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    • Giorno 32


      6 settembre 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ok so we might have had a few lazy days but we were up at 4.00am and walked a km up to the bus stop and caught a bus to the Airport. Lucky it was cool that time of the morning or we might have melted.

      Our flight was at 8.00am so we had to be at the airport by 6.00am. Urghhhhh! Still we got to London at 9.30am which meant we had a full day there.

      So we navigated yet another rail and bus system and got to our Air BnB which turned out to be wonderful with great views of the city. The funniest thing was Pete loading our luggage into a wheelchair lift thinking it would take him to the 6th floor and it only took him up the 8 steps to the lift. He looked at ME like I was a weirdo because I said I would walk up the stairs. Well we were a bit delirious and tired but we had a good laugh.

      Anyway we dumped our bags and went off to meet Milton, who is a friend who now lives with his family in England and also Ned who was our Barista at Crackerjack who is now working in London. Took Pete to his first English pub and we had a great afternoon catching up with Milton and Ned, and also checking out the Borough Market. Ned headed off to work and we went with Milton to meet Helen, his wife, and we had Fish and chips and mushy peas. Had a wonderful day and night catching up with them and Ned.

      After dinner we made our way tiredly back to our BnB, and collapsed in bed. Been a long day.
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    • Giorno 3

      Downing Street Nr.10

      18 dicembre 2023, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Downing Street Nr. 10 kennt wohl jeder. Dort wo der Premierminister Großbritanniens wohnt z. Zt. ist es Mr. Rishi Sunak (von der Conservative Party seit 25.10.22). Die kleine Seitenstraße an der Parlament Str. ist natürlich sehr streng überwacht und abgesichert.👮📹🗝🔫 Danach haben wir uns ein Päuschen im "Tattersalls Tavern" einem der unzählig tollen Pubs hier in London verdiehnt ☕️🫖🚬👍Leggi altro

    • Giorno 8

      Brompton Cemetery

      11 settembre 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Fabian did not take us to Hyde Park, his reasoning being that most Londoner’s don’t use the space, as it is crowded predominantly with tourists. So instead, we had a short tube ride to East Brompton, where Fabian took us to the Brompton Cemetery, one of the so-called “magnificent seven” that ring central London.

      Fabian said that there are seven privately owned cemetery’s around London, six of which are utilised by Londoners as public parks (you have to pay to go into Highgate) - people are encouraged to use the space, and we saw office workers going for a run, people sitting on benches reading, and others (like us) wandering around taking photos. There is even a cafe. It is a working cemetery, and we actually saw people arrive for a burial, although there isn’t much space left. Many of the plots and tombstones are in disrepair, and away from the main paths they are letting nature take over. That is due to families not being around anymore, or not knowing they have relatives buried there.

      There is also crypt on site, that has coffins all stacked up on top of each other - again many are crumbling and deteriorating but no one seems to mind. There is also a chapel that is operational. The layout of the buildings was based St Pauls Cathedral in Rome, a cunning marketing plan in its day. The land is kept up by the Parks department, but they really just cut the grass and dismantle crumbling headstones so they don’t fall on anyone (they just leave the stonework on the plot).

      While we were wandering around we saw a chap being detained by some coppers - one guy on the ground handcuffed being stood over by four cops - not sure what was going on, but the coppers yelled at one of our group who was trying to get a better look with her binoculars - she thinks they thought she was filming them! I actually took a photo unnoticed.

      As we left the cemetery we headed into Chelsea, a very posh neighbourhood. We next caught the bus to Waterloo station to go and look at some graffiti.
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    • Giorno 2


      2 ottobre 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Ce qui devait arriver, arriva.
      J’ai loupé mon avion à Londres, j’ai donc dormi là-bas une nuit et j’ai attendu le jour suivant dans l’aéroport mon vol à 19h. Ça se mérite d’aller en Afrique du Sud 😉.

    • Giorno 3

      Friday the 13th

      13 dicembre 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Friday we woke up at 9:30 in our princess bed and got ready to meet Rob and Nat for lunch. We were meeting Kathleen and Bettina later that afternoon to go to Borough. Which is a market full of food. I thought I would have a light salad so I could eat at the market. However the Italians and I have different views on what a salad is. As you can see from the picture below arugula was just an accent colour. Sadly I was too full for the market.

      We went anyways and did all the touristy things. Took in a Christmas market and then went to Regent street to the biggest toy store I have seem, Hamley’s. We only spend 30 minutes in there but you could spend so much more. The LEGO displays were amazing!

      We also took in the lights at Regent street (which are spectacular) and after dinner we went to Harrods. If you have ever seen Mr. Bean’s Christmas episode you will understand. It is even more impressive in person. Sadly there was no manger scene to play with.

      We capped off the night with martinis at the hotel bar which is where Ian Fleming wrote some of the James Bond novels. Apparently Churchill also hung out in this bar.
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    • Giorno 61

      London, England

      15 maggio 2020, Inghilterra ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Heute noch einmal auf die Insel, nach London! Sogar ohne Regen....

      Auch hier gibt es toll Restaurants. Leider gab es ein Feuer im Mandarin Oriential und das Restaurant von Hester Blumenthal war die letzten Male geschlossen.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 4

      Jet Lag Kicked Us in the Nuts

      14 dicembre 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ 🌬 6 °C

      Bettina found a cupcake place on Instagram that look amazing. Since I love cupcakes Ty and I tagged along with the Germans. Peggy Porschen did not disappoint. It was a small cafe that bled pink and the cupcakes were yummy. The best part of the cafe was not the cupcakes but the instagram influencers. Girls were dressed to the nines taking pictures at the entrance.

      After tea and a morning sugar rush is was time for a nap. Which was not in the plans. I hate being in a cool city and hanging at the hotel.

      We woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to tackle another afternoon in London! Before the theatre we took in all the amazing store fronts on Old Bond Street. We also stumbled along an area that had an under the sea light theme. We made the mistake of staying in the Regent area till 4:30. At this time people decide they need to shop and see the lights and the streets are wall to wall people. It is insane. I have never seen so many people.

      The evening was spent at the Old Vic watching a Christmas Carol. Which was the best take on the classic I have ever seen. It was dark yet funny, sad yet happy. Pretty much an emotional roller coaster that had a string section and dancing.

      Part 1 of the trip was capped off at a cider lodge in a Christmas market. If we did not feel Christmassy when we got to London we are now.
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    • Giorno 1

      Silvester in London

      31 dicembre 2019, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Als erstes nach meiner Ankunft, bin ich zum Picadilly Circus gegangen. Dort waren auch ein zwei Breakdancer, die was vorgeführt haben, denen ich ein bisschen zugeschaut habe. Über den Trafalger Square, da bin ich erst noch über einen weihnachtsmarkt geschlendert, bin ich dann zu meiner Unterkunft gegangen. Dort habe ich nur meine Sachen hingestellt und bin zur Tower Bridge gegangen. Ich habe erst von außen angesehen, bin die 200 Stufen zum Turm rauf und habe die Ausstellung angesehen.

      Eigentlich sollte ich auch auf The Shard gehen, aber heute war es so sehr bewölkt in London, das ich selbst die Spitze des Turmes nicht sehen konnte und habe mich dagegen entschieden. Ich versuche es bei meinem nächstes London-Trip zu machen.

      Also habe ich was gegessen und habe mich auf den Weg zur Silvesterparty am London Eye gemacht. Dort musste ich einen riesen Umweg machen, weil schon so viele Straßen gesperrt waren. Aber ich habe den Eingang gefunden und habe sogar einen Platz in der zweiten Reihe bekommen. Die vier Stunden stehen und warten haben sich echt hingezogen, aber es hat sich gelohnt, das Feuerwerk war super gut!
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    • Giorno 1

      The Red Lion

      29 maggio 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Ein plötzliches Gewitter lässt uns schnell eine Möglichkeit suchen einzukehren. Dabei gibt es hier im 'Fernsehlondon' (Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Houses of parliament) nicht viele Möglichkeiten. Und wenn jedermann vor einem Gewitter flüchtet, wird es noch enger.

      Das Cafe das wir in Maps gefunden haben hat leider derzeit wegen Renovierung geschlossen so versuchen wir bis zu einem GastroPub zu kommen welches fast gegenüber von Downing Street liegt. Bis wir ankommen sind wir erstmal 'komplett nass'.

      Wir haben Glück, als wir ins Red Lion gehen, ist der Plattenweiser gerade nicht da. Direkt hinter der Tür ist in einer Fensternische noch Platz für 2 an einem Tisch wo schon eine Frau sitzt. Als der Platzanweiser wieder auftaucht, merken wir, dass wir uns 'vorbeigemogelt' haben, aber das ist uns heute egal.Wir haben echt Glück, der Restaurantbereich ist voll und hier müsste man 'auf die Warteliste', wir wollen aber sowieso lieber im Pub essen. Das Pub macht einen schönen gemütlichen Eindruck und wir beschließen hier Mittagspause zu machen.

      Wir bestellen jeweils einen Pie (einmal mit Beef und Zwiebeln und einmal mit Lamm und Pilzen) dazu handcut Pommes und jeweils einen Kaffee. Bestellt und bezahlt wird gleich an der Theke und das Essen wird dann an Tisch gebracht. Es dauert auch nicht lange und die Pies sind da... Sie schmecken auch noch super.

      Nach dem Essen beratschlagen wir wie wir weiter machen wollen, da der Regen erstmal nicht besser werden soll. Wir beschließen den 'kurzen' Weg bis zur Westminster Abbey zu gehen und zu riskieren nass zu werden.
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    • Giorno 1

      Erster Rundgang

      29 maggio 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Der Regen hat endlich nachgelassen und wir beschließen zumindest noch einen Teil unseres geplanten Rundgang aus unserem 'Baedecker' Reiseführer noch zu machen.

      Zuerst laufen wir zum House of Parlament und befragen uns ob wir 'hier noch reinkommen'. Uns wird erklärt dass man hier nur per gebuchter Führung durch das Haus kommt und sonst nur die Möglichkeit hat den Sitzungssaal des Unterhauses zu besuchen, dies ist jedoch nur bei einer Debatte möglich. Eine Debatte findet aber erst wieder nächste Woche statt.

      Also laufen wir Richtung Westminster Bridge und ein Stück darauf in die Mitte um einen tollen Blick auf das House of Parlament zu haben. Der Weg geht nun die Parlament Street Richtung Whitehall entlang und wir passieren einige Kriegsdenkmäler...

      Auf der linken Seite laufen wir dann noch an Downing Street vorbei und erhaschen durch die Polizeiabsperrung auch einen Blick auf 'No. 10', dem Amtssitz von Theresa May.
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