United States
San Juan Hill

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    • Day 11

      Back to New York City

      October 11 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wieder zurück nach erlebnisreichen Tagen am Startpunkt der Rundreise ging es nun für uns nochmal zu einigen bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten in New York...
      Times Square, Central Park, 5th Ave und der hölzernen Rolltreppe im Macy's, am Broadway vorbei an little Italy, der BrooklynBridge, dem Financial District mit dem bekannten Bullen und dem WTC-Memorial.
      Abends dann ausgepowered ging es dann wieder zurück nach New Jersey über die Path welche am ExchangePlace noch eine besoooonders schöne Sicht auf die abendliche Skyline von Manhatten bietet!
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    • Day 3

      Lunch at the Cosmic Diner

      May 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      This morning we were up and away early to take the Big Bus tour, doing the southern loop in the morning and the the other half after lunch. It was a double decker open top bus and quite chilly out of the sun, but gave us a great overview of the local geography.Read more

    • Day 4

      Tag 4 - New York

      April 19 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Heute ist der erste volle Tag in New York. Nachdem wir unsere Hotel-Probleme gelöst haben, machen wir Upper Manhattan unsicher. Luis Vuitton, Chopard, Tiffany's.....alles Geschäfte, die wir uns nie leisten können 😉Read more

    • Day 4

      Central Park

      April 16 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir die Errungenschaften aus der Bronx sicher im Zimmer verstaut haben gehen noch in den Central Park. Hier haben wir ein Déjà-vu. Auch bei diesem New-York Trip gewinnt die grüne Lunge der Stadt das Herz eines unserer Kinder. Und die Mutter der Kinder gewinnt die Herzen sämtlicher Squirrel des Park 😄.Read more

    • Day 13


      October 26, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Got up at 7, left by 7:30.
      It’s extra good that the clocks go back an hour so we have extra hour wiggle room for fuck ups.
      Will drive the whole way - bless him.
      And I continued reading.
      Full into it hey. Haven’t had a book obsession like this is months.

      We got near the airport but had to return the car with a full tank so we went searching for a petrol station - Will ended up in the wrong lane so we took a wrong turn… and ran a red light. Too busy watching traffic trying to merge. Ah well haha.
      Found a place. $1 more a gallon than literally every place on the way. Booooo
      Wanted to pay in cash but you have to pre pay and giving the exact amount in cash was too confusing so card won lol. $70USD lameeeeee.

      We dropped the car off. Hoping there isn’t a cleaning fee cause it’s a bit dusty and “snow marked”

      Good news is I can get over the cleaning fee if there is one because got an email receipt saying “no new damage” so that’s a plus.

      2/3 things sorted. Just need our claim to be accepted and I can breath again lol.

      Have been trying to organize the delirium beer tour in Belgium for Will - they have 2 tours available - neither convenient because we are in the wrong city but doable. (Was meant to do when staying in Ghent not Brussels but still only an hour train so 🤷🏼‍♀️)
      It’s literally his only request for the whole trip so I will try get us in if I can.

      Dropped car and had to get a bus to terminal 3.
      Then did our bag drop.
      Seamless process. Good job JetBlue. Even asked if I wanted to print boarding passes instead of just using electronic. Yes please.

      Went to TSA.
      Was in the wrong line and wanted to clarify cause it didn’t seem right. It said pre check?
      Didn’t know if that mean it was a pre check before TSA or for people who had been pre checked.
      I asked security dude and he was like have you done your pre check and I said I don’t know what that is and he was all “did you get interviewed by the government”
      Interviewed by the government is a bit excessive to have the only benefit be a slightly shorter line and you don’t have to remove your shoes but ok bud. No we haven’t been pre checked.
      Went to other line lol.
      Checked our passport then we did the tedious bag check. Takes so much more time when everyone has to remove all their clothing.
      One dude kept his belt on and when being scanned was told to remove and he said “it’s plastic”
      Didn’t matter. They got cranky lol.

      Went to Burger King and it was a huuuuuge line but we hungry.

      I think we timed it all perfectly. When we finished eating we had 40 mins til boarding. Wiggle room but not excessive wait time.

      Had to get a tram to our gate. Went loo, Will hot spotted my kindle so I could buy the next book in the series cause I anticipated finishing on the plane then it was pretty much time to board.

      We aren’t siting together. We COULD pick our seats at check in. (My only complain with this airline is that option not on the website earlier) but we were late checking in yesterday so all the seats gone AND only middle row seats available 🙃
      I got the one in front of him so at least we know the person in front of him won’t recline on his legs.

      Sitting on the plane and very impressed.
      1 - entertainment screens with great selection of movies.
      2 - free Wi-Fi
      3 - decent room
      4 - got an email telling me our bags have been loaded onto our plane (included plane/flight number)
      5 - free drink x 2 and a snack

      All in all a great flight.
      Only 4h 15m rather that 4h 50m so I’m pleased.

      15 mins from landing at the moment and I’m in a good mood.
      We are going to decide when we get off depending on how he feels if we get a taxi or try figure out the trains to the hotel.

      20% through the second book already haha.

      Stay tuned.

      We opted for a taxi only cause it’s New York at night and might come across as easy targets lol.
      Had a Dunkin’ donut to hold us out until dinner. Donut stale but excellent icing.
      Our taxi dude was an absolute chattabox. Very into languages. He knew a couple languages fluently and then words and phrases of many - didn’t have the heart to tell him his pronunciation was wrong on a lot of words such as thanks as welcome in Hebrew and friend in Chinese.
      Checked in. They at least gave clear guidance of what was going to happen money wise.
      It’s $500 deposit which will be returned to us at checkout. At checkout we will pay the resort fee. I prefer this way so some of the money stays in my bank.
      Our room is an odd shape and our aircon is malfunctioning making such a loud noise that I laughed when we entered the room and said how very New York that they are doing jackhammer construction by or window at 9pm at night.
      Only they weren’t. It’s the air con 😬😬

      I couldn’t find the remote and it was setting me on edge I nearly went to reception and ask them to either come fix it/turn off or switch us rooms.
      It’s like a fire alarm noise. Intolerable and anxiety inducing. Great for a fire always not great for aircon.
      Found the wall switch. Room is cool enough so it shall just remain off.

      We went walking to try find the halal guys food truck.
      We are so content.
      $8 for my meal $10 for Wills large. $1 drink each.

      $20 and we are both fed, watered and full.

      We then walked to time square. Lots of billboards. Very cluttered. Felt a little unsafe tbh. Lots of shady characters out and about.
      Still, New York smashing its American competitors.

      Back at the hotel now and our claim has been approved 😭😭😭😭
      I destressed for about 3 minutes. Now stressed I gave the wrong account details.
      I hate myself 😭😂
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    • Day 18


      October 31, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Slept In until about 11:30. Had check out at 12. It was such a good sleep.😭😭
      We dropped our bags off at the hotel bag holding place and went walking towards grand central station. We went the long way because we both just couldn’t do time square again haha.
      It’s not so much the amount of people but trying to avoid the scams and the annoying pestering people.
      Found the station. Very grand, looks like Gringotts. Inside recognizable from movies. I suppose The ceiling and walls were not as detailed as I was expecting but still lovely especially for a train station. Chandeliers were niiiice.
      Walked around for ages trying to find food. Will wanted to do a lot from his food list we got from his friend like delis and stuff which we just haven’t had an opportunity to do because we have been stuck with everyone. But most were in Brooklyn so we have had to skip this time. NY Traffic is so unpredictable, not risking not getting back in time.
      Still walk walk walk with no food to be found.
      Eventually found a Starbucks and stole their Wi-Fi while I was lining up for a drink for Will cause he was really thirsty - service is so poor in this country. Waited waited. Only person in line.. Had time to research one of the places Will friend said which was shake shack - so walked away and went there instead.
      Astonishing really.

      Shake shack was pricey considering the size of the food. Small even for Australian portions. Must outrage the Americans 😆
      This country is cooked. Dude just with his kid smoking a joint at the table (outside table)
      Then a couple of workers came outside to have a hit 😆😆😆😭😭😭 WHAAT. You are literally at work on shift. Bruh. What is this.
      Walked past a legal weed van “hey you guys wanna get high”

      Went to get a magnet found one BUT THEN

      we found an NYPD dog jacket which was not in budget but somehow made its way into our shopping bag 👀👀👀

      Returned to hotel and sat behind reception (
      only place we have stayed in America with seating in hotel - not big on it ANYWHERE 🙃)
      Eventually joined by Helen and Tom then got our taxi. Took over an hour, nearly an hour and a half - Felt bad for taxi guy really. Airport is a set price so only $65 but he wasted a lot of his time on one trip! He did watch videos the whole way though 😆
      Check in was tedious.
      And electronic which I hate. I want to talk to someone. Name still not matching passport but had to scan passport and it was accepted so 🤷🏼‍♀️
      I put the wrong day in for both of us for when we are apparently leaving Belgium. Ah well lol.

      TSA was a joke “the line from here will take 55 mins”
      And it did.

      Tom and Helen were flying premium economy so got whizzed through. Met them at the bar on the other side. Wi-Fi was sketchy so very lucky got their message about where to find them.
      We sat at the bar for about an hour together. They bought us drinks as a wedding present. I got a cocktail and I really didn’t like but finished it cause it was $20USD.
      She offered a glass of wine but a glass was the same price so I went cocktail. I said coke but she either forgot or ignored and got me the cocktail.
      The bar tender was probs the worse service I’ve recieved for the entire country. Big call I know.
      Took 3 attempts to finish an order
      “Could I have 2 beers” then he walks off - doesn’t acknowledge that he has heard you mind you, then doesn’t return for 10 minutes
      “And a cocktail”
      Leaves again to not return
      “AND a glass of wine” fuck me.

      said our byes 😭 we have been invited to see them at Christmas. Helen is going to do the research to see if that’s plausible. They are an hour above Manchester so not overly convenient.
      Flight was boarding so we couldn’t eat 😬a machine took our picture and we walked on the plane.
      Flight was 10 minutes late to depart because some people didn’t turn up for the flight so they had to remove their bags.
      As our tickets weren’t scanned to get on the plane….. we are hoping it’s not our stuff 😆
      Either way it’s there fuck up so in theory they will need to fix the problem, not us.
      I wouldn’t trust a machine to match me to my passport photo alone when I didn’t actually look at the camera I just walked through.
      We shall seeeee.

      Dinner is not crash hot. Small and ingredients I don’t eat like cooked spinach (maybe it’s Kale? tastes weird) , lentils and olives. I’m rather hungry.

      Currently the entire planes screens are fucking up so no one has entertainment lol

      Technically tomorrow but still awake so still today.

      Not impressed with Delta. Our domestic with JetBlue was significantly better. We did get the extra leg room I paid a bazillion dollars for but the seats where still tiny. And the food was crap.
      Didn’t crash though so can’t fault it in the main thing.
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    • Day 6

      top of the rock

      November 7, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      8 Uhr los zur fifth avenue und dem rockefeller Center. Schnell gefrühstückt und dann vor dem großen Ansturm hoch auf den "top of the rock". Keine Schlange, günstiger als das Empire State Building und die gleiche geile Aussicht. Positiv ist natürlich, dass man auf den Bildern das Empire State Building drauf hat. Danach ging es in das Museum of Modern Art, in welches ich zum Glück mit meiner Jugendkarte vergünstigt rein kam. Außerdem: New York schläft nie, um 10uhr abends shoppen und das auch am Sonntag und die Museen haben die ganze Woche auf. Kein "am Montag geschlossen", ich glaube soetwas gibt es hier gar nicht. Die Ausstellungen waren wirklich gut. Dann habe ich wie schon zuvor auf dem foodmarket im Bryant Park zu Mittag gegessen. Von dort mit der Subway zur 72 st/Central Park und habe dann dort den Nachmittag verbracht, bin spazieren gegangen, habe gelesen und mich gesonnt(ich bin sogar etwas braun geworden, also für meine verhältnisse). Ich muss schon sagen, dass der Central Park wirklich sehr schön ist, die perfekte Mischung aus Parkanlage und wildem Wald.
      Definitiv ein gelungener Tag.
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    • Day 9

      Ride through central park

      November 8, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      We went for a ride through central park but 3 soon became 2 when Rozzie's old sailing injuring flared up and ruled her out. Bek and I rode on and did the full loop around the park. It was overcast but still beautiful.Read more

    • Day 3

      Alone in nyc & fridays

      October 19, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We grabbed the subway together but I had to change to go uptown as the others continued to 9/11. This really was my first time alone in a subway in nyc. Which really felt weird. It was amazing tho, I always like to do things on my own after spending a lot of time with the group. I had to rush to get to the studio in time. But due to some delay of the subway I couldn’t make it in time to Broadway dance center. So I changed my plan to go to steps on Broadway. But when I arrived I couldn’t find the proper entry of the building (turned out I had to just walk in and go in to the elevator). Well that was the moment I found it scary to be alone and didn’t know where to go.

      I decided to go to Central Park since that was a place I knew already. It was a 10 minute walk. In Central Park I walked around for a bit. Got something to drink and just sit down in the grass and enjoyed my view.

      After I while I decided to walk back to the Airbnb since I still had some time to kill. I walked along 5th av. Saw the trump tower, went to the NBA shop. And got on the subway for a view stops because my feet where killing me.

      Back at the apartment I showered, braided my hair and FaceTimed a friend as I waited for the others to return. Which didn’t took that long. At 6pm we were ready to go out for dinner, we had a lot of fun planned for the evening.

      Walking to fridays for dinner it was the first time it was actually busy and the first time I felt like damn, yeah the city that never sleeps. But hey it was rush hour after all.
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    • Day 14

      Letzter Tag vor dem Abflug

      September 22, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute sind wir direkt zur fifth avenue gefahren um zu shoppen. Zumindest dort wo wir es uns leisten konnten, im Lego Shop😂. Vorbei am Trumptower sind wir in den Central Park.
      Eine grüne Oase in mitten der Hochhäuser.

      Am Abend essen in einem Burger laden an der Restaurant Row. Nach dem Abendessen haber wir uns noch ein Kaffee am Times Square gegönnt inkl Leute beobachten. Immer wider amüsant…

      Heimflug um 17:40 mit Austrian OS90 . Ankunft in Wien 7:50 (schweizer Zeit). Danach ab Wien 8:40 Ankunft in ZRH 10:00. Flug Nummer OS551.
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