Amerika Syarikat
Civic Center

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    • Hari 121

      JOUR 121 : SF - LA

      6 Mei 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      JOUR 121 : Bon c’était pas fun aujourd’hui mdr, on a rejoins l’aéroport de San Francisco pour recup la voiture qu’on voulait louer poire faire le retour sur deux jours, mais arrive la bas la carte de clem ne marchait pas, et les nôtres étaient des cartes de débit, la meuf de l’agence ne voulait ps les prendre.

      Du coup, pas possible de louer la caisse, donc on est retourné à l’hôtel dans le centre pour aller choper du wifi et acheter des billets de bus pour le soir. Ensuite on a attendu jusqu’à 22h pour se taper 9h de bus dans les dents mdr.

      Le bus c’était n’importe quoi, le chauffeur était défoncé et les sièges minables, c’était genre un car scolaire en gros, alors qu’en Amérique latine on se tapait des bus de fou avec des sièges trop confort et tout. Bon en vrai ça m’a pas empêché de dormir, j’me suis réveillé à bon port le lendemain matin à 6h30.
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    • Hari 186

      San Francisco

      23 Mei 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      After being on a high after Dallas i thought it would be so difficult for any other place to continue with this feeling.. but oh boy did San Francisco and the Bay Area not disappoint! The main reason why I wanted to go there was to visit my good friend Dominic which I met randomly at a food stand 5 years ago in Prague. I was in Prague over a long weekend to spend some time with a friend from Canada and he was traveling for one month around Europe. After Prague we stayed in contact and always wanted to see each other again - haha I actually thought he would come sooner back to Germany than I would fly to the States.. but the pandemic postpones many of his and my plans and so we didn’t see each other for 5 years and basically became great Skype friends :)
      As I didn’t want to go to Hawaii on my own after SF I asked Robert my friend from university if he wants to come too! That was back in January.. and coincidently we have been friends for 5 years too! So Robert and I met in SF and spend a week there. As I arrived a little earlier than Robert I was able to check into the hostel beforehand which had an amazing view over the Golden Gate Bridge! It was sunny but sooo windy and way colder than expected coming from Dallas, however I still enjoyed the view just by myself for more than an hour.
      Almost frozen to death I then picked up Robert from the bus station. That evening we drove with Dominic over the Golden Gate Bridge, had in-n-out for dinner (can you tell how excited I was? :D) and spend some time „hiking“ to an amazing view over the Bay Area (great insider spot).
      The next day was fully packed with touristy things. First thing in the morning Robert and I took the trolley downtown, walked crazy steep roads, went to the biggest and most authentic Chinatown for lunch, saw the pained ladies, went to fisherman’s Warft and also did the night tour around Alcatraz. Dominic also made time to join us on that tour! Overall San Francisco was amazing and it did not stop from there. Dominic was all along an amazing tour guide and was able to give us a wonderful glimpse of how life could be in SF especially he showed us many places „off the beaten track“ which I loved.
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    • Hari 2

      Tag 2: Ankunft in San Francisco

      18 Ogos 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nach einer eher kurzen Nacht ging es für uns um 4:30 Uhr zum Philadelphia International Airport.
      Dort mussten wir für den Security-Check, der an sich maximal 5 Minuten gedauert hat, erstmal durch den gesamten Flughafen “dackeln” und uns ganz brav im britischen Style (Grüße an dieser Stelle, an meine englische Freundin Charlotte!) in die Schlange stellen mussten. 😅
      Nach knapp sechs Stunden Flug sind wir dann endlich in San Francisco, CA angekommen.
      Nachdem wir einen passenden Uber für uns und unsere Koffer gefunden haben, brachte uns dieser in unser Hotel, wo wir uns erstmal frisch gemacht haben, um dann die Stadt zu Fuß zu erkunden.
      Wir waren am Union Square, der leider nicht so belebt ist, wie er angepriesen wurde und dementsprechend nicht ansatzweise mit dem Time Square in New York City verglichen werden kann.
      Nach einer kleinen Stärkung haben wir dann den Nob Hill erklommen und noch einen kleinen Abstecher nach Paris gemacht, da in San Francisco eine Kirche steht, die der Notre-Dame Kathedrale in Paris nachempfunden ist.
      Im Anschluss ging es für uns zurück in unser Hotel, wo wir unsere Reiseleiterin Christina kennengelernt haben, die uns die nächsten Tage die Highlights der Westküste zeigen wird.

      Wir sind gespannt, welche Abenteuer die nächsten Tagen für uns bringen werden.
      In diesem Sinne, macht es gut & bis morgen!🙋🏻‍♀️
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    • Hari 42

      City hall

      22 Oktober 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Das Rathaus SF's erinnert sehr an den Invalidendom in Paris. Es ist unerwartet wunderschön und riesig - die Kuppel ist wohl die fünftgrößte weltweit. Fast zwei Stunden haben wir da drin unser Unwesen getrieben, es gab einfach so viel zu entdecken. 😂 Mit meiner Platzangst war mir nicht bewusst, dass mir Fahrstühle gefallen könnten, aber die da drin waren wirklich wunderschön. 😅 Auch die etwa hundert fotowütigen Bräute zu beobachten war äußerst amüsant (eine davon machte sich mit ihrem rosa Prinzessinnenkleid ganz hervorragend auf einem meiner Fotos👌😅 ein Bräutigam war allerdings nirgends zu sehen.. 🤔). Gerichtsverhandlungen konnte man durch Fenster ebenfalls beobachten. Definitiv ein Highlight des Tages, so lange hat wohl noch niemand ohne Termin Zeit in diesem Gebäude verbracht. 😂Baca lagi

    • Hari 15


      7 Julai 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      La clásica Clam chowder de San Francisco, tan buena tan buena que figuro repetirla y además ensayarla con nuestro Pan! Yummyyyy
      Ps. La última imagen es el desayuno de Joaco de despedida, incluido el montaje del chocolate.Baca lagi

    • Hari 505

      Ein paar Tage in San Francisco

      2 Februari 2023, Amerika Syarikat

      Bevor ich auf einen zweiwöchigen Road Trip durch Kalifornien gehen wollte, schaute ich mir für ein paar Tage die Stadt San Francisco an. Hier gab es viel zu sehen, denn die Stadt besteht aus vielen schönen, alten Gebäuden. Am Hafen liegen ein paar Robben herum und die Straßenbahnen erinnern ans letzte Jahrhundert.
      Die Golden Gate Bridge war auch eins der Highlights!
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    • Hari 34

      Schee wars 👋

      3 April 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Heute haben wir uns mit gemischten Gefühlen von unserem Camper verabschiedet. Einerseits freuen wir uns mal wieder auf ein richtiges Zimmer oder eine richtige Wohnung andererseits haben wir uns super wohl gefühlt in unserem Camper und es war eine tolle Zeit. Nachdem wir unsere gekauften Sachen wie Toaster, Kaffeemaschine usw. noch an Familien, die ihren Camper gerade geholt haben, weitergegeben haben ging es für uns nach San Francisco 🤗 In der Stadt gibt es wahnsinnig viel zu sehen und wir haben den ersten Tag ganz gut genutzt und haben uns schon viel angeschaut wie Chinatown, den Financial District, Union square, Ferry Building, und noch vieles mehr 😄Baca lagi

    • Hari 35

      Radtour durch San Franciso

      4 April 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heute haben wir uns eigentlich nur mit Cable Cars oder mir dem Fahrrad fortbewegt 😄 Direkt vor unserem Hotel lag die Kreuzung der beiden Cable Car Linien, was super praktisch war, auch wenn wir ein paar mal falsch eingestiegen sind 🙈 Wir sind damit runter gefahren um uns in der Nähe des Fishermans Wharf Fahrräder (in San Francisco selbstverständlich E-Bikes) auszuleihen. Gestartet sind wir am Pier 39, dann ging es über den Radweg an der Küste entlang zur Golden Gate Bridge, über die wir auch einmal drüber geradelt sind. Danach sind wir im Nordwestlichen Teil von San Francisco unterwegs gewesen und Abends ging es noch zum Coit Tower und nach Russian Hill zur Lambert Street (ohne Motor hätten wir hier wenig Spaß gehabt 😅) bevor wir die Räder wieder abgegeben haben. Das war unser letzter Tag von unserem Trip durch den Westen der USA - verrückt 😮Baca lagi

    • Hari 9

      San Francisco

      10 Ogos 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      It was nice to wake up in a bed rather than on a sleep pad, and to know that I didn't have to pack up a tent...and to get a hot shower! Chris made us a great breakfast and then we had to decide what to do with the rest of the day.

      With Yosemite now behind us, the next two days would be spent in and around San Francisco. Meg was keen to take us to the Mission District in the city to see an alley where all the garage doors /walls were painted with murals and so we set off.

      As we drove through the city it was interesting to see the wide variety of architecture, and to think that many of these houses, that would have been poorer districts 100 years ago are now valued in the millions. San Francisco is one of the most expensive places in the USA to live and so it is not surprise that it is in the midst of a housing crisis. It is also a very busy city, lots of traffic.

      At the start of my trip, Chris had told me about the epidemic of car crime in the city, apparently it is so bad that the police don't even investigate car crimes anymore. When we got to the mission district we saw an example fo this right away. Parked on the street just a few spaces behind where we parked was a newish rental car, but it was missing its front and rear bumpers and lights. There was a notice on it saying the police were aware of it. Chris reckoned that it had been targeted because it was a rental. It would sit there until the insurance company sent someone to collect it...if there was anything left to collect.

      The alley was amazing, with a very wide variety of artistic styles, but all vibrantly colourful, many of them represented something or someone that the artist loved, like an old movie star. Most however, were political statements, or rather human statements of racism, oppression, social inequality, and the triumph of people working together in community unbowed and unbeaten by the hardships they have faced. It was quite moving.

      It was time for lunch, and I was happy to leave that to the foodies. On the way to find a restaurant we spotted some of the new driverless taxis driving around, apparently just a few days earlier the licence had been granted to allow them to operate in the city. I think they were not yet picking up passengers but were simply driving around so that people could get used to them being there. We all agreed that the idea of being in a driverless taxi was not appealing, it was interesting that some young people (late teens) who asked us if we knew what they were, when we told them they were driverless taxis, their immediate reaction was, cool! I guess there might be a generational divide on that one. It was another reminder of the incredible pace of change, the world that I grew up in has long gone and i can't help but wonder what's ahead of us. The rise of AI will change our world in ways that we cannot yet imagine, and not necessarily for the better.

      We settled on a Peruvian restaurant for lunch, another first for me. Meg was, as always, great and she spoke to the waiter about my food allergy. He came back and told us that there was no sesame in the food. Unfortunately for him, a few minutes later Meg noticed two dishes on the menu that included sesame in the ingredients. She called him back over for a word. I felt sorry for him.

      I have to say that the food was outstanding, delicious, beautifully presented. I am sure it was very expensive, I don't know as, once more, Meg and Chris insisted on paying the bill.

      We headed back to Meg and Chris' as today we would be saying goodbye to Laura who was flying home this evening. Goodbye is the hardest part of these trips - I will never forget the sense of loss saying goodby to Mirjam in Santiago bus station. Although I have only known Laura for a week, I have become very fond of her, she is smart and kind, funny, generous with her time and knowledge. I've learned a lot from her this past week. I hope that today will not be a final goodbye, and that we will keep in touch, she strikes me as someone worth taking the time to get to know.

      Meg took Laura to the airport and when she got back, Chris made us a nice dinner and we spent the evening in the snug watching a movie, it was nice not to do very much. Tomorrow, we would be going across the Golden Gate bridge like proper tourists.
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    • Hari 9

      San Francisco

      6 Mei, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today we went to the Golden Gate Bridge. We walked halfway across, but Papa chickened out, so we had to go back. He was nervous that we would fall down into the cold, shark-infested water. Though we didn't see any sharks, it was the same water body as Alcatraz. Alcatraz was notoriously unescapable because it was a jail on an island surrounded by cold water with sharks in it. We found out that to cross the bridge, you had to pay a toll. If you did not have any money, you could leave one of your things behind as a IOU. Some of the weirdest things were, a guitar, a pair of false teeth, a pearl, a toupee, and 4 cans of lima beans. There were also lots of animal encounters on the bridge, like an ostrich, a pelican, some monkeys, and a whale called Humphrey who took a wrong turn. His story is as follows. A whale called Humphrey took a wrong turn. He went up a river in 1985, and got stuck. Some people had to come save him. They used lots of different ideas but nothing worked. Then a marine scientist gave the idea that they could play whale feeding sounds. And it worked! Humphrey followed the sounds back out to the sea. His 3 week mistake was over! 5 Years later he did it again, this time getting stuck on some mud flaps 200 feet from the beach. His human helpers saved him again. Silly Humphrey! The bridge is international orange because that was the colour of the primer, which is an undercoat paint that protects the metal. We then went on a scenic drive to the Muir Woods where there were lots of Red Wood trees. Red Woods are only found in California, Oregon and New Zealand. They are the biggest trees in the world. I did some activities and earned a Junior Ranger Badge. Before I got the badge I had to take an oath. It was stuff like "I will keep learning, helping nature and stay curious." We then went back to the Hotel California and went to sleep.

      See you tomorrow

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