Camino de Santiago 2018

april 2018 - juni 2024
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  • 34fotavtryck
  • 4länder
  • 2 245dagar
  • 310foton
  • 0videoklipp
  • 7,8kmiles
  • 6,8kmiles
  • Dag 1

    Home to Hood College, MD

    20 april 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Hey everyone, thank you for checking in, I left Friday from Portland to Hood College to see Connor before I left for Europe. I am just starting my posts now due to being on the run for the past few days with limited sleep and limited wi-fi availability. I would like to thank everyone for all of their help with making this trip possible. The Delta Management for letting me out of there for five weeks...everyone at my work who is covering for me while I am mom, who is watching my house and by helping with my gear through LL Bean gift cards....and Bev, who very patiently endured all of my talk and planning for this trip.Läs mer

  • Dag 2

    Baltimore to Biarritz, France

    21 april 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    I left Baltimore for France on Saturday night....a very long flight and long train trip to southern France. The trip Lasted almost 30 hours and ended last night at 1030 pm with a very irate hotel manager that I apparently woke up to let me in....but then, the French are easily irritated it seems. A few photos from along the way. There is a way to label each photo but I haven’t managed to figure that part out yet...
    But I will! And I just did 🙂
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  • Dag 4

    Biarritz to St. Jean Pied de Port, Fr.

    23 april 2018, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    The start of the Camino. Tomorrow is a 17 mile walk mostly up hill and down the other side of the Pyrenees into Spain. I awoke this morning in Biarritz and found some breakfast...a croissant and an espresso, typical for here it seems but it worked. I made my way into the center of town and met up with two women from Denmark who were headed to the same place, joined them and made my way here around 1pm. So, St Jean Pied de amazing town. Lots of outdoor cafe’s. I went to the Pilgrim office, got my passport validated, checked into the municipal alberge, bought a walking stick and checked out the town. I had dinner tonight with my bunk mates from the Netherlands, Italy and France....a “pilgrims meal” which is a high protein inexpensive meal that is commonly served along the way. A shower next, organize my pack and to bed. Almost 9pm here. Thank you everyone for checking in! A special thanks to Damian Brockway for all his help with cameras and technical stuff!Läs mer

  • Dag 5

    Over the Pyrenees to Spain

    24 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ 🌫 8 °C

    Thank you everyone for checking in! I left St Jean Pied de Port this morning at 7am. I hiked for 14 hours and finally made it to Spain. It was an extreme bitch of a day although the views were amazing. about 18 Miles I think....all up and down steep grades. I hiked with a woman from the Netherlands this morning who was really really struggling which slowed me down a bit. Hiked the afternoon with a young Russian girl from Moscow....she was struggling as much as myself by evening being the first day out. Arrived tonight at 9pm at old monastery from like the 13th century. It has been a sanctuary for pilgrims since that time. I couldn't get a photo of it as it was too dark when I arrived. Again, thank you everyone for checking in!Läs mer

  • Dag 6

    Roncesvalles to Gerendiain

    25 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    I set out this morning at 8am attempting to get to Zubiri which is a 14 mile walk. However, I only made it to Gerendiain which is an 8 mile walk. I shortened the day for a few reasons...soreness from the Pyrenees crossing, the need to rest, needing to wash some clothes and a rainstorm creeping up behind me. But, it all turned out well...Gerendiain is an interesting little town with a population of 25. Yep, 25. The town is actually mentioned in the Codex Calixtinus which was the first Camino guidebook for pilgrims written in the 13th, the place is pretty darn old! I found a small hotel here which caters to Camino walkers. A little expensive by Camino standards compared to an albergue but you are not in a bunk room fighting for an outlet to charge your phone.....but way less expensive then cheap hotel at home. Plus, dinner and breakfast are included for around $40. The owner cooked dinner....a pasta/ham dish with eggs, fries, bread and wine. Lots of carbs and protein served here to keep the hikers going. Had dinner with a father and son from Brazil tonight. I set off for Larrasoana in the morning but could possibly make Pamplona. Doing well...a bit of a sunburn, some sore muscles but no blisters! I hope everyone is well and thank you for checking in!Läs mer

  • Dag 7

    Gerendiain to Zubiri

    26 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    Hola from Spain! Thank you for checking in. Got up at 630 am. Had breakfast at the, bread & jam. Started walking at 8am, shooting for Larsorona or Pamplona but stopped at Zubiri. The trail was hilly, rising and descending and realized that I wouldn’t get to Pamplona till late and larsorona had limited WiFi and only one unreliable pub so I opted to lay up in Zubiri. Zubiri is an industrial town with a magnesium factory/mine with a population of 435. It has a gothic bridge dating back to the Middle Ages. I arrived around 2pm and got a decent alberge for 15 about $18 with breakfast included. I got some laundry done...with only two sets of clothes, you do it often. I saw the town which didn’t take long, got some dinner...Chorizo, cheese and some kind of spicy peppers and ate it next to the river with my feet in the water. Headed to Pamplona in the morning...all flat terrain I hear. Take care and thanks!Läs mer

  • Dag 8

    Zubiri to Pamplona

    27 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Hey everyone, as usual, I appreciate everyone checking out my blog. I started my day at 0630...on the road to Pamplona at 0730 after breakfast. The breakfast was provided by the albergue I stayed at last night. French bread, coffee and jam. One thing I have figured out..if breakfast is provided at no extra charge, it will be bread, coffee and jam. But, it works well enough. I had left over chorizo and cheese from last night for lunch. About a third of the way to Pamplona, I was sitting on the side of the trail tending to a hotspot on my foot with moleskin when two women from day one came along...Karen from the Netherlands and Elaine from Phoenix...who I call “Phoenix” instead of Elaine. They invited me to hike with them for the rest of the day and we’re joined by a woman from Brazil...Chandra. We made it to Pamplona around 3:30, and went our separate ways. I found a hostel, private room, for 40 euro, ($50 US)right off the main square. I headed out again around dinner time and ran into Phoenix, some of her friends and the young Russian girl who I crossed the Pyrenees with. Weird that I would find them in a large city so we figured it was meant to be so we had dinner of tapas and wine together. We are all walking tomorrow to Puente la Reina. That’s it for now....thank you for checking in!Läs mer

  • Dag 9

    Pamplona to Puente la Reina

    28 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Hey everyone! Thank you again for dropping by. I left Pamplona this morning around 8am with a group of people from last night. It didn’t take long to get separated however, as everyone walks at their own pace. I ended up walking the first few hours by myself and managed to lose my walking stick when I stopped to get a water refill and got distracted by a dog and left my stick. I didn’t realize it until a half hour later and I wasn’t going back to get it. Ugh. But, I am fine without it and it was always in the way when I was taking photos anyway. I stopped the small town of Zariquiegui which is the home of Iglesia de San Andres which is a 13th century church of which I have included photos of. And, it was in a scene of “The Way” ....a movie starring Martin Sheen about this trip. I ran into Elaine (Phoenix) and Anastasia (the young Russian girl). We got some lunch at a local cafe here...Coffe con leche’, orange juice and a banana for me. We climbed the Alto de Perdon which is at the top of a mountain with the wind turbines....which was a real bitch while humping a pack. And as much of a bitch going down the other side. I also ran into a girl that I met in Zubiri...a police officer from Brisbane Australia who has a thick accent much like Crocidle Dundee. I was looking down, fixing my pack when I heard “ Oh’s my American paramedic friend”. She gave me some chocolate for energy for the trip over the top of the mountain...hikers are so good to each other on this trip. I lost touch with them all by early afternoon and met up with a young Italian guy who was struggling with a shin splint so we walked I was hurting as well... for the last few miles into Puente la Reina. I am at an albergue tonight on the edge of town located at the top of a huge hill...just what I needed at the end of a long day...but it is $14.50 for the enough for a bed and a shower, oh and a little bar. The place is a 100 bed albergue. I arrived at 5 pm and I was placed in a 4 bed room with Anastasia and Elaine...completely by chance....go figure! We lose Anastasia tomorrow as she is going further than the rest of us...the way it is on the trail. That’s it for now...hope everyone is well!Läs mer

  • Dag 10

    Puente La Reina to Estella

    29 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Hola from Los Arcos, Spain. I didn’t get a chance to post last night so two coming at you today. I left Puente La Reina at 730 a yesterday morning heading to Estella. I am now out of the Pyrenees foothills and getting into wine country. I really struggled with this leg of the trip for some reason...a combination of some tough hills, my body being tired and walking through some heavy rains for the last couple of miles. But things are much better tonight as I write this. I walked the afternoon with police officer friend from Australia. She had a small hotel booked and since I was cold, wet and tired....I went there and got a room instead of trying to find an albergue. The place was clean and had a restaurant worked. Hotels are significantly more money but you have a private room as well as hotter water usually and not having to fight for an outlet to charge my iPad is also a huge plus. I don’t have any photos of Estella for two reasons, it didn’t seem to be a historic little town like some and I was too cold, tired and sore to go out and look around. So, the following photos are of my trip between Puente La Reina and Estella.Läs mer

  • Dag 11

    Estella to Los Arcos

    30 april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Hey! Hello from Los Arcos, Spain...I hope everyone is well. I left Estella at 730 am after a great breakfast of rolled up salami & ham, croissant, orange juice and coffee. My first stop was to the wine fountain located 3 km out of town. The local winery offers the wine at no cost to pilgrims. They give a 100 liters/day. Tradition says that you fill your scallop shell that you carry and drink the wine for strength for the walk. So...I did just that. The scenery was amazing today and I have a lot of photos, but unfortunately I can only post 10 photos per day on this blog. The walk to Los Arcos was around 14 Miles today which went much better than yesterday. After a couple of stops for rest and lunch, I made it to Los Arcos at around 3pm. I arrived at an albergue and the guy at the desk informed me that the only beds he had left were on the attic level and it was only a mattress on the floor. And I said, Perfect! So, 10 euro for the “bed”...use of the facilities and breakfast....11 euro for dinner at a cafe beside the church, 3 euro for a caraf of wine while I write, around $30 Not bad for all of that. That’s the great part about albergues. And Sam the Golden retriever is staying here as well! Tomorrow, most people are heading for Lograno which is a 17 mile walk. That is a long day so I may pull up short in Viana which is a walled city with a lot of cafes and such. Sometimes it is better to take the path less traveled...less crowded albergues etc. So, going to hit send on this and settle in, 9pm as I write this. Thank you for checking in!Läs mer