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Montezuma County

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    • Dag 12

      Day 11 - Rimming the Black Canyon

      3. mai 2019, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Woke up freezing in the RV. Eventually I forced myself out of bed & put the heating. For the next 15 minutes I was Jackie’s skivvy with her barking her orders at me. I made her a cup of tea, got the breakfast stuff out & took the rubbish out (in socks & adventure sandals). I didn’t moan, because I was feeling guilty that Jackie had cleaned up the wine debacle from the previous evening. After having a shower, I even sorted out the poop pipe on my own.

      At 9:45 am, still wearing my adventure sandals without the socks, we set off, back on US-50 through The Rockies. This scenic route followed the Arkansas River on the south side & a railroad on the other. We went through gorgeous high sided canyons, & meadows for approximately 50 miles until we arrived at Salida, a one-time railroad town. We turned off US-50 here & headed about 8 miles north to locate Browns Canyon National Monument. We failed & instead ended up down a private dirt track. Turning round was tricky to say the least.

      We returned to US-50 & soon started climbing higher & higher. Soon we were surrounded by snowy mountains & it actually started snowing. We got into a skiing region & chugged over the 11,312 ft Monarch Pass, where the snow was thick. Monarch Pass is the highest point on US-50 & straddles the Continental Divide. In theory, rain falling to the east of the Pass end up in the Atlantic & rain to west in the Pacific.

      On the other side we stopped to brew a coffee in a tiny scruffy town called Parlin, then continued on to the crossroads cattle town of Gunnison. The town was much nicer than I had imagined, old fashioned buildings & wide boulevards. We stopped at the local Walmart for a few provisions, Jackie was yearning for a steak for her tea.

      At the entrance, we were confronted by the clothes section. I had a quick browse & bought a pair of brown moccasin slippers that took my fancy. Don’t laugh, the slippers are made by Levi Strauss & cost less that $10. Not to be outdone, Jackie insisted on buying a hoodie for $15. We bought some other odds & sods, then realised that the shop didn’t sell any meat or dairy products . They were in the shop next door.

      So we unloaded our 1st trolley full in to the RV, then went to City Market & what a supermarket it was. It had everything we spent ages filling up another trolley full, including 2 juicy ribeye steaks (the upsetting cattle ranches haven’t turned as veggie just yet!). At check out, the till lady asked us if we had a store loyalty card to get our discount. We obviously didn’t, but she borrowed one of another customer & saved us $12.

      I would add at this point that every American we have come into contact with so far has been so lovely & helpful. They also can’t get enough of our accents & feel compelled to ask us where we are from.

      Next we filled up with petrol, where I went to pay up front, Jackie was too premature with the pump & broke the attendants machine. It took several minutes to fix, whilst a queue started forming behind me. It was getting embarrassing, so I pointed out to everyone that it was Jackie who had broken it. We then drove to the Blue Mesa Reservoir where we stopped beside Middle Bridge for a roll & coffee.

      We then continued on westwards to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, where we decided we may stay for the evening. Jackie was worried about the bears & we had a stupid conversation about which of us a bear 🐻 would eat 1st (more of me, but would they want an arthritic foot?). Could we stand in front of one calmly & back away or just run? Jackie apparently is faster than a bear & would run round & round a tree until it gave up!

      We arrived at Black Canyon of the Gunnison N. P. around 3:30pm. We drove up to the entrance gates to the South Rim & I proudly produced my $80 US National Parks Annual Visitors Pass, which allows us free entry to all US National Parks. Otherwise it would have cost us $20 for this visit. The Ranger gave us a map, informed us that there maybe some campsite spaces available & to be careful of the snow, 6” had fallen a couple of days previously.

      Our first stop was the Tomichi Point, where we got our 1st view of the Black Canyon & wow wow what a view. It was breathtakingly beautiful & more than slightly frightening as it was a sheer drop.. After several photos we drove on to the the visitors centre at Gunnison Point where we watched a 20 minute video, explaining how the canyon was formed & how virtually every attempt to explore the bottom of the canyon had ended in disaster.

      The view from the Gunnison Point was just impressive, a couple of photos, then we embarked on the South Rim Road drive, which was in places quite hair raising to say the least. I was just glad I was driving & Jackie was near the edge. Along the route there were stop off points for different lookout points. Some were at the end of 300 - 400 metre tracks.

      We stopped at & hiked to Pulpit Rock Overlook, Cross Fissures View, Rock Point, Chasm View & lastly, but definitely not leastly, Sunset View where the Gunnison River disappeared out to the west. The view seemed to get more & more spectacular. Sunset View was incredible, I would be tempted to use the ‘A’ word, but I can’t bring myself to. Neither my photos & definitely not my descriptions will do justice to the sheer majestic beauty of the Black Canyon. The other massive bonus was that there were so few people around that we had each of the lookout points to ourself. In the silence you could hear the Gunnison River thundering along some 1800 ft below us & numerous hawks soaring on the thermals.

      We called it a day at Sunset View, then drove back along South Rim Road to the South Rim Campground. There were more RVs & caravans than we were expecting (about 10), but we found ourselves a nice private spot with electric hook up still in the sunshine.

      We supped a couple of Colorado Native beers in the setting sun with stupid grins on our faces, but jumped every time there was a rustle in the hedgerow. This was not helped by a sign on our table warning us of bears. Bizarrely we had 2 minutes of snow as the sun went down.

      When the sun went down the temperature dropped dramatically causing us to take shelter & get the heating. We didn’t bother with cooking, just rolls, nuts & popcorn.

      For me it was the best day of our trip so far, particularly as we think we don’t have to pay to stay in the park. Tomorrow, however, could be even better.

      FITBIT = 9,995 steps / 4.64 miles

      Song of the Day - Canyon by Joseph.
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    • Dag 181

      Zur Mesa Verde

      23. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Nach Nevada und Utah kratzen wir heute eine Ecke von Colorado an. Wir fahren zur Mesa Verde.
      Da es schon nachmittag ist, Zelten wir in der Nähe des Parks im Wald und frönen unseren Hobbies. Karuba spielen (alle), häkeln (Majella), zeichnen (ich), Schmuck basteln (Seppe)...
      Wir kochen, machen Feuer und genießen das Grün des Waldes...
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    • Dag 30

      Mesa Verde National Park, USA

      15. juli 2017, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Comme vous le savez sûrement les indiens d'Amérique vivaient dans des tipis. Donc normalement, contrairement aux peuples d'Amérique du Sud, ils n'ont pas laissé de traces. Mais nous avons découvert qu'il y avait un peuple qui en avait laissé. Ce peuple s'appelait les Anasazis. Nous sommes donc allés voir les ruines de leurs constructions. Les Anasazis ont disparu en l'an 1300 (à peu près). Ils construisaient des tours et des maisons dans des grottes. Ils faisaient de la poterie. Eux n'étaient pas des nomades mais des cultivateurs et éleveurs.


      Hier nous avons fait 4h de voiture pour voir un site Anasazi. Je vais vous parler des constructions impressionnantes que nous avons vues et de leur positionnement. 

      Position : les sites se trouvent dans des grottes de la falaise ou à des endroits plats proches du vide, difficilement accessibles.

      Ventilation : les Anasazi avaient un système de ventilation très perfectionné qui permettait d'évacuer la fumée sans éteindre le feu et de rafraîchir l'intérieur des maisons. Ils creusaient des cheminées verticales (les ventilateurs) d'un mètre de profondeur où l'air s'engouffrait pour ressortir par un trou au fond puis rebondir sur un caillou devant l'entrée du trou (le déflecteur) qui faisait remonter l'air. Le flux d'air croisait la fumée du foyer et amenait cette dernière vers le trou situé au centre du toit.

      Les mer

    • Dag 13

      Day 12 - Million Dollar Highway

      4. mai 2019, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Woke up utterly freezing. I put the heating on, made a cup of tea & waited for Jackie to surface. Outside my wine stained shorts that we had left out to dry were frozen solid, however there was not a single cloud in the sky.

      Just before 9.00am, we set out on the South Rim Road again, this time to visit the lookout spots we didn’t see the previous day. 1st was Devils Lookout, followed by Painted Wall View, Dragon Point and back to Sunset View. In total we did a couples of miles of walking at an altitude of 8000 ft.. The views were just amazing, if not better, with the sun in east giving a different light.

      Around 10.30 am we rejoined the US-50 & drove into Montrose, which is the main town for the region. We turned left & headed south on Highway 550. It was a fairly straight blast through Ridgeway & down to Ouray with a back drop of the San Juan Mountains.

      At Ouray, we stopped for a coffee beside the Hot Springs Park, where several old ladies were wallowing in the pools. We sat on a bench in front of a meadow, where a middle aged man, all muscles & wearing just a pair of shorts ran round & round & performed various exercises. Inspired to exercise, I did a couple of star jumps.

      Feeling much fitter, we set out on the Million Dollar Highway, which took us steeply upwards on a narrow precarious winding road. My arms were aching by the time we reached Red Mountain Pass, it’s highest point at over 11,000 ft. Most of the way down the other side was as equally testing. We arrived in the mining town of Silverton about an hour later having now completed the Million Dollar Highway which is only 24 miles long. It is an exhilarating drive, but not for the faint hearted. It was definitely tricky trying to take photos whilst driving at the same time. It is easy to understand why MDH is one of the best-loved roads in America.

      There are 3 possible explanations as to how MDH got it’s name. The 1st is that a traveller on completing the route declared “If you gave me a million dollars I wouldn’t go over it again “. The 2nd is the it cost that amount to build in the 1930s. The 3rd & considered most likely explanation is that the road builders used the waste product from the local gold & silver mines & only years later was it realised that the road contained ore worth a million dollars.

      We drove up & down the main drag in Silverton, then continued along Highway 550 towards Durango. Again we had to scale another San Juan mountain, then past Purgatory Skiing Resort & Glacier Golf Course before having a fast wide descent into Durango.

      Durango didn’t look much, but it had incredibly large number of motels, so presumably something about it attracted visitors. The region is very outdoorsy, we were amazed how many cyclists (and some runners) we saw on the road between Ouray & Durango, as well as in Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP.

      At Durango we turned right and picked up Highway 160 westbound. We sped straight past the town of Mancos & pulled off at Mesa Verde National Park. We felt it would be rude no to stop, particularly as we had our NP Pass so we stopped & headed for the visitors centre. Mesa Verde NP is all about the Ancestral Pueblo people & how they lived about 550 AD. We decided we would give it an hour of our time.

      At the ticket desk in the visitors centre, I presented our NP Pass & said to the Ranger that we didn’t want a tour, just a look around. She said, “Well how long have you got?” When I said, “About an hour”, she laughed & said it was a 45 minute drive through the park to the site. We made our excuses & left.

      Instead we continued on to the town of Cortez & stopped at the KOA campground where we secured a spot for the night. Unfortunately this KOA did not sell propane & we were desperately low. It was only that morning we realised that we had been boiling the water in our 24/7 for the whole week . We we directed to a garage that would sell it, so we drove out. For the next hour or so it was a total farce as we went from one side of Cortez to the other & back again looking for someone to fill up our propane. On the 5th attempt & now 5 miles out of town we found an old boy at Garden Gas who helped us. To add insult to injury, he filled our propane tank up to full for $2.40. Apparently it was still over half full - indicators are notoriously unreliable.

      Finally back at the KOA, we sat in the really warm sun with a beer & Jackie made that much anticipated steak & salad, which was a huge success.

      FITBIT = 7,312 steps / 3.39 miles.

      Song of the Day - Holy Mountain by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds 🦅

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Gas Panic! by Oasis
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    • Dag 29


      30. april 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Da es draussen grau-weiss ist, nutzen wir die Zeit um unseren Blog etwas zu aktualisieren...
      Am Monument Valley vorbei ging unsere Fahrt via weniger bekannte Aussichtsstrassen: den Moki Dugway und durch das Valley of the Gods. Somit kamen ca. weitere 40km Schotterstrasse dazu, welche sich aber absolut lohnten.
      Von Cortez in Colorado besuchten wir den bekannten Mesa Verde Nationalpark mit den sehr gut erhaltenen Cliff Dwellings. Ebenfalls machten wir einen Ausflug in die Rocky Mountains und den Skiort Telluride. Die Passstrasse dorthin führte uns auf über 3000m, da ist der Frühling noch nicht ganz angekommen...
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    • Dag 21

      Mesa Verde National Park

      29. april 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Nous avons commencé la journée par faire des provisions pour les jours à venir car il n'était pas prévu que l'on repasse dans des villes.
      Nous avons roulé jusqu'au parc Mesa Verde, après avoir franchi le panneau Utah, état dans lequel nous attendent plusieurs parcs de taille. Une partie du parc de Mesa Verde n'ouvrait au public que dans 2 jours mais cela nous a laissé tout de même de nombreuses choses à voir. On s'est dirigé directement au bout du parc où on a déjeuné avant d'entamer une randonnée. En flanc de falaises cette randonnée nous a fait marcher sur les traces d'anciennes tribus qui vivaient là il y a des milliers d'années. Le sentier avait une vue imprenable sur un canyon et sa vallée. De l'autre côté, dans les cavités de la roche, on peut admirer des ruines d'habitations primitives. La randonnée s'est terminée sur le plateau, au-dessus du canyon d'où on pouvait voir des restes d'échelles, qui permettaient aux habitants de descendre dans les alcôves. Les cultures et élevages se faisaient aussi sur les plateaux. On a continué le tour du parc en revenant sur les autres points d'intérêt : des ruines de temples et de maisons en partie creusées dans le sol. Lorsque l'on reprend la route dans l'après-midi on découvre de nouveaux paysages de falaises majestueuses. On arrive à Moab dans la soirée. Il y a autour de nombreux espaces non aménagés et libres d'utilisation idéaux pour les vans et les camping-cars. On se rend vite compte que l'on n'est pas les seuls à avoir eu cette idée. On retrouve de nombreux autres baroudeurs avec des quads, des vélos ou des motocross, l'endroit étant idéal pour la pratique de ces activités.Les mer

    • Dag 14

      Mesa Verde

      21. oktober 2018, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The pics of these Pueblos look like they are in miniature but in reality they are quite large buildings where a lot of people lived to help stack rocks on top of one another to create a decent home.
      It makes your mouth water, I got as far as building a rock wall, that felt good and it has a good feel about it too so there is a little bit of envy with people who build a whole village out of that material.
      It’s a good material, you walk on top of this desert mesa to see houses built under massive cliff overhangs and the feeling they give sure beats something made out of treated pine and Gyproc with a vinyl floor.

      The one exception I would make though is to install a few aluminium windows, this is something they should have considered.
      This Mesa is 8,0000ft high, the place is cold enough but in winter it goes under snow so they had to store a lot of food to get them through.
      The places they built, the Pueblos housed themselves, their food stores and the ubiquitous scruffy mutt or two so you could imagine in the depths of winter, with a howling blizzard outside, people shivering, stores dwindling, dogs fighting and then someone complaining about who left the windows open.

      There was a huge population one and a half thousand years ago living on the Mesa and it started out by people digging holes in the ground to house themselves, a bit basic but being in the ground keeps you cool in the short summer and warm during the long winter.
      Eventually the houses rose a little higher and then after that the Pueblonians, (no I’m not having a go that’s what they call them) came along and looked at the enormous caves and thought well, we already have a roof now we just have to fill the bottom in.
      This was radical as I tried to build a house from the roof down once with disastrous results but anyway they really were radical and contemporary people as their ingenuity and art show from examples of beautiful designs on everything from bowls to plaster walls inside the Pueblos.
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    • Dag 8

      Von der Wüste ins Grüne

      9. mai 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Von unserem Zimmer konnten wir bequem beobachten wie die Sonne aufgeht und da sich der Sturm ein wenig gelegt hatte
      erkannte man auch die entfernteren Monumente . Lutz kam wegen der tollen Lichtstimmung nicht mal zum Kaffeekochen, die Kamera glühte. Die Lodge bot ein kostenloses Frühstück an und wenn es auch nicht viel war, so hatten wir was im Bauch und konnten helfen den Abfallberg zu vergrößern 😅.
      Wer kennt nicht die tollen Bilder von der langen Strasse durchs Monument Valley. Genauso haben wir sie erlebt. Die Sicht war zwar immernoch nicht klar ,wegen dem vielen Sand in der Luft , trotzdem war es toll und wir haben andauernd gestoppt und fotografiert. Nach den oft eintönigen Strecken der letzten Tage hat die Landschaft uns heute entschädigt. Viele rötliche Felsen, Gebirge, Kurven und auch stellenweise etwas grün im ewigen Steinerlei. Bei Bluff waren die Twin Rocks so schön, und es gab ein Cafe, da mussten wir pausieren.
      Schon vor der Grenze nach New Mexiko war wieder Wüste. Wegen den Four Corners wo sich die Bundesstaaten Arizona, Utah, Colorado und N.Mexiko treffen, haben wir so gar einen Umweg gemacht, aber 8 Dollar Eintritt für jeden waren uns dann doch zu sehr Abzocke. In Cortez sind wir gleich in die erste Autowerkstatt weil beim Auto ständig eine Fehlermeldung kam. Innerhalb einer Stunde war alles erledigt und wir konnten in den Mesa Verde NP einfahren. Einen größeren Gegensatz zur letzten Lodge kann man sich nicht vorstellen. Der Tafelberg ist an der höchsten Stelle ca. 2600m hoch und bewaldet. Wir waren froh die Stepjacken griffbereit zu haben, den es war frisch und der Wind pfiff wieder mächtig. Die Far View Lodge liegt auch bei 2000m hoch und sieht aus wie in den Alpen. Wir hatten schon bessere Unterkünfte, aber die Lage ist toll. Nach dem guten Abendessen konnten wir endlich mal wieder Billiard spielen.
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    Montezuma County, مقاطعة مونتيزوما, Мантъзума, মন্টেজুমা কাউন্টি, Condado de Montezuma, Montezuma maakond, Montezuma konderria, شهرستان مانتزوما، کلرادو, Comté de Montezuma, Montezuma megye, Մոնտեզումա շրջան, Contea di Montezuma, モンテズマ郡, Montezuma Kūn, Hrabstwo Montezuma, مونٹیزوما کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Montezuma, Монтесума, Округ Монтезума, مونٹزوما کاؤنٹی، کولوراڈو, Quận Montezuma, Condado han Montezuma, 蒙提祖馬縣

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