauen und musste feststellen dass alles in Phuket unheimlich teuer ist. Die Insel ist auch unheimlich groß zu nd alles ist total verteilt. Ohne Gefährt ist man hier auf die teueren Tacis angewiesen, da es nur einen Bus gibt der nur einen kleinen Teil der Insel befährt.

      Jetzt überlege ich morgen mit einer Fähre auf die viel kleinere Insel Ko Phi Phi Don zu fahren und da erst mal zu bleiben, die Strände zu geniessen und ein wenig auf eigene Faust zu schnorcheln. Dort kann ich auch zu Fuš viel besser alles erkunden.

      Das bedeutet aber, dass ich morgen früh mit dem Bus in den Süden von Phuket fahren muss dann mit einem Taxi zum Hafen und dann mit der Fähre zur Insel. Ganz schön umständlich.
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    • Day 56 - Earned Our Plane Spotter Badges

      3. februar 2022, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We both slept for in excess of 10 hours. I had dreams of grilled teriyaki chicken, what a pervert!

      For the next two to three hours we sat on our balcony drinking instant coffee in minimal attire dealing with the constant stream of emails requesting details of everything about me short of my inside leg measurements, blogging & generally WhatsApp’ing.

      It is a good time to mention that I asked for more coffee sachets at reception & a lady came down with a tray of coffee & creamers & a more bottles of water. What do you have to moan about Jackie? She walked into the glass window, it didn’t have enough warning stickers on it & apparently the shower was not quite too her preferred temperature!

      We completed both our Passenger Locator Forms which are required at check-in to allow us to board the aircraft back to London. We have had to pre-book an LFT test to complete within 48 hours of landing in the UK for £12 each to allow us to complete the PLF. Up until very recently we needed to take a negative LFT test here in Thailand just 24 hours before boarding the aircraft, but thanks to good old Boris we have to do nothing of the sort this end. Or so we hope!

      Around 12.30pm, we followed my dreams & went back to Naiyang Café for egg noodles with teriyaki grilled chicken & Jackie ordered a Pad Thai with shrimp. Jackie had a ‘recommended’ date iced latte coffee & I had a date coffee shake. It was all fabulous & we made the decision that we had to return again tonight. It is just too good!

      After our lunch, we headed to Nai Yang Beach, which is part of Sirinat National Park & hence required another entrance fee of 200 Baht per person. Eight weeks ago, we refused to pay the entrance fee, but I had regretted it ever since & today we were prepared to pay the fee just to go plane spotting.

      When we approached the entrance to Sirinat National Park, the lady collecting the money told us how much it would be, but suggested two alternative options. We could either come back at 5pm when there was no one on the gate or take an alternative route that she described to us that would get us to beach without having to pay the entrance fee.

      Bless her, we took the latter option & saved ourselves a tenner. We walked along the attractive beach until we found the other anoraks (mainly in bikinis & shorts) under the flight path of the incoming flights to Phuket International Airport. We spent a couple of hours on the beach waiting, photographing & videoing the incoming aircraft as they flew low over our heads on their approach. We also stood behind the aircraft as they revved up on the runway before taking off. Jackie absolutely loved it.

      We were stupidly dehydrated when we left the beach having forgotten to take any fluids with us. We took a pit stop back at our hotel, by drinking litres of water, then we headed out in search of beer. Our first stop was Heng Heng Heng, which we were due to return to following our visit the previous day. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any cold Chang & we had a lukewarm beer watered down by ice.

      It wasn’t ideal, so we took a walk & stopped at our very first restaurant ‘Where It Began’, on this trip. We sat & supped several cold beers, whilst watching the world go by on another busy street.

      Finally satiated, we headed home via 7-11 for provisions for breakfast, the airport & the flight home. Back on our balcony, I got myself a head start on the penultimate blog, whilst sipping Hong Thongs & coke. Time passed us by, because it was 7.45pm, when we realised the time & we needed to get back out to eat.

      We rushed back to Naiyang Café AGAIN for our final Thai meal. I ordered Chicken and cashew nuts, whilst Jackie, who was slightly pissed, but will never admit it, ordered just a spicy chicken salad. I ordered a plain soda water, whilst Jackie ordered a fancy one. The so reasonably priced dinner was yet again fantastic & it is possibly the consistently best quality food that either of us have ever eaten. The Muslim ladies were also delightful, they couldn’t have been politer & more eager to please……… a culinary way!

      I’m going to write to the Michelin Guide with my recommendation that the Naiyang Café be awarded stars. That should sway it!!

      After dinner, I dragged Jackie to a pancake stall on the main road & bought a banana pancake for just 20 Baht, about 45 pence. I took it back to our room to eat with a Hong Thong nightcap.

      Song of the Day: Blogging by Wire.
      Incoming by Something Happens!
      Low Flying by Mazzy Star.
      Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond (Slightly tenuous!).
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    • Day 55 - Sunrise over Koh Samui

      2. februar 2022, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      We were awoken by a cacophony of alarm clocks all going off at 3am. Having showered, dressed & fully packed, we noisily trundled through the sleeping resort at 3.50am to find our taxi driver waiting for us outside reception.

      The taxi ride took 30 minutes back to Thong Sala, where we collected our ferry & bus tickets, then boarded the ferry. We sat outside at the back to witness our 1st sunrise of the trip. At 5am sharp, we pulled out of the port for the 36 mile 1st leg of our long journey home.

      As we passed Koh Samui, the sun started to rise providing us quite a dramatic red sky with angry black clouds over the island. Apparently the weather was due to change & rain was forecast for the next few days. We were getting out just in time!

      Once daylight was upon us, we decided to move inside to the comfy seats & it was then that we discovered that our luggage & feet were filthy. We had been standing in soot deposits from the funnels. Everything was black & so began a clean up operation using wet wipes.

      We arrived at Don Sak Pier at 7.20am without the slightest sniff of a Pink Dolphin.
      We then boarded a minibus to take us to their bus station, where we transferred to another minibus to take us the next 68 miles to Surat Thani.

      This journey ended at a travel office, where we had to wait just 10 minutes for the Phuket bus to arrive. We spent the next 5 and a half hours & 142 miles on the bus before we were dropped off at a taxi rank near to Phuket International Airport.

      The bus ride was a very pleasant experience. Jackie & I had a double seat each & the route on Highway 401 took us through the mountainous jungle of Khao Sok National Park to Takua Pa Bus Terminal where we stopped for a 15 minute break.

      Now Takua Pa Bus Terminal was where I nearly had a toilet disaster last time, but no such problems this time. However, Jackie took it upon herself to visit the 7-11 & returned with our breakfast/lunchtime snacks. She gave me my snack which she thought was a pineapple pastry, but was in fact a corn pastry as clearly written on the wrapper. It was too late to change it so I took a bite of what was sweetcorn in custard in pastry. Disgusting & totally inedible!

      Jackie had bought herself a double pocket sandwich, but she had picked up a crab stick sandwich doubled up with a pulled pork sandwich which she doesn’t like. Jackie tried to placate me her unwanted pulled pork sandwich, which when I sniffed it had a hint of crab. No thanks.

      Now hungry, the bus continued down the Andaman Sea coast road via Khok Kloi to Phuket where upon entry we were stopped & two surly police officers boarded the bus & demanded to see everyone’s documents. We had to provide our passports & proof of our vaccinations. (The Anti-Vaxxers won’t be holidaying in Thailand anytime soon!) Three Thai people were also escorted off the bus & didn’t return.

      At the taxi rank, a lone taxi driver agreed to take us & 2 lads to our respective destinations for just 100 Baht each. We dropped off one lad off at a shitty little hotel, the 2nd at an empty International Departures, then he dropped us off at our new hotel, Himaphan Boutique Resort.

      Jackie was immediately on the lookout for things to complain about because I had overruled her & booked this hotel. It was considerably cheaper than the one she wanted to stay in that we had stayed in when we first landed in Thailand on this trip.

      Here we go with her complaints :-
      Firstly, the receptionist didn’t speak very good English.
      Secondly, we were the last room at the back of the resort. It was a long walk, NOT how lovely & secluded it was!
      Thirdly, the internet is rubbish. It was a bit, but I went back to reception & he rebooted the internet for us & it is fine now.
      Fourthly, the aircon is not cold enough. FFS, give it time to do it’s job.
      Fifthly, some of the other guests seem a bit scummy, which is what you get if you go too cheap. She had seen just one fat bloke with lots of tattoos. Ok that’s enough now!

      The 53 metre square room is actually very very nice, well furnished, a large comfy bed & fully glazed on two sides with sliding doors & a balcony overlooking attractive gardens. We also have complimentary tea, coffee, bottles of water & a lift to the airport, all for just £29 a night. Say no more!

      After ending the discussion on the pros & cons of the new hotel, we headed out for a beer & a much needed snack. We found Cafe 32120, a quirky little place where we enjoyed a couple of small Changs each & shared a plate of vegetable spring rolls. We then found a little Thai restaurant that seemed very popular with the locals, so we had another couple of beers & marvelled at how efficient & speedy their cooking methods with their woks were. We are going to be returning the following night apparently.

      After popping into 7-11, we returned to our luxurious hotel room for a quick Hong Thong, a freshen up & then it was back out to Naiyang Cafe, which I had been looking forward to for nearly 8 weeks. It is a Muslim restaurant, so no alcohol so we ordered lemon & passion fruit sodas, which were a taste sensation. Jackie ordered teriyaki fried chicken on rice & I had the healthy option of glass noodles with grilled chicken & teriyaki. The attention to the detail in the presentation was excellent & it was all so so good.

      A quick snifter on the balcony finished off our evening at the unbelievably late hour of 10pm.

      Song of the Day: Sunrise by Pulp.
      Stormclouds by New Model Army.
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    • Day 2 - A Day of Plotting and Planning

      11. december 2021, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Woke up very early to the sad news that Thomas ‘Mensi’ Mensforth, legendary singer with the Angelic Upstarts had died from Covid. Followed soon after by the depressing, but unsurprising news that England had capitulated and lost the 1st Test in Australia.

      We should know better, but out of laziness we had the American Breakfast at our hotel, which seems to be the same throughout Thailand - an insubstantial plate of cold bacon & eggs with pale toast & jam. The only bonus was the free unlimited coffee.

      After breakfast, we booked a taxi and a bus for tomorrow to take us just over 200 miles up the coast to the town of Ranong which has a ferry port for the Thai islands in the Andaman Sea, just south of Myanmar. We also plotted our onward trip, identifying locations and hotels we wanted to stay at, now the world (Thailand) was our oyster. I booked a hotel for one night in Ranong for £19 through with £1.90 cash back (wow) via then refused to play ball whilst I was trying to get my 10% cash back on more substantial accommodation bookings.

      We then headed out for a stroll to:- 1. Visit Mai Khao Beach for a spot of plane spotting; and 2. To buy an SD card reader which I stupidly forgot to pack. The stroll was totally unsuccessful:- 1. The beach was part of the Sirinat National Park and there was a 200 baht (less than £5) fee each for foreigners to enter. We were too tight to fork out for this which as I write I am already regretting and 2. After traipsing round the streets I was informed that the nearest shop I might get one was 15km away. For the meantime I won’t be able to upload my photos from camera.

      We returned to our hotel and sat on sun beds around the spotless swimming pool. I read a book, whilst Jackie read a Thai visa Facebook forum with news that some Brit had tested positive for Covid when they landed at Phuket & were now confined to 10 days quarantine in the local hospital. This prompted a panic with several people deciding to cancel their Thailand holiday for fear of spending Christmas & New Year stuck in a Thai hospital. (It sounded like the Bangkok Hilton). Thank god we were both negative!

      I was in charge of lunch which was intended to be a couple of beers from the 7-11, but they apparently don’t serve alcohol until 5.00pm. I’m not sure if this is a Covid thing or what. So instead I returned with a selection of snacks including Spaghetti Bolognese Baked Corn Snacks & Cheese Choco wafer. Hopefully I won’t be trusted with going shopping again!

      It was a lovely 30 degree sunny afternoon as we chilled out on our sun beds under the the gently swaying fronds of a palm tree 🌴. I tried & failed to secure any cash back, whilst Jackie continued to read her Facebook forum which had turned sinister, with a husband & wife seeking a Thai lady for a sexual relationship. This seemed to give the green light for sex tourists to add their penny’s worth, then genuine tourists started giving them a torrent of abuse for misusing the forum. It sounded much more interesting than my book!

      At 5.00pm on the dot, I dashed down to a local supermarket for a couple of cans of beer & upon my return I managed to book 4 nights onward accommodation via CompleteSavings getting us £14 in cash back. That would more than pay for tonight’s dinner. Right result. I celebrated with a Spag Bol snack that tasted of Spag Bol, but a very sickly sweet version of it.

      Jackie was hungry and decided she wanted to eat locally rather than walk a mile to some restaurants we had kindly been recommended. We ended up back in the same restaurant as the previous night, which was disastrous and we later found out was due to alleged staff shortages. Our dinner took over 90 minutes to arrive & was nowhere near as nice as the previous night, in fact despite ordering exactly the same dish I got something completely different. To add insult to injury, the bill was more expensive because despite not having a pancake for afters, we had drunk more beer waiting for the food to arrive.

      We both unwarrantedly blamed each other for this perceived debacle, which led to a tetchy nightcap on our balcony eating the disgusting Cheese Choco wafers. (As I write it feels like we both somewhat overreacted. I put it down to jet lag. 1st world problems, hey!).

      Songs of the Day: Last Night Another Soldier by Angelic Upstarts.
      Mr Politician by Angelic Upstairs.
      (My Tributes to Mensi that do seem topical in the current climate)
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    • Day 1 - Never in Doubt

      10. december 2021, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Fed up with the miserable English weather and having self diagnosed as suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, Jackie and I decided to head to South-East Asia for Christmas and New Year. After much research, the only country in that region was Thailand who was opening up it’s borders to foreign tourists from 4th November 2021.

      Apart from drawing up a broad itinerary for our 56 day trip, I can take no credit for all the planning & form filling that had to be done to make the trip possible. Jackie booked the flights, applied for Thai visas to allow us to stay over 30 days, then applied for a Thai Pass to prove we were double vaccinated and sufficiently insured. She also had to book a Covid PCR test to be taken not more 72 hours before we flew, a Thai Covid PCR test for when we landed and an approved Thai hotel for our first 24 hours in Thailand whilst we awaited the result the Thai Covid test results.

      If this wasn’t stressful enough for Jackie, I added to it by announcing that I had three gig nights in a row on the weekend before we were due to fly, which was potentially the worst thing I could do to enhance my chances of catching Covid. A positive PCR test would have meant cancelling our entire trip, but there was no way I was missing a 40th anniversary New Model Army bonanza of 60 songs over 2 nights. (The other gig was Nine Below Zero).

      Two days before our flight we duly had our PCR test & if we thought there was any chance of cheating the system, we were sadly mistaken. We had to show our passports as proof of identity & the staff actually performed the test on us through the car window. We were told we would be emailed the result at or before 10pm the following day.

      At 10pm the following evening we still hadn’t heard a thing. We went to bed an hour later with Jackie fretting like a good’un. I fell asleep, however my email confirming a negative result arrived at 0005 hours. Jackie, by now nauseous & hyperventilating, was apparently up emailing the testing company until after 1.30am, when they finally sent confirmation she was also negative. Hurrah!!

      At 3.30am the alarm went off & after a taxi & coach ride we were all checked in & in the airside bar at Heathrow Airport just five hours later. Heathrow T2 was virtually empty and absolutely no queues anywhere. A very pleasant experience.

      Our Thai Air flight TG919 on a Boeing 777 was only half full and the only thing I want to say about it was that the inflight service was very minimal - a small meal at either end of the 11 and a half hour flight with just one drinks service of wine or beer.

      It was around 6.40am local when we landed at Phuket International Airport and we discovered that we were the only flight in. Only half of the passengers on our flight were disembarking, the remainder were flying on to Bangkok. This made for a speedy dash through Arrivals, producing our reams of paperwork to the Health Authority, Immigration, Customs & then the Testing Centre, where staff in full Hazchem outfits performed another PCR test on us. Less than 40 minutes later, with all the formalities completed we headed to the exit with our rucksacks and were herded into a taxi to take us to our Phuket Airport Hotel just 600 metres from airport to await this latest PCR test result. Easy!!

      We spoke too soon. The taxi driver dropped us off at the Phuket Airport Place, but he was insistent it was the correct place. He then drove off without payment. We were gutted because it was a shithole, but luckily for us the receptionist confirmed we were in the wrong place & very kindly summoned the taxi driver back to take us to the very nice Phuket Airport Hotel. We still didn’t pay the taxi driver.

      The exceptionally helpful receptionist at our hotel, sorted us out with downloading the Thai equivalent of the NHS Covid app to our phones, explained how we would be informed of the PCR test result, then sent us to our room with a large bottle of Chang each.

      We slept until 3.30pm and discovered that shortly after 11.00am we had been emailed confirmation that we were negative & good to go to enjoy our trip. The final hoop had been jumped through.

      We celebrated by getting up for a cold beer with a late lunch. Our hotel didn’t serve food other than breakfast, but our exceptionally helpful receptionist ordered us a takeaway of chicken, basil & egg fried rice which he recommended. It arrived about 10 minutes later by moped and our two portions cost us a total of just £3. It was very nice AND very hot.

      We were still tired so went back to bed for a couple of hours before popping out in the evening for dinner. Our chosen restaurant, just around the corner, did not have an English menu and after several attempts we managed to order a Pad Thai & a chicken & cashew nuts with rice. This together with a banana & chocolate pancake for pudding and all washed down with 4 beers came to the princely sum of £10.

      The evening was finished on our balcony with a Hong Thong & Coke, whilst tentatively identifying our accommodation for Christmas Day.

      Song of the Day : So Sad About Us by The Jam.
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    • Dag 2

      Phuket, der Strand neben dem Flughafen

      2. september 2015, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      [Tag 2 -Ankunft in Puket]
      Florian war nach 24 Stunden Reisen recht Müde. Nachts noch nach Phuket Town zu fahren wäre eine dämliche Idee gewesen. Wir buchten deshalb im Vorhinein ein Zimmer beim direkt an den Flughafen angrenzenden Nationalpark. Trotz eines Buchungsfehlers meinerseits bekamen wir ein Zimmer. Sogar ein Upgrade.
      Die Vermieterin bot uns nach Nachfrage auch ein paar Longongs an. Diese litschiähnliche Frucht wird noch einige Male auf unserem Trip vorkommen. Der Geschmack ähnelt je nach Reifegrad dem einer süßen Grapefruit. Florian konnte einen recht großen Kern konservieren und wird versuchen ihn bei uns daheim einzupflanzen. Bei einem Bier ließen wir den Abend gemütlich ausklingen. Das Pensiri House ist sehr zu empfehlen. Für 600 Baht bekommt man ein zwar nicht typischen Thai Stil eingerichtetes Zimmer, die moderne Einrichtung konnte uns aber überzeugen. Obwohl das Zimmer knapp 1.5 km vom Flughafen entfernt liegt, konnten wir den Taxipreis nicht unter 300 BHT drücken. Dafür haben wir uns Phuket Town, das äußerst touristisch ist, erspart.
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    • Dag 1

      Edelhostel Phuket

      3. januar 2023, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Vom Airport Phuket aus erreichen vollgeschwitzte Reisende das Luna Hostel zu Fuß in nur 10 Minuten.
      Die exklusive Einrichtung überzeugt auf den ersten Blick. Den zweiten Blick spart man sich einfach und genießt stattdessen den Flair. Entspannt wird auf der Multifunktions- Dachterasse. Diese bietet nicht nur eine Bibliothek aus hinterlassenen Reiseführern sondern auch einen Billiard Tisch an dem Gäste ihr Unvermögen unter Beweis stellen können. Auch eine Küche ist vorhanden. Bei der großen Auswahl an teils schwer definierbaren Snacks, die an den nahegelegenen Straßenständen verkauft werden, ist diese selten in Benutzung.

      Bereits am ersten Tag wird ersichtlich, dass Häppchen in diesem Urlaub eine große Rolle spielen werden. Egal ob süß, scharf, zu scharf, frittiert oder alles zusammen egal ob frische Früchte oder (hoffentlich) frische Hühnerfüße - die nächste Überraschung ist nur 50 Baht entfernt.
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