Estados Unidos

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    • Dia 16

      Biken auf Cape Cod

      9 de setembro de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Unser erstes Frühstück in unserem Hotel war etwas ganz Besonders. Nicht nur, dass zu unseren schrägen, etwas älteren Damen, die das Hotel führen auch ein älterer Herr gehört, sondern eben dieser steht in der Mischung aus Frühstücksraum und Wohnzimmer in einer offenen Küche und erfüllt den Gästen (fast) jeden Frühstückswunsch... Dazu - man soll es kaum glauben - nach 2,5 Wochen der erste Kaffee , der nicht im Styroporbecher serviert wurde !
      Nach wie vor ist die USA ein absolutes Wegwerfland. Jeder Becher hat einen Plastikdeckel, sogar in den Hotels gibt es morgens fast nur Plastikbesteck und alle Getränke sind sowieso Einweg. Die Krönung waren einmal Kekse, die wir im Supermarkt gekauft haben. Die waren innerhalb der Packung nochmal in einer Packung und danach nochmal in einem Plastiktray. Die Tüte hätte schon mehr als ausgereicht...
      Das schöne Frühstück haben wir auch zum ersten Mal in dieser Zeit im Garten geniessen können.
      Den hatten wir komplett für uns, denn wie überall in den Hotels essen die Amerikaner lieber drinnen klimatisiert (davon abgesehen, dass unsere Hotels fast nie Frühstücksgelegenheiten draußen angeboten haben)
      Also, gestärkt haben wir uns für den heutigen Tag dazu entschlossen, den Wagen stehen zu lassen und uns mal wieder Fahrräder zu mieten...
      Mangels Parkmöglichkeiten (die, wenn vorhanden wirklich unglaublich teuer sind) und Schleichtempo,auf den Straßen, bewegen sich die meisten hier im Ort sowie nur mit dem Fahrrad vorwärts.
      Wir haben uns für einen Bike-Trail durch das Cape Cod National Sheashore, ein großes Naturschutzgebiet mit langen, weiten Sandstränden, Dünen und einsamen Waldstücken entschieden.
      Ein Teil dessen sind wir bereits gestern mit dem Auto gefahren, kamen aber nicht an die Strände, weil freundliche Ranger in ihren Häuschen saßen und für jedes Fahrzeug 20 Dollar kassierten. Das war uns für einen Blick hinter die Dünen dann doch to much...
      Mit dem Fahrrad war das kostenlos und somit ging es für uns mehrere Stunden auf und ab durch eine wunderschöne Dünenlandschaft, Pinienwälder, in denen nur das Zirpen der Grillen zu hören war und wirklich unglaubliche Strandabschnitte. Immer wieder haben wir die Räder abgestellt und haben einfach nur die Seele baumeln lassen. Müde, aber voller Eindrücke lassen wir den Tag in einer der vielen Lobsterbars ausklingen... Schön wars :-)
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    • Dia 74

      Cape Cod

      29 de outubro de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Nachdem wir am Montag unser Mietauto in New York abgeholt haben, sind wir in Richtung Norden gefahren. Unser erster Stopp war das wunderschöne Proviencetown (Hotel Gabriel- sehr zu empfehlen!) auf Cape Cod. Es ist ein sehr idyllisches Fischerstädchen im Norden der Insel. Dies hat uns sehr gefallen. Wir empfehlen abseits der Highways zu fahren. So kann viel mehr von der Umgebung bewundert werden und spart auch noch Geld (Autobahngebühren).

      Am 31. Oktober ist Halloween, ein wichtiger Feiertag in den USA. Überall sind die Gärten mit Halloween Dekorationen geschmückt.
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    • Dia 15


      16 de setembro de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I didn’t quite get the sleep-in I’d been hoping for as I woke way too early, especially since breakfast wasn’t served until 8am. The breakfast itself was the first one we’ve had provided on this holiday, and was only a simple offering of granola and muffins. Ted and I headed out for a walk on the surprisingly cool morning to see some more of Provincetown. It is very different from Ogunquit with a lot more shops, restaurants and bars however since it’s located on a peninsula, there doesn’t seem to be much to drive to in the way of day trips.

      Ted and I walked to the spectacular Pilgrim Monument which is close by to our B&B before walking to town and enjoying a coffee at a beachside cafe. We have noticed that the NGPA (National Gay Pilots Association) are having an event here in Provincetown, and there are plenty of pilots walking around wearing lanyards. For lunch, we went to a street side restaurant for beer and burgers before going shopping for T-shirts - we found a store having a massive sale so I bought five!

      After bumming around for a while, we headed back to our B&B to book some accommodation in Holyoke, due to our alternate arrangements. We dressed up and got ready to go out that night for some pre-dinner drinks, and went to the Shipwreck Bar nearby. Since there seemed to be a private function we headed instead to a small bar on the Main Street for a beer, before heading back and trying again. The function was still happening, but the organisers encouraged us to stay regardless. It ended up being the Gay Fathers of Greater Boston group, so we stayed for a while and had a few drinks before heading towards the Crown and Anchor.

      Ted recognised one of the pilots there as someone he had met earlier, and the pilot convinced the organiser to let us in since we both worked in aviation. Not only did the organiser let us in, he also gave us four drink vouchers! Initially, we found it a bit hard to find people to talk to as everyone seemed to already have their group of friends, but the organiser actually brought over some people to speak to, including an Australian pilot from Canberra who now lives in Boston.

      The party then moved to the aforementioned Shipwreck Bar! There were so many people there that the gathering ended up spilling over to the bar across the road. Once Ted and I had had our fill of drinks and socialising, we headed back to our accommodation, although I walked through the area for a while trying to find anywhere that sold water. I ended up having to buy four bottles from a rooftop bar that was still open. It was so great to get out and meet members of the community!
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    • Dia 14

      Ogunquit to Provincetown

      15 de setembro de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      It was fortunate I set the alarm, because we were both sound asleep when it sounded. Sleeping in the room wasn’t completely easy due to the sound of people walking around upstairs, but it was nothing that earplugs couldn’t fix. Since we still haven’t acquired a taste for hotel coffee, we waited until we arrived in Salem before getting our caffeine fix. Fortunately coffee shops like those back home haven’t been difficult to find on this holiday!

      Our tour guide in Salem was a local named April, who gave a good mix of humour and knowledge during the tour. Even though a large emphasis of the tour was about the Salem Witch Trials, it was interesting to learn about the city’s early history too. Some of the sights we saw included: the “Witch House”, which was owned by Jonathan Corwin, who was called upon to investigate the witchcraft accusations, and is the only existing structure tied to the Salem witch trials; the First Church in Salem which was built in 1836; Burying Point Cemetery, which is right next to the Salem Witch Trials Memorial; and Ropes Mansion, a Georgian Colonial mansion. But one of the coolest things was the “Bewitched” statue, featuring Elizabeth Montgomery’s character Samantha astride a broom and framed by a moon crescent.

      Since we still had a long drive to Provincetown, we bought some sandwiches from the same coffee shop before heading off. I would’ve loved to have spent more time in Salem as it felt like we’d only scratched the surface, so hopefully someday we will get to visit again. We then headed south past Boston, which wasn’t as easy as we’d anticipated. Even outside of peak hour, traffic was horrible with a mass of cars fighting over a mishmash of lanes. A truck driver verbally abused us twice too!

      We finally arrived in Plymouth, and it was a real treat. Known as “America’s hometown”, it was a beautiful seaside town, with plenty of English culture, like the red phone booths. We saw the famous Plymouth Rock (not very exciting!) and the replica of the Mayflower before continuing on our drive.

      The drive to Provincetown was very relaxing through the Cape Cod area, and our Airbnb accommodation was not difficult to find. Our room is wonderfully large with a fair sized bathroom too. After unloading the car, we wandered down nearby Commercial Street to get into the atmosphere of the area. We ordered some corn chips and beer in a street side bar to people watch before getting some cheap Chinese food in a nearby food court. Since we’d been eating all day, we weren’t in the mood for much.

      Provincetown weather is actually cooler than our last few destinations, so maybe autumn is finally coming. We may be changing our itinerary - we had planned to stay with friends Stephen and Woody after leaving Provincetown but their son has just been diagnosed with Covid. Since it’s a Thursday night, we decided to relax in our room for the evening.
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    • Dia 6


      2 de outubro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Wir machen einen kurzen Ausflug ins etwa 47 Meilen entfernte Provincetown und wollten auf Empfehlung unserer Kellnerin vom letzten Abend auf den Turm des Pilgrims Monument steigen 🤔 leider kostet der Besuch des Turms mehr als 20$ pro Person und wir verzichten dankend. Trotzdem ist der Ort sehr schön und wir machen einen kleinen Spaziergang durch den Ort und am Strand.Leia mais

    • Dia 21

      Plymouth & Provincetown

      22 de maio de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Hoje de manhã fomos buscar o carro alugado e começámos a viagem para Plymouth, o sítio em que os primeiros peregrinos desembarcaram e começaram a sua aldeia!

      Vimos a Plymouth Rock, onde eles teoricamente desembarcam (mas esta rocha já foi mexida várias vezes de lugar). Comprámos um bilhete para o Mayflower II (réplica do Mayflower), que foi o barco em que os peregrinos fizeram a viagem de Inglaterra até à América, na tentativa de fugirem à perseguição da igreja de Inglaterra.

      Visitámos também o Plimoth Patuxet Museums, que é um museu ao ar livre, em que foram replicados as aldeias dos indígenas da tribo Wampanoag, e logo ao lado a aldeia dos primeiros peregrinos ingleses (eles viviam mesmo como vizinhos). Neste museu há atores vestidos com roupa da época, que falam contigo como se estivéssemos todos em 1627, para dar uma experiência de mais imersão. Até têm os animais comuns que costumavam ter!

      Depois do museu seguimos viagem para a pontinha de Cape Cod, mas parámos para almoçar a meio no Sesuit Harbor Cafe, que serve um belo Lobster Roll, com praticamente uma lagosta inteira por prato 😋

      Finalmente chegámos a Provincetown, mesmo na pontinha de Cape Cod, e fomos um bocado à praia, mas não estava tempo de ir à água, para além de que havia vários caranguejos ferradura em época de acasalamento. Demos também uma voltinha pela Vila onde comemos gelado e comprámos fudge!

      Depois desta tarde bem passada voltámos para Boston, e quando chegámos estava uma tempestade de verão (chegámos encharcados ao restaurante) e comemos um belo BBQ, onde vimos um ratinho no fim do jantar! Mas era um ratinho quase hamster, muito fofinho 🐁
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    • Dia 14

      Cape Cod

      22 de agosto de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Leaving the airbnb in Boston to drive to Cape Cod bay. Where we would stay in a motel kind of stay. The motel was part of a more luxurious hotel and we got to use their facilities like the pool and gym. At the motel we basically got our luggage in the room and decided to go to Provincetown, at the furthest end of Cape Cod. In Provincetown there was a carnival and it was also LGBT related. The theme was enchanted forest so we saw a lot of people dressed up even though it was very warm. Saw the parade and got back to the motel again where we enjoyed the pool, since it was my fathers birthday he chose where to eat and it was an amazing mexican place, it was delicious.Leia mais

    • Dia 5

      It's a rainy day...

      14 de maio de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌫 10 °C

      Es gibt Tage, an denen jagt man keinen Hund vor die Tür. Und eigentlich auch keine Touristen. Heute war war einer dieser Tage. Nachdem unsere Wal-Bootstour für heute vom Veranstalter wegen der Wetterlage abgesagt wurde, zogen wir Plan B aus der Tasche.
      Zunächst ging es nach Chatham an einen einsamen Strand, der im Sommer wohl von Touristen nur so überschwemmt wird. Heute waren wir fast die einzigen dort.
      Später waren wir in Eastham und im Cape Cod National Seashore. Ziemlich heftiger Regen und eine steife Brise waren unser ständiger Begleiter. Der Ozean war ziemlich aufgewühlt und die Brandung schlug mit hohen Wellen an den Strand.
      Wir haben einen alten Leuchtturm besichtigt, allerdings auch ohne große Aussicht😕
      Trotzdem waren die Leute vom Leuchtturm-Wärter-Verein recht happy, als wir ihnen vom Warnemünder Leuchtturm erzählten und Bilder zeigten, woher wir kommen.
      Später ging es noch nach Provincetown an den nördlichsten Zipfel des Kaps, wo eigentlich die Bootsrour heute starten sollte. Nach einem vorsichtigen Blick auf die Wetterprognose für morgen und einem kurzen Anruf hieß es jedoch, das die Boote wegen des Windes und der Wellen auch morgen nicht auslaufen. Also haben wir die Tour komplett abgehakt. Da kann man nix machen, wenn das Wetter nicht mitspielt. C'est la vie...
      Zum "Trost" (und zum Aufwärmen) gab es dann aber eine sauleckere heiße Schokolade. Ein Traum...
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    • Dia 6

      "Sinner by the Sea" by Calexico

      27 de julho de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We zijn in Provincetown, waar de kunstenaar komt om het mooiste licht te zien, de schrijver zijn mooiste zinnen vindt, homo’s hun vrijheid krijgen en “the crazy” mogen zijn wie ze zijn. 'De grootste kunstenaarskolonie ter wereld', schreef de Boston Globe in ooit. Diversiteit wordt in veel beleidsstukken beloofd, in 'P-town', het koosnaampje van de stad, is het vanzelfsprekend.

      En om dit kracht bij te zetten loopt de stadsomroeper (the Town Crier) in het kostuum van de eerste Pilgrims, met een enorme bel in de hand, door de straten en vertolkt het “geloof” van gelijkheid. Hij schreeuwt het uit: “As long as you don’t hurt anybody, you can be who you wanne be”. Dat is de boodschap van zijn verhaal over de historie van P-town. Het publiek juicht hem toe.

      Normaal is Provincetown een kalm stadje met misschien 3500 inwoners aan het uiteinde van een heel lang en krom schiereiland onder Boston, Cape Cod. Maar nu wordt het plaatsje, midden in prachtig “wadden-like” duinlandschap, bezocht door duizenden toeristen, waaronder veel mannen en vrouwen uit de Provincetown - 5homoseksuele gemeenschap in Boston en New York. Elke zichzelf respecterende zaak heeft naast de Amerikaanse vlag de bontgekleurde vlag van de homogemeenschap wapperen. En het straatbeeld wordt er ook aangenaam kleurrijk door. Zeker de mannelijke stellen zijn vaak vergezeld van één of twee iets te kleine hondjes, die in veel gevallen ook nog eens zo bont zijn aangekleed of zo vreemd zijn “gegroomed” dat er nauwelijks nog sprake is van Hond.

      Eindeloos is de lijst van internationaal beroemde kunstenaars, die kortere of langere tijd in Provincetown woonden en werkten: Andy Warhol, Marlon Brando, Billie Holiday, Richard Gere, Mary Oliver, Jack Kerouac, Jackson Pollock, Norman Mailer, Tennessee Williams. Allemaal kwamen ze af op het mooie licht, de Bohemian sfeer en de vrijheid om anders te zijn.

      Maar het is ook de stad waar Antony Bourdain (de Amerikaanse tv maker/kok/schrijver/reisjournalist die onlangs zelfmoord pleegde) op zijn 17ezijn eerste keer een koksjasje aantrok en werkte in The Lobster Pot. In één van de uitzendingen van zijn “No Reservations” keert hij terug en eet nog één keer zijn favoriete dish van de zaak: Portugese Fish. Dus toen wij rond lunchtijd de ronde gevel van The Lobster Pot passeerden konden we niet anders dan Anthony een klein beetje eren en naar binnen gaan voor een groot bord vis geserveerd op krab en garnalen.

      Langzaam rijden we terug door het glooiende landschap van Cape Cod naar ons hotel. We maken een wandeling over het strand en we drinken nog een kartonnen beker koffie op de veranda van Kendar en haar zussen.

      Voor het avondeten willen we nog een klein hapje. De eerste optie is een strandtent/frituur vlakbij, maar die blijkt dicht. We horen Amerikanen die ook voor een dichte deur staan zeggen dat ze dan maar gaan snacken in de haven. Wij er achteraan.

      In de haven van Dennis ligt een enorme bootopslag, onderhoudsloods en tankstation voor boten. Torenhoog staan de jachten opgestapeld op de stalen rekken op het terrein. Achter op het terrein staat een vervallen houten hut aangekleed met nautische rommel; visnetten, grote dobbers, krabmanden, versleten boeien. Pallets zijn beschilderd met de Amerikaanse vlag. Bij de waterkant zitten honderden mensen op picknickbankjes vis te snacken. Een lange rij voor de houten hut verraad waar de ingang ongeveer moet zijn. We eten zittend op een bankje op het beton van de boatramp een lekkere crabcakje, kreeftenbisque en jumbogarnalen. De ondergaande zon brand in onze nek. Zo smaakt alles beter.
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    • Dia 39

      Day 39 - Evoo for you!

      16 de outubro de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Boston gave us a flavour of Late Eighteenth Century American History. Today we are going further back, to that very first ship that landed... and then decided to move on. That ship was the Mayflower which first landed at what was later named Provincetown in 1620 before the crew decided on moving somewhere less sandy, what we now know as Plymouth.

      It took Alice and I ninety minutes to drive from our motel at the neck of Cape Cod to its tip at Provincetown. We did the whole tourist experience on arrival and visited the exhibition and climbed the many steps of the Pilgrim Monument. It was a nice sunny day but not clear enough to be able to see the Boston skyline. The area is geographically unique and the main through fare Commercial Street is its focus. There are many cafes and tat shops along here and we leisurely worked our way up and down the street. For lunch the pot pies at the Canteen were very nice. A few hours had passed and we drove back to our motel.

      We booked a fancy restaurant for dinner, Ocean House. We had the set meals and Alice's main was chicken with vegetables and I had the shrimp linguine. On the menu an ingredient in the linguine was 'evoo'. Alice and I puzzled over it and I politely asked the waitress what that was. Without blinking she replied 'extra virgin olive oil'. I was not quite sure if I had made a culinary faux pas or if that should have just been written out in the first place. Either way, in future I will no longer need to query evoo! All three courses were enjoyed thoroughly and we headed back to the motel.

      Song of the Day:
      Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
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    Provincetown, PVC, 02657

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